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Member # 15686
Went to my local doc about a month ago (not related to Lyme)�he did the usual lab work. My liver tests came back a little off.
I have been taking Milk Thistle, since then, three times a day.
In the meantime, I've been checking out about the coffee enema for detoxing the liver.
sixgoofykids, I liked reading your blog and that helped me make my decision...after reading about your experience with the coffee enema.
Anyone else have experience or comments about this? I'd appreciate your pointers.
Anyway...I googled it on the internet. Searched threads. Read dozens and dozens of articles. Never in a million years would I have ever guessed I'd ever be doing something like that, or even want to...Ha!
I found a good explanation on how the coffee enema works to detox the liver. I think if I had read this before�I'd have probably done it before now. When I read the words "coffee enema" before, I just thought...that's for the colon...what does that have to do with the liver?
I've decided to give it a try. My coffee is "brewing" as I type.
Following is the explanation: "The Coffee Enema for Liver Detoxification
The coffee enema has been used for many years to detoxify the liver.
It is a low-volume enema that remains only in the sigmoid colon. There is a duct between the sigmoid colon and the liver called the entero-hepatic circulation system.
When the stool reaches this point, it contains many toxins, which are sent to the liver for detoxification.
The coffee enema will increase the transit time in the bowel.
The caffeine that is absorbed into the entero-hepatic system causes the liver ducts, including the bile ducts, to empty into the sigmoid colon and be eliminated.
Releasing the toxins in the liver ducts, makes room for toxins from the body to enter the liver for detoxification.
The alkaloids in the caffeine stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, which is an enzyme that facilitates the liver detoxification pathways.
Coffee enemas will not waste minerals and electrolytes because they have already been absorbed in the previous sections of the intestines.
The coffee enema is safe even for people who are sensitive to caffeine because the coffee remains in the sigmoid colon, where it will not be absorbed, provided the proper amount is used and the enema bag is not place too high."
(Here is that link with more info and how to...I encourage you to read this link...so informative)
Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 11141
Daisy, I hope you get the results I did!! My LLMD was very supportive of my use of coffee enemas.
-------------------- sixgoofykids.blogspot.com Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Member # 15686
I'm actually excited about it. Can you imagine?!
My 2 cups of "coffee" are ready...just waiting for my morning, ummmmm, #2 (since instructions say to do that first)
I am very hopeful to get the same results you got!!!
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Member # 11141
Yeah, I CAN imagine, but only since I've been there!!
-------------------- sixgoofykids.blogspot.com Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Member # 15686
I'm usually very regular (2-3 times daily starting early in the morning).
You've heard of a "shy bladder" well, I guess I have a shy "sigmoid colon/liver".
Finally, late this afternoon I "evacuated"...therefore my body was ready for the coffee enema.
It was definitely worth it! There was no pain, no cramps, and I feel great.
I did a lot of research before...so I knew exactly which "recipe" and which "procedure" I wanted to follow.
I was not disappointed. I plan on doing this everyday for a week...and then decide after that what's next.
Look forward to sharing about my experience...after I do it a few more days...then I'll be able to communicate it better.
During...I was so relaxed...and after wards I felt energized and an overall feeling of well being.
My husband plans on trying it tomorrow. He wants to buy his own enema bucket first. Posts: 2188 | From Oklahoma | Registered: May 2008
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Member # 23747
Thank you so much for this additional information on coffee enemas - very interesting!
And of course, a big thank you to six, for teaching us all about coffee enemas in the first place!
I'm not a coffee drinker so I've been too intimidated just in the making of the coffee, not even about the enema part, to try one yet. I know, I'm weird.
Daisy, i just wanted to let you know that my DD is doing liver detox right now (for the last 2 weeks and ongoing as needed). She's done 2 castor oil packs followed by mini flushes each week for the past 2 weeks. Tomorrow she'll start the 1st day of a 4 day simple bile duct flush.
I was a little overwhelmed in the beginning as it seemed like so much to do but it's been much easier than I thought.
If you are interested in this info, I could send it to you or add it here. Let me know.
-------------------- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26
bit 4/09, diagnosed 1/10 Posts: 3043 | From PA | Registered: Dec 2009
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Member # 20157
Alpha Lipoic Acid is also very good for detoxing your liver. They give it to alcoholics and to people that have ingested some types of poison.
Knock on wood, I have not had liver or kidney problems yet. No enemas either - not yet.
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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Member # 15686
hens, Glad to know you are getting the liver detoxing done for DD...one way or the other (no pun intended)
If you wouldn't mind putting the info here about what you're doing...I think if would not only benefit me, but others reading this thread. I'm so curious. Thanks!
Yeah, six, it's all your fault. Thank ye dear!
nnefferdun, ALA must be powerful. I'm going to read about it. Thanks!
Well, off to do my....well, you know...enema, it's that time again.
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Member # 27775
Hens - I want to know too! Post it right here... sounds like good info!
-------------------- May health be with you!
Toxic mold was suppressing our immune systems, causing extreme pain, brain fog and magnifying symptoms. Four days after moving out, the healing began. Posts: 2007 | From NY/VT Border | Registered: Aug 2010
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chiquita incognita
It's terribly important to have a good water filter for anybody who wishes to look after their health, detoxify, and most particularly for anybody with liver disease. The water filter will not be your cure and neither is that the assertion here. Instead, it is to say that to cut down chemical exposure and rest the liver is a very important part of its rejuvenation. Just as you would rest when you have a flu, yet rest is not the cure itself either. You get my drift.
Here is an excellent water filter which takes out a very long list of chemicals, down to 99.8% in many cases and the lowest amount on the list is about 95%! I do not work for Multipure nor sell for them, again am doing this for the public service: www.multipure.com (or is it .org?)
Castor oil packs: Externally yes, can be soothing and aid with cysts etc. Swallowed internally? NO!!!!!! Okay once in a while maybe, but in general it can have toxic side effects including digestive inflammation, water retention in the digestive tract, and impeding of nutrient absorption. Absolutely not recommended internally!! It can be very helpful as external hot packs yes and very helpful with pain from cysts, other types of inflammation. NOt so sure I would recommend it for liver compromise however. Further reading re. castor oil: Potter's Herbal Cyclopedia by Elizabeth Williamson (herbal pharmacist, properly titled ethnopharmacist, with numerous degrees after her name. An excellent book!!! For lay and professional healthcare readers, each alike).
FYI did you check into the possibility of liver distress from drug side effects?
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Enzymes back to normal with Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Milk Thistle.
Dandelion root tea is good for the liver as well. It does have really high Vitamin A content, so you don't want to overdo it, but I am retaining water still (not sure why) and it really works as a good, natural diuretic as well.
2 Brazil nuts a day is all you need for selenium (and they are delicious). You can get selenium toxicity from too many brazil nuts.
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Member # 23747
One thing I've been told by 2 different RN homeopaths is that as important as liver support is, it encourages the liver to work and if you have blocked or full ducts then it's not good to encourage it. The blockage or bile must be flushed first.
My daughter is starting Step 2 of the Simple Bile Duct Flush today. I'm seeing more energy and a bit less brain fog already.
I'll post the protocol she's been in a separate post below.
-------------------- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26
bit 4/09, diagnosed 1/10 Posts: 3043 | From PA | Registered: Dec 2009
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Member # 23747
Liver Bile Duct Flush
Weekly directions are to do 2 castor oil packs and 2 mini flushes weekly. Mini flush is to be done the day after the castor oil pack.
A sample weekly schedule could be Sat. Castor Oil Pack, Sun. Mini Flush, Wed. Castor Oil Pack, Thu. Mini Flush. Four consecutive days would be fine too.
The 4 day Bile Duct Flush does well to start on a Wednesday and finish up on a Sunday. Wed, Thu & Fri would be step#1 while Sat.&Sun would be step#2-4. Note: you�ll need to be near a toilet for steps #2-4.
Week 1: 2 castor oil packs followed by mini flush
Week 2: 2 castor oil packs followed by mini flush
Week 3 or 4: do a 4 day Bile Duct Flush
Castor oil packs:
Castor oil is different from other oils because it contains a large amount of recinolinic acid which is a triglyceride of fatty acids. It has the unusual ability to stimulate the lymphatic tissue in any organ when used in the form of a topical castor oil pack. The lymphatic tissue is the �clean-up crew� of any organ or tissue. Stimulating the �clean up crew� of the liver is very important since the liver cleans the blood.
How to apply a castor oil pack over your liver: You will need the following items: - cold pressed castor oil (16oz approx. $10 at local health food store) - wool flannel (lg. pack approx $15 at local health food store) - hot water bottle of preferably a heating pad
Note: the wool flannel is sold in a plastic bag at the health food store. The pack holds 2 pieces of flannel, each about 12" x 24". Fold one piece of flannel in 3rds so that the longest piece is 24" long, able to reach 1/2 way around your torso.
1. Place the wool flannel in a baking dish. Saturate the wool flannel with � - � cups of castor oil. Place a lid on the baking dish and heat in a conventional oven at 150 degrees, 15-20 minutes.
2. While heating the wool flannel, prepare the area where you will be lying down to do the castor oil pack. You will need to place a rubber or plastic sheet or sheeting underneath of you so you don�t soil the area with the castor oil.
3. Once your castor oil pack is warm, you are ready to place the pack over your liver area. Be careful not to burn yourself with a castor oil pack that is too hot.
The liver is on the right side of our body. The level of application of the castor oil pack has to be high on the right side � just under the right breast. The pack should cover an area from the middle of the chest directly across the chest to around the right side.
The pack needs to be next to the skin. Cover the oil laden wool pack with a piece of plastic that is a little bigger than the pack (a kitchen garbage bag is fine).
Cover the plastic with the heating pad. Make sure you have the heating pad set at the highest setting you can tolerate without burning yourself.
Finally, lay a small towel over the heating pad and tie the whole thing to you. A good thing to use is an old ace bandage.
4. The castor oil pack works best if it is allowed to be applied for at least 2 hours or more. There is no contraindication in using it for much longer. For example, if you fall asleep with the castor oil pack on all night, it won�t hurt you.
I do recommend that you turn off the heating pad after two hours, if possible. You may leave the pack in place but the electrical heating pad will be shut off thus limiting exposure to negative electro-magnetic force or EMF.
After removing the pack, wash skin with water and baking soda. This cuts the oil nicely and removes toxins.
Caring for your Castor oil pack:
1. The castor oil pack may be used over and over for approximately 25 times before it needs to be replaced or washed. It is important to add 1-2 T of fresh castor oil to the pack with each reuse. The pack needs to be stored in an air tight container between uses.
For example, you can use the same baking dish that you heat it in. Keep it air tight. A zip lock bag is also OK. Just keep it air tight. You do not have to refrigerate the castor oil pack. Castor oil is very stable oil.
2. If you desire to wash your castor oil pack for reuse, you should first soak it overnight to break down the oil. Place this pack in a bucket and pour just enough water to cover it. Add 1 cup of white vinegar and � cup of baking soda. Mix well and soak overnight.
The next day you may wash the pack by itself in the washing machine. Do not use hot water. Line dry. You won�t get every bit of oil out of the pack by washing it, but enough will be removed to recycle it.
Drink a mini flush the day after applying castor oil pack to the liver. This is a drink to stimulate bile flow from the liver. The mini flush enhances digestion as well as detoxification. If the bile is not flowing freely from the liver, the liver is not evacuating the poisons that the liver has removed from the blood. This mini flush encourages this drainage. It works especially well after a castor oil pack.
1 lemon 1.5 cups of spring or distilled water 4 T frozen grapefruit juice (@ walmart) 1 T of cold pressed olive oil (I was able to find all this at my local grocery store)
(If you cannot find frozen grapefruit juice, you may substitute with one cup of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and eliminate the water.)
How to mix: in a blender, mix the above ingredients. Cut the lemon in four pieces, but use the whole lemon (rind and seeds). After it is mixed well and is mush, strain it through a wire strainer. This liquid is the mini flush.
It may be ingested all at once or divided-up in 1/4 before each meal and 1/4 before bedtime. Do take it before a meal. I find the best way to use the mini flush is to drink half of it first thing in he morning and save the other half for just before bedtime. All has to be used within 24 hours.
Simple Bile Duct Flush
The liver is the main organ in the body for detoxification. Every three minutes all your blood volume flows through your liver to be cleansed. The poisons leave your liver in a substance called bile. The bile must be able to flow out of the liver through the bile ducts. These bile ducts can become cluttered with debris like sand, gravel, even small stones.
There are some herbs that stimulate bile flow, called bitters. But, even the best herbal bitters cannot remove the debris clogging these bile ducts. For this reason I have found it necessary to flush these ducts using the following method.
This liver bile duct flush clears away the sand, gravel, and/or stones allowing the bile to move out of the liver via the bile ducts. Eventually, the debris is evacuated with the stool. This flush can also help to remove some of the debris trapped in the gallbladder since the gallbladder stores bile.
Step 1 In order to soften the debris before trying to move it, we want you to drink 1 cup of apple juice containing 120 drops of a phosphoric acid called "Ultra-Phos." You should do this for at least 3 days but no longer than five days. This can be done any time of day at your convenience. You should finish this before moving to step two.
Step 2 The purpose of step two is to relax the muscles lining the bile ducts so they will stay open, allowing the softened debris to pass out of the liver. On the last day of softening with the apple juice & Ultra-Phos mixture, you must also start this step.
Two hours after lunch, mix 4 scoops of Magna-Calm powder in approximately 8 ounces of hot apple juice (or boiling water). The scoop is in the bottle. Have another drink handy to chase away this powdery residue. The magnesium citrate does not have a taste. Due to the magnesium citrate's ability to cause a laxative effect, be near a toilet.
You must take a second dose of Magna-Calm sometime before your evening meal or "supper." This second dose is 2 scoops of Magna-Calm powder in 4 ounces of hot apple juice (or boiling water). This goes down easier due to it being half as much powder. You must finish this step before going on the step three.
Step 3 Eat a light supper like soup and salad. After you eat supper you are now ready to prepare and drink the flushing cocktail.
Mix the following together in a blender: 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice the juice of 1/2 fresh-squeezed lemon
Drink this cocktail as fast as possible. You may use a straw to avoid tasting the olive oil. Another little trick to avoid smelling the olive oil is to place eucalyptus oil or Vick's Vapor Rub under your nostrils. These little tips are helpful due to the fact that some people complain of nausea at this point. Any nausea experienced just means it's working. Things are moving!!! In fact, the nausea only signals how much you really needed to do this flush.
Immediately after ingesting the cocktail, lie down on your right side for a half-hour. Pull your knees up toward your chest as in the fetal position. This will aid the cocktail mixture to go to the gallbladder/liver area inducing the release of bile in a flushing effect.
Please note: it is rare but occasionally people may need to vomit this cocktail during the night. If this happens, it does not have to be repeated. Vomiting is very rare. Again, it just means it is working and you really needed to do this flush.
Step 4 It is now the morning after the cocktail. Congratulations! The worst is over! All you have to do during step four is to successfully evacuate the debris from your body. You will do this with a bowel movement. In order to keep the bile ducts open today, you must drink 2 more scoops of Magna-Calm in 4 ounces of hot apple juice (or boiling water). Again, remember this has a laxative effect.
Take this dose of magnesium citrate powder as soon as you get up today. Today you will also need to drink a mini flush mixture which you are very familiar with drinking during the weeks leading up to this time. The mini flush will induce more bile to flow from the gall-bladder and liver. This will also help move debris.
Final Note: If you know how to do castor oil packs over your liver, I strongly advise you to do at least one during your "bile duct flush." This will enhance your results. A good day to do the castor oil pack is on the day of the cocktail. Remember to keep yourself well hydrated by drinking lots of water. Happy flushing!
I bought these products from the treating RN: Magna-Calm by Longevity Science, 8oz $19.95 Ultra-Phos Liquid by Ultra Life, 60cc $9.99
If you is interested in doing this flush but can't find the products, let me know and I'll try to get them for you.
-------------------- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26
bit 4/09, diagnosed 1/10 Posts: 3043 | From PA | Registered: Dec 2009
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Member # 23747
It all sounds very complicated but it's really not...
Week 1 Castor Oil Pack Mini Flush
Castor Oil Pack Mini Flush -------------------------- Week 2 Castor Oil Pack Mini Flush
Castor Oil Pack Mini Flush ---------------------------- Week 3 or 4 Wed - 1c hot apple juice w/ 120 drops Ultra-Phos. Thu - 1c hot apple juice w/ 120 drops Ultra-Phos. Fri - 1c hot apple juice w/ 120 drops Ultra-Phos.
Sat. - after breakfast - 1c hot apple juice w/ 120 drops Ultra-Phos.
2 hrs after lunch - 4 scoops Magna-Calm & 8oz hot apple juice. (near toilet)
Castor oil pack for 2 hours
Drinking lots of water!!!
Before Dinner - 4 scoops Magna-Calm & 8 oz hot apple juice. (near toilet)
Dinner - lite!! soup/salad
Before bed - Bile Duct Flush Cocktail 1/2 c. olive oil 1/2 c. fresh squeezed grapefruit juice 1/2 of lemon, juice fresh squeezed (drink as fast as possible, straw to taste less, vick's vapor rub under nose, knees up to chest)
Sun. - upon waking, drink - 2 scoops Magna-Calm & 4oz hot apple juice (near toilet)
Lunchtime - Mini Flush
-------------------- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26
bit 4/09, diagnosed 1/10 Posts: 3043 | From PA | Registered: Dec 2009
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chiquita incognita
17 Hens, this is great!!! Thank you for this superb info! And yes, if the bile ducts are blocked then surely to detox and stimulate the liver is not a good idea. Clear the blockage first. Right on!
About grapefruit juice, headsup: It stimulates production of a family of liver enzymes called P450, which interfere with a long list of mainstream medications. Check with your doctor.
The liver flush above will work using lemon juice (fresh squeezed, does not interfere with mainstream drugs and does not cause P450 secretions) plus fresh-squeezed garlic cloves in a garlic press. ALlow the garlic to sit out in the open air for about 20 minutes to release the active allicin compounds, then add to the oil/lemon juice and drink.
The herb boldo will open up bile ducts and encourage release of blocked bile or gallstones, but may impact the kidneys so it should not be used in kidney disease and should be used cautiously.
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Member # 15686
Since my last post...so many posts..
I'll be back to read them more slowly...very interesting...so much to learn. Glad I've come to the right place. Posts: 2188 | From Oklahoma | Registered: May 2008
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Member # 5831
17Hens, where do you get your castor oil? I just read that Premier Research supposedly uses genuine castor oil beans from India that are not hybrids. Is this just marketing, or is their quality better? Thanks.
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Member # 23747
oxygen, when I got the stuff for the castor oil pack, I was in panic mode feeling like I had to do something fast for my daughter.
I didn't do any research. I just ran to the healthfood store and got HomeHealth Castor Oil, Cold Pressed and Cold Processed.
The bottle says "pure, natural emollient oil, ideal in use for castor oil packs, hexane free, paraben free, petroleum free, preservative free, fragrance free. Ingredients: Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil."
I know nothing about castor oil or castor beans, sorry.
-------------------- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26
bit 4/09, diagnosed 1/10 Posts: 3043 | From PA | Registered: Dec 2009
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Member # 7273
Tonight I did my first coffee enema. Been wanting to do this for at least a year, however, I'm a big chicken when it comes to putting an object up my behind and letting it drink coffee.
Anyway, tonight I started with one tbs of coffee in two cups of water. I waited ten minutes for the coffee to go in, then I waited ten minutes before I sit on the toilet.
It took awhile, but finally some liquid did come out, but it was not the color of coffee, it was pretty clear actually The amount of liquid that came out was much less that what was put in as far as I can tell.
Other than a bit of clear liquid coming out the only other thing, or I should say things, that came out was what I felt looked like mucus. It also looked like it could have been parasites, but I'm really not sure.
My wife, daisyrlb, said she believes it looked more like parasites than it did mucous. So, I really can't say what it was but it was a fair amount that came out. Anyone think it was parasites? Has anyone done this and only mucous comes out?
My concern is this, it's been two hours since I did the coffee enema and it concerns me that the coffee is still in there and not moving out. Is this something I should be concerned about or will it eventually evacuate itself out?
So far I haven't experienced any real pain, just a bit of fullness feeling. Don't feel any better but probably should not expect to feel better just doing one coffee enema I suppose.
Any comments or feedback about this would be appreciated.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 15686
I decided to google "parasites that look like spiders or octopus" because that's what those things looked like. Lots of links showed up.
Sounds exactly like what I saw in the toilet after GWB's experience. YUCK!!!
Seems he is ready to do this again...wants to get rid of them...I'm glad we found out.
One of the articles I read calls parasites the "Silent Killer" as they steal your supplements, vitamins, etc.
PS: Posting this again on GWB's coffee enema thread.
Posts: 2188 | From Oklahoma | Registered: May 2008
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Member # 23747
Also, to update -
After the Mini Bile Duct Flush, continued liver packs and mini flushes are necessary (2 X a week) for the next 2 or more weeks to keep the liver open as it's depleting the amount of bile and toxins. It will soon be able to stay open/unblocked on it's own.
-------------------- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26
bit 4/09, diagnosed 1/10 Posts: 3043 | From PA | Registered: Dec 2009
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Member # 23747
Because a few people have asked me for this information, I want to add an explanation.
When we started this liver detox for my daughter, she had been on abx therapy for 11 months.
In the last 6 months I had noticed increases in physical fatigue (which hadn't been one of her symptoms before treatment started), her brain fog had increased tremendously, and all of a sudden she had became very constipated (no BM for 5 days).
I had a feeling something was wrong (wasn't working right) but didn't figure out it was liver/detoxing problems until the constipation. That was my red flag.
So when we started this back in February, DD was in pretty bad shape.
During this process, DD stayed home from school for 5 weeks. Her brain and energy could not get her thru the day (actually not thru one hour of school).
Well, today is her 3rd mini bile duct flush, (so we've been at this for 9 weeks) and she's been back at school for 2 weeks now! Her brain function, energy and stamina are probably at 75% or more! This is working!!!
It is unblocking the liver and kidneys, allowing them to move the toxins out of the body. The result is more energy and much less brain fog.
-------------------- "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalms 73:26
bit 4/09, diagnosed 1/10 Posts: 3043 | From PA | Registered: Dec 2009
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Can this flushing and detoxing the liver and doing coffee enemas
have any negative consequences if the problem isn't in the liver lets
say but a kidney or intestinal problem ? In other words is there any
reason one would not want to try doing 17Hens flushing program ?
thx for any feedback...
-------------------- "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues , but the parent of all others "....Cicero Posts: 254 | From new jersey | Registered: Jul 2009
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