Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 29623
Can someone tell me what a Babs herx feels like?
-------------------- Lyme activated in April 2010 by gardasil vaccine. DX: Lyme,Babs,Myco,Bart 11/10 Treatment Started: 3/28/11 Posts: 1752 | From Albany, NY | Registered: Dec 2010
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5829
In general, it is a worsening of symptoms all the way around. Some of us are hit REALLY hard, others not as bad.
For example, these were the worst herxes I've ever had. Horrible. For others it may not be the same.
Do note, it can cause HORRIBLE depression, emotional issues and other weird stuff too... even suicidal thoughts.
If this is happening you need to let your doctor know ASAP.
I noticed Babesia herxing for me begins between day 2-4 and can last a week or two.
It can hit once a month or twice... or be one long month of bad.
Mine usually hit day 3 and agin in about 3 weeks.
I can't say what yours will be like, but at least I am trying to show what they CAN be like in some people.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 29623
Did you beat babs?
-------------------- Lyme activated in April 2010 by gardasil vaccine. DX: Lyme,Babs,Myco,Bart 11/10 Treatment Started: 3/28/11 Posts: 1752 | From Albany, NY | Registered: Dec 2010
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 14183
I beat babs, bart, and lyme. It was 6 years in April since I completed my treatment, and I am still symptom free, enjoying my life.
I would say I never had a babs herx, but I had weekly babs flares. That's what my doc called them. They started as soon as he started treating my babs.
They were like clockwork. They always started on Friday evening around 7 p.m. and lasted 48 hours--until Sunday at 7 p.m. Seems unbelievable, but when I reported it to my doc, he said that babs has a 7-day cycle and a 14-day cycle and I was experiencing the 7-day cycle.
It was like being in hell for 48 hours and crazy to boot. I would drift in and out of consciousness. All I would do was lay. I didn't talk, walk, drink, eat, go to the bathroom, etc. And, the entire time I felt totally DOOMED!!!
I truly believed that I would always feel this way. After the first 2 times and I noticed the pattern, I tried to tell myself that it would pass on Sunday night, but my brain would not believe it.
As soon as it lifted on Sunday night, I would feel like I was coming out of some weird nightmare, feel pretty normal, go to the bathroom, look in the fridge for something to eat, etc. and my husband knew it was over.
When I reported this to the doc at the next monthly appt, he had me add artemesinin to my babs treatment. He had me take it to encompass the flares. So, I started taking it on Friday morning and continued taking it through Sunday night. (took it twice per day)
The first weekend I took it, it was like a miracle! The flare didn't happen until Sat. afternoon and it was so mild. It only lasted 6 hours. And, it was nothing to write home about.
Each week with the artemesinin, the flares got less and less. Then, they jumped to every 14 days. Finally, after about 6 months, they were over. That's how I knew I was rid of babs.
Posts: 9931 | From Maryland | Registered: Dec 2007
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 40917
Old thread but pertinent to what I am experiencing.
Second week in a row where my legs and big muscles in my back get weak for no reason
Legs feel like pinched sciatic nerve on both sides
Chills. I am cold. Normally I hot flash thru life, sweating all over, but am chilled thru and have been for 24 hours.
Sadness for no reason. This is the most strong symptom. Just hit me like a brick wall about 4 hours ago.
I am assuming this is a babs herx but I don't know, as mepron zith did nothing for babs before.
Or is this bart, as what I am taking hits that too?
Just need a little boosting and gentle reminders this will pass eventually.
Posts: 4358 | From British Columbia, Canada | Registered: Jun 2013
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 25251
This is a Babs herx. Without question.
You are on a massive program, with several Babs' targeting meds and herbs. You will get worse before you get better. Consider cutting back, esp on the herbs.
Greta, if you can hang with this treatment, you will get SO MUCH symptom relief. It took me a year to get rid of Babs in my early treatment, but what a game changer.
You must detox. All the methods work. Best for me were sauna, gentle movement and dry skin brushing. Ammonia detoxes through sweat. Also the Alka-Seltzer Gold for alkalizing.
You are in good shape. Babs becomes resistant, so having a program that works for you is key.
You can get through this. It gets better, but it takes a while.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 25251
Check your morning urine. If it is dark or reddish, those are red blood cell casts. This is good. Red blood cells are lysing as the pathogens die. This is hard on the kidneys, so drink water with lemon or electrolytes.
Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 31149
It is easy to become resistant to mepron. Maalrone worked better for me. Hope you feel better soon.
-------------------- --Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together). Posts: 5418 | From earth | Registered: Mar 2011
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5829
Here is a link on herxing that may be of some help. Hope so.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 30398
Does Teasel root hit Babs too, or just Lyme?
-------------------- -Razzle Lyme IgM IGeneX Pos. 18+++, 23-25+, 30++, 31+, 34++, 39 IND, 83-93 IND; IgG IGeneX Neg. 30+, 39 IND; Mayo/CDC Pos. IgM 23+, 39+; IgG Mayo/CDC Neg. band 41+; Bart. (clinical dx; Fry Labs neg. for all coinfections), sx >30 yrs. Posts: 4167 | From WA | Registered: Feb 2011
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 40917
Thank you so much boxermom for your words! I remember your fight with babesia, so it brings me great emotional relief to hear your take on my symptoms.
Thanks for the reminder about the alka seltzer gold. Totally forgot about that one!
Catgirl, thank you for your well wishes
Tincup, thanks for the herxing link. I am off to read it after this post.
Razzle: I am not sure if teasel hits babesia also. I read on Buhners website that it somehow coaxes the spirochetes to leave the joints and go where the abx kill.
Forgot to add I am taking red root and red clover for lymph support.
I keep meaning to check my morning urine, but that first pee in the morning...I am so relieved to go, and still half asleep and forget to check! Haha.
Thanks for the support everyone. Much much appreciated.
XOXO Greta
Posts: 4358 | From British Columbia, Canada | Registered: Jun 2013
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5829
"I keep meaning to check my morning urine, but that first pee in the morning...I am so relieved to go, and still half asleep and forget to check! Haha."
Tonight before you go to bed, put a note in big print on the back of the toilet seat that says...
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 11749
Mino tindy and that daily ivermectin? Seems like a pretty intense program for the daily ivermectin....can you pulse that?
Posts: 3528 | From US | Registered: Apr 2007
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 40917
The iver is a 10 day pulse on.
I gotta say I am glad this combo is working but cowabunga! It is something else!
Posts: 4358 | From British Columbia, Canada | Registered: Jun 2013
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 41384
Hang in there Greta! I am rooting for you!!
-------------------- Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen Posts: 3585 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Jul 2013
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 40917
Thanks Lisa!
In amongst these weird symptoms, I am fascinated by how much the bacterial toxins influence my thought patterns.
I've had dreams 4 nights in a row now with context containing an ex boyfriend. Apparently I have unresolved sadness/emotions that are working their way through in dreams and obtrusive thoughts.
Posts: 4358 | From British Columbia, Canada | Registered: Jun 2013
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 41384
I thought maybe it was the tx that gave me weird dreams. ??
but I must say, before tx - before dx- I had very very wierd dream and some very violent ones.
I used to joke and say I could sell the stories to movie makers.
-------------------- Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen Posts: 3585 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Jul 2013
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 40917
This is crazy. The "down" feeling is still here. Me moping around.
Could barely drag my butt out of bead this morning.
No appetite.
Gee whiz I forgot how toxic herxing is.
Posts: 4358 | From British Columbia, Canada | Registered: Jun 2013
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 15917
Hang in There, Greta!!
Hope the herx passes soon.
Posts: 1357 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Jun 2008
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