Hi All, I am new to this support group thing so please bear with me if I make errors in etiquette or proper protocol.
I was diagnosed with Lyme for the 4th time in July. After 3 weeks of Doxy, 10 days of Aryth, and 7 days of Ceph, I still am really exhausted and my neck really hurts. I have also since had a bout with a sinus infection, Migraines and Bronchitis, all of which created multi-drug interactions and generally ill feelings. So I have just about had it with doctors and drugs.
Are there any all natural supplements I can take to boost my energy? I have been finding it really difficult sleep 10+ hours a day and still work.
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 30398
NADH Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) B-Complex Vitamins (especially Vitamin B12 and Pantothenic Acid (Vit. B5)) Magnesium (needed for many things in the body)
-------------------- -Razzle Lyme IgM IGeneX Pos. 18+++, 23-25+, 30++, 31+, 34++, 39 IND, 83-93 IND; IgG IGeneX Neg. 30+, 39 IND; Mayo/CDC Pos. IgM 23+, 39+; IgG Mayo/CDC Neg. band 41+; Bart. (clinical dx; Fry Labs neg. for all coinfections), sx >30 yrs. Posts: 4167 | From WA | Registered: Feb 2011
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Carol in PA
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Member # 5338
What are you doing for liver support? Neurotoxins left behind by the dead Lyme bacteria cause headaches, fatigue and other problems.
Liver support means providing the things the liver needs to make glutathione.
The liver uses glutathione to detoxify these poisons, which cause many of the Lyme symptoms.
Magnesium and fish oil will help to reduce inflammation, which will help reduce your symptoms.
Posts: 6949 | From Lancaster, PA | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 20157
You might also be infected with babesia. It makes you extremely exhausted and sleepy. The drugs you are on won't affect it much. I tried many supplements and only treating the right infections helped my symptoms.
But Acetyl L Carnitine with Alpha Lipoic Acid is good for boosting energy. The carnitine helps convert fat to muscle and improves stamina. The lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant and detoxer.
Welcome, by the way!
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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I tested Neg. for Babesia and Erlichia. But, did not consider the liver and detox issues, only the probiotic stuff. I will hopefully get a pay check soon so I can get to the health food store for the recommended suppliments.
It's nice to have a place to ask questions and voice concerns. I'm not alone anymore:)!
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 11141
Are you still treating? You likely still have the infection if you're still having symptoms.
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Member # 11846
You can test negative for babesia but have it anyway.
Rhodiola and Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng),also called Eleuthero, are also for energy.
Chlorella might help.
Posts: 1226 | From USA | Registered: May 2007
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I am NOT currently being treated. After 5 weeks abx and many drug interaction problems and trips to the ER I have chosen not to return to my DR till my cold/sinus infection/bronchitus goes away.
Also, I have no money for co-pays and drugs right now.
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
"Are you still treating? You likely still have the infection if you're still having symptoms."
u were very under txed
some drug interactions can be handled
coinfect testing is very unreliable
get to a good llmd or real ALOT on here if you really hope to tx yourself
if not you may end up chronic like many of us
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 22149
Herb Pharm brand
Posts: 5394 | From Houston, Tx | Registered: Aug 2009
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Member # 5701
D-Ribose with Acetyl-L-carnitine did wonders for my energy level.
I agree you were undertreated. You don't want to end up unable to work at all for 25 yrs, like me. See a good LLMD, even if you have to borrow, IMO.
Posts: 1269 | From Clearwater, Florida, USA | Registered: May 2004
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Member # 11141
quote:Originally posted by Lisa Lyme: I am NOT currently being treated. After 5 weeks abx and many drug interaction problems and trips to the ER I have chosen not to return to my DR till my cold/sinus infection/bronchitus goes away.
Also, I have no money for co-pays and drugs right now.
It's very common to feel worse when you start treating. It's called a herxheimer reaction. You WILL get worse before you get better. It's the nature of Lyme Disease.
Your sinus infection/bronchitis may be part of the infection. It's also unlikely you'll get rid of the fatigue without adequate treatment of the disease. Fatigue is a huge symptom for most Lyme patients.
Five weeks of abx is a VERY, VERY short treatment duration for Lyme Disease. I was treated for THREE YEARS. One of those years was with alternative treatments.
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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I wrote a long answer to your question, and then it disappeared.
If you search my name, and read my posts, you will read my journey.
I was an athelete that trained almost 40 hours per week, while holding down a full time job, and took care of house and family.
I was told that nothing was wrong with me.
I was ignored.
I had to quit in the middle of rehersals, (because I am also a preformer), because the pain had gotten so bad by then, and because of many other symptoms. One of my symptoms was Alzheimer's.
Don't ignore this disease until you end up like me with Alzheimer's and pain so bad that all you do is scream day and night.
I am in pain now, and have collapsed in bed, so I| thought I would just write you a reply.
please read my other posts about how this disease has ruined my life!
-------------------- I am not a doctor. I have no clue. Posts: 606 | From somewhere out there | Registered: Sep 2009
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Member # 17753
Missing just posted she also found mold in her house, so the problems are not only lyme or babs.
Posts: 1834 | From US | Registered: Oct 2008
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the biggest suggestions i can make to fight he exhaustion is get your sleep in and take Acetyl L-carnitine 2000mlg a day and get sleep and more sleep insomnia slows down a lot of healing
-------------------- LSG Scott Posts: 513 | From Boston, Cape Cod, Mass | Registered: Aug 2009
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Member # 5230
six and missing are making excellent points here. i hope you can understand. we just dont want you to end up like us. NOW is the time you can make a difference
also resp infects are very often fungal and do not respond to abx and need antifungals
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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When I didn't know I had Lyme, I recall that taking Swedish flower pollen gave me energy.
Posts: 13153 | From San Francisco | Registered: May 2006
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Member # 11141
It might make more sense to make a comparison to a disease you are more familiar with. Let's say you have strep throat. If you just look for throat lozengers, not only are they going to be a temporary relief only, but also the illness is going to grow and spread from ignoring it, so after time the throat lozengers will do less and less for you as you become sicker and sicker with the bacterial infection.
You can take herbs for the bacterial infection, but only focusing on the fatigue is not going to make you well. If it's a new infection, though, you want to hit it long and hard so you don't become chronic.
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Member # 13077
NT Factor
Famous Dr. B mentions it in his guidelines.
I think Researched Nutritionals puts it out. You need a doctor to call it in. Check online.
Posts: 1954 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2007
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Wow, I had no idea I was at such risk of undertreatment.
I do feel WAY better since the initial diagnosis and treatment and just thought I needed a little more boost to get back on my feet. The Doxy really kicked my butt. I have improved a lot, but still exhausted and have head/neck stiffness.
My PCP seemed to think that 5 weeks abx would do it. Should I ask for a re-test for comparison to my initial positive or just more Doxy (YUK)?
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 11846
What was your DOSAGE of Doxy? It makes a big difference! How many milligrams per dose?
Have you read the ILADS Guildelines? The ILADS Lyme doctors recommend a higher dose than run-of-the-mill doctors use, because they consider the lower dose ineffective.
Then you also took Erythromycin and Cephtin (when you say Ceph, did you mean Ceftin?)
Posts: 1226 | From USA | Registered: May 2007
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Member # 11141
quote:Originally posted by Lisa Lyme: Wow, I had no idea I was at such risk of undertreatment.
I do feel WAY better since the initial diagnosis and treatment and just thought I needed a little more boost to get back on my feet. The Doxy really kicked my butt. I have improved a lot, but still exhausted and have head/neck stiffness.
My PCP seemed to think that 5 weeks abx would do it. Should I ask for a re-test for comparison to my initial positive or just more Doxy (YUK)?
Check out the treatment guidelines at , there is a lot of info there.
You also might want to watch Under Our Skin on Netflix or free on Hulu to learn more about Lyme Disease and why doctors tend to undertreat. Your PCP likely just doesn't know how long to treat and is trusting the IDSA guidelines.
Testing only shows that you have been exposed. There is no point in retesting as there is no test that can show whether the disease is still active as it's an antibody test, which shows that your immune system has fought it, nothing more. You can only tell if the disease is active by whether you have symptoms.
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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quote:Originally posted by pamoisondelune: What was your DOSAGE of Doxy? It makes a big difference! How many milligrams per dose?
Have you read the ILADS Guildelines? The ILADS Lyme doctors recommend a higher dose than run-of-the-mill doctors use, because they consider the lower dose ineffective.
Then you also took Erythromycin and Cephtin (when you say Ceph, did you mean Ceftin?)
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Yes, that much Doxy a day made me really nauseas, but I continued to work outside everyday as a landscaper, all thru Hot Hot July covered head to toe to keep the sun off me. I was really glad to be done with it.
Then, after 3 wks. I was still tired, so when I went back to my GP he said just wait and see if I improve because the Doxy side effects were really bad. I think I caught a cold in the waiting room, and that turned into a sinus infection a week later (more ABX), then into Bronchitis for 3 weeks after that.
Then one day at work I could not breathe so they took be to the ER (they said still bronchitis, new asthma, new allergies) and was given more ABX and steroids and a bunch of other stuff all of which had terrible complications leading to a wicked migraine and dehydration from excessive vomiting and another trip to the ER!
This time the ER DR said go off all meds and see what happens.
Now 2 wks later and several paychecks less I am still tired and have daily headaches and neck stiffness. I'm pretty sure if I ask my GP he will give me more Doxy, but I really don't want to do it unless it will REALLY make me better in the end.
Any continuing advise would be appreciated because you all seem to care so much. Thanks so much!
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Oh, we think I was bitten in May, began to feel a little ill just before Mother's day, but did not seek treatment till July 1st!
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 11846
Don't take steroids; they're contraindicated for lyme, because they depress the immune system.
Posts: 1226 | From USA | Registered: May 2007
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The Biomat (thin infrared mat) is a medical device that supports the organs, detoxifies, boosts immunity, helps produce deep states of relaxation and increases energy and vitality.
It helped me achieve remission. Today it is a key part of keeping me well.
Posts: 925 | From California | Registered: Sep 2004
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Member # 4622
NADH blasts oxygen into your cells (where it's needed) and lays the groundwork for your body to produce energy. Have to say that NADH is the best energy boost I've ever used.
Blessed are those who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed. Posts: 2258 | From a better place than I was 11 yrs ago | Registered: Sep 2003
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