Hi there, I am going to be starting Rifampin for tx. of bartonella, as this is all I have left to treat, according to my LLMD. I have heard it can be pretty rough, but will try it anyways. I have been researching HH or HH2 capsules, A-bart and colloidal silver. I am willing to try all of these first. Is there anyways these natural treatments could get rid of bart completely, without antibiotics? Any suggestions? Thanks so much!
Posts: 188 | From Winnipeg | Registered: Dec 2009
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Thanks for asking, as I am VERY curious about this as well. I start rifampin in ~10 days and NOT looking forward to it.
Posts: 80 | From New England | Registered: Jun 2012
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Member # 19922
Welll, I couldn't tolerate Rifampin due to it causing acid reflux for me. And levaquin can worsen the tendonitis. I took Septra for several months, but then had trouble urinating.
My LLMD started me on Bar-1 by Beyond Balance. It is a gentle tincture - glycerin, no alcohol.
So far, it seems to be helping.
Posts: 1358 | From Midwest | Registered: Apr 2009
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Member # 19922
Also, you might check out Stephen Buhner's new protocal for Bartonella. It is supposed to be very powerful.
If this link doesn't work, just do a search for "buhnerhealinglyme".
Posts: 1358 | From Midwest | Registered: Apr 2009
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Member # 35286
I've done Rifampin. It was tough at first, but settled down after a few weeks for me. I think you will need to take something with it though like doxy, mino, zith or bactrim.
I think of the 3 main infections, bart, babs and Lyme, Bart is probably the most difficult to treat wtih herbs alone. There is not much to choose from in that regard. I have not tried HH but I hope it helps you.
What other protocols have your been on for Lyme and Babs? If you did OK and lived thru those then just give try rifampin. Most of us have could tolerate it with limited side effects.
Ramp up with only a half dose per day for first week or two, then go to full dose and see how you feel.
After that add in Doxy. That's a good combination, and I could really feel it working. Just make sure to monitor liver enzymes closely and frequently thru Bart treatment. This is the only time mine were slightly elevated during 2.5 yrs of treatment.
What is HH or HH2, I read about it in article but do not know what it is. I started Rif 12 days ago and ok at 1/2 dose - will up next week. Also take doxy and zith
Posts: 128 | From MICHIGAN | Registered: May 2008
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Koo, I'd love to hear your llmd's thoughts on Rifabutin. Rifampin was very helpful for me but messed horribly with my thyroid meds.
Posts: 520 | From Maryland | Registered: Jan 2007
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Joysie, if I didn't develop the Achilles pain I would still be on the Levaquin. I think rifabutin and rifampin are very similar. He just seemed to feel rifabutin was more effective.
I haven't had any side-effects from it. I've never been on rifampin so I can't compare
Posts: 478 | From Third Coast | Registered: Feb 2011
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