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Yes LP, I believe they both do.

CD-that is fascinating about the DEC. I want to try that also, but am scared to bring it up to my doc to ask.

I hope you can keep up with it, without getting swamped under.

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Just update have been rotating ant-parasitics for about 1.5 years. Heparin and rotated art and crypto.

So at the beginning of last week had bladder infection so took bactrim. I also had really bad allergies was takin pharma Rx for allergy medicine. My friend and her husband started growing bee colonies, so they have raw honey and fresh pollen. She gave me some on Monday last week. She said to keep the pollen frozen. She told me to take 1/4 of tsp pollen and 1/4 honey. By about the 4th day I went from feeling 70-75 % recovered to feeling about 80-85% recovered and have maintained. If you google pollen Dr. Marcela states it help with most of our problems, builds the immune system, allergies, clears brain fog, digestive problems, etc.

I hope this helps someone out there.

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Gael it sounds like you advocate salt/c with something else, like Humaworm etc. combo approach?

One thing I want to ask on here - I know this is an anti parasite thread, so of course the focus is Antiparaitics, however, I rarely see mention of lyme and babs Bart etc on here. Was wondering if these are a non issue for people on this thread, or if these bugs miraculously melted away because of anti parasite treatments of various kinds ?

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I was CDC positive for lyme. I also lab tested positive babesia d., mycoplasma fermentans, clinical diagnosed with bart. I also had high viral load at times.

What I've learned from the latest notes last year this year was that parasites such as proto is probably enemy 1 it probably build biofilm to protect other infections such as bart, etc. Also micro - filial. One of the latest researched said to treat babesia or babesia like organism with anti-worm agents first rotate.

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Hi mlg. That is super interesting about the pollen. I will ask my doc about it [Smile]

CD-Yes, for me now when I say 'parasites', I mean strictly protozoa. Babesia is a protozoa, as it bartonella-type organisms.

Since my doc starting rotating anti-parasitic meds for protozoa, I have had the strangest herxes.

I also believe bartonella hangs out in the endothelial cells of microfilarials and other larger parasites. It likes endothelial cells...why would it be choosy between human vs. helminth?

How are you feeling today, CD-57?

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Anyone know any remedies to put into ear for ear parasites?


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?coconut oil?

Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself.

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Thanks. That may work. Will add that on stuff to get.
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You can put raw garlic slice for a couple of hours. You can hold it with cotton and\or bandage.
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CD57- "hideous bone pain"

Have a look at homeopathic Eupatorium perfoliatum 30c.

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Anyone know about pinella and burbur? Can they be taken when on meds protocol?


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Thanks so much for the tip Lookup! I will try it.

Greta thanks so much for asking. Things have died down but it took 2 weeks! My doc thinks toxicity as that is my pattern. But I think it was a herx.

Greta what antiparasitics is your doc rotating? Ill ask mine to also. Is he doing meds or herbs?

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Hi CD,

Mine is rotating antiparasitics (med and herbal) with abx. Specifically targeting protozoa.

I will PM you.

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Mig, thanks for your note addressing the coinfections. No one else ever seems to comment on these, or attribute any of their symptoms to infections other than parasites on this thread.

I just want to keep it real and acknowledge that the other bugs play a big part too.

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Fighting parasitic infection inadvertently unleashes dormant virus

At the time when I was undergoing prescribed parasitic treatment, I developed rashes. The same rashes that I would get on & off throughout my years & especially when my immune system was low & I was weak, except this time those rashes were unlike anything I have experienced before.

They were so much more widely spread & it went across areas I did not have them on before.

It took months for my body to fight back & the rashes are long gone now.

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I think you guys might get a kick out of this video.

WBC's attacking a parasite.

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Is castor oil the same as regular oil like for cars? Is it safe to use and where could you get it?

Any other ideas for fluke killers? - so far they seem resistant to everything and it is disturbing likely having these things lie dormant. Also Im not sure if I want to use the hulda clark herbs cause i think they can make stuff move around more. Im open to anything safe that can clean out the liver.

Also anyone have luck with any diets or eating certain foods regularly? I've found chicken soup to be one of the best foods personally.


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Thank you, Lymenet Parasite Warriors [Smile] . I have learned so much from the experiences you have all shared!

A few weeks ago I got serious with salt/c and also began pharma antiparasitics. I've been on abx with my LLMD, but felt strongly I may need to tx for parasites after adding artemisinin. My sinuses clear for a couple hours each time I dose it.

I had horrible skin crawling sensations, I think now it was the biggest cause of my insomnia. After the first day of dosing iver and pyrantel, I passed what I assumed to be a bunch of pinworms.

The day after my first coffee enema (best detox tool ever!!), I got some distinguishable orange liver flukes.

Around a week in, I had numerous expulsions come after a coffee enema. LOTS of tiny, tiny fine worms, some star shaped, wondering if they were being expelled with bile from my liver? No clue what these could be. Also spiked a high fever and was couched the rest of that day. I see these tiny worms often.

Sleep is so much better now, when I began antiparasitics I stopped the rx sleep med, a small dose of melatonin works for me now where it never has for years! So happy for the horrific crawling sensations to be reduced so much.

My head seems to be clearer. I noted other improvements too, just can't remember what they are right now. I think adding the ivermectin made a huge difference in how I feel overall. I believe I will rotate pharms and herbals for the long term.

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Awesome news gz!
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Anyone try colonics before? With the success of enemas it seems like it may be on a similar level. I can't even imagine what could come out in a colonic.
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Hi everyone!

I'm in the process of doing stool sample testing to check for parasites.

How accurate / inaccurate does the testing tend to be?


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If it is a C&S from a typical lab, then the accuracy of testing is very poor.

They add a chemical that removes the fat, add chemical that removes the starches/fibres and then mixed and timed for the chemicals to do their work.

Then it is centrifuged and a remaining smear is looked at under the microscope.

Traditional labs look for cysts only, which is what they use to identify the parasite by.

Worms flukes etc rarely survive the treatment process.

things like giardia and cryptosporidium literally need to be looked at under a microscope immediately after defecating so the tech can see them swimming around. They die really fast out of the body and often stool samples don't make it to the lab before they die.

There is a good private lab comprehensive stool analysis that is able to do a better job.

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There are some labs like parawellness, genova, Dr. Omin's Arizone lab, results may vary tho.
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Perhaps I have asked this before - but I have sooooooo lost the plot;

How do we get parasites?
Which ones the most common?

Do basic labs like CBC and CMP - abnormalities give any clues?

White cell and red cell counts?

Neutrophils and Eosinophil counts?

Total IGE count with parasite infection - how high?

With high IGE any way to differentiate between allergies and parasites?


Pos.Bb culture 2012
Labcorp - no bands ever
Igenex - Neg. 4 times
With overall bands:
IGM 18,28,41,66 IND: 23-25,34,39
IGG 41,58 IND: 39
Bart H IGG 40

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trying to delete duplicate post - things slow

Pos.Bb culture 2012
Labcorp - no bands ever
Igenex - Neg. 4 times
With overall bands:
IGM 18,28,41,66 IND: 23-25,34,39
IGG 41,58 IND: 39
Bart H IGG 40

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Anyone have thoughts on Byron White A-P formula, is it worth taking?

Also mediherb wormwood complex? I have these left over from the doctor in St Louis a couple months back. Conisdering going herbal route. Not sure how effective they are with stuff scattered but maybe it can help. Somethings gotta help.

@susan people can get them from food like salad, undercooked meat, microscopic eggs can be in different kinds of food. How common it is who knows but generally washing and cooking stuff can help. Lab work ca be random so it may differ in some people.

Plenty of people have normal blood tests yet still have stuff tho hugh calcium, albumin, ige, and eosinphils can hint at it.

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Willy Burgdorfer found Filarial Worms in the original ticks he dissected. Also Dr. Eva Sapi a researcher from Connecticut has found them in over forty percent of the ticks she has dissected.

I had these and other parasites mass exodus for mos after using antiparasitic herbs and then salt/c. You have to be persistent because they hang on for dear life. The salt dehydrates them and puts them in osmotic shock shock.



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Thanks for the tips on the labs.

Mine is being done through Quest, so I'm guessing accuracy isn't going to be a sure thing. [Smile]

I'll look into the other labs and ask my LLMD if he recommends one in particular.

So frustrating trying to get a definitive answer.

Can a person try supplements (wormwood, etc.) without the official diagnosis and just see if anything happens?

Not sure what's safe?

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Getting a definitive answer is like finding a needle in a hay stack. The labs cannot detect parasites very well for various reasons, so 99.9% of the time they are missed. Lyme is frequently missed by blood tests, and so are co infections, so parasites are no different.

Waiting for a positive stool/blood test was a big waste of of time and money for me. I've done several tests, all showed negative, yet worms were obvious. This means current testing is next to useless.

Parasites are the final frontier. The medical community doesn't even understand where they come from (air, water, food). They think parasites exist only in third world countries, so they are very much clueless about the whole thing. Check out the symptoms below:

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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Xelaetaks, A-P helps me, but not alone. I combine it with various parasite products (helps get them out). Gael is right, salt/c combined with herbal parasite products helps expel them. Parasites hate salt.

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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Freak show! I passed a fat rubbery round white worm after my coffee enema. This is a new one for me. I'm sure if there's one there are more.

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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That's really good news that you passed that BIG FAT WORM! The bad news is as you have surmised is that there is always more unfortunately. Sounds like it could be a roundworm infection.

Taking extra cloves could help getting rid of the eggs. I used to put fresh ground cloves and cinnamon in my coffee and expelled a ton of eggs and parasites that way. Maybe increase the salt/c depending on how much you take. Good luck and keep us posted.

P.S. If you are drinking salt/c, it should have a bite to it. Extra water is also important to flush the critters out and circulate the salt as well as keeping hydrated.



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Thanks Gael! I can't take the salt/c right now b/c I'm on parasite meds (hurts my kidneys), but I can up the cloves (great idea, thank you). :)

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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One thing I wonder is how often can parasite meds be taken. It seems like every week or other week i may rotate a different med for a day or two. May try prazi again too. Last night had lots of pain in liver area but my guess is its the stuff in there since my last blood test everything was fine including liver and kidneys.

Im interested in salt, c but have heard a lot of salt can have its risks so i might do a little bit of sea salt with lemon water - at least that can keep the body more alkaline.

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I think it depends on the individual (parasite meds). If you're having pain in liver area, you might consider doing a coffee enema. It cleans the liver out fast.

I really like salt/c. It makes me feel good. Unfortunately I can't handle it with parasite meds--it makes my bp go up and kidneys hurt, but that's me (detox issues). Other people may have an easier time with it.

Whenever I'm off parasite meds, I use salt/c combined with parasite herbs. That combo got the worms out of me when nothing else would. I would rather be doing salt/c and herbs right now, but the meds help me fight proto better. Once its gone, I'm back on salt/c and herbs.

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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Bringing this thread back up for EMTlyme to review.


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Would anyone recommend this product - ? Also anyone use these type of hers when stuff is scattered? Also anyone have thoughts on fenbendazole - how it compares with prazi, iver, etc ?


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Have not tried that one but have tried other products from SP, which is a good company, so I would probably try it. Not sure what when stuff is scatter means.

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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By scattered I mean stuff outside gi tract - like arms, neck, etc
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I use those types of herbs all the time, even with pains outside the GI tract.--Is that what you mean by scattered (pain?), or is it parasites outside the GI tract?

If it's parasites, I'm not sure if it will hit them there, but maybe, so I still use the herbs. I think salt/c does, which is why it's good to combine it with the herbs.

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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Parasites. People (studies too) say they can mive and migrate in different parts of body. I think wormwood may hit all over but i think that one gave me weird reactions like flashing headaches back when I was taking the herbs. I'm thinking of trying blackwalnut hulls and cloves, maybe that can help a little.
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They do go everywhere they can sit and eat. Have you tried humaworm or parastroy? The one you picked out looks good too. Also, have you tried taking a binder before taking herbs? Binders can limit the toxic effects of die off.

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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Can digestive enzymes makes worms suddenly start appearing in stool? Everyone tx'ed for pinworms last week. They just made an appearance in child's stool. Started on digestive enzymes a few days ago is the only thing different.

I did a raw garlic enema and the next day had brown first morning urine (all normal after that). I haven't seen that since I first started bactrim, when I had it each morning for almost a week. I wonder if the garlic enema caused babs die off? Also I think it caused lots of sesame seed looking stuff to exit the next day.

Re the scattering, I get creepy crawly feelings all over my body, especially my head and back. I've read that can be associated with bart too, except that parasite meds make the crawlies stop while my bart sx blow up like crazy. I also suspect some parasite is responsible for my sinus congestion, I have become very suspicious of the tiny "strings" that exit with my mucous and from my eyes.

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Something came in today that shows how passive doctors are about this. I got a ct scan from a regular doctor here (since it is free to go to and can get tests done) and CT scan shows all fine except "Prominent right lobe of liver with a Riedels lobe." - My guess is from liver flukes.

Anyway around a year ago I did hulda clark herbs which I used a few types - including one called parasite purge - this one got out something big on my first dose - somethin like a rope worm - considerng trying this again. Its manafacture date is tw years old but id guess it may still work.

Also something from amazon called parazyte or something and Quantum worm parasite formula.

I think oatly why i stopped is i started getting zapping like headaches when i would take it and my guess is it was the wormwood - maybe limited to a few days at a time could be better then days straight for weeks, etc

With me the stuff is all over though -(herbs seems to mae things more active too) head, neck, shoulders, etc i like the meds since theyre strong but to date prazi, iver and albendazolw hasnt seem to got stuff out whereas herbs did around two summers ago.

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Gz, parasites hate garlic. Sesame seed looking things can be eggs. Tiny strings sounds like worms. I doubt digestive enzymes would make them start appearing, but whatever works. Sometimes doing something different makes them exit.

It's probably more due to the full moon coming up (when parasites reproduce). Now is the time to keep treating.

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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Xelaetaks, for me, zapping headaches comes when I detox heavy metals. Parasites carry heavy metals, and when they die they give them to their host. This is why it is important to take a binder prior to hitting them. It will lessen the herx by collecting the toxins being released as they die.

I have found it's best for me to take something to kill parasites all the time, and especially before the full moon. When I gave them a break, they just reproduced and I slid backwards.

[ 12-29-2014, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: Catgirl ]

--Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together).

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Is a binder something like characol? Anyway I think im gonna start the herbs soon. Is it ok to start with one herb capsule like a low dose or better to start full dose?

Yesterday d.e. seemed to give temporary improved digestion so that helped a little.


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Always start slow with any protocol and ramp up slowly so you don't herx too hard. Some digestive enzymes can chew up the parasites, but it was probably the garlic that made them exit.

Like Catgirl says, keep treating because taking a break from antiparasitics lets them reproduce. Also extra cloves helps kill the eggs.



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Hello, all. I am about a year into treatment for Lyme and feeling about 70% on a fairly regular basis now. I stopped all pharma. treatments in Sept. as I just couldn't take it anymore. I switched to a Naturpathic Dr. who I believe has saved my life. He is not an LLND but a gifted healer.

I did Diatomaceous Earth (sp?) for 3 1/2 mos. which he says got rid of the parasites. I also do crushed raw garlic with honey, bee pollen, coconut oil and lemon juice about every 3 days.

In your opinions, should I be continuing to treat for parasites? The thought of them really freaks me out! Thank you.

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Mvdr, congratulations on your significant improvements. I take diatomacious earth regularly, not only for parasites, but for the nutrient value as well.

Thought you all might find this snippet interesting. It came from a website that has some of the best information I've found on Diatomaceous Earth. It describes how it simple it is to take, and how it can be so helpful for our health (and is relatively cheap). It mentions that because DE shreds parasites and their eggs, it's seldom they will be noticed in our stools. But a lot of people do report feeling better after having taking it for 2-3 months.

Bone Strength
A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the blood stream as silica. The benefits of silica are many. In today’s grains, there is actually a shortage of silica.Years ago, the silica found in our foodstuffs was adequate, but with today’s hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in our food. DE is a simple and inexpensive way to get the silica your body needs.

Silica is the absolute most important nutrient for bone strength. Silica not only aids with calcium absorption, but it is also essential for the collagen matrix that gives the bones the majority of their strength. In addition the piezoelectric effect of silica is what allows mineralization of the collagen matrix. In other words, without sufficient silica all of the calcium, magnesium, phosphorus….. will not do anything for the bones. Silica can help prevent visual problems from aging due to loss of flexibility of the lens of the eye. It is great for tendonitis and other similar problems due to the strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties of silica. Silica also links together glucosamine molecules to form chondroitin molecules for the production of cartilage. these are a few of the beneficial properties of silica.

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