Hi Lisa The only thing that gives me some relief are ice packs. I feel your pain! The constant pressure/headache is one of my worst. Hope you get relief soon
Posts: 238 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2013
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I use lavender oil - relieves my migraines generally within 15 mins if I use the oil as soon as I feel them coming on
Posts: 250 | From East Coast | Registered: Jan 2013
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I do have a llmd and we just got started on Doxy almost 2 weeks ago.
I've had all kinds of blood work in the last 9 months and no signs of anemia or liver-kidney problems, but I can not recall if we tested for babesia.
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 13769
Lisa, the only remedy i have found is sumatriptan for an attack. recently i cut out sugars and all food dyes (in some supplements and pills) which has made a difference.
however, i have not found a good way to eliminate migraines altogether. have you tried butterbur?
Posts: 1173 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2007
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Bartonella can cause headaches too. The only thing that helped was steroids. No one here on the boards wants to hear that, but it is true. You can get a kind of vasculitis in the vessels in your brain where they are inflammed and hurt. If there is something else to treat this, I'd like to know. I tried OTC pain meds, but nothing else worked. Mine lasted 8 weeks.
Posts: 482 | From Oregon | Registered: Feb 2011
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Can Bartonella cause the pressure headaches/migraines? I tested positive for Babesia Duncani but dont have night sweats or chills. My LLMD thinks that I have Bartonella and will be starting rifampin soon.
Posts: 251 | From Baltimore | Registered: Oct 2012
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Member # 20157
Babesia and protomyxzoa cause frontal headaches behind the eyes. Imetrex usually gets rid of it for me.
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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I was treated for babs and had no improvement with headaches. I have gotten slight improvement with bart treatment but I have not been treating long. My llmd says yes, bart can cause pressure/migraines.
Butterbur helps take the edge off for me sometime.
Posts: 238 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2013
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The lavender oil helps and so does peppermint oil.
Ice works great, I would not know what to do without it.
You should have some kind of migraine medicine to take because sometimes all of the above doesn't always work. I use maxalt which is now generic.
If you have coinfections, speak to your LLMD about this. Mepron for Babesia and there are a few drugs for Bartonella.
My headaches got much better when I started treating the Babesia.
Watch your diet for triggers such as msg which has so many names on food labels I can't keep up. Sugar, chocolate are just a few more.
If you keep a food journal, you can find out what foods set you off. Also, stay away from the detergent isle in the grocery store if you have chemical sensitivities, as that can trigger a migraine too.
-------------------- Faithful
Just sharing my experience, I am not a doctor. Posts: 2682 | From Colorado | Registered: Oct 2009
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Thanks for all your insights. I am trying butterbur since January, no real change. Immitrex works sometimes and not others, but I can only use it twice a week due to interaction with my antidepressant.
I have done a lot of food elimination and have ID'd many migraine triggers (aged cheese, fermented food, nitrates, MSG, artificial sweeteners, seeds & nuts).
I've only seen my LLMD once so far and we are starting with Doxy. When I see her in May I'll ask about these co-infections.
My pain is in very specific spots on my head all on the right side. The indentation in the ridge over my eye, my temple, behind my ear (high & low), two spots at the base of my skull, and two along my right shoulder-trap.
When I'm having a headache those spots become swollen, and VERY tender to touch along with nausea, light/sound sensitivity, and hissing/ringing ears.
Please pray for me.
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 31915
Lisa, I have had headaches, migraines all my life.. Sudafed and Tylenol works for me most of the time if I catch it in time and don't let it get too bad. I am allergic to red dye so get my pseudoephedrine compounded. It has really helped.
If that doesn't work within a half hour I take an axert which is in the same family as imitrex. I then take a microwave heating pad and wrap it around my head. Mine are usually sparked by changes in weather. Knowing that helps me me keep ahead of it. Do you have a trigger?
Mine have been much less severe since taking long term abx, even though I am no longer on them.
Feel better.
Posts: 1728 | From USA | Registered: May 2011
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A few food triggers I avoid, but Weather is one of my triggers, but it's not like I can avoid it. I was taking OTC stuff a few months ago, but it wasn't really working and my neuro warned I was having medication overuse headaches so I stopped the OTC meds.
I can't take the immitrex type meds anymore. Ice does help a little. Neuro is waiting for insurance approval to try Botox. We'll see what happens.
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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I tried Indocin today & it helped ease my headaches!
-------------------- Take It Easy, Peace Posts: 59 | From Old Lyme | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 13769
Lisa, i know what you are going through. Some foods that i recently eliminated:
xylitol! in toothpaste, lozenges, etc legumes vinegar snything that says 'spices' all soy all yogurt carageenan (in many vegetarian milks) basically, you have to know what is in everything you eat -- no processed foods.
NO SUGAR - if you have yeast, it can cause headaches
Posts: 1173 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2007
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I used to have migraines weekly, got to be two and three days at a time.
The first thing that helped was to kick caffeine; when I slept past my regular cup of coffee on weekends, I'd get a rebound migraine.
The reason my headaches have stopped completely though, and this is the truth: I got a divorce.
My ex is an alcoholic, and drove me absolutely insane-caused such stress as no one should experience.
After he left, my migraines got fewer and fewer, and are now gone completely.
Posts: 123 | From Pawleys Island SC | Registered: Mar 2013
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