I appreciate the contribution, but I urge patients to be wary. What I see on that particular doctor's page is a lot of assertions that are in conflict with other evidence and lack scientific rigor,
followed by many attacks on other current treatment protocols for candida (ie antifungal medicine doesn't work, these other diets don't work, these other herbal medicines don't work etc...)
followed by promises that his protocol is really the only thing that is "the best" option. which is proprietary, and available for $295.00.
I can almost guarantee that..lets say I purchase the program and go through it and my health doesn't improve (because for instance in my case, I know that I've been able to confirm that Lyme, Protomyxzoa and other TBI are present.
Many others who have not been able to identify any other causal agents for their symptoms, won't have the luxury of knowing.),
I can guess that I'll be met with something like "Well, you must have done something to reintroduce candida infection" and/or suggestion that I go through the process again etc....
It is important to note that the refund is only available within 30 days and at minimum the "treatment" portion of the protocol takes 2 months plus 3 more of "maintenance",
giving a convenient excuse to claim that anyone who sends it back for a refund "didn't give it time to work".
This seems sadly typical with respect to many chronic illnesses, where some individual decides they want to sell the "real cure" for your depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or whatever chronically is ailing you
(ignoring of course that these symptoms can be caused by many, many things and need to be cataloged as such, which does not seem to be happening, sadly),
asserting it is actually caused by X, and they have a special protocol they're willing to sell you to test for and/or treat X. Remember, everyone else's protocols don't work....
but these individuals are not doing the scientifically rigorous thing for patient care and progress, by detailing their entire treatment protocol in public,
but instead the protocol's specifics, diagnostics, and treatment substances are listed as proprietary and put up exclusively for sale.
The entire website seems to be one very large advertisement. This setup is no different than those late-night infomercial swindlers.
I'd be inclined to feel much better if the entire protocol and ingredient composition was available freely on the website for instance, with rigorous and complete data presented for the hypotheses and suppositions,
especially those that seem to be in conflict with existing paradigms and show very little actual evidence for their validity such as attempting to cure a hidden, systemic infection of microorganisms by "starving" them of the very same nutrients that the human body needs to survive.
Doesn't matter if it is sugars, fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins etc...your body needs more of these elements than single celled organisms do and simply trying to remove them from your diet isn't wise - the better idea is to kill the organism overgrowth!
This also brings up an important correlation vs causation issue. For instance, if someone with candida overgrowth stops eating "bad foods" and start to improve, jumping to the idea that those "bad foods" were feeding the candida and removing them starved them, is not accurate.
For instance, perhaps some of those "bad foods", for whatever reason, created an inflammatory process (ie how about a gluten sensitivity?) or compromised the patient's immune system or gut flora in such a way that a fungal overgrowth happened.
Thus, the removal of these aggravating factors and addition of treatment allows the body to heal and soon the systems that keep candida in line are working again.
Thus, the patient's candida problem was NOT caused because they were "feeding" the yeast, but because of an immune impairment that was caused by something else.
Jumping the the conclusion that taking out the foods that 'fed the yeast' would be an incorrect supposition.
This is scientifically dangerous as it allows wild allegations for the validity of protocols to fly about, without properly cataloging the identifiable issue and treatment for said issue so that patients can benefit in the future and patterns can be recognized.
This can be seen in the multitudes of alternative practitioners who claim to have a treatment or cure for "autism", "chronic fatigue" or "fibromyalgia",
which is disingenuous and possibly intellectually dishonest, as they ascribe a certain outcome to a certain pattern without proper rigors and investigation.
The above conditions can be caused by many, many things, from genetic issues, bacterial/protozoa/fungal infections, exposure to various compounds like heavy metals, immune reactions and much more.
Scientific progress, especially on cutting edge and fringe developments, need to adhere to a rigorous protocol, be aware of correlations vs causation etc,
lest what could be beneficial knowledge and improvements will be dismissed and those who make the wrong decisions will set back our understanding of these conditions.
What's worse is that there may be some legitimate elements that some of these people are basing their ideas and treatment upon, but it seems to be in a way that is contrary to advancing medicine and patient care,
and instead only serves to line the pockets of those who are taking advantage of the ill and desperate.
[ 04-28-2013, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posts: 690 | From East coast, USA | Registered: Jun 2006
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Gigi.. Do you normally post videos of someone shooting the finger? Just wondering.
(see video #1)
The rest were useless to me.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96237 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 259
Lymetoo, I thought you would be you are smart enough to - click on the Humiston one that talks about depression, etc. Too bad you are not interested. I specifically thought of you when I posted it.
After figuring out how many dollars each of these listed individual herbs would cost for several months, I just ordered it for a patient. I don't think I could put together the formula, nor could my doctor. I happen to know the doctor and anyone who deals with MMS in practice is not desperate to make a killing in selling products nor is he the type to take advantage of "the ill and desperate".
Systemic candida is nothing to play around with and Diflucan scares me when it needs to be taken over a long period of time.
Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000
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I'm not going to buy something without knowing what it is.
And after seeing the 1st video I felt rather stupid for opening it. See above.
PS.. I watched portions of the rest. Found nothing of interest.
Footnote.. perhaps it would make more sense to post his first thru 3rd discussions before posting #4. I had no idea what he was talking about. I may go back to find the first ones.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96237 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Indeed, the first video is simply someone giving us the finger. Perhaps Gigi typed something wrong.
The candidamd site does tell what herbs are in the supplements. You can get many of these with the Humaworm company yeast treatment at a much cheaper price.
I always get a bit concerned when these type of treatments are coming out of Mexico--nothing against Mexico, but so many scam treatments have come from there.
Gigi--you just mentioned you ordered the protocol for a patient. Didn't realize you were treating patients yourself. Also, if you feel so strongly about MMS and its ability to kill pathogens, why not go the cheaper route with MMS?
No need to put down Lymetoo with your comment about how you thought she was smart enough to ...
Citing MMS as a bar for credibility is atrocious. On top of the fact that its "discoverer" has zero credibility and there are a multitude of shifty issues (such as selling it as a "water purifier" to get around regulations), it is just plain dangerous.
Even if I were to put aside the shifty nature of those who proffer it as a medical treatment, the lack of any sort of empiric evidence for its safety and usefulness as a medical treatment,
it isn't even like so many of the "miracle treatments" that if they don't work the only thing the patient loses is time and money (as bad as that is), MMS is seriously dangerous.
I consider it on the same level as those who pushed bismuth IVs as a treatment for tickborne illnesses; not only without merit as a treatment, but actually harmful to the patient
(especially when taken as directed, by combining it with citric acid which then forms chlorine dioxide. It boggles my mind how the same group of people who are (often rightfully) concerned about halogens in their water supply and environment can support using MMS!).
Even a great deal of "integrative" or "alternative" practitioners who are open to a variety of other treatments, oppose the use of MMS (For instance, most ILADS physicians).
Secondly with regards to the site itself, it still appears to be mostly concerned with being an advertisement and quite frankly doesn't hold up to scientific rigor.
While one can see the herbs that are in the supplements, that isn't enough data. What are the dosages and concentration of each ingredient and how are they taken? -
if this individual is so sure that his particular composition is so superior to all the other treatments, then surely the dose of each ingredient is important.
I am sure it is by design that the entire protocol's information is not available upon the site for free. He could very easily give detailed instructions for creating the herbal medicines, the diet's construction, probiotic selection,
and essentially all the information in detail necessary to undertake the protocol openly on the website, and still sell his "pre-fab" supplement kits and hardbound books.
But that isn't as profitable as hinting that nothing else is sufficient and that you have a special, proprietary cure that others have to pay for if they're really serious about getting well.
The moment someone spends more of their time hiding their "special medical knowledge" (which, coincidentally is often unsupported, unverified, and sometimes just plain incorrect)
with and making things proprietary and gated behind limited access, typically only for the "believers" who are willing to pay,
it instantly begins to look like a scam or at very least, immoral greed trumping the progression and access to medicine.
[ 04-28-2013, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posts: 690 | From East coast, USA | Registered: Jun 2006
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Indeed, the first video is simply someone giving us the finger. Perhaps Gigi typed something wrong.
The candidamd site does tell what herbs are in the supplements. You can get many of these with the Humaworm company yeast treatment at a much cheaper price.
I always get a bit concerned when these type of treatments are coming out of Mexico--nothing against Mexico, but so many scam treatments have come from there.
Gigi--you just mentioned you ordered the protocol for a patient. Didn't realixe you were treating patients yourself. Also if you feel so strongly about MMS and its ability to kill pathogens, why not go the cheaper route with MMS?
No need to put down Lymetoo with your comment about how you thought she was smart enough to ...
- True... Does make you wonder.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96237 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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I watched the second video and it closed with him stating that he did not know what meridians are, hmmm.. Interesting.
I tried to scroll down (although I wouldn't have been "smart" enough to until I read Gigi's post) and it wouldn't let me click on any of the other videos.
From one of the websites though, it looks as if they're treating Candida in the same fashion that others are.
He also states their protocol addresses all 3 forms of Candida, and that Diflucan only addresses 1 form. And then something to the effect that the best bet is killing it through antifungal agents form plants. He's probably not going to tell what those agents are because for the fact they're plants, or derivatives of plants, anyone can get a hold of them, i.e. herbs, essential oils.
But for all you folks treating Candida out there- Lemongrass and Clove kills the biofilm form of Candida.
They're probably not using MMS to kill Candida because it probably kills the good bacteria (and it's biofilm), too.
Posts: 631 | From the south | Registered: Nov 2008
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Any other complaints?? I am wondering why I bust my butt to post anything here.
As far as I am concerned, this is the best lesson I have had on fungus/yeast. The clinic is not in Mexico; it is in San Diego. I posted the doctor's history because I have always been impressed with his attitude toward the average patient and I am glad that he is not pretending. Sorry you guys can't see that as I do. But we all have our preferences.
Ever heard of Wikileak and some of the anti-alternative postings there? Same here. This time someone just used a finger. I ignored it and went to the YouTube I wanted to listen to.
They are not numbered correctly, but I figured I don't have to apologize for that.
Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000
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This thread certainly proves that we are right at Full Moon! And I didn't read half of it. Good luck to all of you.
Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000
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Now the MD works in San Diego. My mistake, because some of his older videos that have been posted on other threads are from when he worked in Mexico.
Lymetoo, Thanks for posting interviews #1-3. I found #3 the most informative.
I spoke to the women that owns the SanDiego clinic about seeing Dr. H. He still works for the clinic, but in a different capacity. He no longer sees patients. I appreciate GiGi sharing about MMS, or I wouldn't have known about another avenue for health.
Posts: 89 | From USA | Registered: Jan 2011
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In all seriousness, the first link you had was a video of someone giving us the finger. That is all that was there. I think you simply mistyped or copied something wrong. That just happens sometimes. No blame to you.
Now that you have the correct link what you were trying to say makes a lot more sense. I still think if this MD really cared he would at least publish his list of foods to avoid in the order he recommends as he says they are different from others. He did give some examples in his other videos.
I think he is exploiting people--not so much with his herbal supplement, but with the vagueness of his protocol. But then, I am not very trusting of a lot of practioners due to experiences I have had.
Still, it is good info. It is from 2009 when he was still in Mexico. I assume the protocol is the same today as it was then?
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9221 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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hiker - Did you learn anything from the video that you did not already know, food or herb wise?
Posts: 631 | From the south | Registered: Nov 2008
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The video said there he had a list of foods that were to be avoided when you were first getting rid of candida. He said he had them ranked in order of worst offenders to least offenders. He said sugar was not typically the big offender everyone thinks it is.
He focused on fermented foods and foods with malt in them. I did not realize malt was an offender for candida, but I don't eat it anyway as I have celiac disease.
The herbs are posted on his website when you click on the order button (you dont' have to order) . I was surprised to see a few of them including tobacco leaf. The amount of each herb is not listed. There are quite a few different herbs, so that makes the protocol more risky for those with allergies or who cannot tolerate herbs.
He included a probiotic--midlevel in terms of amount of bacteria in it. 24 billion. I think the probiotic runs up the price quite a bit and it would be nice to see if you could order the herbal protocol without the probiotics. I believe you get three bottles of probiotics and that is $112 of the $299. I always have a good probiotic on hand if needed.
Right now I am not particularly interested in a candida protocol. However, I like to get the knowledge in case I do need one!
I have no idea if his herbal protocol is good or not. I just know money is tight for a lot of us and $300 is a lot of money. If it works, it would be worth it, though.
I have no idea why this doctor no longer sees patients. However, in Mexico he did advocate MMS, which might get him in trouble here in the states. He even did a study of MMS on prisoners--which also might get him in trouble in America even if the prisoners gave permission.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9221 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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quote:Originally posted by Jubilee: I spoke to the women that owns the SanDiego clinic about seeing Dr. H. He still works for the clinic, but in a different capacity. He no longer sees patients. I appreciate GiGi sharing about MMS, or I wouldn't have known about another avenue for health.
- I deleted your last post as all you are doing is repeating yourself. (verbatim) . . Are you OK?
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96237 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96237 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 259
Upon inquiring, I received this message this morning from
"Thank You so much for contacting us. MMS will not interfere the Candida program, however, Dr. Humiston doesn't recommends long term use of MMS. He has found that it is very effective in treating viral and bacterial infections, but he has not found it to be effective in treating Candida,
Dr. Humiston recommends using the Candida program by itself so that you can more clearly see the full effects of this program. Afterwards you can try other supplements ans see their individual benefits.
You can schedule an appointment or a phone consultation with Dr. Humiston by calling his clinic. They will be more than happy to assist you. Center for Health and Well Being, 3636 5th ave. San Diego, CA. 92103. (619) 814-5500.
Please if you have any more questions or concern don't hesitate to contact us."
A. Kalcker's comments on YouTubes and lectures agree with this: MMS works on some fungi, but not all. So in order to get positive results from damaging candida, one has to use different methods. If Humiston has treated more than a thousand people for Candida, I believe in what he says. I still believe in the integrity of people - I have eyes and ears and am not easily stopped by lists of negatives from naysayers.
Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000
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Thinking about some of the the herbs in this protocol The one that stands out to me is tobacco leaf and that might be very effective.
A tobacco plant naturally defends against bugs with the nicotine in its leavss. Kills most bugs that try to attack it. Therefore, it might kill the fungi.
I do wonder the amounts--would not want too much nicotine as we know what is harmful to the body. The nicotine from tobacco also cuts food cravings.
Just pondering. Will have to research the other herbs when/if I have time.
By the way if you are allergic to latex, this protocol is not for you. The codurango bark may give you an adverse reaction.
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9221 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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I had been on Threelac and Oxygen Elements at recommended doses (as per 2003) for several months, possibly 5, when I went to be tested for candida and intolerances. I tested high, so those 2 products on their own did not appear to have helped me. I did better on a candida diet and Thorne's SF722.
However, I have never tried Fivelac and don't know the exact protocol being recommended by the doctor.
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