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Member # 11749
I have been hearing some success with antibiotic resistant infections with using cannabis oil. Apparently there is a high CBD, low THC strain (or several) being used which includes no high (that's from the THC) but includes many anti-inflammatory benefits with infections, and may help to kill them.
Anyone tried this?
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OMG I just started this yesterday! Exactly what you said - high CBD, low THC. It doesn't make me high at all.
I'm herxing, but I'm on lots of abx, too.
As for anti-inflammatory, that's what I've heard. I'll try some later for my herx to see if it helps.
I got tons of topicals too! Cream, balm, mud, spray, bath salts. My joints really like it.
that would be awesome if cannabis killed spirochetes
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Yes I have some leaves for juicing, haven't noticed much with those but it takes awhile. Good thing you live in a MJ friendly too. What strain did you get, and what dose, Boxer?
I had a huge brain herx from smoking it the other day, didn't realize what it was until someone told me the same thing happened to them. It was HORRIBLE. Onto something here.
Keep us posted Boxer! what strain did you get?
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Member # 11749
Yes I have some leaves for juicing, haven't noticed much with those but it takes awhile. Good thing you live in a MJ friendly too. What strain did you get, and what dose, Boxer?
I had a huge brain herx from smoking it the other day, didn't realize what it was until someone told me the same thing happened to them. It was HORRIBLE. Onto something here.
Keep us posted Boxer! what strain did you get?
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Juicing will not get you high at all. The THC has to be heated before it creates psychoactive effects. Cannabis oil is said to kill cancer. Google Rick Simpson oil. a 2-4 month treatment will beef up you immune system. Depending on where you go, you can probably get a pound of MJ (buds and leaves and try making the oil yourself. It can also be purchased at something like $600/ month for the treatment. Be very careful with that stuff, as it is extremely strong. 1 drop the size of a rice grain can put you on your back. But you will definitely wake up feeling great!
I live in NJ, which is not a MJ friendly state, regardless of the MMJ ruling. There are only 114 people using the MMJ prescriptions. It is really a system that is set up to fail.
I really want to move. First chance I get I am going all the way west, and I won't stop until I hit a dispensary. I just want to live comfortably again. Somebody get me out of this hellhole state!
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CD57 Iam interested in this too, for pain mngmt but wonder if it wouldn't also boost immune given the Rick Simpson work. Finding the right strain and application seems key. Did you see the CNN special with Sanjay Gupta MD? It was impressive.
Like you, I am in CA but it seems that maybe Colorado MIT be more medically organized. They have more dispensaries than Starbucks and McDonalds combined! The one featured on the CNN report was The Stanley brothers one, can't remember the name now. Anyway, the specialize in the high CBD low THC blend which apparently helps some who have seizures.
I can't stand to smoke the stuff so haven't explored much with any of it. Edibles are an option but then getting right proportion seems like would. Be a challenge requiring experimenting and I am not much on doing that. My very limited experience with med mj in general is that it does not make me high...but, makes me feel extremely lethargic in a weird way.
Does anyone know of a good med MJ board online?
Has anyone here tried the high CBD?
Posts: 495 | From SF Bay area, CA | Registered: Dec 2007
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Lymeboy that is horrible. Isn't NY MJ-friendly? The tide is turning, believe it!
I hate smoking the stuff too so am looking for the CBD oil. I have found a couple of strains that should suffice. Will keep posted, as I hope does Boxermom.
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Well, NYC is MJ friendly, but not M-MJ friendly. You can almost do what you like in NYC, within reason, as long as you aren't being completely obvious. But there is no legal Medical program in NY state at all. The problem this presents for people that need the stuff for medicine, is that if you are going to try to break the law and do it on your own, you will have to:
1- buy it at astronomical black market rates (if you wanted a pound it would be unaffordable)
2- not really know what kind of product you're getting. Anyone can tell you anything they want about their product, but it is a lie most of the time. you won't be finding special heavy indica strains on the street or even through a reputable dealer. You take what you get. *some of the street stuff is sprayed with either a preservative or the wrong pesticide too late in the growing process, this can sometimes negate the medical effects of it. Growers who care about their product and their customers take the time to do it right. And they are all out west, where it is legal.
3- Risk arrest. NJ is notorious for having too many police in all the wrong areas. They are true to their reputation as being one of the most unpleasant forces in the nation. Small town cops to the troopers, these guys are mean. And they cannot wait for you to screw up. They are always looking for illegal substances. MJ busts make them happy, and fill quotas. Some of them are super nice, and a few are even friends of mine. But as a whole, they really make living here worse than it already is. It is not worth it, even if you are continually uncomfortable like me.
4- Say you have tons of cash and you have the right friends so you're not too concerned about the law. Great. Now, do you have a family? What have they been taught? That it is the scourge of society. You are looked at like a criminal in the eastern U.S. if you are a MJ user. The legal system treats you with stiffer penalties than thieves. The social system tends to be very wary of it, and the culture of MJ users IS a dangerous scene, because you have to be a little loopy to risk losing everything just for some MJ. So just in order to get it, you need to deal with some nutty people, that you would ordinarily be scared of. And then, where do you hide it? How do you explain this to people? It really is not a good way to live. It's truly easier to move. Which I will do if luck swings my way and I get some extra dough.
Sorry for the long rant. I just don't think people understand the major cultural difference in the East. South east is even more uptight! Yeesh. This does not implicate ALL people on the eastern seaboard. I know a lot of good folks, and I can't say a bad thing about anyone on these boards. Literally everyone here is dynamite.
CD57, if you hate smoking because of the smoke, you could look into a vaporizer. No smoke involved, which means no burnt plant matter. Just gas. And you can cook with the leftovers! It will not give you the intense feeling that the smoke does, but you will get buzzed. If you just would rather consume something and not deal with a buzz at all, juicing is really helping people with autoimmune dysfunction and "fibromyalgia" and does not have any psychoactive effects whatsoever. If I had my choice, I'd do the Rick simpson cancer protocol. That involves making and/or buying oil.I think to make it yourself, it could run from 1-3000 bucks for a few months worth. The oils are very high CBDs. That stuff is saving lives. JAM338 - this forum is probably one of the better ones
These types of forums are where I got all of my info from. I started really becoming interested in this a few years back when the laws started to change. I have long known about the benefits of MJ, but always assumed that the law was just another bummer that we'd all have to deal with. So I have been asking questions and researching the laws as best I can with my stupid Lyme brain. THAT is how I know all this, not because I am involved in the business. I'm too much of a wimp to lead a life of crime! (well... I have also made a few "Field study" trips to Cali for research purposes, so I can also speak from experience!)
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Member # 11749
Well it is ridiculous that M-MJ is illegal in ANY state, what with all the good stuff they are finding out about what it does. It's just big pharma of course.
I hate smoking because I don't like the high, can't stand it. I had a massive lyme or bart or both die-off the other day when I did it though....just tried it because another Lyme patient told me that's what happened to her and I wanted to see if it was the same with me. It was. She said she got a little bit of her brain back after, and I have to say I feel the same I think it was a HERX.
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Member # 11749
Well it is ridiculous that M-MJ is illegal in ANY state, what with all the good stuff they are finding out about what it does. It's just big pharma of course.
I hate smoking because I don't like the high, can't stand it. I had a massive lyme or bart or both die-off the other day when I did it though....just tried it because another Lyme patient told me that's what happened to her and I wanted to see if it was the same with me. It was. She said she got a little bit of her brain back after, and I have to say I feel the same I think it was a HERX.
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Wow CD. I haven't been able to smoke since my early symptoms. It makes me so inflamed! I hurt!
And the high is total paranoia with very slow brain. Weird combo. Not happy times.
My husband is the exact same way.
West coast pot is strong! This was never a problem for me back East, but that was before Lyme, and many, many years ago. It's probably all different now.
I never considered that my reaction was a herx! Holy cr@p! Most miserable herx ever! I can't wait for it to be over.
BTW, I took 3 droppers on the day I herxed my face off. Maybe a bit much?
I will check on strains for you. My friend has gone nuts, she has a grow operation and makes lots of her own products. She is having a total ball with it. She talks to senators and everything. Lots of positive activism.
I love my oil infusion. The label says safflower oil and CBD. There is no high at all.
I also rub the balm into my feet and Achilles' tendons at night. I no longer wake up and limp around my house because I'm so stiff and sore. My feet feel so much better!
I think this is something you should try. The juicing did not go so well, but I juiced a whole gallon freezer bag full. Seriously, I do not pay attention to appropriate dosages!
I'll get back with more info tomorrow.
Love ya, Girl! I hope this area of investigation puts you on the track toward progress!
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Member # 15091
OMG, I so much want to do this, but, like Lymeboy, I live where it is illegal. So all of the same issues that he listed apply. I don't see
how I could move across the country either the way I am. Not to mention my husband and his job----which is what keeps us afloat barely.
But what I am living is NOT a life. It is living h#$##. And the LLMD's here are all under investigation. Horrible! I'm between a rock and a hard place.
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WOW Boxer, that is a lot...2 droppers full of oil? The MD I consulted with this weekend said to start at one drop! OK, keep us posted....
Yeah I bet you had a brain herx with all that weird &*(&, same thing happened to me. NOT fun. But I WAS a little better after it, first time THAT has really happened. Antimicrobial smoke killing bugs?
Rumi and Lymeboy -- any way you guys can consult with dispensaries etc in other states and get product mailed to you?
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Member # 11749
WOW Boxer, that is a lot...2 droppers full of oil? The MD I consulted with this weekend said to start at one drop! OK, keep us posted....
Yeah I bet you had a brain herx with all that weird &*(&, same thing happened to me. NOT fun. But I WAS a little better after it, first time THAT has really happened. Antimicrobial smoke killing bugs?
Rumi and Lymeboy -- any way you guys can consult with dispensaries etc in other states and get product mailed to you?
Posts: 3528 | From US | Registered: Apr 2007
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I don't believe that is a possibility. Otherwise there'd be a lot of MMJ patients in NJ! I think you are beholden to the rules of your state and that is that. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not!
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Big pharma wouldn't like it much, but for the most part, conservatives are the road block. They think MJ will ruin society. Yet look at alcohol. More alcohol was sold during prohibition than any other time in history. When you ban stuff people like, they just buy more.
All states have to do is say: don't do MJ and drive (like benadryl). Texting is more dangerous at this point. Little do they know if MJ was legal they could tax it and makes tons of money. That's probably the best way to go about convincing states and government to legalize it. Money talks.
-------------------- --Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together). Posts: 5418 | From earth | Registered: Mar 2011
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They do know, but they want every penny and they know it will be hard to keep the population from growing it themselves. Heaven forbid!
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I have some ideas, but I doubt that they will work. You have to live in the state where is it legal and show a driver's license from that state (or the equivalent).
I am very curious to see how this pans our for you guys---Boxermom and CD57, and anyone else who pursues it.
I wonder if it really is a herx (auto-correct keeps changing it to "herd" or "hero!") or not, and whether it has anti-microbial properties or not. It does have many healing properties in that form, I know.
It was used as a medicine for a long time until pharmaceuticals came along and so much of the natural medicines were banned or discouraged.
I can't believe that you did 2 droppers' full either---yikes!
[ 09-24-2013, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Rumigirl ]
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Member # 11749
I got a MMJ card on the weekend and am tracking down high CBD oil. Will keeo you posted.
Boxer, keep us posted too....
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Member # 11749
I got a MMJ card on the weekend and am tracking down high CBD oil. Will keeo you posted.
Boxer, keep us posted too....
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Wow, you lucky ducks who live where it is legal! I am NOT looking to get high, just to get relief, and even to get well.
At a doctor's office today, I heard a horrific story from another pain patient, who wanted to get off narcotic pain meds. MJ worked for her instead, and she was growing 3 plants in her closet for her own treatment.
A neighbor smelled the plants (it was a odiferous strain), and turned her in. She went through a nightmare of a bust, jail, trial or hearing, fine, etc. And then had to go back to narcotic pain relief. Horrible.
Posts: 3792 | From around | Registered: Mar 2008
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It sounds like Boxer is using regular MJ oil, not the Rick Simpson oil extract which feom the youtubes looks to be a thick paste dispensed through push syringe (without a needle). Starting dose is 1/2- 1 drop with a drop being the size of a grain of rice.
CD57, as you know, I am in the same state as you. Like you, trying to learn more and think this could be a very viable option.
I think we aren't reading more on public boards like this one about this as a treatment option is because med MU is not legal in so many states. However the CNN show is moving the public consciousness and awareness. I think many patients will be interested in the CBD strain as it has NO high. The plant has been special bred through the years to lower THC the ingredient at produces the high) and raise CBD which is the medical application part of the plant. A a minimum all states should allow CBD strains to used for medical treatment. Some smart pharmaceutical company will figure out they need to get on board with find a way to patent a Rick Simpson type product.But that will be years away because of their regulatory FDA process.
While the CNN story featured a Colorado grower, I found links online suggesting California and other states have always been growing the hybrid plants.
As Lymeboy pointed out, there are so many shady growers. The only way to be sure about the product is to grow and harvest and do your own extraction process. Bedridden patients can do none of that, and even in legal states is it possible to grow enough to do an extraction process? the Rick Simpson youtubes say it takes a lot of product to do it.
CD, so you have a source for the extracted oil? I don't know if it is even possible to get the extract oil through a CA dispensary. It would be legal here of course....there just might not been much awareness and request for it until recently.
In the CNN story the family of the little girl with Epilepsy had to find a friend to do the actual oil extraction. The extraction was not done theough the dispensary. The process is time consuming and dangerous as it uses high flammable products.
Posts: 495 | From SF Bay area, CA | Registered: Dec 2007
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No, I am not taking the Rick Simpson oil. It is available here, but I can't attest to the authenticity. And it's quite expensive.
Mine is a high CBD extraction. I asked my friend for more info.
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Member # 11749
Bringing this up for more input. I have not been able to get my hands on any oil just yet but hope to in a couple of weeks,
BOXER, what's happening w you?
Jam I got your message, am hoping I have a source in a couple of weeks, we'll see. Someone on the Facebook success stories page turned me on to it. That site is a little hard to read but the group is called Cannabis oil success stories
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Member # 11749
Bringing this up for more input. I have not been able to get my hands on any oil just yet but hope to in a couple of weeks,
BOXER, what's happening w you?
Jam I got your message, am hoping I have a source in a couple of weeks, we'll see. Someone on the Facebook success stories page turned me on to it. That site is a little hard to read but the group is called Cannabis oil success stories
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Friend is out of town, so I haven't been able to get specifics from her. She'll be back next week.
Still taking 2 droppers 2x/day. It's one of my best tolerated herbs, which is soooooo good, cuz everything seems to give me gastritis or some kind of discomfort.
Efficacy-wise, I do think it's a good killer and anti-inflammatory. But I take so many meds and herbs that it can be difficult to tell what is doing what.
After my next LL appt, I'm going to try paring down to 3 abx and 3 herbs to see if that's enough. I'm running out of money and patience with these huge treatment protocols.
Thanks CD, found posts of lyme healing stories with med mj and have found reliable connections for the oil.
FYI all, fwiw, there appears to be very divided camps on which type of concentrated med mj oil heals, i.e., RSO or CBD oil.
Simpson camp says removing too much THC will lessen healing potential.
CBD camp says CBD is the healing.... but Simpson camp says only when there is enough THC to activate the healing properties of the plant.
A credible source very close to Rick Simpson (his friend and manager of his foundation) has publicly posted warnings to be very sure of your plant source, who the oil processor is, and what products they use to extract. She said some severe problems have been reported with oil processors cutting corners and not using high grade products and not properly following the protocol. She has been trying to warn others. She says she was banned from the FB site CD mentioned and posts of some were deleted.
She said some oil processors use a low grade Naptha, a common paint thinner. Others posted on her page they were aware and had seen local news stories in their regarding resulted in illness and deaths. It was unclear from the posts whether deaths were a result of consuming oil or extracting it (explosion). Just be very careful and check out everyone in the chain of processing.
CD, I found what appears to be credible source in our area. Researching far checking out ok. PM if you want research links.
Posts: 495 | From SF Bay area, CA | Registered: Dec 2007
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Make your own oil from trusted sources of the right form of the herb. Yes, it takes time, but people do do it. That way, you know what you are getting.
Of course, if you are really ill, etc., that may be impractical until you are better.
That's what Rick Simpson recommends. If I could do it (but I can't because it's not legal here), it would still be a heck of a challenge for me, due to illness, lack of space, etc.
But it's a moot point for me, sadly.
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I just started the oil 2 days ago. The pain relief is amazing. Also soooo relaxed and sleeping is better. I do have heavy brain fog and confusion and it seems heavier after I take my drop. Not sure if its a high or if it killing something. Excited about it and is organic and clean Posts: 905 | From Santa Cruz,Calif | Registered: Aug 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Healing in Santa Cruz: I just started the oil 2 days ago. The pain relief is amazing. Also soooo relaxed and sleeping is better. I do have heavy brain fog and confusion and it seems heavier after I take my drop. Not sure if its a high or if it killing something. Excited about it and is organic and clean
Are you literally taking a drop??
You are so lucky to live where it is legal, and there are dispensaries!!
Keep us posted all of you who are doing it, please.
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Yes,Rumigirl a drop. Maybe a smidge less as its hard to get exact amount out of syringe SP?
Yes, so grateful to live where it legal. Hope it will happen in all states soon.
Posts: 905 | From Santa Cruz,Calif | Registered: Aug 2005
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Healing in Santa Cruz, I am going through same dispensary as you. Have ordered the oil and waiting on delivery.
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Healing in Santa Cruz, I am going through same dispensary as you. Have ordered the oil and waiting on delivery.
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Cool CD57.Happy to connect with someone using the same dispensary. Trying to find more peeps doing the same to see experiences. I have the oil,Elixer and a salve called Salvation.Careful,too much can come out of the syringe.
Posts: 905 | From Santa Cruz,Calif | Registered: Aug 2005
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How is everyone doing with the oil?
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Member # 10397
Interesting to see this. I hope it goes well with the treatments. I'd like to see if people have different results from the oil or juicing the plant.
I can't try it in my state. NJ has it's pros & cons... just like any place. Part of the reason its illegal is due to conservativism but there are many other factors. Drug running has been going on for centuries. There are many factors in whether it's illegal or not. Just take a look at the history of the East India Trading Company.
Lots of illegal money is being made - someone will lose & someone will win if it's made legal. I'm not really sure how all of that will play out. It's pretty complicated stuff.
Anyway - if people are seeking novel ways to mediate pain, there's kratom. It's legal in most states. I think it's a wonderful herb. It may not get to the root of the issue of pathogens & immune response but it is very helpful for pain & anxiety or going off more addictive things like opiates.
How cannabis works with cancer may be different than how it affects Lyme/co-infections, too. I see a lot about cancer & marijuana but not a lot on other illnesses. I guess it's just trial & error. Also, every cancer is different - so how one substance works with one cancer may be different than how it works with another form of cancer.
I see no sense on why it has been prohibited for so long but that's life on planet earth... I'm not a big fan of marijuana but that's just me. I enjoyed it in Amsterdam as a novelty. It would be great if we had "coffee shops" here like they have there. Every herb has it's benefits & detriments.
Even simple things like cinnamon, peppermint, coconut oil, tea tree oil & salt can be amazing healing substances. I guess people are so excited about weed since it's been prohibited for so long.
Posts: 7772 | From Northeast, again... | Registered: Oct 2006
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I am having pain relief,more relaxed,and sleeping a lot.. I do herx if I take too much. Not as harsh as other things I have taken. Herx wise that is.
I am doing an even lower dose THC and high CBD oil. Lots of Lyme and co peeps r starting to use it.Lots of groups on FB using it for lyme.
Glad to hear u like kraton Sparkle. Looking forward to hearing how others r doing.
Posts: 905 | From Santa Cruz,Calif | Registered: Aug 2005
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Any updates, people who are doing this??
I am so desperately in need of relief from pain, it isn't funny. Any meds that I take for pain only work partially and don't last the night. I have fought taking round the clock opiods all these years and don't want to start now.
I wish the heck I could do this. : - (
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Have you tried kratom? It has a lot of benefits for people with chronic pain. It's not for everyone but it's a really interesting herb.
Posts: 7772 | From Northeast, again... | Registered: Oct 2006
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Im glad to see others branching out to MJ. All I can say is it has been a life saver from anxiety,depression,pain ,sleep, to allergies. I am a pragmatic person so I can't believe the fear around the use of such a beneficial herb. I mean really??? I applaude the movement to a low THC form although I would not choose that as I like the anxiety reduction that comes with THC. The bottom line is everyones constitution is different and some cannot tolerate certain chemicals so if you are experimenting with MJ be careful and work up slowly to a good dose for YOU(or seek the low THC high CBD). I too live in a very tolerant area of the country so it is available and legal with the right documents. I feel it is on the horizon of acceptance nationally, just needs more time. Meanwhile this valuable herb is being kept from those suffering.
Posts: 342 | From northern california | Registered: Dec 2010
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Im not a gambling person but if I were going to put money on something I'd be inclined to bet that Rick Simpson Oil could cure Lyme. It cures most cases of cancer and cancer is caused by microbes or at least has a strong microbe involvement.
And Rife can cure cancer. It kills the microbes causing the mutations then the cells return to normal.Its just a matter of applying the correct frequency and applying it correctly..
RSO is a more reliable treatment though. so ya, I'd bet on RSO. Wish I lived in Colorado. you can grow your own there. They just past a tax of 25% on recreational purchases, but not for those who have a prescription, i believe.
Posts: 803 | From USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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sorry but what exactly is cannabis oil and how does it work differently than just smoking mj? is it mostly just more concentrated?
-------------------- Symptoms started summer 2007 Diagnosed CDC verifiable 01/2010 Stopped treatment summer 2011 Treated Babesia Sept.2011-March 2012 Lyme disease free Diagnosed with mold sickness March 2012 Almost symptom free, still experience fatigue Posts: 41 | From Montana | Registered: Oct 2011
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up for feedback/info from those doing this. Please, enlighten us!
I presume that of those doing this, they are using the pre-made oil that is different from the Rick Simpson oil, correct?
Anyone who is doing this, can I please PM you? Thank you!
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Member # 11749
I have been using MMJ oil for about 3weeks now. This is the second time I have overdone it and caused an extreme reaction. It's very tricky figuring out how to dose this and there is very little information out there re Lyme patients and MMJ. Lots of cancer stuff though.
Posts: 3528 | From US | Registered: Apr 2007
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I totally agree with CD57 about figuring out dose and very little info on lyme and co and using the oil.And a lot known about cancer and the oil. I am on FB oil groups and they talk about lyme but not much known. I am not doing Rick Simpson oil Rumigirl.
Posts: 905 | From Santa Cruz,Calif | Registered: Aug 2005
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The Lyme Disease Network is a non-profit organization funded by individual donations. If you would like to support the Network and the LymeNet system of Web services, please send your donations to:
Lyme Disease Network of New Jersey 907 Pebble Creek Court,