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Member # 33574
Yesterday, my head started to hurt very badly in one specific location - at the back of my skull behind and slightly above my right ear (this is my GOOD ear - the one that Lyme has not yet destroyed).
This is very different from a regular head ache. It seemed to be a sporadic, sharp pain and it got progressively worse to the point of causing a horrific ear ache.
I used a hot herbal wrap and took ibuprofen as well as curcumin and fish oil. Then I took a hot bath in epsom salts. All helped.
But it came back in the night. Not the ear ache, but the piercing head pain. What the heck could this be? It is rhythmic, almost, happening every minute or two like a contraction would.
We have been getting tons of work done at our home in the last couple of months to prepare it to sell. I have been exposed to all kinds of new and probably very toxic fumes.
I have also been increasing my dosage of ABART and am up to 20 drops 2 x day. Could this be breaking some type of biofilm in my head? I also take interfase plus, which I know can do this.
I take CSM 1 x day and 6 or 7 tabs of chlorella 3 x day. I know that binders are good when you are exposed to toxins. I should probably try to increase, but with all the herbs and supplements I am on, it is hard to figure out when to squeeze that time in to take them.
This is very scary and I worry about things like a stroke or aneurysm. Has anyone here had this symptom?
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 35432
I wonder if it could be radiating from your neck or your shoulder. Try to press around those areas or have someone else do it to see if they hit upon a trigger point.
With an aneurysm I would think the pain would be more severe and would not have disappeared with homeopathic remedies. If concerned go to the ER.
Stress??? Perhaps?? Also you could be grinding or clenching your teeth or jaw while you sleep that could trigger this as well.
Posts: 1748 | From United States | Registered: Dec 2011
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Member # 16556
Shooting and stabbing pains are on the symptom list for Lyme disease and it could include the head.
I have had loud cracking type symptoms in my head and a numb head yrs ago from the infections. Remember that the gut and head are connected, google gut/brain connection.
This could also be a herx and also be aware of the FULL MOON today which can increase symptoms. You might want to take a break from some of your herbs for a day or two especially A Bart and not increase it until symptoms calm down.
A warm water enema could also help to release toxins and dying parasites. Hope this helps and that you feel better soon.
-------------------- PARASITES/WORMS ARE NOW RECOGNIZED AS THE NUMBER 1 CO-INFECTION IN LYME DISEASE BY ILADS* Posts: 6418 | From philadelphia pa | Registered: Jul 2008
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Member # 33574
Thanks Ellen and Gael. My husband tried to massage my shoulders and neck last night but the pain was still there.
I was hoping that lyme was going away with the herbs, but perhaps with all of the recent stress and exposure to more toxins, it is likely coming back.
Gael, was it the salt c that finally helped you to get rid of Lyme? I know that helped with the parasites as well.
The enema is a good idea, esp. with no painters here today! I will also make sure I don't forget my daily dose of DE.
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 34987
Do you have any amalgams? The Klaire Interphase PLUS has EDTA...
One of my Bartonella 'things' (and 20 drops of A-Bart 2x a day is strong, IMO, if you have Bart)
is sore spots on my scalp- they come up when treating- I've had nodules come up on my scalp, one time on neck, while treating Bart,
lately I got hit again with Bart while on Cipro for UTI, and a left side area on my scalp is very tender to touch, almost like I got injured there-
off the Cipro, started Bactrim DS and lipo glutathione for detox, and today feels like that scalp area is getting smaller.
When I used to get the nodules, I had to better detox. Don't know if any of this helps.
But I wouldn't use the EDTA if I had amalgams (thank God I don't)
-------------------- Lyme positive PCR blood, and positive Bartonella henselae Igenex, 2011. low positive Fry biofilm test, 2012. Update 7/16- After extensive treatments, doing okay! Posts: 2518 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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Member # 40917
I think Lymetoo was experiencing something similar last week as well.
Hopefully she will read this and suggest what helped.
Does a mild heat pack in that area help at all?
I've never had this, I'm sorry I don't have more suggestions or tips.
Posts: 4358 | From British Columbia, Canada | Registered: Jun 2013
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Member # 33574
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. It seems to have gotten better in the last few hours. I hope it continues to get better and hopefully, it was nothing to worry about. My ears are buzzing like crazy though.
Surprise, my LLNP recommended Interfase Plus for me, knowing I had some amalgams still in. She told me that it was a trace amount of EDTA and safe for that reason. I hope she knew what she was talking about.
I may post a thread on this to hear from others using it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. You could be on to something.
Greta, the heat did help.
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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droid.. true. I went to my PCP to make sure it wasn't an ear infection.
My pain was just below the ear. OUCH!! Horrible pain.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96237 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 33574
Thanks Lymetoo. I am glad you are doing better. I would not be surprised if I have an inflamed trigeminal nerve - as well as 8th cranial nerve.
But I don't know if those nerves go all the way to the back of the skull behind the ear. I guess tick born disease is one of those few that give you these kinds of odd symptoms.
Judie, I have been nervous about the exposure to the paints and other chemicals, but I cannot leave my home right now. The work is almost complete and hopefully, things will calm down then.
I have a lot of ventilation in the house and fortunately, many of the days have been warm enough to leave windows opened. I am sorry that you have suffered so much from your exposure.
Droid, I have never taken levaquin. Perhaps it would make a difference, as most of my symptoms have been in my ears, skull and sinuses.
Thanks everyone. The pain is a little better as I write. Let's hope it just goes away and doesn't come back.
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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This (slightly behind and above the right ear) is exactly where my daughter's pick-like skull pain has been since she started suffering from bartonella pain symptoms. She doesn't describe it as being sore skin, not sore to the touch anyway. She feels it is deeper than that, but not in her head - more on the skull. A severe pain sensation that is there, then gone. It was quite frequent before she started treatment for bart, and increased with bart herxes (especially those caused by A-Bart).
I had always assumed it to be bone pain (like her shin and forearm pain). But perhaps it is nerve associated.
-------------------- 13 yo DX PANS/Tourette's/Asperger's/ADHD treated for Igenex positive bartonella/IND lyme with 2 years of abx treatment. Weaned off abx April 2013 at 80% improvement. Continuing with Buhner bartonella/babesia protocols. Aug 2014 99% improvement. Posts: 265 | From Canada, Ontario | Registered: Jul 2013
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Member # 33574
Lymetoo, I hope you are feeling better. My severe head pain seems to have resolved, but I am afraid to speak too soon. I noticed a lot more crackling in my neck yesterday and this new pain could be related to a strained muscle and nearby nerve from all the work I have been doing lately.
rowingmom, I wonder if it could be related to Bart because the only thing different I have been doing (besides exhausting myself to prepare for a house sale and move !) is slowly increasing my dosage of ABART. My LLND tested me for it through ART and I was positive even though traditional blood test did not show I had it.
It helps to hear from others to help put it all together. Thank you!
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 38323
I saw you deleted my post. Maybe I should try to explain it better.
Sharp head pain was one of my big symptoms when I got poisoned by new construction.
Keep the windows open like what you're doing and keep up with the good ventilation.
I honestly don't understand why my post was deleted since the OP has mentioned new construction.
Breathing in fumes (VOCs) from new construction effect the head very much and is very connected to headaches and head pain.
This can irritate the sinuses/eyes and cause plenty off inflammation in the ears, head and sinus cavities.
This presses on nerves and can cause sharp pain in the head.
You can get pain down in your Eustachian tubes, migraine-like pain and pain wherever your nerves are in your head.
Posts: 2839 | From California | Registered: Jul 2012
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It's probably a good idea to bump up anything you do for increasing glutathione while the construction is going on.
Posts: 2839 | From California | Registered: Jul 2012
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Member # 33574
Thanks so much, Judie!
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 28016
Hmmmm, dpei- could we be onto something with Bart creating head and neck symptoms? We always have the same symptoms...
-------------------- Diagnosed Pos. Lyme Nov. 17, 2010, Igx. Pos. Babesia Duncani March 2011, Igx. Clinical diagnosis for Bartonella Posts: 1127 | From North Carolina | Registered: Sep 2010
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 33574
That's right, Jamers. We have had a lot of similar symptoms. I just started taking cilantro tea again at night and it seems to be helping.
I take chlorella 2 or 3 times a day (8 small pills) and I take 10 drops of cilantro and let it set in water that has boiled in my tea kettle. Thirty minutes after taking chlorella, I sip on the cilantro tea.
This is part of the Dr. K protocol for removing bio-toxins and heavy metals. It seems to have cleared my head and helped with all of my symptoms. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but I am afraid to stop.
I had stopped quite a while back because I read that cilantro could be dangerous as it recirculates heavy metals. But I am taking both chlorella and cholestyramine as binders. Maybe that is why it is working.
If the ABART is killing off a lot of bart, perhaps it is helping me to get rid of the die-off. I got the cilantro tincture at Biopure. You could probably experiment with fresh cilantro in your foods and see if it helps, as long as you are taking some binders...
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 28016
Thanks for the suggestions. I'd like to try all of that. I know I have a lot of inflammation and I'm wondering why after treating for so long. I also can't get rid of yeast so perhaps the metals have some connection to all of this. I'm happy that this is helping your symptoms!
-------------------- Diagnosed Pos. Lyme Nov. 17, 2010, Igx. Pos. Babesia Duncani March 2011, Igx. Clinical diagnosis for Bartonella Posts: 1127 | From North Carolina | Registered: Sep 2010
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