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Member # 20953
I received a letter today from my gastroenterologist stating my recent upper GI endoscopy showed microscopic evidence of acid reflux injury.
Since getting the scope 2 weeks ago, I have been taking the prescribed Protonix without any relief. I also know it is not good to take a PPI, but I need to heal. I really think this is something to do with lyme or co-infections. I also feel really sick and like my feet are freezing cold 24/7. Sweats and chills are also bad. Could this be babesia duncani?
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 5230
Someone will come along and explain the cold feet-its common and has a name. Its one thing i dont have and dont know about
I have been on reflux meds for many years-my gi doc swore it would do no damage to me...but of course it does
At least you know whts going in
Among other things it makrs it easier for parasites to take hold
The gi doc said if i didnt take reflux meds i would get cancer so you kinda have to do it if you cant stop the reflux on your own
I did find a few reflux 'cures' on the net-one used apples-and it worked for me if i was able to stop my ibuprofen...but couldnt walk with out the ibu so i took the reflux meds. I wish i could get off
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 20953
My problem is the reflux meds are not working. I have tried several with no relief.
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 5230
Yes i have had to up my dose and i am told i will need surg when they dont work-i dread that...my body has been chopped up so much
Have you tried to be very strict with diet and tried online 'cures'?
I was so surprised how well the apple one worked when i stopped ibu
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 5230
Sweats can be babs-but the cold feet is something else...lymetoo knows but she isnt on much recently-maybe pm her?
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 5230
Search raynauds on here
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 18147
My feet and other extremities have been very cold throughout the illness. Raynauds is a specific condition that is not necessarily the same.
Lyme can involve temperature control issues, where your internal thermostat is off and you easily get chilled or burn up.
I suspect that mine are especially cold and chilled when I have a lot f neurotoxins building up, so for me are linked with Die-off and metals.
I am not sure of the best answer to reflux, but protection of the lining must be important. I do have gastritis and was offered PPIs too, but instead use zinc carnosine from time to time for protection.
Posts: 1647 | From UK | Registered: Nov 2008
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I have reflux too which is worsened by all my medications.
I find that when the meds irritate my stomach lining, my digestion is compromised and that can lead to reflux.
I take a powdered DGL product several times a day which helps a lot, plus zinc carnosine as well to heal the gut.
Marshmallow root helps sooth and heal the stomach lining too but must be taking away from meds otherwise absorption is impaired.
I took PPIs for 15 years, and ended up with multiple polyps in my stomach. I will no longer take them because polyps are a risk for cancer too.
My GI doc said that the polyps were from the PPI and said they were benign, but did not remove them, and told me to continue taking the PPI, but now I just take Zantac instead.
I also sleep on a wedge at night.
Posts: 187 | From Connecticut | Registered: Jun 2013
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Member # 5230
Hmmmm. A lot to think about
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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In your other thread I think you said your doc was a naturopath. Ask the doc if they can do a Heidelberg test. You swallow a capsule tied to a string and it measures the amount of stomach acid you are producing.
Actually too little stomach acid can cause gastritis and as kayak mentioned it also increases your risk of G.I. parasites.
If you are having dry heaves or lots of vomiting that can cause the damage to your esophagus just the same as from reflux.
Bea Seibert
Posts: 7306 | From Martinsville,VA,USA | Registered: Oct 2004
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Member # 34987
Do you get a face to face follow up appt. with Gastro to talk about your results?
When you say 'no relief' do you mean heartburn? You don't specify. If you had heartburn, this probably wouldn't be your first time with a PPI.
I had my first Endo recently- after procedure, a nurse said 'it's red in this area' which led me to speculate gastritis. I convinced myself I had H Pylori.
At follow up appt. 2 weeks later, Gastro said not gastritis, not infection (and biopsy for H Pylori negative)
I pressed - you sure not infection?? He explained no, the redness in only in streaks on the top ridges, when your stomach presses- this is reflux.
Some say reflux can be from yeast. I've read constipation can press the stomach.
By the way, I have no heartburn. Yes, belching. 2 month scrip for mild PPI to heal, all the herbs- Zinc carnosine, slip. elm, licorice, etc. etc. OTC gas pill.
Follow up with your gastro- get some more info.
-------------------- Lyme positive PCR blood, and positive Bartonella henselae Igenex, 2011. low positive Fry biofilm test, 2012. Update 7/16- After extensive treatments, doing okay! Posts: 2518 | From USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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Yes, I have Raynaud's.. cold hands and cold feet.
My fingers turn white if they get too cold. Just going to the grocery store can do it to me. (handling cold items plus the always cold store)
I have found some acid reflux relief in PepzinGI .. Doctor's Best.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 20953
I have a follow-up GI appt. near the end of April. I did call the GI office Friday to make sure celiac and H. pylori biopsies were negative.
My stomach seems to feel better when I take abx. PCP treated for H. pylori over a month ago, but symptoms returned. I also had some old Mepron and Zith...took that and stomach felt better for a few days...ran out of Mepron and stopped both meds...symptoms returned within days.
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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I have Raynaud's too! Use to scare me - now I just deal with it on top of 20 other symptoms.
I always thought it was due to low adrenal function
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