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Member # 20953
I have done daily coffee enemas for 2 years.
Would I still benefit from the olive oil/lemon juice liver cleanse?
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 12673
- My opinion is that it can be far too hard on the gallbladder and the liver, actually. Gentle, consistent everyday liver SUPPORT is better, IMO.
To force a "flush" is just such a harsh thing on the body organs.
LIVER & KIDNEY SUPPORT & and several HERXHEIMER support links, too. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Member # 11141
Yes. I got a lot of benefit from coffee enemas and had huge leaps in my progress when I did the Hulda Clark liver cleanses. HUGE.
-------------------- sixgoofykids.blogspot.com Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Member # 20953
Glad to hear this, six. I have been very sick with gallbladder pain lately and trying to save it. One website insinuated a coffee enema was a liver flush and did the same thing if done over a long period of time.
Going to start liver flushes tomorrow!
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 12673
- Just to be clear: a lot of olive oil at once could kill your gallbladder, especially if it's already on the blink. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Member # 16206
quote:I have done daily coffee enemas for 2 years.
I've never heard of anyone doing this for so long every day.
I think this could be very dangerous.
-------------------- Everything I say is just my opinion! Posts: 3529 | From Massachusetts Boston Area | Registered: Jul 2008
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Member # 20953
quote:Originally posted by steve1906:
quote:I have done daily coffee enemas for 2 years.
I've never heard of anyone doing this for so long every day.
I think this could be very dangerous.
Why would it be dangerous?
I cannot get rid of parasites and the enemas flush them out.
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 12673
- There are several concerns with daily enemas, ongoing.
The muscles are pushed to perform upon command. they could loose their ability to perform properly when enemas are no longer done.
Nutrient absorption, it may not all be completed higher up and - even if this is a "lower enema" it forces movement from higher. Your body could become depleted if food is drawn down too soon.
The inner flora, & lining of the colon could be very much disrupted. Some things can help compensate for that.
The plastics or other materials used in enema delivery can contain BPA and other petroleum toxins / endocrine disruptors, and they can contribute to many health problems when they get into our bodies. They can leech out into the coffee (or whatever liquid is in the enema bag / bottle).
Just as you'd not want to drink out of a plastic bottle, be very careful of the materials that make up whatever bag or bottle you are using. BPA-free is just a start, though. Other petroleum byproducts can leech out and then get into our system via the liquid.
The plastic tip, itself, also is of concern considering the chemical composition.
There are other ways. Many other ways, to help support toxin elimination from the top, going down and out, with gravity. It's vital to colon health to allow it to do its muscle work properly.
The very foods we eat are nature's way of giving us nutrients AND the method by which to take out the trash, so to speak. There are certain supplements that can help, too, along with the food to capture and move it all along.
[ 08-14-2014, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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I have to warn you against the gallbladder/liver flush as well.
I was having gallbladder attacks and pain so I decided to do the Andreas Moritz flush this past spring. I did the prep perfectly with apple cider vinegar, low fat diet, light fasting etc.
The flush itself was horrible- I passed a lot of chaff, little stones, etc but I also got extremely dizzy, disoriented, vomited violently, etc.
It was the nail in the coffin for my gallbladder and I had to have it surgically removed a few months later. The flush was the tipping point that made it all worse for me. If given a chance to do it again, I would not. For me, it was too harsh.
Posts: 233 | From Hudson Valley | Registered: Jun 2010
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Member # 33574
Would the castor oil pack be safer than the enemas?
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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I was instructed to do this flush by my doctor and had a terrible reaction. I was extremely ill with projectile vomiting and couldn't get out of bed for 2 days. I have had pain off and on ever since in my right side. I did castor oil packs for a while and this helped but the pain comes back. I think they are too intense myself from this experience. I think there is a way to do mini-flushes i say...taking smaller amounts of the mixture daily...anyone know how to do this?
Posts: 109 | From North East | Registered: Mar 2011
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Member # 11141
My doctor was supportive of me doing the coffee enemas daily. They're a low enema, so they're not washing your colon out like a colonic.
I did wait to do the coffee enema until I had had a regular bowel movement that day. I didn't do them to create a bowel movement.
Keebler mentions petroleum. I didn't use petroleum jelly. Natural stuff works just fine.
If you're having a parasite problem and bowel issues, perhaps something like Dr. Natura cleanse would be more effective than a liver flush? Liver flushes helped me a lot with fatigue, but I did have a healthy gall bladder as far as I know.
I still do the Dr. Natura cleanse yearly as maintenance. None of the times has been as dramatic as the first.
-------------------- sixgoofykids.blogspot.com Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Member # 12673
- SGK,
Glad you mentioned how this might work better for the muscles . . . being sure a bowel movement a day under normal conditions should help it "know" how to do it on its own, so to speak.
The petroleum I mentioned had nothing to do with a lubricant but the construction of the enema bottle or bag.
I looked on the web for a BPA-free enema bag / bottle and found just one . . . but it was not all it should be. I didn't have time to look more but it's important to not stop at any plastics we use at being only BPA-free. There are other chemicals in the plastics.
A silicone bag may have some advantages (but it's also from petroleum and not sure how much that might leech) yet it's best to check with groups like RACHEL's FRIENDS about that. They know far more about this topic and I'm sure someone connected with their groups has looked into this.
There are also some wonderful supplements that can assist the colon from top to exit. Seven Forests Rhubarb 17 is one of those I find to really help my colon work in a gentle but effective manner. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Member # 12673
- From: The ONE EARTH HERBAL SOURCEBOOK (Tilltoson, et.al.)
This large root was one of the first herbs that the Western world imported from China.
It serves as a very reliable laxative, and also has other benefits: enhancing appetite when taken before meals in small amounts, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain in cases of injury or inflammation, and inhibiting intestinal infections.
Rhubarb also reduces autoimmune reactions.
The impact of rhubarb is influenced by how it is prepared; if it is cooked for a long period of time, the laxative actions are reduced but other actions are retained. Typical dosage is 0.5-3 grams per day.
Caution: rhubarb, alone or in formulas, should not be used by those with irritable bowel conditions, as it may cause cramping and diarrhea. . . . -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- An added benefit of Rhubarb might be to help the brain:
Rhubarb extracts in treating complications of severe cerebral injury.
. . . CONCLUSION: The Chinese medical herb, rhubarb, has multiple therapeutic effects on severe brain injury. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Two noted doctors recommend coffee enemas daily for their cancer patients. They both do them daily. They use Wilson's coffee. They both use Dr Gerson's and Dr Kelley's approach for the overall treatment of their patients.
I have experience with that approach, but use MMS and liver packs now. Seems to work but I may go back to coffee as a rotation.
Since both clinics treat thousands of patients you might want to review their approaches. Pm me and I can point you in their direction.
All the Best, MattH
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