Topic: any idea on this stomach afraid i may end up in er
Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
I have severe reflux txed with omeprazole for many years but thishas sttled way lower in stomach
I also have history of using ibuprofen ffor 30 yrs...i have cut way down and recently have not used it evetyday...but i know 30 yrs is a long time and my belly is compromused
Im back on buhner tea to tx lyme and cos for a week and that seems to be going well
I have been.out of probiotics for awhile but just got some...drove in ice for them.cuz i dont want to.go to er
This pain has been with me about six hrs now
First i took an.extra omep...then tums...then a swig of liqued antacid...but i kept getting worse
Then i had some crackets and milk because that is what docs say to do(i think its crazy...but in the past it has worked)
Not this time tho
Half an hour ago i took double dose probiotic. They are fromdrug store. I dont know brand. By lable they looked like the best there. But they dont seem to be halping
Als i have been trying to stand and walk as much as possible or sit one point it seemed to help but not now
Thats for reflux anyway...not stimach so much
This im.finally bleeding in there
Almost all my er trips are not that serious and i feel like a fool
Im gonna take more probiotics soon...
Vet always had me keep dogs fasting and give probiotics. So maybe i should fast. But with ulcer sx the fasting can make it worse
Anyway...let me know your ideas...if i am bleeding in there i knowits life thretening and comes with no warning. I really shouldnt have eaten that cake two nites ago
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 15091
Uh, oh! Does NOT sound good! You had better go, if it persists. As you know though, probably better not to use the "L" word, sadly.
You will probably have to follow it up with finding a good GI doc and getting in promptly to do a work-up to see what is happening there.
Unfortunately, acid-blockers are NOT a good plan, except in an emergency. The same goes for anti-inflammatories, which you know. Sometimes we are "between a rock and a hard place." In fact more often than not----again sadly.
Good luck at the ER. Can someone go with you for support?
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
Thanks for reply
I just had endoscopy that dx barretts esophagus but stomach and sm intestine were good
I have been trying to get off omep since i started but cant cuz until now couldnt get off ibu
I took two more probiotics and nothing happened-still hurt-so t had crackers and milk and right away feel better
Last time i was only better for an hour or so, tho
The milk making itbetter i think suggests ulcer...but i dont know why gi didnt see anything
When it hurts it reminds me of emergency appendectomy so i guess i will know when to go
I keep hoping probiotics will magically make me better lke they made dog better
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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I would not keep adding more probiotics just now. You could really react even more if it's from gas/yeast.
Maybe you should suspend the tea for awhile too.
Hope this lets up SOON!!!!
Don't hesitate to go to the ER if it gets any worse...or persists.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96233 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
Ive been ok for two hrs now after the crackers and milk. Yeast never makes me feel like feels like before ad ppendix problem. That got worse for two dys before i went to er. I just hope it gets better now...not worse again
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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If you have an ulcer you need to start drinking cabbage juice. That has been shown to heal ulcers. I took DGL licorice for my reflux when it started with the lyme. I was popping about seven to ten of those a day and drinking cabbage juice.
-------------------- Lyme flare June, July, August of 2013. Diagnosed September 2014 Lyme, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Mono Posts: 595 | From Texas Crossroads | Registered: Oct 2014
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Member # 15091
Ulcers are from h pylori, so if ulcers are what you have, which it certainly sounds like, you need to treat the h pylori! None of the measures you are taking will help that. Quite the opposite.
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h.pylori in the lower abdomen?? I thought that was only in the stomach?
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96233 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 38323
I felt the pain in my lower abdomen with h. pylori. It kept getting misdiagnosed.
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
Its still ok but i cant seem to sleep. I didnt say lower abd did i? I think its stomach
Between navel and sternum...but in a big circle
Im.less bloated now...less uncomfortable...but not right
I dint know why i havent been tested for h pyloi yet. Maybe i have and dont remember. Im getting disgusted with my primary. All heever does is send me to er. Then i have to pay both his copay and ers
What is the abx they give for h pylori? I can probably google that i guess
But it said ulcers can come from h pylori or anti inflams like ibu....and ive been on ibu a long time so i guess it could be either
I want to get tested. Most of stuff you shouldnt have for ulcer is same you dont have for reflux...and theres no question about reflux
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 5230
I wonder if i dare have my honey and vinegar...its braggs...its supposed to stop acid
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
Wow...theres a lot of tests for h pylori. I thought it was just a blood test. Has anyone done the urea one? What does it taste like?
And it seems wierd the many, but i guess mostly amox or biaxin flagyl
I dont know if i can handle flagyl now
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Braggs made my reflux worse, but I think it was lyme related reflux. I'm telling you, before I ever started lyme treatment I was eating DGL licorice like crazy and drinking cabbage juice. It finally all cleared up. I later found out I had lyme disease. I think they both have antibacterial properties. You should research them.
-------------------- Lyme flare June, July, August of 2013. Diagnosed September 2014 Lyme, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Mono Posts: 595 | From Texas Crossroads | Registered: Oct 2014
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Gee, where did I get the "info" that it was lower abdominal pain??
Braggs is murder on me ... but you've done well with it in the past.. so I don't know.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96233 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
Thanks everyone for help and support. I had pain til 2 am then asleep about 3-11
Gyn cancled ultrasound. She said we wouldnt get good results if i was sore
I have call into g i he didnt getback yet. I hope he will at least order a h pylori test
I am sore but plan to eat light and just do little things i feel far reading
Thanks again...i was pretty scared...but i do think it was brought on by emotional stuff
Ive had ibs dx for 23 yrs and have always been able to control it with long as i dont have an emotional upset
Every time. Thats what puts me over the top
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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lyme in Putnam
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Member # 11561
I don't know how to answer, everyone here has such knowledge, just wanted to say feel better.
-------------------- He took u to it, He'll you through Posts: 2837 | From NE. | Registered: Apr 2007
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Member # 5230
Thanks lyme in putnam...i hope your tx is going good
Im surprised. The gi wants me to have abdom ultrasound and he agreed to do hpylori blood test too
Maybe i found another good doc. Hmmmm.
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Member # 41384
what about bowel movements? have you had any?
when I had gastroparesis it was excruciating.
could it be that?
or maybe a blockage ? and those crackers will make it worse
-------------------- Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen Posts: 3577 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Jul 2013
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Member # 38323
Insist on testing for h. pylori in multiple ways.
I had a stool test and blood test the same week.
Stool was negative, blood was positive. There's also a breath test, but I didn't have to go that far.
Posts: 2839 | From California | Registered: Jul 2012
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
Its not acting like gastroparesis
He said do ultrasound and blood test firse. Im ok with that
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
Last night i ate a small amount of food and 2-3 hours later i started to have pain again...i ate a few crackers and it went away
This morning my gi felt almost all better but i felt feverish with hot, sweaty, weak...and i had a headache im pretty sure was caffiene withdrawal
I ate egg and toast and half cup coffee (im hypoglycemic) and it seemed right...
Also took tumeric in gerren tea...i didnt have tumeric yesterday but pain is coming thru and imtrying to find what works without hurting gi
I still fe er l feverish but temp went down to had been 97. And those numbers are normal for me
Also am feeling weak er and weaker. Ive been walking around doing light chores but im too weak to take a shower and that was the plan for today
I think it was the tumeric...without that fish oil and neuontin are all i have for pain that dont hurt gi...and i like low dose of neurontin so i dont fall asleep
These sx are not reaslly gi...weakness....and my abdom ultrasound is scheduled for next monday...its fasting and that is hard with hypoglycemia...but i think i can do it. Hopefully no ice storms! Headache
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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