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Member # 13480
Here I am, about 3 months using my 25 dollar Tesla wand (a high frequency device created about 100 years ago).
I had been suffering from chronic skin candida (on toes and fingers, and also in some joints) for many years (about 30 years, no kidding).
I spend my life fighting candida, much before I had lyme disease. While my lyme came and went away with treatment (many treatments...), my candida kept returning, for about 6 to 10 months a year, minimum.
My skin got so painful that I was not able to wear shoes, most of the time. So much inflammation, feverish skin, and pain. I always treated it with the means I had, probiotics, Sanum, killers, diet, foot and hand baths, salt, infrared, microcurrent, whatever I found, but a few months or weeks later, candida would return.
I discovered the Tesla wand 3 months ago, and have been using it about 3-5 times a week, about 10 minutes per day on my abdomen, liver, kidneys, some lymph nodes and on the affected skin.
I saw improvements very fast: first, diet stopped to influence the degree of inflammation. I could basically eat anything, and I wouldn't get any flare, since I started the wand.
Two months later, the candida died off completely. I continue to be candida free, even though I still use the wand (just in case, I do not want it to come back).
No more probiotics (except for what I eat in food), no more diet, no more candida killers, no more symptoms. If anyone is willing to try it, I would highly recommend it!!
25 bucks: you will thank me for that!!!! Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 12673
- Brussels
Thanks so much for keeping this at the forefront. So that more can get the details:
I found them once before .. now I can't find the ones I had located a few weeks ago.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 31149
I would get it off of amazon. The one on ebay takes about a month to get.
-------------------- --Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together). Posts: 5418 | From earth | Registered: Mar 2011
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Member # 11141
Brussels said hers was only $25 ... which one is that, Brussels?
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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The KOPOHA is also good. The technology is so simple and cheap to make, that I do not think makers can mess up with such devices.
I know that old devices need a pause after 5, 10 min. Mine, I can let it on for 30 minutes (I use for the whole family, sometimes, even my cat).
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 13480
Just start slow, on low potency, not on PROBLEMATIC areas on the first week.
It looks an inoffensive device. But the first weeks may be VERY tough.
Candida only thrive on heavy metals and toxic environments, so expect these toxins to be flushed out, through kidneys and stools (liver / gall bladder will be charged).
I'm not kidding! Instead of thanking me, you may want me dead, so just prepare your chlorella, charcoal, clay, kidney supplements before starting with the toy!
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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I have found that it is really helping with digestive issues. Don't have a name for my condition but it was bloating, spasms in the esophagus belching and feeling full with eating only a little. I'd say its gone by 90% now.. using the wand about 3 times a day over abdomen, liver and esophagus.
Posts: 803 | From USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 13480
Thanks Carmen. I have no doubt it helped my liver and my daughter's liver + gall bladder.
She would almost fall asleep after any meal, she was a very slow eater, and could only stand minimal amounts of food, since she was a baby.
Her doctor said that, due to gluten and other food allergies, her gall bladder was blocked.
This was till 3 months ago. She was on liver drops, on mineral supplementation, vitamins.
When I use the wand, I LISTEN to the noises of liquids moving there! It is like unblocking the gall bladder / liver!
Since the wand, she started to eat DOUBLE of what she ate til then. She got now 5 kilograms more (she was EXTREMELY skinny), her nails now grow again (for 5 years, she never cut needed to cut them, as they were so thin they broke).
She feels ZERO fatigue after eating. She even noticed that in the beginning, and said, why am I not tired after eating?!!
She cut her nails for the 1st time in the last 5 years two weeks ago!! She even didn't know how it feels to have long nails.
So it does improve digestion, and nutrient /mineral absorption. I have no doubt about that!
I'm glad your digestive problems are better. So are mine, without candida!
I also passed parasites on the first weeks using the wand (white spots...).
it even looks I'm lying, how could this 25 buck device do that all? My aunty bought it about 2 months ago. She got so much from it, she kept calling me every week to thank me!
Now my lyme doctor bought it. He said, he tested it for many lyme patients, and it almost always tests positive. He is very excited about it. And he is a BIG follower of dr. K.
Dr. K. knows him, personally, he follows EVERYTHING dr. K. does!!
He called me yesterday to thank me too! He will start using it ON himself, to help mineral absorption !!!
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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I'm sitting here nearly in tears...can this be true? I've never heard of this...besides Lyme, I'm either gluten intolerant or celiac (never tested), systemic candida, parasites, you name it. My daughter has celiac, h. Pylori, and possibly gall bladder issues.
How does this work?
-------------------- Bless the Lord, oh my soul. -- Psalm 103 Posts: 102 | From WA | Registered: May 2015
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Member # 13480
I never heard about that wand 3 months ago either.
I know dr. K. uses a very expensive version of the Tesla technology (his device is on the 19,000 dollar range), while mine is just about 30 dollars!!
Anyway, I had spent thousands with high tec devices before finding the Tesla Violet ray.
- KMT 24 (about 1,400 dollars), a microcurrent device with rife frequencies and frequencies to detox, lymph drainage etc. With all borrelia, coinfections, candida, fungi, viruses frequencies.
- a rife machine, with 2 electrodes. I had no more lyme when I got it, but still had many infections... I could program all frequencies I wanted. I just disliked the feeling on my body, so I rarely used it...
- My PE1, an infrared device with LEDs, on the 1,500 dollar range.... Very useful against lyme, but I couldn't make my candida dormant.
- a Hulda Clark zapper, never did anything special to me... Lost of money
- this 25 dollar Violet Ray.
I have no doubt this is the best price-quality for the money. I would still pay 1,000 dollars for it, had I known how much it can do.
This is the one that I received though....I don't understand. It has no different wands or attachments to it. Just the device and goggles. I am really confused.
Well that's a bummer. I am so dissapointed. Anyone else order from here and have that problem?
Posts: 116 | From Upstate NY | Registered: Apr 2014
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Member # 11141
I ordered from Amazon ....
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Shoot!! I haven't ordered mine yet. I guess I will order from Amazon.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 11141
Lymetoo, it came in a lot faster than they said it would, too.
I'm using it twice a week. It's a lot. It's amazing that such a small, inexpensive device is so much! I don't have results yet, but I'll keep you posted.
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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I ordered my via ebay and it came in 3 days. It was exactly as pictured.
-------------------- Hiker53
"God is light. In Him there is no darkness." 1John 1:5 Posts: 9378 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2004
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Member # 23691
I ordered one yesterday from Ebay. I figure that I have wasted more than $25 on stupid stuff so I might as well give this a try since it sounds so promising.
-------------------- symptoms since 1993 that I can remember. 9/2018 diagnosed with Borellia, Babesia Duncani, and Bartonella Hensalae thru DNA Connections. Posts: 1470 | From Tennessee | Registered: Dec 2009
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Got mine today. A lot bigger than i thought it was going to be. I have to wait till Friday to start it but ill let you know. Thanks Brussels.
Posts: 908 | From Albany | Registered: Nov 2008
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Member # 20953
How does this device differ from a rife machine with a plasma tube light?
I too am still struggling with candida, but don't think my rife helps with that very much.
I want to buy this wand if it works differently.
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 28016
How are you all using this? Like once a day for 5 minutes on a specific body part? Or something else?
Anyone besides Brussels have any herxing or positive benefit?
I'm interested but just want some more individual testimonials. I have looked it up and saw the videos on YouTube
-------------------- Diagnosed Pos. Lyme Nov. 17, 2010, Igx. Pos. Babesia Duncani March 2011, Igx. Clinical diagnosis for Bartonella Posts: 1127 | From North Carolina | Registered: Sep 2010
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Member # 11141
Jamers, it's helping me. I posted on the other thread about it.
RZR, sorry, I've never used rife so I don't know how it's different.
-------------------- Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Member # 20953
I found these on eBay for $15.99 and ships free from US. I contacted seller and they told me they were new, but boxes got damaged during shipping. They accept returns if anything is wrong with product.
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 28016
I just got mine from Amazon and I'm confused. The instructions and booklet are in English but not correct English. Words are misspelled and don't make sense.
Can someone give me a quick run down of how you use this from start to finish? How do you clean it? Do you put anything between the attachments and your skin? I'm stumped.
-------------------- Diagnosed Pos. Lyme Nov. 17, 2010, Igx. Pos. Babesia Duncani March 2011, Igx. Clinical diagnosis for Bartonella Posts: 1127 | From North Carolina | Registered: Sep 2010
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Member # 13480
RZR: a rife has to be used with specific frequencies. The Tesla wand not.
It has many frequencies, you only turn on the button, and it will sort of give you varied voltages (very high though).
I don't think rife frequencies are similar to what Tesla coils do, but I am no expert... Dr. K. of course, knows all stuff involving Rife technologies for decades, but he is recently using Tesla lights with his patients, for energy boosting...
He uses that on himself too, for improving his own energy, and said he was surprised to see how much fresh he feels after doing a couple of minutes on his Tesla lights. His lights cost though 19,000 dollars, look like plasma rife. But they are not rife!
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 13480
Jamers, more info on the other Tesla thread, the big thread.
I guess you got to start slow, if you are a bad detoxer (or someone who herxes a lot, like me).
I would start on palms and soles only, for a week.
Then if no reaction, start with ONE ORGAN, like your liver, for 2 minutes, 1 week.
Then add one more organ: abdomen. Then kidneys, heart, spine, slowly. Total treatment time about 10 minutes, use low currents, not strong.
Take binders and drink more liquids. That is what I have been doing.
The booklet is only for cosmetic purposes. This is not considered a medical device, as it had been forbidden by the AMA and the FDA in the 40s or 50s, but still allowed to be sold as 'for cosmetic purposes only'.
I hope you find the other thread and read it a bit. If not, you can post again. Sorry for late answer, I was on vacations.
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 28016
Thank you Brussels! I used it today for the first time on my face because I wasn't sure how to use it. Now, several hours later I feel "funny". I suppose like a yeast herx. Weird crawly, trembly feeling and toxic. I'll take your advice above and start slow and on the hands. Hopefully it helps with this wicked candida I've been struggling with as it did for you!
-------------------- Diagnosed Pos. Lyme Nov. 17, 2010, Igx. Pos. Babesia Duncani March 2011, Igx. Clinical diagnosis for Bartonella Posts: 1127 | From North Carolina | Registered: Sep 2010
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Member # 13480
I don't know how your teeth /jaws / sinuses are, but that is a bad place to start. I did the same mistake. Mine were in bad shape, very bad.
I hope you didn't herx too much, start on other places, till you get used to the voltage. You will get the whole current through your whole body anyway.
So just don't do on the worst places first (= full of infections). Be patient, get your organs clean before starting on problem spots, as they will throw the garbage (herxes) in your body and then you can feel terrible.
I hope you guys can take chlorella and other binders. They really made my life fine, but without them, I think I would have regretted to have use the wand. I swear you can still herx many days AFTER using the wand, even 4 days after, even if you stop doing it.
I hope you are feeling better today!
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 20953
Brussels.....What brand of chlorella and how much do you use?
I tried King Chlorella years ago and vomited many hours and would never touch it again!
-------------------- Tick bite May 2009 Diagnosed June 2009 Posts: 2329 | From SouthEast | Registered: Jun 2009
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Member # 13480
OMG, I know some people who vomit with Chlorella. I just saw a video with dr. K, and he said about 10% of his patients cannot take chlorella. The great majority can.
My naturopath says that very toxic patients have trouble with chlorella...
So I'm not sure you are one of the 10%? I take an organic brand, called Hanoju. But to start, I used Biopure chlorella, and ONLY Chlorella vulgaris, not the pyrenoidosa.
Pyrenoidosa is harder to digest, so dr. K's followers use mostly vulgaris. The only place I knew of a clean and sure source was Biopure or the INK here in Germany.
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