Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 33353
have had a productive cough for a week and feverish last few days.
the er diagnosed me with bronchitis and sent me home with prednisone 20 mg and a proair inhaler which contains albuterlol sulfate.
the er doc assured me it was low dose steroids and not a problem but i have heard otherwise.
what do u guys think? is it ok to take these? can i get rid of this another way?
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- 1. Steroids / prednisone
If your life is in danger, perhaps. Yet . . .
The ER doctor is wrong about a "low dose" "not a problem" - very wrong. It can stick around in your body for six months' time and cause issues if you still deal with lyme or other chronic stealth infection. But, if your life is in danger, there are ways to work with this, if no other choice.
Unless your life if in danger and there is no other way AND you are on a proper dose of very particular anti-lyme Rx, the answer is simply
Topic: what do STEROIDS actually do to those with lyme? Risks, long term damage discussed. Links.
2. inahaler
Well, if you have any kind of anxiety or nervous system or adrenal irritation, I'd not take it. I've had disasterious effects from various inhalers due to the fact they can speed me up and send me to the moon and just won't let me stop spinning around once I get there.
If your are in serious danger and need to breathe, that is to be considered, of course. RESEARCH this particular one for the side effects but still take adrenal support for it's likely to be rather stimulating in nature.
The Himalayan salt pipe might work just as well as might the LDM-100 & elderberry . . . or a good allicin (though that can be a little stimulating as well).
Do you have some organic garlic cloves? You might try taking a small one - in the middle of a good substantial snack IF you do not take any NSAIDS and NO aspirin (as those can comprise stomach lining and you'd not want to add garlic to that). -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- There are so many other support methods to help the lungs.
It seems that the ER doctor did not suspect a lung infection as you don't mention an antibiotic or an antiviral.
You don't mention being on particular antibiotics or antivirals. For simplicity's sake, I'm assuming you are not. If so, contact that prescribing doctor. A naturopathic doctor would be best for this, too.
What I would do is take some good antimicrobial herbs, from top sources. ALLICIN, OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT are the top two that come to mind.
LDM-100 (Lomation extract)
And, for support: ELDERBERRY EXTRACT
Rest, WATER but not all at once. Water is an excellent help to move stuff out of the lungs.
Be sure to banish all fuzzy froo-froo (sp) from your rooms, including bath mat. A cork bath math is better for lungs. In the meantime, a towel. New towels can be too fuzzy and we wind up breathing all that.
Search: HIMALAYIAN SALT PIPE - you can make one at home for the time being.
MAGNESIUM to help reduce inflammation
TURMERIC or CURCUMIN, too. You get the reduced inflammation & antioxidant help.
Avoid gluten and all dairy . . . and corn, too. Those are very phlegm producing. Sure helps my lungs to avoid all those. Corn is a big surprise to many but it can really clog up the works.
Good luck. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- If you get an OLE from the market, be sure it has the same quality assurances as does Seagate, here. Herb Pharm is a good one but comes only as tincture. Or ask the wellness dept. clerk for a good brand of capsule. It's in many good natural foods markets. And you can get some good SEA SALT there, too, to inhale (the air from it, not the actual salt.)
If I were having trouble breathing, I would take the steroids .. or a steroid inhaler .. but only then.
and yes, the salt pipes help quite a bit
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 33353
I haven't actually had any trouble breathing. I went to the dr.cause I started feeling really feverish and felt like the room was spinning.
Will the bronchitis go away without steroids? I would think so..I'm going to get some turmeric and mag and look into the salt inhaler.
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 10397
Good choice! If you deal with "the system" - they will only give you what they know... drugs & surgery.
One day all these ideas about medicine will seem primitive - might as well get some leeches...
If I were hit by a car or something - it's good to get allopathic medical treatment. For something that will heal on it's own with proper care - try the alternatives first.
Some people do OK with drugs and allopathic medicine but not me. I've always done better with naturopathic medicine.
Posts: 7772 | From Northeast, again... | Registered: Oct 2006
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