Good evening all! I have found by charting my symptoms I feel decent about 5 days of the month.
The torture begins at ovulation and lasts through about 5 days after my cycle is over. High anxiety, chest pains, palpitations, dizziness. I'm just a mess.
Does anyone else go through this?
I would think this is lyme linked to my hormones but my concentration has been horrible lately and it's been hard for me to focus to do a lot of research.
If you've experienced something similar, please let me know if you were able to find relief somehow. I'm clueless as to where to begin.
I take motrin, sleep on a heating pad, nap when I can't handle it anymore, take meclizine when I get too dizzy and xanax for the panic. And TONS of supplements! And I do the infrared sauna, lemon water, tea, etc for detox.
Thanks in advance!
Posts: 132 | From Central New Jersey | Registered: Feb 2012
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Member # 5829
Sorry you are feeling so badly! And yes, women tend to have a number of hormone problems.
I am too tired to say much (lucky you), but maybe someone can do a search for you on "natural progesterone".
Early menopause, a new onset of P.M.S. symptoms (horrible ones), or disturbed estrogen and progesterone levels are documented in many Lyme cases.
Suggest calling a local little pharmacy and/or a compounding pharmacy and asking what docs are prescribing natural progesterone, as some refuse to and this will narrow a search for a good doctor for you.
Definitely get your progesterone levels checked! Had the same symptoms and now I actually take progesterone all month, with an increase day 14 until period starts. It's made all the difference in the world, makes you feel like a new person! I receive my progesterone from a compound pharmacy and they're oil capsules (an Rx is needed from your doctor).
I'll note too that I also have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid condition ) which together with Lyme + coinfections likely muffled my hormones more than most!
I'm also big into using essential oils for all kinds of physiological, psychological & emotional symptoms. Consider using Geranium, Vetiver, Neroli, Ho Wood, Sandlewood, Ylang-Ylang and/or Lavender. You can use them in a diffuser, sauna or shower. You can also make a lotion, salve, massage or bath oil using a carrier ingredient (i.e., cosmetic grade Shea butter, grapeseed oil, Sweet Almond oil, etc.,...) & add the fore-mentioned essential oils that appeal to you.
Quality Geranium, Neroli, Sandlewood & Ylang-Ylang can run kind of pricey. Rose Geranium is a less expensive option to Geranium. Mandarin or Sweet Orange is a less expensive alternative to Neroli. For me personally it was worth it to invest in the Geranium & Neroli.
Sandlewood & Ylang-Ylang you don't really need to use very much. It's a good idea for the environment and your wallet to go with a more ecology friendly Sandlewood (reading up on it you'll find out what I mean). Ylang-Ylang can be pretty potent therapeutically and fragrance-wise.
Also if you happen to have heavy and/or painful menses, Cinnamon Bark essential oil mixed with a carrier oil is amazing (anti-inflammatory & antihemmoraging). Just massage the mixture into your lower abdomen when you have issues.
There's lots of info out there - online & in books - on making your own essential oil formulas. Look into the essential oils I mentioned because they can have some pretty immediate positive outcomes. I say 'can' because I believe there's not a one-size-fits-all approach to any condition, and essential oils like anything else can have varying individual results.
Sorry for the long post...just have had great personal success with essential oils and love the calming effects of aromatherapy
Posts: 114 | From California | Registered: Jan 2016
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Another alternative would be to get some over-the-counter progesterone cream (Emerita is a good brand). Use the cream on your inner thighs or stomach area. If the cream helps, you'll know you're progesterone deficient!
Also you might consider drinking some tea formulas. Bupleurum and Peony are Chinese herbs that you can buy in dry bulk form and they're excellent for helping balance hormones, particularly with an over stressed liver. Planetary Formulas made a product called Bupleurum Calmative Compound that I used to use for PMS - I called them my happy pills
Nettle is excellent nutritively, and for inflammation. Vitex is helpful for regulating hormones, particularly if progesterone is low. If you tend to have estrogen dominant issues Myomin is a very good hormone modulator.
For heavy and/or painful periods, Cinnamon Bark and Cramp Bark come in dry bulk form to be used to make a tea. Also Marshmallow Root, Ginger Root and Dandelion Root would be good in tea preparation.
I like getting my essential oils and bulk herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs, but you can get some deals from
All the best to you and hope you find some relief.
Posts: 114 | From California | Registered: Jan 2016
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I have different symptoms but they are closely tied to hormonal shifts and my cycle just as you described. In fact I just had hormonal tests run by a Hormonal specialist in my area and they took my blood on day 3 of cycle and day 19. Not sure the significance of those days or the results yet..
Posts: 97 | From Rockwall,TX | Registered: Apr 2014
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