I seriously feel so disheartened and don't know what to do anymore. I wrote here recently that i had really bad gyno pain, pulling sensation in ovaries, bloating, discharge, pelvic pain, cramps, gas, and lower back pain (sorry tmi). My pain got so bad at the weekend that i went to the ER.
They were very thorough to be fair and did a well woman exam (only found yeast), blood tests (only found low pottasium and one number higher in wbc from range (so said it wasn't really showing high elevated levels), and they even did a pelvic and stomach ct to give me peace of mind and that found nothing either. Also a urine test that found nothing but microscopic blood in my urine which i have had for a while now and i am not sure what causes it. They then gave me: flagyl, azithro and a shot of rocephin in my behind to cover any possible bacterial infection below and the yeast overgrowth.
This helped some of the pain subside, but today my back pain is so severe and the only way i can describe it is it feels like something is severely pressing on it, bubbling sensation in lower back, and tugging sensations too. I am wondering if the shot in my behind irritated my back pain even more for some reason. I have taken ibuprofen and nothing helps. I am so miserable. Back pain used to come and go but now it is constantly and so painful. Any ideas? frown emoticon I am starting to wonder if this is going to impact my mobility that as it hurts so much. I am so concerned that shot hit something in my back it shouldn't have
Posts: 53 | From Texas | Registered: Apr 2015
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Member # 12673
- So, five or so days ago you got the shot but don't say the injection point hurt at that time.
I do not think it was the needle at all, then. I've had shots that hit a nerve and I knew it at the moment it happened.
Rocephin can be a painful shot, though, and ache afterward if they did not gently massage the area afterward to work it into the tissue, so to speak.
You could be having some residual pain just from the pool of Rx if it did not get absorbed gently.
If this might be kidney related, the ibuprofen could be the worst thing to do as it can cause kidney damage.
There are likely reasons for this but my hands have to keep this short. Posture, shoes, be sure to consider all that, too.
Are you taking magnesium? Three or four x day?
The low potassium could have something to do with it. Are you eating foods with good potassium content often? -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Member # 12673
- You say:
"They then gave me: flagyl, azithro and a shot of rocephin in my behind to cover any possible bacterial infection below and the yeast overgrowth." (end quote)
Nothing there is antifungal. Be sure you are also taking antifungal measures.
I am amazed they gave you all that. Not sure if you were taking any antibiotics before but all that at once, if you were not, could cause a huge herx and lots of pain.
Be sure you are taking good liver support such as Milk Thistle and drinking enough water. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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They did rub the area and it did have the burning for a while which then went off, but where the shot was performed is sore (they also did it right above my butt not in the actual cheek?) I guess i was concerned something messed with my spine.
I thought flagyl helped with yeast.
Posts: 53 | From Texas | Registered: Apr 2015
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It has been 3 days since the shot but this severe pain came on today
Posts: 53 | From Texas | Registered: Apr 2015
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- Flagyl helps with protozoa and can help offset the cystic form of lyme in the presence of antibiotics.
Flagyl can address bacterial vaginosis and that is likely why they gave it to you with pelvic pain - just in case you had a bacterial infection.
But it is not going to prevent candida. Other things are needed for that. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Member # 12673
- Three days after the shot. Are are taking those other two as pills, still?
If not, and all you got was this trio of Rx, it could be that it all just wore off now. Or whatever the underlying cause has just flared?
Sorry I can't be of more help.
How much and what kind of magnesium are you taking? As that is THE most important thing you can do right now.
What measures did they give you to get your potassium up to normal? Low potassium can cause terrible muscle pain. But supplementing that needs to be done VERY carefully. Specific foods may be best if it's not too low. But some kind of definitive action is required. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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I forgot to mention they also gave me 2 potassium pills. They gave me all meds at the ER. I am not on anything now.
Posts: 53 | From Texas | Registered: Apr 2015
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Also as far as magnesium goes i am not on anything right now. I am seeking a new LLMD so stopped everything. I am not even sure what my body needs
Posts: 53 | From Texas | Registered: Apr 2015
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Member # 12673
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96233 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 45305
Just plain old Lyme can mess with your spine. Remember it loves collagen and there's tons in the spine.
I'm worried about my spine too, I've continued to slip discs this for no reason I understood til about six months ago.
It wasn't the shots. It's Lyme. Keebler is right, magnesium can help but also Buhner says Japanese Knotweed can protect your collagen.
Posts: 2057 | From Florida | Registered: Feb 2015
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Member # 33574
Severe lower back pain and microscopic blood in urine make me think of a kidney infection. I know you were just evaluated, but it could be that the antibiotics you were given were not what you needed for that particular strain. Is there any way you could contact your doc and ask if this is possible?
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 25745
It could be the infections. Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, or Brucellosis. Brucella in particular loves the lower back, pelvis, SI joints.
You could also just have pelvic floor dysfunction which can cause all of your symptoms. There is a good book "A Headache In the Pelvis" that describes a lot of the issues that can arise from your pelvic floor.
Interstitial cystitis, vulvodynia, IBS, etc.
-------------------- Bite date ? 2/10 symptoms began 5/10 dx'd, after 3 months numerous test and doctors
IgM Igenex +/CDC + + 23/25, 30, 31, 34, 41, 83/93
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Currently at around 95% +/- most days. Posts: 3134 | From Massachusetts | Registered: May 2010
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Member # 11290
did they do mri and ct scan? I have bad discs in lower back and they can cause severe pain?
bladder maybe??
-------------------- do not look back when the only course is forward Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007
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Sorry to hear you are in so much pain! It's miserable. My first weird neuro/infectious symptoms were vaginal and bladder and it is an awful pain.. Vestibulodenia is one of my many "waste bucket" diagnoses I had prior to diagnoses with Lyme.
I had a crazy "pulling" but more in my vaginal area, plus burning, discharge, redness but no clear infection they could find with typical measures.
I wonder if you are having a massive herx after all those abx??
Elavil did help my pelvic pain some at the time. I also have a lot of problems with my low back/SI joints. In fact recently when I got Shingles the pain in my back was so bad I was crooked yet didn't throw out my back.. It was the infection.
There is a MD in Washington, DC -Goldstein He is one of the top vulvodenia doctors in the country and he figured out I had Lyme when I had seen 40+ docs.. Didn't treat but sent me to LLMD.
I hope you get some answers and relief!
Posts: 97 | From Rockwall,TX | Registered: Apr 2014
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