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Member # 33353
I have had chest pain off and on for a long time now. I have been to the er several times and tests were good.
I am having a racing heart rate just from walking around or doing basically anything besides sitting or lying down. I went upstairs earlier and felt like I might pass out and my heart was flying. I happen to be going through pms right now which is when symptoms flare but this is so scary and intense.
Does anyone else have symptoms like this that come and go and all tests are good?
I am probably going back to the er tonight because I don't know what else to do..
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Did you ever buy some CoQ10 to see if it would help? Have they ever found ANYTHING to be on the low side regarding your electrolytes?
Yes, go to the ER if it won't settle down.
How high is your heart rate?
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 33353
I took coq10 well over a year ago (thats how long stuff like this has been happening)and I couldn't tell it helped but I am willing to try again.
I haven't actually counted beats per minute or anything I can just feel it. Maybe I should count.
What coq10 would you recommend?
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 33353
80 bpm resting but resting isn't when I'm bothered by it.
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 33353
Up to 100 bpm from walking in another room and back
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 16206
Hey Gigimac, I've had these problems for years, today too.
I can have a week or two with no problems, and then have problems for two or three weeks in a row.
ER visits more than once!!! They made me spend a night in the hospital once....they found nothing!!!
Bottom line> Go to the ER if you're not sure. You just never know if it's the Lyme/co's or a heart attack.
Hope you feel better! Steve
-------------------- Everything I say is just my opinion! Posts: 3529 | From Massachusetts Boston Area | Registered: Jul 2008
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Sounds all too familiar! Particularly happening at PMS time. This was among several symptoms I was having when my LLMD uncovered I was low in progesterone. I know take progesterone from a compound pharmacy (Rx needed). You might consider trying some progesterone cream.
Also you may be low in B12 and/or magnesium, both of which can have that kind of affect on you if you have a deficiency. .
Posts: 114 | From California | Registered: Jan 2016
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They won't do a thing for you in the ER unless it is AT LEAST 100 or more. More than 100 is tachycardia, but they won't get that excited with only 100.
Mine runs 80-100 all the time .. even when medicated.
Definitely up your magnesium and take CoQ10 twice a day if possible.
I take NOW brand CoQ10 from Swanson's Vitamins. I have the one that is 200mg ..twice a day.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 33581
I assume you've already had a Holter monitor?
Posts: 1737 | From Virginia | Registered: Aug 2011
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I have had these symptoms for a year now on and off. It happens on average twice a week and has sent me to the er numerous times since it began. Even though years ago, I promised myself I wouldn't step foot in an er ever again, I suppose the fight or flight response kicks in and I fight. I do find that coq10 helps a lot. AS does my klonopin
-------------------- Back At It Posts: 203 | From NJ | Registered: Feb 2015
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Lymetoo, i was hooked up to the moniters for about 45 mins when my heart very suddenly jumped from 95 to 180. Five of the staff rushed in, did an ekg on the spot, said it was unreadable (maybe bc there really was something wrong, or because then it began fluctuating like a mad heart 180 to 100 to 180 back to 100 ect ect. They took forever to perform another ekg, and by that time it wasn't as bad. I was discharged 30 minutes later, with the doc telling me I was suffering from anorexia and that's why I was having these heart symptoms Sighhh. I was no where near being underweight at the time.
Well I guess it was better than the good ol anxiety (whatever that exactly is/means) diagnoses lol
-------------------- Back At It Posts: 203 | From NJ | Registered: Feb 2015
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-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 33353
Thanks for the responses guys. No, I have not had the holter monitor. Not sure why my llmd hasn't done that. She did just set up a stress echo but I haven't set it up because I can't do the stress part. I'm laying on the couch at home not moving so the sx will stay away. Not sure how I am supposed to do a treadmill??
Anyone done a stress echo? how fast and how long? I'm scared to do it.
I just started magnesium again. I was off it for a long time. I do hate to go to the er cause this has happened several times but i will if it gets worse.
It does make me feel better to have other people chime in about this. Thanks!
is ubiquinol better than coq 10 or does it matter?
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 33353
i see where u said Now brand coq10. i will get that!
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 33353
I did go to the er. They said everything was good except the ekg which showed tachycardia. I was told my situation was not emergent.
They said I had been there a year ago and had a similar ekg, one that had been even higher than this time. This time I went between 90-113 bpm in like 10 seconds.
Not sure how bad that is.
They said whatever it is it is ongoing and recommended I see a cardiologist. Unfortunately my insurance just ran out.
Doing co q 10, minerals, and back on the abx til i get the rife machine.
I'm hoping this is reversible with lyme treatment.
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 47170
Nerves if heart are effected...i have branch block...have you done iv? Neil spectors story is scary good. ...
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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Member # 33353
bluelyme, are you asking me if i have done iv abx? If so, no, I have not.
What is branch block? still waiting to do the echo but just lost insurance. ugh
How long did it take you guys to get relief with co q 10?
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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It might take a week or so for the CoQ10 to kick in. Which one are you taking? What dosage?
90-113 is not bad at all ..but it shouldn't be continuing .. on and on.
Are you also taking plenty of magnesium?
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 47170
The nerves of the heart have two bundles right branch and left branch and regulate the contraction ...
the ekg showed a lag between left pump and rt squeeze but cardio said it wasnt enough to warrant pacemaker. Nevertheless was an important diagnostic tool.
.i think spirochettes like it there as it is immunoprivleged area like brain it is hard to get abx in high enough concentration. my heart races also when i exert even for a bit..bought a little finger monitor. .
does it feel like it skips a beat sometimes? .how are you treating? Gone in a heartbeat by neil spector md was eye opening , i think exerpts are free online
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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