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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Want to still get polio shots or the flu shot?

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Author Topic: Want to still get polio shots or the flu shot?
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Episode 2 speaks about polio.

And about DDT poisoning causing paralysis.

Polio part: from about half-second part of the video.

First part is about aluminum in vaccines, that are nano particles bound to Polysorbate 80 (a sort of detergent / solvent) that is used in cancer chemio drugs to cross the BBB.

Aluminum binds to viruses that binds to Polysorbate, and like that, they all cross the BBB.

The dose of aluminum said to be safe by the FDA is small compared to aluminum that is injected in our babies.

Middle part of the video: dangers of mercury in vaccines.

Vaccines STILL have mercury, even if labelled mercury free.

And some have glyphosate / round up.

Glyphosate breaks the gut barrier and the BrainBB.

And it is cumulative, it does not leave the body so easily, like heavy metals.

I enjoyed watching this episode 2, today.

Both the aluminum explanation (that it is a nano particle bound to Polysorbate) and the mercury (the first most poisonous chemical after radioactive elements) were good.

The best though is the link between POLIO and DDT poisoning, and how in fact, polio 'eradication' had very little to do with the poor polio virus.

There was no such a thing as polio eradication.
There were less paralysis that were totally linked to DDT spraying.

the more DDT sprayed (it came from the war industry, that produced toxic gases), the more 'polio' cases.

How polio vaccines in fact caused polio in thousands of Indians.

Why do they use aluminum as adjuvant?
Just to cause a STRONGER immune response!!

Injecting aluminum seems to be a good way to get auto immune problems, with inflammation all over, also in the brain (as aluminum bound with polysorbate crosses the BBB).

In the middle, they also speak of the Simian virus 40 causing cancer in children and adults, that can be passed from mother to child.

Researchers actually cultured such monkey viruses (found in contaminated vaccines) in cancer tissues of children, that had NOT been vaccinated (but their mothers had).

Eye opening episode.
And they speak of the flu shot too.

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Opinions, not medical advice!

Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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nope nada no no no.....

do not look back when the only course is forward

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Episode 2 is amazing, really.

It 's very interesting to watch HOW the vaccine industry MANIPULATED the data to say they controlled POLIO PARALYSIS with vaccines.

Such an amazing SMART lie.

In fact, they CREATED Polio in India, serious cases of polio-paralysis WITH live-virus vaccines.

Guess what? I lived in Brazil as a child, and I remember getting those NASTY polio vaccine drops in the mouth.

I also got the BCG tubeculosis vaccine as a child, all the sh...y vaccines they send to 3rd world countries.

And TB FROM THAT EXACT VACCINE got reactivated DURING lyme, and it was THE most hard, nasty infection I had to fight with, much more nasty than a BAD babesiosis, I swear.

So all these injected viruses they give us, serve for us to stock them in our bodies (like the Simian monkey viruses that passes through generations, from mother to children) ....

- and to get them reactivated at the exact moment we are THE LOWEST health condition, fighting for our lives due to illness.

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Another good point of the documentary, episode 2:

A vaccine is SUCCESSFUL when it creates INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE.

That is what makes our bodies go on fight or flight and rise inflammation, and then we create antibodies.

It's because our bodies SUCCESSFULLY creates antibodies against VIRUS + ALUMINUM + POLYSORBATE that they considered the vaccine worked!!!

By raising inflammation to the maximum, with the luck that it does not kill or cause permanent injury.

As it crosses the BBB and the gut barrier (because Polysorbate is used for that purpose), guess where they create inflammation: the brain and gut TOO.

But creation of antibodies does NOT MEAN you are immune. The tetanus vaccine is classic on that.

You can have tetanus antibodies, but when tetanus infection comes with those nasty toxins, you still need medical intervention. You're not immune to tetanus.

Same with all antibodies generated by vaccines.

That is why governments are forcing everyone to get vaccinated: because high antibodies does not mean necessarily immunity.

After suffering all inflammatory symptoms, messing up with the brain and gut, creating allergies AND antibodies, well, all that serves for a purpose that is not at all a clear warranty of protection!

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I watched episode 4 today.

It's a very emotional one...

It's very good for lyme patients, I feel.

Watch it if you can. About the flu shots, HIB, Pneumococal vaccines... and more.

the last second part is good because there is message there, that is valid for vaccine injuries, forced vaccinations, punishments to parents, etc

AND lyme (they don't talk about lyme, but the logic goes like for lyme).

The only way out is : you do your homework, you read, you take conclusions, you take RESPONSIBILITY for your health and your children...

... because the medical profession is NOT doing that for you.

they won't do it unless there is a big change!!

Doctors get 400 dollars per vaccinated child under CDC schedule, as bonus.

They do not even know what's in a vaccine: they only know they have to push the jabs in right schedule (to get their bonus).

Peanut allergy maybe starts with HIB vaccines & with the first jab all children get: vit K full of adjuvants, at birth.

Before jabs EXISTED, food allergies did not exist.

How come so many people are allergic to peanuts today?

think HIB and Vit K jab at birth. They contain oils that can show cross allergy to peanuts.

Foreign proteins are injected in the vaccines: from eggs, chicken embryos, monkey brains, cow's tissues, etc.

Injected is different than EATEN, digested.

You react AGAINST those foreign substances with... high INFLAMMATION!!

The big start for allergies!!

And they stay for a long time, possibly a life long problem.

This industry is criminal.

Their law??

No jab = no school.
No jab = no health insurance
No jab = no child support
No jab = no job

The formula varies from country to country, profession to profession...

Australia has the worst condition of all, it seems!

Imposed medical experiments on babies and children? Yeah, why not??

We call that democracy?? Freedom of choice?? Or totalitarianism? Mass experiments on our children?

Do you trust your pediatrician?

Your doctor??

Do you know Tylenol is poisonous to the liver?

One of the WORST THINGS to give a child, yourself, SPECIALLY before or after a vaccine??

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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This is interesting! CDC statistics on how efficient were flu shots.

Is all the thymerosol (mercury) in flu shots WORTH these poor results?

Even they admit that worst years, the flu shot was only 10% efficient!!

This is CDC info!!!

Probably inflated, but EVEN inflated, it does not look promising.

the amount of mercury inside flu shots is huge.

People are getting kidney damage (they know it, as many MDs report kidney problems after the flu shot).

[ 01-30-2018, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Brussels ]

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Very criminal.

Opinions, not medical advice!

Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Yep, criminal is the right word.

Tylenol: get yourself and children away from this chemical. There are studies proving it is hepato toxic, bad to your liver.

Tylenol is toxic to the liver

" Acetaminophen (tylenol) toxicity is one of the most common causes of both intentional and unintentional poisoning in the United States.

It has become THE most common cause of ACUTE LIVER FAILURE and the second most prevalent cause of liver failure requiring TRANSPLANTATION.

Acetaminophen is often recommended by doctors and highly utilized by patients in both prescription and OTC products for a variety of conditions.

The FDA has long been updating its recommendations regarding acetaminophen use to help improve patient safety."

Brussel's summary: don't take this sh...

SPECIALLY not after or before vaccines: you need your liver to eliminate all toxicity that is inside a jab.

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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If a vaccination is required, make your own agreement whereby the injector agrees to pay for any physical damages resulting from the injection.

Also, ask the injector to provide documentation of double blind studies advocating the efficacy of said injection.

If they can't provide, tell them you'll wait for the injection until they can.

I still have a good time wherever I go!

Posts: 138 | From Lost Wages | Registered: Oct 2016  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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No one is LEGALLY liable to vaccine damage.

Vaccine companies aren't - they are protected by law, since 1986 in the US.

Episode 5 speaks about that a bit: NO ONE is responsible for a vaccine DAMAGED child or adult.

Doctors are doing their job, they are protected.

Pharma is totally protected.

Who's guilty?

The parents, because many are accused of killing their children - watch episode 5, about the Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Which in fact, usually happens coincidentally after some vaccines.

There is a direct statistic correlation between increase of guilty parents sent to prison for having shaken their babies to death (no kidding) to increase of vaccine shots.

One ex-member of lymenet lost a baby to a vaccine, at 10 months of age.

They said: your baby died due to SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome. Vaccines had nothing to do with that.

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Gardasil: the bad vaccine. It will probably give you the cancer and the virus (gotta watch episode 5, only today!!!)
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my sister's doc told her to take tylenol. said aspirin damages the liver. she's sounding a little better but not much.

like talking to a brick wall to say something different than a doctor.

do not look back when the only course is forward

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One study I posted above shows CLEAR liver damage - patients need liver TRANSPLANTS!! - due to Tylenol.

giving tylenol - poisoning the liver - after a vaccine to BABIES, because they are screaming from toxins, inflammation, is bad.

The liver is the main organ that can possibly deal with the toxicity of vaccines. Shutting it down is not a good option.

Double blind placebo is a myth.

If you watch any of the episodes, many practitioners and researchers repeat that ON AND ON again: what we call double blind placebo for pharma products has NOTHING to do with VACCINE PLACEBO STUDIES.

Example: 2017 flu vaccine test will be given to some patients (the new study group), while 2016 flu vaccine will be given to the PLACEBO GROUP.


Placebo group is not getting inert WATER but receiving ANOTHER VACCINE!!!!?!

So you get the problem?? The placebo is ALSO AN OLD VACCINE, which means, it will also harm, cause inflammation, etc.

When they COMPARE THE HARMFUL effects of the NEW VACCINE, well, it will not necessarily do worse than the old vaccine!!

So it means, it's good for you!!!! [Eek!]

If you happen to be offered an opportunity to try a placebo or real vaccine for a new study,...

... know that you'll be getting ANYWAY a vaccine: either an old (that had been given previous years) or a new (the guinea pig shots).

If you get the old vaccine shots, they will put your data into PLACEBO!!!!

If you get the new vaccine, you'll be the 'active' ingredient part.

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Just think:

If a company tests a NEW chemio therapy molecule against a placebo of an OLD chemio molecule, and compare results of damage...

... it will be VERY DIFFERENT than if a new chemio molecule is compared to WATER injections!

The amount of damage will INCREASE probably, when compared to placebo.

we can speak bad of pharma, but pharma studies have to be conducted, as far as I know, against REAL INERT PLACEBO!!

Pharma is not allowed to use placebos that have some biological effect (active molecules), otherwise they can't publish their papers.


Not only they can, they ONLY DO THAT.

There is NO INERT PLACEBO to compare how toxic and harmful a NEW vaccine is!

This is NOT SCIENCE, if you follow me.

This is mass medical experimentation, not very far from the types of experiments done in war prisoners in Japan or Germany.

If you can watch any of the episodes still, do it.

Before you get any jab, you'll think twice!

Once damage is done, it is usually for life. It is not easy to reverse a vaccine damage.

You can manage damage, improve the picture by tuning treatments, food, exercises, etc.

I wish I knew a way to reverse vaccine damage for good, but I sincerely don't know any efficient way.

I know autism can be reversed in some cases, but families move mountains of resources, energy, time, money to arrive to that.

But as I said, I don't really think the child will be as healthy as before the jabs.

All experts talk about that placebo problem in vaccine studies. All of them speak of this exact problem.

It's NOT TRUE placebo!!! It has nothing to do with placebo that we all heard about.

In other words, what they call PLACEBO is not what you are thinking. It's THEIR definition, not the one used by 99% of the population.

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Today is the last episode.

Today they'll talk about prophylaxis.

It's probably the most useful for the ones who do not want to get vaccines: what are alternatives?

I haven't seen it yet, though.

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I just finished watching it.

It speaks a lot about homeopathy, nosodes as preventative.

A bit about essential oils, that have incredible antiviral and antibacterial properties.

A whole part on GcMaf and Rerum, with the main researcher who developed it. Very informative.

He said no magic pill, but a combination of immune boosting (Rerum) + good nutrition (Ketogenic) + Gut treatment (probiotics) can do wonders for the brain of autistic children.

It speaks of a book suggesting a friendly schedule of vaccines, for parents who want to vaccinate. What jabs to do, what jabs to delay, what jabs NOT to do.

And the last part is about fundamental rights. VAccines are mandatory in CAlifornia, by 2020 they would like it to be mandatory in more states.

And not only for CHILDREN but for ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS as well.

They want to make it mandatory like in California, but in a much larger scale.

CDC is suggesting now about 70 shots per child.
Well, the future is bright: they are studying about 140 new vaccines to come.

Of course, adults will be part of the profit game.

The conclusion: the population stays quiet, and take the jabs => there won't be any change.

If you want vaccines, without questioning them, great. You'll see the number increase for the children but also for adults.

To whom are they going to give more 140 DIFFERENT vaccines, on top of the 70 obligatory shots that are already in the schedule?

Well, to everyone.

Gates Foundation seems to be implicated in the business, at the source of the problem.

Here in France and Italy, they are also copying California : mandatory vaccines to ALL CHILDREN.

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So pathetically scary.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Yeah, Tutu, very scary.

CDC and Gates plan is clear: they want that ALL states of the US follow California

They want to take away rights for exemption, no more excuses (like religious reasons).
They do not like 'exceptional cases'.

What they want is everybody in: adults and children, so that they have guarantee profit, no liability for any damage anyway!

No need to advertise vaccines: they want it to be mandatory to all states!!!

The only money they have to invest is in LOBBYING, because they'll have to get the laws passed.

Well, here in France and Italy, it's already done: mandatory vaccines for children. People are complaining. They have to wait until the dust settles.

After, they only have to keep INCREASING the number of shots, then add adults, and they'll have their perfect money making machine at the cost of health and lives of their population.

I did not know that the CDC owes more than 50 patents of vaccines (if my memory is good... after seeing so many episodes.... [dizzy] )


The governmental organization that is supposed to put a plan for childhood vaccines owes PATENTS OF VACCINES!!!???

And vaccine companies cannot be sued, in case things go wrong??!!, because they are protected by this 1986 act?? [Eek!]

I mean, what do they want? A civil war?

The problem is lack of information from the public.

Brain washed media, entertainment, fake news channels... No one seems to care, until you get someone dear to you damaged.

If the public knew, they would not give their babies for blind vaccines, some serve for nothing

(like HepB at birth, that babies could catch through sex or by drug syringes).

Why are there so many SIDS at birth? They are giving Hepatitis B shots at the same day the baby is out of the uterus of the mother!? And funnily, some die??!

One researcher said that the number of deaths at birth in the US is the highest among developed countries.

No one is giving Hep-B at birth here (my daughter took it at 2 months of age, which I terribly regret; then again 4 months, then 6 months).

It's also criminal, knowing that we do not have Hep B (mothers, as they test us), how the heck can the baby get Hep B through sex and drugs before 6 months of age?? [bonk]

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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If anyone wants to buy the whole series, plus all interviews (uncut), it's today still 97 dollars (downloadable version).

The money is partially going to donations for independent researchers that do not follow mainstream.

The quality of the episodes is good, a lot of references to papers, books, researchers.

(I have no interest on that, of course, I live here in 'Heidiland', in the middle of cows and sheep in Switzerland!) [Big Grin]

And deer and ticks, of course! [Roll Eyes]

Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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