Has anyone tried Lexapro for anxiety and depression? I have tried Zoloft, celexa and Effexor with no luck but hoping the Lexapro will help. LLMD also mentioned Lamictal/mood stabilizer, but I am too afraid to start that. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 33330
Are you taking a good omega 3 fish oil? That is making a difference for my daughter.
Posts: 2374 | From USA | Registered: Aug 2011
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- Seriously,
you say: ". . . also mentioned Lamictal/mood stabilizer, but I am too afraid to start that. . . ." (end quote)
Glad to hear that you won't jump at that suggestion but the fact it's being recommended to you, again, really concerns me.
I recall having posted a month or so ago all the problems with Lamictal. In today's new, now, too, a very serious problem.
Any doctor who would prescribe this for someone with the infections you deal with, well, I'd sure have to wonder just how effective - or dangerous - that doctor might be to my very life.
I can't recall which thread of yours I posted that in yet recall something about why I think it's highly contraindicated for someone with Babesia, likely due to the red blood cell /anemia issue.
I haven taken Lexapro for many years and it has helped me. I had to go on a higher dose because of the way I metabolize it. I also take Wellbutrin with it, which does help with my energy levels.
-------------------- Shelly Posts: 73 | From New Jersey | Registered: Apr 2009
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 11290
my dr has also been pushing lexapro on me. I dont want to take antidepressants...period.
my sister has been on ativan and paxil for 16 years..
I dont want to be medicated and have to worry about drug interactions, withdrawal, and all.
I think they cause more problems than they solve.
-------------------- do not look back when the only course is forward Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007
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I have been on lexapro and lamictal since before I got the Lyme diagnosis. I had previously been on other meds that weren’t working any more.
For me I find them to be helpful. When things are going well I’m able to come down to a lighter dose but when things get tough and the depression gets worse it is helpful.
With Lyme I have enough going on in my life that I don’t need to add severe depression episodes to my situation.
I know antidepressants are not for everyone and even then you may have to do some trial and error. But it has been a good choice for me, in my experience.
Posts: 9 | From Michigan | Registered: Apr 2017
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Lexapro is one of numerous psych meds I cycled through before I knew I had Lyme. It helped a little bit for a little while. Increasing the dose for me only increased the side effects with no benefits.
It helped a little bit to induce sleep. Gave me crazy vivid dreams. Caused weight gain. The "head zaps" I got from discontinuing Lexapro were probably the worst compared to all the other meds, I had to wean down to be able to tolerate stopping it.
During the course of treating Lyme it's sometimes necessary to treat the psych symptoms, just like we might need to manage symptoms like pain and insomnia allopathically.
It is important to remain mindful many of these symptoms are direct and indirect manifestations of Lyme and coinfections and/or the damage they cause.
Toxicity will also cause psych sx, especially heavy metals. When I added artemisinin to my protocol to treat Babs I got the most horrific uncontrollable change in moods after dosing, I felt psychotic and violent. I suspected the die off was dumping metals en masse (I could taste it) and adding large amounts of binders completely eliminated the issue.
Proper treatment of the TBD's is often what's needed to get rid of psych sx, especially when psych meds aren't helping much. Always suspect Bart esp when there's mood swings and anxiety, although Lyme and Babs can cause that too. Treat for parasites. Many with an immune system debilitated by TBD's probably should if they don't already.
Also step up detox if you can. Adhere to a regular sleep schedule with an early bedtime that allows a full night for rest and recovery. Many anti-inflammatories are also neuroprotective. Consider lithium orotate, turmeric, Chinese (baikal) skullcap root, bushy knotweed, andrographis, cat's claw, and other Buhner herbs.
Low adrenals, thyroid imbalance, and other hormone imbalances can also cause/contribute to psych issues. Lyme disrupts the flow of the HPA axis and appropriate treatment for TBD's can be all that is needed to restore hormone functioning back to normal. HPA may need addressed until body can take back over.
Consider Candida. Are you taking probiotics twice daily? This needed while using abx and for a long time after. For yeast we use olive leaf, caprylic acid, monolaurin, garlic, etc.
Posts: 474 | From US | Registered: May 2014
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I am only on 100mg doxy a day and 9 drops of ABABS, do I need to take probiotics everyday twice a day because I am not doing that. Also I feel hyper, crazy, anxious, cannot settle down. What is causing this, I have had it a year. Just got diagnosed four months ago. My llmd said to stop all lyme treatment and fix the anxiety. Is she right?
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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Sertraline low dose 25 mg works for many Lymies. I would start with CBD oil.
Posts: 360 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Dec 2012
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BobG, where do I get cbd oil? There are many on the market and I have looked at them before but confused as to where and which one to get. can u help me. thanks so much
Posts: 468 | From boston, ma | Registered: Feb 2018
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