Topic: What are your MUST supplements, you can't live without?
Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 13480
I'll start with my must supplements during lyme:
- electrolytes (I did with himalayan salt, till it got bit salty). I took herbs, teas, cooked with it.
- milk thistle: somehow a must for me during lyme.
- chlorella: without it, no way out of lyme, for me.
- magnesium (I used many, but in the end, bought the citrate, as it felt good for me)
- omega 3, flax seed oil: when I forget this, I feel after a while (it helps with brain, detox, energy)
- vit D3 (now I take it with K2), daily
- Vit C (I did not take it, but now that I know the liposomal form, I think I will die taking it)
- if I could go back in time, I would have added daily B complex and B12 of high quality: these are helping me a lot, even though the effect feels mild at first.
- propolis: I took that daily for a long time.
I just wrote the ones that I remember now.
I took many more things, but I think these things above were the most constant in my list.
What are YOUR main supplements, just the top 5 or so, that you swear by?
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 11290
probiotics magnesium fish oil occuview eye support milk thistle curcumin
-------------------- do not look back when the only course is forward Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007
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Member # 49177
Oh that's a tough one Brussels
Powered pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C Liposomal Glutathone IVIG Essential Oils ATP
But in all honesty, if one starts with a researched protocol with a good LLMD, time is the MOST important spoke in the wheel. Adding and subtracting and tinkering with supplements came after I got my brain back. Healing from Lyme is all time consuming and a very tough road to travel.
Posts: 3062 | From Florida | Registered: Nov 2016
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I was taking B Complex Plus (by Pure Encapsulations) for years, but then developed an allergy or sensitivity to it (itching). My LLMD doesn't believe it was that, but the itching stopped. I'll admit, it could've been a mind/body thing.
Just a note: Last year about this time, I had major organs tested and other things ( due to the itching, B allergy) and was told I had a "really healthy immune system", by allergist.
-------------------- j_liz Posts: 472 | From NJ | Registered: May 2009
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Member # 13480
HOw do you guys take curcumin / turmeric? I have problems to digest this...
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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I take it as is .. but I do include fat with my meals. I think you have to have fat with it.
j_liz.. But were you tested for mast cell disease? your immune system can be "healthy" by blood work, but still messed up.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 12673
- Q: "How do you guys take curcumin / turmeric? I have problems to digest this..." (end quote)
If you have gallbladder issues, it's advised to not take curcumin (the stronger extract form) but rather a weaker dose of turmeric, say in foods.
There are also dozens, if not hundreds of other antioxidants / nutritive herbs similar in nature. Gotu Kola comes to mind.
Not every food - and not every herb - is going to agree with every person. Regarding constitutional / support herbs I do not think one should even try to "make it work" if it's telling you it's not agreeing with you.
For antimicrobial herbs and distinct infections, the way forward can be harder to determine. Naturopathic physicians and the like are best consulted as to which herbs are right and how to make them do their best work within your body. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Magnesium malate potassium (I was low at one point) D3 (I was borderline low at one point) folic acid Adaptocrine (an adaptogen, taking since Jan '15) probiotic essential oils
Rotate in and out/recently added:
Ultimate Omega reishi mushroom (I find this very supportive when I exercise) chlorella liposomal C (don't notice any difference, unsure will continue) japanese knotweed since April as maintenance cat's claw since April as maintenance selenium as part of a collagen protocol, unsure will continue zinc w/ copper as part of collagen protocol, unsure will continue
To take Brussel's post further, anyone have buyer's remorse with supplements or felt like you wasted your money? I will admit when I first was dx and people recommended things I would go out and try them.
Posts: 478 | From Third Coast | Registered: Feb 2011
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j_liz.. But were you tested for mast cell disease? your immune system can be "healthy" by blood work, but still messed up.
No, I wasn't. What is that? (I recall my uro-gyn had me taking an allergy medicine as part of my interstitial cystitis treatment to prevent mast cell.)
-------------------- j_liz Posts: 472 | From NJ | Registered: May 2009
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I bought all the supplements that were suggested to me in the last year. Between bad reactions to a few and no results from many I've tossed probably 50 containers. Worth a try but I did spend a bunch of money.
Posts: 7 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Jul 2018
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-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 13480
We all spent so much money with unused supplements... Unfortunately.
That is why such a list of the MUST SUPPLEMENTS for each of us may be useful.
I know that stuff like:
- milk thistle,
- electrolytes,
- magnesium (which mag is a question though - let's say glycinate, citrate, malate, taurate, chloride for rubbing seem to be good),
- flaxseed omega 3
- propolis
- possibly selenium
- possibly B vitamins (except of B12)
...are supplements / herbs that almost everyone will profit, long term, as most people can take these, without bad reactions.
(I hope I haven't missed a biggie)
------------------------------------- But when it comes to: - Vit D3 / K2 - Vit C - Vit E (different types) - lyme herbs - minerals like zinc, - B12 - B3 - coconut products - turmeric / curcuma - nettle - probiotics - alkaline powders (with minerals) ...
We already find groups of people that think they can't take these or over-react...
Another problem is to know: which supplements you need long term, which you only need short-middle term...
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 13480
thank you Lymetoo and Keebler for the turmeric / curcuma info.
I'm doing turmeric in liposomes and it is going down much better (it's oily, so to say...).
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 41384
hhhmmmm, seems like so many along the way. I took all kinds of things but the staples for me are:
I take other things for my specific glutamate issues too
-------------------- Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen Posts: 3585 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Jul 2013
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Member # 13480
It looks good, Lisa!!
No minerals?
Posts: 6199 | From Brussels | Registered: Oct 2007
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 41384
I am just learning about minerals and their importance. Brussels, do you mean like calcium?
-------------------- Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen Posts: 3585 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Jul 2013
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Fish oil (blend of different omegas along with flax and borage oil (all in one capsule)
-------------------- I still have a good time wherever I go! Posts: 138 | From Lost Wages | Registered: Oct 2016
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Member # 5701
Brussels - Propolis would kill me! I also have to take the only brand of COQ10 in ubiquinol form that I've found that does not have beeswax in it....Solgar. Lyme is why I am now allergic to everything, including bee stings.
Must supps: Mag citrate - Natural Calm R- lipoic acid Benfotiamine NAC S-acetyl glutathione COQ10 Methyl B12 SL Vit. C Vit. D3 HCL w/ pepsin and papaya leaf Creon digestive enzymes (prescription) Lactase L-tryptophan Dr.'s Nutrition Greens First (has chlorella) Caprylic acid Probiotics Krill Oil Maca Root
Posts: 1269 | From Clearwater, Florida, USA | Registered: May 2004
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 5960
I took everything my LLMD recommended during my 2 years of treatment plus I was doing a whole lot of holistic doctor recommended alternative remedies at the same time.
Right now I'm taking magnesium, horse chestnut, SAMe and astaxanthin.
Occasionally I do 10 day fresh juice fasting with chlorella and spirulina, organic chicken and vegetable broths, herbal teas and coconut water (Don't chew me out Keebler).
-------------------- Do not take this as medical advice. This comment is based on opinion and personal experience only.
Alaska Lone Wolf Posts: 6484 | From Columbus, GA | Registered: Jul 2004
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The mangosteen product (Ultra) I'm now taking has 72 minerals from Utah seabeds in it, and it's hardening my nails. If I can see this visible change, I bet that indicates that mineralization is going on bodywide.
Do any of you see a physical change when you take minerals? If so, do you consider your mineral product one of your "must" supplements?
Posts: 13153 | From San Francisco | Registered: May 2006
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I try to live a healthy lifestyle and eat right. I keep track of my calories and consumption of all elements. It is very important for me that I get the required amount of proteins, carbohydrates, etc. I still have a digestive problem, so not all supplements are suitable for me. Most often, they cause bloating, nausea. Therefore, I try to take separately fish oil, vitamins b6 and b12, D3, selenium...
My absolute must haves: - NADH - Magnesium threonate (works so much better for brain calming) - SOD - B6 - Zinc (the liquid sulfate works, others dont) - Pure amino acids (i use my own blend which i have found works best)
and im trying manganese now because im starting to suspect that HPU or KPU is actually creating the need for all these supplements...
With these and some lyme suppressing therapies (mhbot and pulsed tinidazole) i have made major improvements with my health. Also removing all supplements, foods and drugs that my body (and gut!) was sensitive to made a huge difference.
Posts: 381 | From The Netherlands | Registered: Nov 2013
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And so today i actually got my HPU test results in. And lo and behold im positive for HPU... Who would have known after all these years!?
Anyway, it kind of explains the weird genetic problems i inherited from my mothers side. Symptoms i had since i was a kid (way before i got lyme disease) and that my mother is now also experiencing now that she is getting older.
I can tell you one thing, HPU + lyme is a bad match! The lack of scientific research on HPU however is annoying me... is it even a real diagnosis? Well i cant argue with the fact that i somehow need B6 and zinc. Guess we will have to wait and see if Manganese also changes the picture?
Posts: 381 | From The Netherlands | Registered: Nov 2013
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I kind of improved from my initial lyme struggle last summer, this summer i have developed a strange cough and heaviness in lungs feeling along with pain in bottom of feet/random joints...seems like this might be coinfection? are there supplements to help with this?
i kind of stumpled on to the cats claw and otobo bark which seemed to help stop worsening but didn't seem to really begin rebuilding until i started taking medicinal mushroom powder (chaga/reshi and some more)... seems the omega 3 and other things are more used by you all?
Posts: 3 | From PA | Registered: Jul 2021
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My must supplements are definitely about sleep, as I have some problems having a good quality time to rest.
Posts: 1 | From UK | Registered: Oct 2021
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I never took supplements because I thought they were only bad for my health. But when I first started going to the gym, my trainer advised me to buy endurance supplements. My coach is an experienced person, so I trusted him. I spent a lot of time choosing supplements, but I decided after reading the information here . These supplements are really very effective and, most importantly, are not harmful to health.
[ 06-12-2022, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: JessiePoole ]
Posts: 1 | From USA | Registered: Jun 2022
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I take many of the supplements mentioned here, and have taken some for decades.
If I forget to take all my meds, there is one that reminds me-- mirapex for restless leg syndrome. I've been able to cut down on the doses recently, but still need it.
I will always take milk thistle because I know it does a good job of supporting the liver. It turned my eyes blue (from gray/green) when I first started taking it!
I also have to keep fluids up along with magnesium or I get leg cramping.
A LLMD told me that I no longer have lyme disease symptoms. Nice, but I'm still on maintenance.
I have a new set of chronic problems which is not for this forum to discuss. It's called old age, and osteo arthritis pain is the focus of my concerns now.
Posts: 559 | From New Mexico, USA | Registered: May 2007
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Hiker, I always say Old Age isn't for Sissies.:-D
I have found some relief. I started rifing with a Doug coil machine 3 years ago. I've responded well with Lyme disease.
Recently, I found out that a certain infection can be found in many who have stenosis. I tried a few frequencies and some worked pretty well.
Then, my hip joints started giving me pain. I found frequencies for osteo arthritis and one or two seem to work well for me.
Lymetutu, I've been paying attention to what could help, you are right, curcumin is one thing that I take that seems to help.
I'm avoiding whatever food doesn't treat me right. I'm gluten free, low carb, careful with processed food (chemicals), and eggs.
I also have to be careful with nightshade plants. They cause sore muscles and stiffness. I'm sure that indicates inflammation.
I still have moments of discomfort, or pain, when getting up out of a chair if I haven't been active.
I also get tired if I walk too much, and the pain level goes up.
Some days are better than others. I'm still glad to have my life, so that's saying something.
Posts: 559 | From New Mexico, USA | Registered: May 2007
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I know this thread is a bit old, but I wanted to chime in with some of my own experiences. I've been taking a daily multivitamin for years now, and I feel like it helps keep my immune system strong. I've also found that taking probiotics has helped with my digestion and overall gut health. As for food, I've started buying protein in bulk and cooking large batches so I can easily meal prep for the week. It's made a huge difference in my ability to stick to a healthy diet. I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with pain and inflammation. Have you tried any natural anti-inflammatory supplements like turmeric or ginger? I've heard they can be really helpful.
[ 03-27-2023, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: ralphmeyer ]
Posts: 1 | From USA Austin | Registered: Mar 2023
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