I've decided to go forward with the amalgam removal and mercury detox.
I want to supplement info I'm getting from my MD and DDS and am looking for really clear guidance on:
1. how quickly to get the amalgams out (I have 8)...all at once or over several visits (and how should visits be spaced)
2. what to take and do for detox before, during, and after.
I've read a lot at this point, but I feel like I really need step-by-step instructions. Like "Amalgam Removal and Mercury Detox for Dummies."
I also can't figure out from reading what part of detox you do while you're in the middle of getting the amalgams out (if you do them in quadrants) and what must wait until you have them all out.
Any help is appreciated. (GiGi?)
Posts: 343 | From Northern VA | Registered: Oct 2004
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I think every doctor you consult and every book you read will have a different protocol.
In my opinion I think the really important thing is to find someone who has treated Lyme patients! I think having tickborne ifections complicates this issue and makes you much more sensitive to toxins from metals and to the meds used for chelation.
This was not something that we intentionally did. Am glad you are researching protocols in advance. Just don't let the doc or dentist talk you into something without researching it 1st.
Hubby went thru mercury detox prior to contracting tickborne infections so not sure if protocol he used would work for you.
The calcium EDTA is the newest protocol for challenge tests and is favored by some docs because it can be done quickly.
Bea Seibert
Posts: 7306 | From Martinsville,VA,USA | Registered: Oct 2004
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Thanks for the advice about researching (it's a very good reminder that we all have to do our homework!) and for sharing your experience with the calcium EDTA and pepto. I hadn't heard of this before.
Your husband's story is quite frightening. I hope he is doing better now.
Posts: 343 | From Northern VA | Registered: Oct 2004
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I had mine out in quadrants, over about a years time. could have had the last quadrant quicker, but wanted to wait until the next year for insurance sake.
I decided not to do any chelation while I still had mercury, and so ended up stopping ALA, which I was taking sometimes for other reasons, for fear it would open up blood brain barrier and make things worse. I did take lots of chlorella around time of dental work and after.
I have Andrew Cutlers book on amalgam illness and chelation, which is very good. I also respect GiGi's advice and have found her suggestions, like chlorella helpful. So, I am confused about which way to go to start the actual chelation.
Posts: 222 | From Santa Cruz Mountains, CA USA | Registered: Nov 2004
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monkeyshines - Amalgam removal didn't help me, but YMMV and I wish you the best.
I had about the same number of fillings, and the process took about 1 to 2 years for me, which includes the chelation period after.
The process was not fun, largely due to incompetence that is all too common, and near impossible to weed out in advance. One tooth remained painful for about a year, another had the new filling fall out. That's a 25% problem/failure rate.
Be very wary of chlorella. It's so good at sucking up mercury that it will do so from the environment in which it is grown. One batch of Earthrise brand chlorella was so contaminated, it caused me severe breathing problems. My dentist tested it and declared it incredibly contaminated by mercury. How do you know if the batch you buy is not similarly contaminated?
During chelation, I tolerated DMSA fine, but just a few doses of ALA triggered migraine headaches that have continued for years.
Basically I was following the Cutler protocol. Realize in advance that what you see in his message forum is a very sanitized version. When I reported the problems above, those messages were very promptly deleted. Others have reported similar.
Getting well is a tough journey. Whatever path you decide upon, I wish you well.
Posts: 727 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2006
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I'm reviving this thread in hopes of getting new stories and follow ups to the old ones.
Of course, I'm finally having the amalgams removed and excited and petrified all at once. I have great faith in the dentist I've chosen but am questioning how many to do at once.
Again, any feedback appreciated!
Posts: 460 | From Illinois | Registered: Aug 2005
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