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Member # 8095
I've seen previous threads regarding the PK Protocol. I've found a doctor in TN who is interested in trying this. Aside from Gigi's experience, has anyone had success with the PK protocol? Each IV infusion is going to cost $175 per pop. I'm trying to figure out if I should pursue this.
Thanks so much.
Posts: 1155 | From Southeast | Registered: Oct 2005
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Member # 259
The P. Kane protocol, via IV, if you want to call it that, is a very expensive undertaking and is only worth it if you can do it longterm which is not possible for many. People do it and get an initial improvement and then plateau out.
Dr. K. has been using more and more of the oral Phospholipid Exchange for similar purposes. It is taken orally. It costs a lot less. It detoxifies heavy metals, hydrocarbons and environmental toxins and substantially enhances cardiovascular and circulatory health.
It is easy to take in a bit of juice; the amount to be determined by the practitioner depending on the patient's state of health. All I can say - it works. It is a great agent.
It contains Disodium EDTA, Essential Phospholipids, Magnesium Chloride, and Alpha Lipoic Acid in certain proportion. Not sure by memory if anything else.
I use it now occasionally to prevent any accumulation of any neurotoxins. Maybe one bottle distributed over a month or longer.
Along with chlorella, this is an ideal agent for the person who still has amalgams, to pre-detox, to help them open up the detox pathways before the amalgam removal, especially in a severely ill patient. The Phospholipid Exchange is a great first-line agent to get the patient to feel well before the sulphur containing detox agents (like DMPS, etc.) are used. I remember Dr. K. saying recently that it is one of the most important agents for him and has been that for some years.
Even children can use it and do well with it.
Take care.
P.S. Have your practitioner figure out the details. You can get Phospholipid Exchange at Biopure.
Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000
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Gigi, the oral phospholipid exchange is intriguing. I googled Biopure -- not the source. I tried P Kane's company BodyBio but also couldn't find the product there. Any other ideas about where to obtain it?
Posts: 211 | From NC | Registered: Dec 2005
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Gigi, the oral phospholipid exchange is intriguing. I googled Biopure -- not the source. I tried P Kane's company BodyBio but also couldn't find the product there. Any other ideas about where to obtain it?
Posts: 211 | From NC | Registered: Dec 2005
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Member # 7686
I have tried phospholipid exchange therapy (not necessarily as a part of a specific protocol). I had 8 or 10 weekly infusions of phosphatidyl choline, along with a Meiers cocktail and glutathione. It worked miraculously for me. My doc suggested it to treat my very persistent restless legs and neuro symptoms. My RLS was gone after about 3 or 4 treatments, and I haven't had any problems for probably 7 months (after suffering for years). I am off all meds I was taking for RLS (including dopamine). The only down side was that it did cause some wear and tear on my veins, which was cleared within a few weeks with horse chestnut supplements. (It's also expensive as you know.)
I tried phosphatidyl serine oral supplements for about 5 months before taking the infusions, and got no symptom relief from those.
Just my humble opinion! Good luck!
Posts: 393 | From Washington, DC | Registered: Jun 2005
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Member # 259
Phospholipid Exchange (taken orally) is very effective for major clean-up of body:
Will post more details about this in next day or two. Don't agree 100% with GiGi -- depends on how severe your neuro symptoms are -- in cases like hubby I feel that only the IV is effective -- don't necessarily agree that it has to be done forever either.
Very much depends on your specific symptoms and why you are doing this. Not cheap, but can be done much cheaper at home if you have a PICC line and are trained by a doc.
Got to go for now.
Bea Seibert
Posts: 7306 | From Martinsville,VA,USA | Registered: Oct 2004
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Member # 259
Be sure to follow up any phospholipid treatment, IV or oral, by addressing heavy metals that are being set in motion with it. It might also bring some viral or other microbial stuff to life. You need to be prepared for that. Any action causes a reaction - the ripple effects is what you need to watch for.
Take care.
Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 8095
Thanks so much to all of you for your thorough responses. It sounds like the results are good for some and not others. I'll let you know if I decide to try this. Thanks again.
Posts: 1155 | From Southeast | Registered: Oct 2005
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my boyfriend started doing phospholipid exchange last year. his protocol was 2 vials Lipostabl done as a blood exchange push IV, folllowed immediately by a 6ml glutathione push.
although he was started on a number of other nutritional supplements at the time, we believe it was primarily this treatment whcih miraculously repaired his liver.
he had been unable to take most supplements and almost no medications after suffering severe liver problems after long-term IV antibiotics and lyme and/or babesia or bartonella infections of his liver (hard to say whether the infection or the treatment were harder on his liver...).
although i'm sure in many cases it takes a long time for this to work, in his case his liver numbers were normalized after less than 2 weeks, or just 4 IVs. he has continued to do it 2xweek when his liver is stressed or every 2 weeks when it is not, and he has again been able to tolerate even very heavy IV antibiotics withough liver problems. before he started this, he had been through tons of treatments, and told by a great liver doc that he probably would not be able to use antibiotics again, so in his case it has been quite remarkable.
also, for him at least, unfortuantely the oral form of phospholipid from biopure did not render any results. it also was rather expensive, since he needed to take a huge amount to even notice anything. in the end, his doctor did not continue using it as a result. so i wouldn't assume that if the oral form doesn't work for you that the IV is necessarily a wash.... or vice versa.
if the IV push is important to your treatment, you (or maybe a family member) can probably learn to do it yourself, and it becomes dramatically less expensive, although still not cheap. it's not that hard, you just need to learn to hit a vein. i do it on him and on myself. you can buy the Lipostabl or other phospholopid yourself (we get it in germany) and the glutathione is readily available at lots of compounding pharmacies, as are all the injectable supplies, as long as you have a Rx. this can make it much more possible, financially.
best of luck, flossie
Posts: 773 | From yahoo.com | Registered: Dec 2002
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 8095
Hi everyone--
I told you I would let you know how I'm feeling after I started the PK Protocol. It was administered to me in Nashville by an alternative practitioner(Dr. R). My regular lyme physician is Dr. C in Missouri. Anyway, after the first IV infusion, I was very, very tired for the next couple of days. All I did was sleep. I even flet slightly nauseous. I started taking charcoal which made me feel better. By the third day, something pretty amazing happened. For the first time since I've had lyme, I woke up and my body was not tired. My feet and legs usually feel like I've been dancing in high heels until 3 a.m. the night before. It is now about 7 days after my first IV infusion, and my feet and legs still feel NORMAL!! Yeah!!! I did another one yesterday afternoon and don't feel as tired initially as I did after the first one. I also got a magnesium shot. I'll keep you posted on this.
Since I'm just an attorney and not a doctor, I obviously don't have a medical opinion about this. However, it is my lay opinion, that if I had not treated myself with antibiotics through Dr. C in Missouri first, I doubt I would be seeing these results from the PK Protocol. I stopped antibiotics around June 1 but have still felt exhausted, mentally and physicially. I almost felt like my body was just inflamed from toxins that were left behind. I feel that the PK Protocol, thus far, is helping to eliminate these.
As for cost, each time I do it (which is five vials a sitting), it is $195.
I'll keep you posted.
Hang in there everybody...I was incredibly ill and now I am sooooooooooooooooo much better..
Posts: 1155 | From Southeast | Registered: Oct 2005
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Member # 38323
Is anyone else doing this?
If you have done this, how long did you do it for?
My doc started me on it orally and may progress to IV.
The protocol is VERY expensive. My Lyme doctor's recommendations have been totally wrong my last 3 appointments.
Is this just another way for me to pad their wallet?
Posts: 2839 | From California | Registered: Jul 2012
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 11749
I inquired about doing this, with my CA doc (CA=$$) and was told that I would need to pay for customized fatty acid profiling with PK herself and then each IV would be be $350, and I would need one per week.
Infuserve has bags of phospholipids that are not customized - would this be a better shot?
Posts: 3528 | From US | Registered: Apr 2007
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350/week is out of control. I suppose those of us who've had our lives ruined and bank accounts drained by Lyme could always just jump off a bridge.
The cost of treating Lyme is part of the mess it makes of your life. This needs to change. NO ONE is talking about the out of control costs to treat Lyme. Just looking at a number like that makes me laugh. It's not even something I can consider....
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