I had my first IV DMPS last night, as well as neural therapy.
I finished having my amalgams out at the end of May, and have been on chlorella, garlic, cilantro and minerals before and since.
I felt pretty much fine after the treatment, but was kind of jittery last night (kept bouncing my leg), had really weird dreams (even more than usual), and woke up for good at 2 a.m.
In the past hour, my teeth have started to hurt. Not like hot/cold sensitivity, more of a mild throbbing in the jaw that gets worse when I bite down.
Am I reacting to the DMPS? If so, what's happening? I'd like to think this is good
Posts: 343 | From Northern VA | Registered: Oct 2004
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Member # 191
Hey monkey ...
I had a challenge test yesterday with DMPS. After the IV, I had to collect my urine for 6 hours and they will test it for the various metals.
One hour after the IV, I got very shaky. Felt like I did when I had sepsis. Flu-like, could not stop shaking. Very fatigued. But only lasted an hour. Then I was OK.
But weird thing is my sleep has been very disrupted for months due to horrible hormone fluctuations. I was lucky to get 4 hours a night. Was up every 2 hours flashing and drenched in sweat. I had to go abruptly off HRT in Jan when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
But last night I SLEPT LIKE A BABY. ALL NIGHT. And today feel like a million bucks.
I really feel there is some sort of correlation. Will be interesting to see how it goes over the next few nights.
After all my procrastinating, maybe it was the right thing to do to remove metals.
Let me know how you do.
Posts: 2276 | From NC | Registered: Oct 2000
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I will, ConnieMC, and let me hear from you, too.
I also had to pee into something that looked like a small plastic gasoline container for 8 hours! I'm still waiting for DHL to pick up my sample
Posts: 343 | From Northern VA | Registered: Oct 2004
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Member # 191
quote:Originally posted by monkeyshines:
I also had to pee into something that looked like a small plastic gasoline container for 8 hours!
LOL Me too!! Fun huh. I had to go out yesterday afternoon to take my daughter to the orthodonist, and took a little cooler with me. I had my pee cup with the top with me and had to pour it into the container after sneaking it out in my pocketbook. Didn't tell my daughter what I was doing. She would have been horrified. LOL.
Posts: 2276 | From NC | Registered: Oct 2000
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Based on hubby's experiences, if your teeth hurt I think it means the DMPS is pulling mercury out of your jawbones.
Don't quite know what to make of your reaction. Guess you are still seeing Dr V in Greensboro? Was the oral pill you took at home DMSA and then the IV DMPS? Did you also have calcium EDTA IV?
The oral pills at the office were probably ALA (alpha lipoic acid), NAC (n-acetylcysteine) and Tri-Salts (a couple of possibilities of ingredients). Could never get the doc to confirm the doses of these supplements that hubby took.
Hubby has had several DMPS challenges in the last 5 years since his tickborne illness began. Has also had the oral DMSA. No real reactions either way. Mercury level is normal since chelation was completed prior to tickborne illness. The calcium EDTA was what caused the horrible reaction -- pretty sure this killed off some Lyme bacteria.
Bea Seibert
Posts: 7306 | From Martinsville,VA,USA | Registered: Oct 2004
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Member # 191
quote:Originally posted by seibertneurolyme: Monkeyshines,
Based on hubby's experiences, if your teeth hurt I think it means the DMPS is pulling mercury out of your jawbones.
Don't quite know what to make of your reaction. Guess you are still seeing Dr V in Greensboro? Was the oral pill you took at home DMSA and then the IV DMPS? Did you also have calcium EDTA IV?
The oral pills at the office were probably ALA (alpha lipoic acid), NAC (n-acetylcysteine) and Tri-Salts (a couple of possibilities of ingredients). Could never get the doc to confirm the doses of these supplements that hubby took.
Hubby has had several DMPS challenges in the last 5 years since his tickborne illness began. Has also had the oral DMSA. No real reactions either way. Mercury level is normal since chelation was completed prior to tickborne illness. The calcium EDTA was what caused the horrible reaction -- pretty sure this killed off some Lyme bacteria.
Bea Seibert
Yep Bea, Dr. V. She has been after me for a year to do this. Finally read me the riot act when I was diagnosed with BC and swears it is related to metals. We will see.
I do not know all the details of what they did. That is not typical for me as I am usually asking questions about everything. I will find out more when I go back in a few weeks. They will be reviewing results then and give me some sort of treatment plan.
Did you know that both of Dr. V's parents died within a few days of one another recently? They were married sixty some years and her mother was diagnosed with cancer months back that was terminal. Her father nursed her mother to her death then discovered that he also had cancer and died a few days later. Wow, what a love story. They were both physicians.
Posts: 2276 | From NC | Registered: Oct 2000
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Thanks for the update. I had checked the doc's website recently and did know that her parents had both died, but not any of the details.
Think I would call the doc and let her know about your reaction -- maybe she can get test results faxed instead of waiting on mailed copies.
Just try to stay on her good side and don't overdo the questions -- you don't need a 30 day letter like hubby got. Stay calm, cool and collected -- I probably over-reacted with hubby, but doc was already looking for a reason to fire him as she didn't want to be involved with IV antibiotics in any way. At least that is the impression we got.
Bea Seibert
Posts: 7306 | From Martinsville,VA,USA | Registered: Oct 2004
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Member # 191
Yes, I emailed her. Since the reaction ended so quickly, I would imagine during that time the toxins were running around my body. It only lasted an hour. And I still feel "better" today than I have recently. So, coincidence? Who knows.
Yes, Dr. V can be feisty, but I have been impressed that we have had several debates about things and she does seem to listen to my side. The IV thing, I think she is a little leery of that anyway. Not IV antiobiotics as a treatment for Lyme, but I think she lacks experience with it and doesn't feel quite comfortable with the home infusion thing. She certainly is very smart but is rather set in her ways and opinionated.
But she is different than most.
I have always wondered why she moved her practice from VA to NC. Does it have anything to do with the laws?
I just hate that this sort of medicine, the kind that helps me the most, is not covered by insurance. Perhaps, one day the insurance companies will see the light.
Posts: 2276 | From NC | Registered: Oct 2000
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She probably moved because of the economy. Martinsville had the highest unemployment rate in Virginia for almost all of last year.
In last 5 years all the textile plants have closed (moved production to Mexico mostly) and the furniture factories have cut way back (moved production to China mostly) -- thousands of jobs lost and thousands of people moved out of the city and county as well (Henry County).
Was very depressing to move back here after traveling for 4 years for medical treatment and find all the Cash Advance companies which had moved in and the newest construction was a new Goodwill Store, a new Salvation Army store and new offices for Social Security Administration.
Bea Seibert
Posts: 7306 | From Martinsville,VA,USA | Registered: Oct 2004
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