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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » herxing on abx for parasites?!

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Author Topic: herxing on abx for parasites?!
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for monkeyshines     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I was recently diagnosed with several parasites (tapeworm, roundworm, and toxoplasmosis). My LLMD has put me on a cycle of 4 different abx.

I'm on the 2nd one, and I'm herxing like mad. I started feeling somewhat lousy on the first one (praziquantil, which I took for 5 days), but am really getting sucker punched by the 2nd (albendazole, which I'll be on for a week before moving to the third).

My joint and tendon pain is much worse all over, but my wrists, elbows, and hands are especially bad. Neuropathy much worse, with much more pronounced burning (whereas it's usually more tingling). Generalized skin itching, which I have from allergies but is usually controlled by allergy meds.

I'm drinking lots of filtered water and taking milk thistle.

I guess I wasn't planning for this....thought it would be different than being on abx specifically for lyme. As I'm also averaging 4-5 hours sleep these days (have been for months, predating these abx), I'm feeling pretty lousy, but am not in a good position to be taking time off from work.

Is this surprising? Anyone else have experiences on abx for parasites?


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You might want to PM 'Semi-retired.' He spoke very enthusiastically about his abx treatment for parasites in a recent post. He may be able to tell you what his experience was during treatment, which was not included in that post.


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My guess is that you are killing lots of parasites that are releasing other things into your body also, like heavy metals. You might want to consider adding chlorella to try and bind as much as possible and get it out of your system.

Be well,

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albendazole is a 'zole' so most likely is related to metronidazole (flagyl) so I would think you might be hitting lyme cysts as well - could this be it?

Hope you are able to control the herx and that you feel much better when it is over ;0)

�Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.� - Ezre Taft Benson

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Hang in there! I'll bet you'll feel tons better once you get those 'sites under control!! [group hug]

Opinions, not medical advice!

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I'm think chlorella high doses may help too!


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These two aren't antibiotics they're antiparasiticals. I think you should contact your doctor ASAP and let him/her know what's going on.

I'm wondering about the schedule because Albenza is typically Rxed for 28 days on, 14 off for three cycles and you say you will be on it for only a week.

I was on both meds and didn't have that reaction but I believe I now know what is actually wrong with me and it's not parasites. The patient handout for Albenza does say you can have a temporary worsening of symptoms with die off.

Have you had a brain MRI and Echo of your Liver? If so, were there any lesions? If those buggers are in your brain it would show up as an odd lesion, a cyst.

Corticosteroids are usually prescribed along with Albenza if you have neurocyst..... something, meaning parasites in the brain to prevent seisures etc. Serious s___

Please don't just try to tough your way through it and call your doc. Any advice other than that would be pure conjecture and a herx isn't necessarily a good thing but I hope it is for you.


Posts: 52 | From California | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Thanks for the advice and support.

SForsgren and hardynaka -- I already have some chlorella at home, so I'm going to go ahead and add it in.

Semi-Retired, thanks for replying. per clairenotes' advice I looked for your earlier discussion but couldn't find it.

I'm on the following cycle:

Praziquantil 300 mg every 4 hours, 5 days
Albendazole, 400 mg twice daily, 10 days
Mebendazole, not sure of dosing yet
Tindamax, " "

To clarify, my LLMD says I'll do repeated cycles of this, possibly up to 3 or 4 months total. That estimate is based on my having been treatment resistant in terms of lyme so far (2.5 years of oral and IV abx followed by 1.5 of naturopathic tx; no progress, only worsening of symptoms).

I haven't had an MRI since I first started having symptoms 6 years ago. No liver scan.

I already have an LLMD appt. on Friday (I have to get bloodwork done on my liver every week to 10 days and go in every two weeks during this tx), but I'm going to call tomorrow. This really feels kind of toxic.


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Icon 1 posted      Profile for seibertneurolyme     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I know ConnieMc was treated for tapeworm by itself and I think it was pretty rough -- can't remember what she was prescribed.

All antiparasite drugs are very toxic -- if you are not having diarrhea then I am not sure if the parasites are being killed off.

Hubby took Nigerian herbs for his parasites -- can't say for sure, but I think that is what finally did in his adrenal system. He started with his loss of consciousness episodes after parasite treatment -- couldn't make it from the bed to the bathroom in the morning without passing out at least once. This is after the diarrhea stopped.

Low dose Cortef stopped these episodes so I do attribute them to adrenal fatigue even though tilt table test was normal.

Hubby had giardia, trichostrongylus and ascaris (round worm).

I know if this was hubby I would only try treating one parasite at a time -- don't think he could tolerate the drug regimen you are on.

This is my opinion and not medical advice.

Bea Seibert

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That's an interesting protocol MS. I've read in general to go after one critter at a time, from small to large. Do you know if he developed it himself or from someone else?

Then there is the protocol developed by that guy who was treating Morgellons which is what I was doing with Albenza added in. I did Biltricide, Albenza, Ivermectin and Diflucan.

How were you diagnosed and which lab? Bea, if you come back, how was your husband dxed?

Let us know how it goes MS; I know how it is to do abx and herbs etc. and feel worse and never better. Perhaps this is your biggest problem and will get you back!


Posts: 52 | From California | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Tim, I was tested by DiagnosTech, using stool and saliva. I don't know if this is my LLMDs home-grown treatment, I'll have to ask.

Bea, I'm not having diarrhea. If anything, I'm a little bit towards the opposite in spite of lots of water and fiber. Could you elaborate on why you think that means it's not working? I really want these buggers out!


Posts: 343 | From Northern VA | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Found this in my favorites, thought it may be of some interest to you, a discussion of parasites:;f=1;t=043842

What did your doc have to say?


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Icon 1 posted      Profile for HaplyCarlessdave   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
There is probably a little bit of a real herxheimer-like phenomenon when treatment is started for any pathogen, but there is an especially strong such effect with spirochetes such as Lyme or Syphilis.

There are plenty of other mechanisms that could cause a somewat similar effect, though.

"Antibiotic" literally means "toxic". These drugs are much more toxic to the lyme (or ehrlichia, or other pathogen) than to the host (you). But there is going to be some toxicity. In a broad sense, of course, that could be classified as a "herx", the effect is similar, though the toxins involved don't come from the lyme spirochetes.

Thus, the drugs for the parasites you are taking could well cause a reaction.

Well, I hope this reaction does not last long for you! Good luck with it.

Posts: 4567 | From ithaca, NY, usa | Registered: Nov 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Tim, thanks for the link. I didn't have a chance to question my doc re: whether her protocol is her own. There's always too much to cover at a visit, though she's generous with her time, and I was determined to focus on sleep (or rather, the fact that I've only been getting 4-5 hours of it a nite for the past 6 months or so).

I did learn I'll go onto BOTH medendazole and tindamax next (would have started today, but the pharmacy didn't have them in stock). I expect to be having my butt kicked even worse for a while. She did say that what I'm feeling is the parasite die off, and cautioned me again to get a CBC run every week without fail. She added another liver protective supplement as well.

As if spirochetes weren't enough.....


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Has anyone used 'Diatomaceous Earth' instead to de-worm?

Supposedly safe?

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