Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 11290
I went to the doctor and he said I have a "real" problem. My yeast is systemic. He looked at my throat, eyes, etc., and did a blood test. I had fasted for 12 hours.
He wants to put me on diflucan 200 for at least 30 days.
I am having breathing difficulties and my chest rattles when I breathe. He's going to do x-rays and finish complete workup.
He told me to make sure I stop any and all antibiotics until further notice. I had already stopped them weeks ago and started on B's protocol.
This is my primary and not a LLMD. He also stated again that my symptoms are not lyme, and they're yeast. I didn't argue. No sense. He's got his mind made up about lyme.
My question is: Can I continue the B protocol? I told him I really don't want to go on diflucan but he said there is no other alternative if you have systemic yeast. He also wants me to stop all herbs, vitamins, etc., everything and just do diflucan.
I've read alot on here and I'm not quite sure that's accurate. Not that I don't doubt it, well, uh, yeah, I guess I do.
What would you do?
-------------------- do not look back when the only course is forward Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 10375
Dear Randibear,
I don't know about diflucan and the protocol, but when I was on 200 mg of diflucan I had a
real bad herx!!!! May want to ramp up slowly.
I believe yeast also releases a die off effect.
Watch your diet. Take your probiotics.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Posts: 6250 | From Louisiana | Registered: Oct 2006
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"Successful control and elminiation of a Candida Albicans overgrowth requires a multifaceted program as described below. Failure to follow ALL the steps simultaneously will result in slow progress and will lengthen healing time significantly. The program should be tailored to the individual and must balance the need to eliminate the Candida and deprive it of its food source while insuring proper nutrition for the individual."
Five Steps to Candida Elimination:
1. You must starve it into submission by eliminating its food source.
2. You must kill it with anti-fungal herbs and supplements. [e.g....garlic, onion, caprylic acid, Pau D'Arco capsules or tea, clove, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, tea tree oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal, black walnut, MSM, barberry root, uva ursi, neem leaf, biotin]
3. You must reestablish the proper balance and quantity of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract. [...multi-strain lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus capsules with FOS should be taken between meals to maximize repopulation of the digestive tract by beneficial bacteria.]
4. You must reestablish proper levels of all B vitamins (yeast free) and utilize other immune enhancing supplements to boost immune system function. [e.g ... B complex vitamins (yeast free), biotin, beta 1-3 glucan, colostrum, maitake mushroom, vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium]
5. You must cleanse and heal the digestive tract to promote proper elimination of toxins and Candida and assimilation of nutrients. [e.g...chlorophyll, MSM, omega 3 fatty acids found in flax seed and salmon oils, GLA found in borage, evening primrose and black currant oils. Pantothenic acid, digestive enzymes between meals]
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96233 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 8165
Sorry to hear that, take the difflucan, but like others said watch for the dyeoff reaction, so go slowly. I would try half a pill and work your way up.
I also had breathing problems which i think may have been the yeast. Diflucan got rid of my right side body numbness, the no feeling in my right leg and foot,
breathing issues, the odd feeling i got when driving like i was freefalling.
I did get increased symptoms mainly numbness for me, and neck pain but it got a bit easier to tolerate.
Stick to the diet too, it really helps, I dont eat any sugar and very low carbs and feel much better.
Im glad that your primary dr caught this.
-------------------- "Say it straight simple and with a smile."
"Thus the task is, not so much to see what no one has seen yet, But to think what nobody has thought yet, About what everybody sees."
pos babs, bart, igenex WB igm/igg Posts: 3156 | From Lyme limbo | Registered: Oct 2005
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diflucan knocked my socks off-watch for liver enzymes. The yeast also hold heavy metals which likely contributes to the extra load on the liver.
Posts: 202 | From vancouver, canada | Registered: Jun 2005
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 7348
All I can tell you is I had to stop all treatment a few months in because of a raging everywhere yeast infection.
I was sicker than when I started.
It turned out the yeast had mimicked every Lyme symptom and then some. A month on Nizoral and no sugars and I was like a new person. Then I was able to treat again without complications.
I herxed and herxed hard, for a few days, from yeast die off. I felt a million times better afterward. Seems my treatment had been working well.
Personally, in my non-medical opinion this is more imortant than killing keets. Take care of this now and then you can go on.
I hope the Diflucan works well for you and soon this is all behind you.
-------------------- more light, more love more truth and more innovation Posts: 3783 | From somewhere other than here | Registered: May 2005
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My LLMD went so far as to tell me if I wasn't religious about taking the full doses of probiotics she prescribed then she wouldn't treat me.
I did take Diflucan for two weeks a while ago, while still on antibiotics(and probiotics), but don't remember anything particular happening.
Well, good luck, I can't answer your question, but I hope it all works out for you.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 7935
Hey randibear,
Sorry to hear about your yeast infection. Systemic yeast can be very serious. And can make you feel just as sick as lyme. Been fighting systemic yeast myself lately.
I am on sporanox. A broad sprectrum anti-fungal and have had some very powerful die off's -herx's. Last week I had a dermal herx which for me has only ever happened when taking abx combos for lyme. So, I know for me, the anti-fungals do hit some of the lyme.
It will be interesting to see if some of my lyme symptoms clear up. I have already had some amazing days...but also some brutal herx's for which I was not expecting at all.
I personally would listen to your doctor & take the diflucan. he may be concerned that other herbs & supps may do two things:
1- interferr with your diflucan- There has not been alot of studies on the interaction of herbs or supps for that matter regaurding interactions.
2- Diflucan can put a strain on your liver. Specially at long term use. So not a good idea to take a chance with some herbs or supps that might also tax the liver.
Make sure to space your pro-biotiocs also at least 2 hours apart from the diflucan. Same as in taking the abx.
Hope this helps & you are feeling better soon Blessings Dana
-------------------- 5dana8 Posts: 4432 | From some where over the rainbow | Registered: Sep 2005
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 773
Yeast have zinc fingers also, thrive on sugar ->ethanol (which Bb ``moves away from'') and CO2 (a germ killer), binds via a fibronectin receptor also, creates additional reactive oxygen molecules, makes cholesterol...
Furthermore, the Th2 dominant cytokine pattern was significantly augmented in the presence of Candida albicans infection.
Downregulates Th1?
This is what I would do:
Essential Formulas probiotics. 5 capsules 2x/day one hour before a meal with a full glass of water. They are expensive, but worth it!
GlucoReg by Solaray. Follow directions. (Chromium + acids)
Coconut oil.
And I'd ask to repeat the test to be sure there wasn't a lab mistake.
Wait a second...
Let me make sure I understand you...he dx'd you with systemic yeast PRIOR to seeing blood test results?
Even if you had thrush (oral yeast - and you would KNOW IT !), that is still "confined" to the digestive system and not in the blood stream.
The shortness of breath and rattle is OFTEN bronchitis. INFLAMMATION of the bronchial tubes.
Can this be lyme related? It sure is TNF alpha related in COPD...chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. And we KNOW TNF alpha soars in lyme.
"The high level of TNF-alpha in the SSP (spit) of COPD-HI patients is in accord with the proposed role of TNF-alpha in the development of airway obstruction in COPD patients."
PMID: 10988111
This (lung problem) is not rare in lyme. It has to do with an enzyme called elastase.
The development of COPD , and in particular emphysema, is thought to be due to the imbalance between the destructive elastase and protective AAT (alpha-1 antitrypsin).
Elastase is released by our neutrophils (most abundant WBC). These WBCs also bind zinc...Bb has "zinc fingers". So the neutrophils are one of our main "fighters".
What is elastase?
An enzyme, a protein, that breaks down elastin connective tissue. It is the body's normal response to injury and inflammation. It breaks down proteins so that they can be removed and recycled by the body, but if its action is not regulated, it will begin to break down healthy tissue.
Protein can be broken down as an alternative glucose source for the brain which has a hard time using amino acids from the breakdown of fats to make glucose and supply energy.
Elastase levels can be measured. Elastase is sometimes high in HIV also. An HIV doctor (specialist)may be more aware of this.
This might help (with neuro too):
Ginkgo extract contains flavonglycosides which have strong anti-inflammatory activity and are especially effective at inhibiting increased capillary permeability.
We therefore hypothesized that NO inhibits elastase by suppressing mitogen-activated protein kinases that trans-activate AML1B, a transcription factor for elastase.
NO is nitric oxide. Once again, it dilates the vessels.
IF you do decide to try Diflucan, be prepared for the die-off release of neurotoxins from the yeast. There are many "absorbers" recently listed on this website.
Yeast infections can be determined via a simple stool (BM) specimen.
[ 24. March 2007, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: Marnie ]
Posts: 9430 | From Sunshine State | Registered: Mar 2001
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My Dr. put me on Nystatin the day I started taking antibiotics (37) months ago. He instructed me to take this as long as I take antibiotics. So far I have not had any problem.
I was wondering if I can still get systemic yeast?
Posts: 69 | From mississippi | Registered: Feb 2007
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 11290
He said I had systemic after the blood work. Don't know what kind of "systemic" but he assured me I have a bad problem.
-------------------- do not look back when the only course is forward Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 4749
What had you been doing in the way of diet and probiotics up till that point?
Posts: 2824 | From The Back of Beyond | Registered: Oct 2003
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Also, you might ask your dr for some Nystatin to take on a regular basis while on abx. It will NOT cause any problems with your liver. Very benign.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96233 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 11290
I am on my third bottle of theralac. I thought it was to treat yeast but apparently not for me. I had all these tests done after stopping the antibiotics and had been on the Theralac (at one per day plus milk thistle and acidolphilis) for three months.
My doc had not heard of Theralac but said he thought I was taking too many vitamins and supplements. Since he is a primary doc, he had not heard of Buhner and was openly skeptical about herbs stating that "many people have died of interactions because they didn't know what they were doing."
I have an appt with another doc in May for my lyme. That's as soon as I can get in. I also have an appt with someone in Denton, recommended by a friend) who does soe kind of treatment.
Right now I feel like crap.........
-------------------- do not look back when the only course is forward Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007
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Kathy Boss
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 3062
Hello randibear,
Systemic Yeast can be very hard to get rid of.
Mine was found while doing a BRADFORD blood viewing. 9 months of enzymes did the trick for me.
I believe it was by American Biologics "Forte 500" I know I took 90,000 mils a day.
It was so long ago but it worked.
Wishing you the best of health, today, tomrrow and always, Kathy
Posts: 1092 | From CA | Registered: Sep 2002
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If you have an LLMD, I know I certainly would feel better getting a second opinion from someone educated about Lyme.
I take VSL#3 in addtion to Theralac and Ultra Flora. I also take Nystatin, use lots of coconut oil and avoid all sugar. But I'm doing this to avoid yeast.
Once you have it, you really have to work hard to get rid of it.
-------------------- sixgoofykids.blogspot.com Posts: 13449 | From Ohio | Registered: Feb 2007
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 7136
Diflucan is great*)!*)! My LLMD gave it to me prophylactically so I wouldn't devleop a problem-
I would listen to your doc and take it!!!!!!!!!
-------------------- There is no wealth but life. -John Ruskin
All truth goes through 3 stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. - Schopenhauer Posts: 5639 | From Aptos CA USA | Registered: Apr 2005
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"Successful control and elminiation of a Candida Albicans overgrowth requires a multifaceted program as described below. Failure to follow ALL the steps simultaneously will result in slow progress and will lengthen healing time significantly. The program should be tailored to the individual and must balance the need to eliminate the Candida and deprive it of its food source while insuring proper nutrition for the individual."
Five Steps to Candida Elimination:
1. You must starve it into submission by eliminating its food source.
2. You must kill it with anti-fungal herbs and supplements. [e.g....garlic, onion, caprylic acid, Pau D'Arco capsules or tea, clove, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, tea tree oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal, black walnut, MSM, barberry root, uva ursi, neem leaf, biotin]
3. You must reestablish the proper balance and quantity of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract. [...multi-strain lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus capsules with FOS should be taken between meals to maximize repopulation of the digestive tract by beneficial bacteria.]
4. You must reestablish proper levels of all B vitamins (yeast free) and utilize other immune enhancing supplements to boost immune system function. [e.g ... B complex vitamins (yeast free), biotin, beta 1-3 glucan, colostrum, maitake mushroom, vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium]
5. You must cleanse and heal the digestive tract to promote proper elimination of toxins and Candida and assimilation of nutrients. [e.g...chlorophyll, MSM, omega 3 fatty acids found in flax seed and salmon oils, GLA found in borage, evening primrose and black currant oils. Pantothenic acid, digestive enzymes between meals]
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96233 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 4117
i would do what the dr treating you said to and go back later if you want.
-------------------- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Remember Iam not a Doctor Just someone struggling like you with Tick Borne Diseases.
One of the most impressive benefits of Cumanda is its antifungal action. Physicians report that it is effective in treating many difficult to treat fungi including Mycosis fungoides, Candida krusei, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger, to name a few.
Even in small doses it gave me horrible gas.
That would certainly be a high price to pay to get well, I'm well, I did stuff that was so incredibly dangerous, Cumanda is not one of them.
Posts: 121 | From Memphis, TN | Registered: Dec 2004
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