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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » how long after levaquin can tendon damage occur?

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Author Topic: how long after levaquin can tendon damage occur?
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for monkeyshines     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hello all. I've been absent for a while. I kind of gave up after landing in the hospital with c. diff. during my second round of rocephin earlier this year.

My question concerns tendon pain. I don't *think* Levaquin is the culprit with my most recent problem, but want to get your thoughts.

I developed unexplained crushing pain in my forearm seven years ago, which looking back I would probably describe as being in the tendon. Leading up to that I had been having a weird pain deep above my right shoulder blade, especially when walking or running (imagine!), but the forearm was what first sent me to a doctor.

I was undiagnosed for two years. During my first year with my LLMD (so, four years ago) I did a round of Levaquin (as well as a number of other orals).

In spite of significant and varied treatment in the past five years, the pain has spread to all areas of my body since then. Most recently, my achilles tendons started hurting so badly one day that I can't wear shoes that touch the backs of my feet or heels, and walking and climbing stairs has become a real problem.

It's been my experience to date that once the pain has reached a new area of my body, it never leaves, though which is worse at any given time (forearms, elbows, thumbs, neck/jaw, etc.) varies.

While my joints also seem to hurt, I think it's really whatever tissue connects the various parts of my body that is the problem. I have, for example, varying levels of pain all the way down the backs of my legs, and occasionally get what I describe as 'migraines' all the way down exactly one side of my body from head/face/jaw, through shoulder to hand, and lessening in intensity down through my hip and foot. If I try stretching, it sents me into a worse flare.

If my pain has always seemed to be in my tendons, can I attribute the subsquent tendon problems, and this specifically, four years later, to Levaquin? And is there anything I can do about it anyway?

Until now, believe it or not I would have described myself as someone who was basically healthy, but has some bad pain and moderate neurological issues. At this point, my body just plain feels sick.

Thanks for reading.


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Icon 1 posted      Profile for pamoisondelune     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
If your Achilles tendon hurts, if i were you, I'd stop taking Levaquin at once! ...just based on what i've heard... The blurb on Levaquin in the doctor's drug prescribing book, i think, does say it causes tendon damage, doesn't it? (I'm not checking anything to be careful).

My LLMD told me, i think, if my memory is corrrect, that he doesn't prescribe Levaquin because it causes tendon damage.

Just some unverified impressions...

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Thanks for the reply, pamoisondelune. I actually took the Levaquin four years ago (sorry...I know my message was kind of long and that was probably buried).

I had tendon pain before taking it (I think that's where my disease is most focused), and have had a steady spread in tendon pain since. The achilles is just the lates part of my body to start hurting.


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Hi monkeyshines:

You are not the only one to suspect Levaquin to be a factor in developing tendon damage even years after stopping the drug.

"The effects of quinolone antibiotics are cumulative. Each person has a unique threshold of tolerance that once surpassed releases symptoms corresponding to various disorders, with long-lasting and permanent damage.

In 1982 spontaneous tendon ruptures were reported to have occurred long after such therapy had been terminated. In some cases well over a year later."


For more info on long term tendon damage and personal experiences:

You can also go to and type in Levaquin. Hope you find something to help you.


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My understanding is that Levaquin can cause tendon damage, but you say you had the pain years before you took Levaquin, if I am understanding you correctly.

I am having a difficult time understanding how it could have caused problems before you took it.

I would definitely discuss it with my LLMD if I were you,


Posts: 2407 | From over the river and through the woods | Registered: Apr 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I heard of one person that got damage after one pill and it took over a year to resolve.

Be well,

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The first symptom of tendon damage caused by levaquin can show up up to 18 months after taking it.

This means that during the first 18 months after taking levaquin, new and long lasting tendinitis could be linked with the antibiotic, or at least check up that possibility.

Once the tendinitis caused by levaquin has surfaced at one point (the most stressed one normally), they can spread through the body, as long as new groups of muscles and joints are submitted to a small increases of activity.

In cases of serious degradation of the connective tissue of the tendons caused by the direct toxicity of levaquin, the tendinitis can last for life. Most tendinitis, however, heal after a few years specially if there is not a lack of muscle tone.

It is not common at all that the first signs of tendinits emerge 4 years after the exposure to levaquin.

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Thanks, all.

It was actually a NP that I hadn't seen before who mentioned Levaquin at my last LLMD visit, but given the amount of time that's passed since I took it, she seemed uncertain as to whether that could be the cause. She wanted to retest me for bart, for which I've always tested negative (other co-infections, too).

lymednva - I don't know for sure if it was my tendon that hurt in the beginning (and it was a long time --- 7 years -- ago). I remember I thought maybe my arm was broken (though I've never had a broken arm, so I'm not actually sure what that feels like), but it didn't seem like it was coming from any joint and it didn't feel muscular. Since there was nothing wrong with the bone, I just guess it was the tendon.


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Icon 1 posted      Profile for treepatrol     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Mine didnt start tearing until beginning of 3rd month but continued to hurt over a year.

edit for helping magnesium is said to help with levaquin problems.
I would bet on b12 injections helping also it helps the red blood cells do there job right.

[ 07. February 2008, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: treepatrol ]

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Posts: 10564 | From PA Where the Creeks are Red | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 4 posted      Profile for LocalMan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I had achilles tendo then even more dramatic shoulder connective tissue/rot cuff issues surface over the last couple years...I push my body hard but there still seemed no direct correlation to achilles would fire off no matter what I was doing...this was after initially treating for lyme (with amox) 4 years ago. I had short doses of quinolones (?) like 15 years ago for sinus issues.

I was of the opinion it was the lyme itself creating the tendon damage or at the least making it worse.

This is now complicated by fact I started levaquin 2 weeks ago and am suspicious that both achilles are now painful, way up into the calf muscles, after just some easy runs and xc skiing.


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Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Remember Iam not a Doctor Just someone struggling like you with Tick Borne Diseases.

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Posts: 10564 | From PA Where the Creeks are Red | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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LocalMan....Be careful with that stuff!

Opinions, not medical advice!

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I have had all the types of pain you talk about. The crushing arm pain in forearms really stands out as well as achilles tendon pain and pain down one side of body.

I've never been on Levaquin. I've been on amoxicillin, bactrim, doxycycline and now ceftin. Also another for mastitis a couple of yrs. ago but I don't remember what it was.

I think the crushing pain in my arms is nerve pain along with some of the pain down my right side.

I'm guessing your pain probably wasn't initially caused by Levaquin but maybe it made it worse.


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Icon 4 posted      Profile for LocalMan     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I hope so. I have had bouts of tendonitis all thru my running career, but with all the !@#$ I'm taking now, I'm paranoid...

My shoulder went balistic last summer (after a long time simmering, and about 2 months after lyme relapse...this was b4 levaquin but just barely after starting zithromax)...achilles on and off last couple years, no real rhyme to about 5 weeks ago (just after levaquin) rt knee worked into a tedonitis, but I had been really working it skiing....and now other shoulder is it's hard to make heads or tails.

I really hope this is herx!


Posts: 212 | From Eastern CA | Registered: Apr 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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