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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Mepron??

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for UnexpectedIlls     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I am to start this.. I was reading on it and it says it is used for some kind of Pneumonia... If this is used for babesia, than I really dont understand the purpose of this med?

Can someone help me understand what Mepron does?

Also is it ok to take this with all the other drugs I am on : Zith, Septra, Plaquenil, ART (havent added YET), Samento,

I am reading a lot of things saying that Mepron is HELL... getting quite nervous [Frown]

[ 17. August 2008, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: UnexpectedIlls ]

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Shandy, Mepron is an anti-parasitic. That means it kills parasites. Babesia is a parasite.

Often drugs are used "off-label" to treat other conditions than the one indicated.

You can read about Mepron in Dr. B's guidelines and other articles on the ILADS site,


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Mepron has worked great for me...I'm actually getting a few brain cells back! I don't mind the taste at all...I always take it in front of my daughter because it grosses her out so much! (It looks like yellow finger paint).

Hope it works for you too.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for groovy2   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hi Ills

Babs is a Close relative to Malaria -

Google -- WHO Malaria --

Same meds are used to treat both -

Mepron work Very Good for Babs but it
has to be taken Contentiously -Every Day -

No Breaks - Take at Same Time each day-
Dont miss any doses - it Matters--Jay--

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Your doctor probably already told you this, but Mepron's action is facillitated by fat consumption so you should take it with food which contains some fat.

If there isn't fat in the meal I take it with, I just add butter to something. Lots of people take it with some peanut butter. I also take my fish oil supp at the same time.

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I haven't had any bad experiences on it and I'm on double dose (2tsp twice a day). I always take it after I finish my meal . Maybe if you took it before a meal or on an empty stomach it could upset your stomach.
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for sixgoofykids   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Mepron is anti-malarial. Babesia is a malaria-like illness.

When I started Mepron in the beginning, I improved from 15% to 25% nearly immediately. During my first herx, I fell a little below 15%, then saw improvement afterward. I saw steady improvement on Mepron.

It mixes with your other meds.


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Icon 6 posted      Profile for charlie     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Shandy....mepron, yep. with some of the fatigue and stuff you've described, babs is a good bet.

You ought to get a reaction of some sort after 5 days on mepron, but don't panic it gets over with and it's worth the aches and pains.


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Icon 5 posted      Profile for Brainspud     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I've heard you are supposed to pulse mepron 5 days on, 2 off. Another person I know was told 3 weeks on 1 off. Hmmm. . .

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Hi Spud

Yep some people are pulsing Babs meds but
from my experience every time I stopped
mepron I lost ALL the progress that I had made-

Each time is was like starting over again
back at square one -
My LLMD agrees with me -

The main cause of Malaria relapse is not taking the meds for long enough --

Google -- WHO Malaria --

The meds that the WHO uses causes Very Bad herxs-
and once the people get feeling better they
quit taking there meds-- and relapse -

WHO now Forces the people to take there
meds Every Day in front of a nurse and when the person finishes there meds they get a payment of some money or food-

Its been been awhile since I saw the TV program
about it so I dont remember exactly how the
payment worked -

I took the malaria meds that the WHO uses
and the Herx was so Painful and Scary
I can understand why there is problems
getting people to finish the meds -

The herx last 3 days but it makes Everything I have gone threw before seem like a party -

The WHO treatment uses
Premiquine and Chlorquine

The Tiny little pills are smaller than a
baby aspirin -but Extremely Powerful -
and expensive - $200 - Walgreens --

Hope this helps --jay--

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Thank you all so much!!

I am to start taking it this morning.... but I always get freaked before I have to start a new med and than it takes me a week to get some courage... [Embarrassed]

"You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point you thought it was the end"

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I have been on Mepron two weeks and so far no reaction. However, a few nights for about 45 minutes I got shaky and my temp went a bit above 99 or so....not much other than that. No real improvement yet. My doc said don't expect much the first month.

I take it with a teaspoon of Carlson mercury free Cod Liver Oil after a meal. Sometimes with Almond butter as well.

I try to take the same time each day, always after breakfast and normally after dinner around 6 or 7 pm. Does it have to be exact. Is it okay if I take it at 4pm one day or 8 pm another on the odd occasion?

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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I've only been on a week and a half and already seeing amazing results. (more than 2 months on doxy for the lyme). My bp is up to normal, I have more aerobic capacity, and my hyperacusis is slightly better. I have a lot of hope for recovery. I think this medicine is liquid gold for my health problems.

Groovy2, Thanks for the info. Makes sense to me. On my first pulse, I went a little downhill.

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Originally posted by Brainspud:
I've only been on a week and a half and already seeing amazing results. (more than 2 months on doxy for the lyme). My bp is up to normal, I have more aerobic capacity, and my hyperacusis is slightly better. I have a lot of hope for recovery. I think this medicine is liquid gold for my health problems.

Groovy2, Thanks for the info. Makes sense to me. On my first pulse, I went a little downhill.

I haven't had any results. Are you on a special diet? I was going to start Dr. S's (The Lyme Solution) Inflammation diet with the exception of only a few fruit servings a week due to abx.


Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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As with any tx for Lyme and co's individual reaction varies. It also depends on which strain of babs you have.

I was on Mepron and Biaxin for a year. I still herx, but not as badly as in the beginning. My LLMD recently switched me to Bactrim and upped my artemisinin dosage.

He doesn't like to keep patients on the same med for more than a year.


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Is there debate over how mepron should be taken? I was given a 30 day prescription and then my doctor said would give me a new
prescription when I see her this month. Problem is, the initial prescription is 210ml and they can't do a refill for 90 ml which
I need till my next appointment. So I am having a hard time having my doc order another 210 so now I may have nothing for the
next week till my next appointment. Is this okay? I hear some docs pulse the dose, 3 weeks on, one off and some say to go straight through.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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Shandy, I think you may see some results once you start babs treatment. Often someone will see few results if they have babs that is not being treated.

Richedie, I'd talk to your LLMD about what to do.


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About the almond butter.....I don't want to spread rumors and have no idea if this is true or not, but I thought I would warn you just in case so you can do your own research.... but I heard almonds may interact with Mepron.

I have no idea why, just something I heard, so you might want to skip the almond butter if you are concerned about it.

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My LLMD suggested almond butter as a good fat to take Mepron with. [Smile]


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Everyone is different. I went on the infection diet right after I tested for tick borne pathogens. Even though I wasn't on antibiotics or antimicrobials yet, I had a positive jump in help.

Read Dr. B's lyme diet recommendations under treatment guidelines with ILADS.

I eat very limited dairy (only plain yogurt), very limited simple sugars (only fruit, no candy) and simple carbs (more oatmeal, no white or wheat flour). This cuts down on food for the bugs. High fiber helps bind the toxins of dead bugs and get them out of your system. Mild exercise and movement or massage every day to help draw out the toxins. I also take the following supplements:

probiotics (rebuild good bacteria)
colustrum (gives you more immunoglobulins to fight with)
grape seed extract (good oxidizer to clean up free radicals and it breaks the blood brain barrier)
cod liver oil (fat for them mepron and brain food!)
vitamins and enzymes

Good luck!

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Cass A
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According to the package insert, Mepron takes 21 days to reach the proper blood/tissue level to be effective. So, if you take it for 21 days and then quit, you've lost the blood level needed.


And, it's only sold in 21 day bottles.

I had to get my LLMD to write a different kind of prescription that clearly stated it was needed every day--my insurance company sent me 3 bottles as a three month supply.

Not too useful.

Luckily, I'd gotten some from a local pharmacy and started a bit after I got it, so I was able to squeak through the three months with taking it every day.


Cass A

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I finally got my next course of Mepron. I hope I see results soon. My doc says it is too soon for that. [Frown] Although I keep getting low grade fevers and feel queesy and light headed. My wrist and arm have gotten worse...very painful.

Dr. B's diet guidelines are fairly vague and hard to follow what he is saying so I follow Dr. S's guidelines but tend to really follow what I know about nutrition.

I eat little if any fruit, no processed food, no sugar or refined foods, only intact whole grains like amaranth and whole oat grouts, brown rice, etc.

I take...
Carlson mercury free cod liver oil w/Mepron and Zinth.
vitamins and minerals
Extra B-12
grape seed extract - I heard mixed things about this one. No real proof.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for nyjohn     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by groovy2:
Hi Ills

Babs is a Close relative to Malaria -

Google -- WHO Malaria --

Same meds are used to treat both -

Mepron work Very Good for Babs but it
has to be taken Contentiously -Every Day -

No Breaks - Take at Same Time each day-
Dont miss any doses - it Matters--Jay--

hey jay
what if you miss it for a week but take malarone instead??
will that keep the levels up to par for getting back on mepron?

do your best to educate the rest because
9 out of 10 doctors don't know jack about tick borne illnesses

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Good point by John! Some docs do 3 weeks on, one off.

I finally got my next 21 day course of Mepron. I haven't missed a dose although my dose yesterday morning was a tiny bit under the teaspoon recommended. Says it must be stored at 59-77 degrees and our place is typically about 76 or 77 and I store in our bedroom not the kitchen or bathroon - too humid. I keep it in the box because it says keep it away from light. I can't think of any other place to store this! I hope I see results soon. My doc says it is too soon for that. [Frown] Although I keep getting low grade fevers and feel queesy and light headed. My wrist and arm have gotten worse...very painful.

Dr. B's diet guidelines are fairly vague and hard to follow what he is saying so I follow Dr. S's guidelines but tend to really follow what I know about nutrition.

I eat little if any fruit, no processed food, no sugar or refined foods, only intact whole grains like amaranth and whole oat grouts, brown rice, etc.

I take...
Carlson mercury free cod liver oil w/Mepron and Zinth.
vitamins and minerals
Extra B-12
grape seed extract - I heard mixed things about this one. No real proof.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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Hey Thanks everyone for the Mepron advice/info!! [Smile]

"You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point you thought it was the end"

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I read in Dr. S's book you should not take Vitamin E with Mepron! What about a multi??? Since it is fat soluble it can interfere with the pro-oxidive effect of Mepron.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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Day 12 on mepron and I have to revise my stance: major head pain, like all the nerves in my brain are raw. I guess I'm HHing. Hope so and not the brain lyme coming back since zith doesn't target it. Still have good energy and bp though. What did you all experience with HH with mepron?

Chk your multi vit. Most don't have vit e, just the water soluble ones.

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So, I am using Twin Lab twice a day multi so I'll have to check if this is the water soluble type.

Three weeks and still no Herx... [Frown]

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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It took me about 3-4 weeks before I noticed a Herx with Mepron. I had vague symptoms pop up before that, but nothing too major. My advice would be don't get discouraged yet, sometimes with this drug it takes awhile to see anything.

Just also be sure to take it with lots of fat, and to avoid what you're supposed to avoid. I assume you are taking it with Zithro or Biaxin?

Maybe you could add Artemisiae too.

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Originally posted by Hoosiers51:

It took me about 3-4 weeks before I noticed a Herx with Mepron. I had vague symptoms pop up before that, but nothing too major. My advice would be don't get discouraged yet, sometimes with this drug it takes awhile to see anything.

Just also be sure to take it with lots of fat, and to avoid what you're supposed to avoid. I assume you are taking it with Zithro or Biaxin?

Maybe you could add Artemisiae too.

Thanks, I am concerned about almonds because I hearthey can interfere and also fat soluble vitamin E. I am not sure if the E in my Twin Lab multi is water soluble or not! I could be taking this for nothing! I am going to ask my doc next week. Anyone else have info on this? For now, I stopped taking my multi.

I am taking Zithro, but my doc has not mentioned Artemisiae.

The only thing she told me to avoid was sugar, refined foods, some flours, and limit my fruit...kind of what Dr. S says in his book.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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This Vitamin E thing is scaring me!

What type of Herx do you get from Mepron?

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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For me, and I'm sure everyone is different: the Herxes include headaches, maybe a little dizziness, and then HORRIBLE memory issues. Can't hold on to a thought for more than a few seconds it seems. Forget things like where the "." key is on the keyboard. I will do something important, than a week later, have no recollection of it, even if reminded.

That faded though, and now I feel mentally sharper, actually. But I am now just very very tired. I am thinking it's probably a Herx.

Last time I took Mepron (as opposed to now) I also had really bad nausea, vomiting sometimes, and night sweats sometimes, but this time around I have had the nausea but not the other two. Also, sometimes you loose your desire to eat.

I think Herxes can really be anything though that seems like a worsening of symptoms

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Problem is, a lot of those symptoms are also side effects of Mepron so it is hard to tell which is which. I also haven't had many mental issues or memory problems other than slight! also, no headaches and little fatigue. For the longest time I doubted I had Lyme or TBD due to this.

Do you avoid foods with vitamin E when taking Mepron????

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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It was very obvious to me that was what going on was a Herx, not side effects. Even when the symptoms were minor, I could just "tell" it was something dying. It would come on too suddenly, then go away.

I have experienced "not knowing" with other meds, but with my Mepron Herxes I always knew.

As far as the Vit E, I don't avoid it on purpose, I just take whatever fat I can find. Except almonds, but I already mentioned, I just sort of chose randomly to avoid those. I read another post of yours about the fish oil. I also take cod liver oil with my Mepron. There isn't a ton of Vit E in it, but I am now second-guessing if I should take it with my Mepron.

I am sure anythign is fine if you take it three hours away from the Mepron.

You could try other oils like olive oil or coconut oil. Or dairy fat like cheese if you eat dairy.

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Originally posted by Hoosiers51:
It was very obvious to me that was what going on was a Herx, not side effects. Even when the symptoms were minor, I could just "tell" it was something dying. It would come on too suddenly, then go away.

I have experienced "not knowing" with other meds, but with my Mepron Herxes I always knew.

As far as the Vit E, I don't avoid it on purpose, I just take whatever fat I can find. Except almonds, but I already mentioned, I just sort of chose randomly to avoid those. I read another post of yours about the fish oil. I also take cod liver oil with my Mepron. There isn't a ton of Vit E in it, but I am now second-guessing if I should take it with my Mepron.

I am sure anythign is fine if you take it three hours away from the Mepron.

You could try other oils like olive oil or coconut oil. Or dairy fat like cheese if you eat dairy.

Thanks, the Carlson's CLO only has 10 IU of E but I get worried. I am doing walnuts and flaxseed meal in my cereal before the mepron.

I couldn't stomach olive oil! Coconut oil is nasty too. LOL. Plus, the Flax and Fish oil is much healthier. However, I know the goal is to absorb the mepron....

Dr. S says supplement dosage of E so I think he means much higher levels! He doesn;t mention food or fish oil.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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Very confusing, because my doctor said I will not feel any better and probably won't experience any herx the first month on Mepron. But others have had a different experience.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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I started Mepron 3 weeks ago. After 2 weeks started to feel very tired and have persistent flu-like symptoms. My Doc prescribed it to me to help out with my floaters, has anyone used Mepron for this problem? Any results?
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Where do you guys store your Mepron? It says no higher than 77 degree and I think not below 59!
It also states cool, dark and dry place. Closet? I had it in a kitched cabinet but thought the litchen could be humid.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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I felt better immediately when I started treatment, but there's no way to know if it was the Mepron or the other meds. Then I herxed at day 24. WOW, it was a tough one, but I steadily got better.

I store my Mepron in my kitchen cabinet.


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We keep our computer room cool, and the window ajar all the time. I put the mepron in a box that's open on one side and it sits there so it's in the dark, with cool air. Most of the time, in this climate, that works at night, and most days.

We keep a little thermostat with it. When it gets too hot there, I put it in a lunch box,and put an ice pack from the freezer in the top compartment(made for it). I then put something between the two, and leave it open a little bit. This was when it was getting up over 80 and even 90 outside. This is how I travel with it. I put bottles of water between the ice and the mepron, and they pick up most of the cold air.

It's a real hassle--I check it a few times a day, if the weather is not cooperating. I really don't want it to lose any of it's fighting power.

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daisys, I have been keeping it in a kitchen cabinet and our house is usually at about 77 degrees so I hope that is okay and does not need to be cooler. Sometimes when we open the windows, the temp will climb above 80 and the pharmacist said it is fine in the refrigerator in the vegetable bin, wrapped in plastic.'

My doctor said not to worry about vitamin E and Mepron unless you are taking large supplement doses and not to worry about foods with E or small doses of 200 IU or less. My multi has 200 IU and I take it 2-3 hours from the Mepron and also my Fish Oil has 10 IU of E which is nothing.

[ 29. August 2008, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: richedie ]

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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Thank you, Richedie.

I take vit. E 100 IU several hours away from the mepron, and cod liver oil about 2 hours after one of the doses.

Our weather has been so wacky, and I've had several days of being gone all day in hot weather, which accounts for my over the top measures.

If I could just stay home, it would be so much simpler.

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Originally posted by daisys:
Thank you, Richedie.

I take vit. E 100 IU several hours away from the mepron, and cod liver oil about 2 hours after one of the doses.

Our weather has been so wacky, and I've had several days of being gone all day in hot weather, which accounts for my over the top measures.

If I could just stay home, it would be so much simpler.

Why do you take the Fish Oil two hours from the Mepron? Is it loaded with E? It is better to eat some fat with Mepron.

Also, do you have A.C.?

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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I don't know if there's vit. E in cod liver oil, I just know it's healthy. That's just when I take it, is all. I can't even remember what all the good of cod liver oil is, just that I've read up on it, and believe I should take it. Fancy that, having such a bad memory?

I do have something fatty with mepron, usually coconut oil and macadamia nuts.

I don't know what A.C. is to know if I have it.

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I have noticed a lot of things rocking and rolling and shaking and hurting since MEPRON. Knees, shoulders back, warmth lot of warmth. Anyone notice this?

Also found a nutrionist who is very concerned about my state and mentioned infrared sauna. All I need to do is buy the 3-250 bulbs and have my dear budda hook me up.. Anyone try this threapy.

Showed up at her house very ple the other day. She even offered to pay the money to send my hair to the lab...You know you're in trouble when you get a daily report on how you look or should I say when someone says you look good today.....I take that to mean I must have looked like h3ll the last time I saw you..

Sent of a sample of my hair for analysis the other dy awaiting response. She has chaged my diet has me on WHEY & a protein diet. I mean I'm no Da Vinci but my stools are allot more solid.

It's a start now if I could just curtail the inflammaion...

Leave the gun, take the cannolis

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I take Carlson's CLO that is mercury free and it has 10 IU of vitamin E to help preserve the effectiveness of the fatty acids.

No offense my friend but hair analysis is a joke, very unreliable! Nothing wrong with soft stools as long as they are not liquid, LOL! Trust me on this one. Careful with excess protein, it puts a ton of strain on the liver and your digestive system.

Doxy/Biaxin/Flagyl pulse.
Artemisinin with Doxy/Biaxin.
Period of Levaquin and Ceftin.
Then Levaquin, Bactrim and Biaxin.
Mepron/Biaxin/Artemisinin/Cat's Claw

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There are conflicting reviews on hair analysis on lymenet.... no?

Let me ask is ART the same as autonomic reflux screen test - the tilt table test is used to determine the autonomic nervous system which can be effected by toxins, no?

My automonic refulx screen test was aby normal. Wonder if I intrepert it correctly ART and AST have anything to do with toxin overload. Anyone know? If so should be a correlation between hair analysis and tilt table test....if true.

This diet even though not good as you mentioned as did a Doc Lessnau of NYU Med Center has for now got mY dysentary to where I am now. This protein is veggie based well you now for now hopefully termporary.

I hope to be seeing Doc Lessnau within the next couple of week..He's some kind of clinical Director of Pulm Unit at NYU Med Ctr or Langone Med Center.

One of the great things at MAYO or should I say OZ was they couldn't identify some of my sputums cultures and said one maybe Mycobacterium Gordonae - "likely contaminat" In an immune compromised system it is or could be in family of non-tuberculin mycobaterium - non contagious. Voted # 2 in respitory diseases, yeah # 2 in allot of thing.....

Alternative threapy is what most are looking for on lymenet. Aren't out immune system compromisd by this disease? I wish we could all wake up one day saying I feel great, shove you SSDI and disability payments I'm going back to work, but until that happens we take it upon ourselves to investigate. Im trying to figure out what's going to work for me.

I also was nailed by West Nile IgG positive, IgM negative. The great Oz has indicated interferon threapy may help.... Guess I didn't quite fit into their glass tube for a trial.

My IgG subclass 4 is low and one is within range but low range. I often wonder what or how an infusion of gammaglobins (sp) IVIG would help our situation. A CD57 panel although run by LLMD's is not a significant marker for lyme. As mine said the heebee geebees could lower it also.

And I also often wonder why a Monoclonal Antibodies has not been found for lyme. There is something out there about CD 57 and monclonal antibodies.

Monoclonal antibodies (mAb or moAb) are monospecific antibodies that are identical because they are produced by one type of immune cell that are all clones of a single parent cell.

Given (almost) any substance, it is possible to create monoclonal antibodies that specifically bind to that substance; they can then serve to detect or purify that substance. I believe Bacterial is a long way off. It's the magic bullet theory. Look it up on Wikipedia. Have to re read many times but molecular and genomics I wish were a happening now and not in the future.

But I do appreciate any comments I know at times it's information overload something at 56 I never thought I'd be going through. Like the Zepplin song goes, Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true...

But when you go to a doctor etc... you comments must be thought provoking or it's time for a new doc..

[ 30. August 2008, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: Raymond ]

Leave the gun, take the cannolis

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