I spoke to Monte earlier today, she said they were a little over halfway there, and the books sponsored so far are on order. If more donations and sponsorships come in, and they aren't able to get all of the books on time, they will be hand delivering the late arrivals to them, so it is still important to try to get as many of our congresspeople sponsored as possible.
I decided to bite the bullet and make a second donation, enough to cover any California congresspeople not yet sponsored, plus others - hopefully other people will be willing to do the same for their states. No, I can't really afford it, but then again, I feel like I can't afford not to either, so that sentiment won out and I dipped into our small savings for this. Hopefully some others will be willing to step up and do the same.
And more notes to congresspeople are needed, even if you are not donating - you can e-mail a personalized note for your congressperson to Monte at [email protected], and it will be delivered to them with their copy of the book and dvd.
Donations can start as low as $10 to sponsor your representative or senator. Get on the web page and donate. Or better yet, call them to find out who is sponsored. When I talked with them only 1 state's reps and senators were completely sponsored!
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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what is the specific one state that is fully paid for? thanks!
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5829
I heard the folks working on this are reaching a lot of offices with some Lyme education.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 5355
Was this a coordinated effort with all lyme groups? If not, that might explain why the goal has not been reached. Not too late to mend fences if they need mending.
Posts: 2888 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2004
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5829
Hey poppy...
My guess is that most folks are pretty well tapped out. There are many worthy causes already needing funding... Dr. Jones especially.. and all his kids who are in need.
Then many people just bought a number of books that have been coming out recently and even copies of the movie for themselves and to show to the public at Lyme meetings and events.
And others have a constant pocket open to many other Lyme related projects... example- sponsoring LymeNet so it can stay open.
Then there are folks with no insurance, no meds, on disability, etc.. who need to care for themselves and their families.
And some who donate their volunteer hours to the cause- lots of labor- which is always a good thing too. And some who sponsor websites for the cause.
Unfortunately times are tuff for so many... and Lyme makes it even more difficult.
So, I don't think it is a matter of not wanting to give.. maybe more of a matter of they can't do it all right now.
Collecting $17,000.00 for books and movies... and even more for Congressman's lunches and related traveling expenses.... from a chronically ill community.. especially in less than a month... is a BIG effort. I'm impressed they have about half of the money needed already.
Thank you cs and those who were able to help! I am sure the DC group appreciates all the efforts folks have made... and all the donations coming their way.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 5355
All good reasons, but it didn't answer the question. Just raising this so people can think about it, don't need a public reply.
Posts: 2888 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2004
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California is the state that is fully covered, because, well, we kick butt (that and someone stepped in with a big donation to help cover all the congresspeople not yet sponsored - but we were up in third place before that according to the Sue Vogan show interview). That is NOT to say that Californians should not worry about donating still if they can, because ALL donations are desperately needed to help get other states fully covered. It is to ALL of our benefit to make sure as many states' congresspeople are covered, whether they are from our own state or not. And again, if you can't donate, PLEASE still send a note for your congresspeople, they will be included with their gift of book and dvd.
C'mon all you other states - don't let us laid-back Californians show you up -karen
Posts: 205 | From northern california | Registered: Apr 2008
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Karen, that's great, especially for such a large state. South Carolina is covered, too. I understand some other states have been added to the list.
Please send a donation if you can. Those who are not able to, please contact the office of your Senators & Representatives urging them to attend. Get all your friends and relatives to write or call, too.
A brief message is all it takes. It's "numbers" that matter.
You can mention it's a grassroots effort. So many things in Washington are sponsored by big money, large organizations, etc. This event shows concern from all over the country.
I hope Washington will be talking about Lyme!!
Posts: 4638 | From South Carolina | Registered: Mar 2001
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The Lyme Disease Network is a non-profit organization funded by individual donations. If you would like to support the Network and the LymeNet system of Web services, please send your donations to:
Lyme Disease Network of New Jersey 907 Pebble Creek Court,
NJ08534USA http://www.lymenet.org/