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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » LARUICIDIN I cant say enough about it...its magical

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Author Topic: LARUICIDIN I cant say enough about it...its magical

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You most know I am using live blood microscopy at home daily so I see realtime results. And when the bugs are fresh from the blood there still alive so its easy to pinpoint just what it is your seeing, bug-wise.

Virgin coconut oil contains about 50% of this acid. But the oil is tough on a sore stomach. I found mono-laruin, the orgininal is laruicidin, is like concentrated laruic acid, so it dont bother my stomach at all.

The scope reveleled improvment in the oil itself so I went to the mono-laurin and slowly took more and more until I really saw results...and boy did I.

I didnt find complete death, but I do witness very abnormally swimming bugs...and fewer and fewer the higher doses I go. I am now sold on this one since it appears harmless. I been taking about 10-15 capfuls now a day...and I find very few lyme hatchlings and even sticks (likely barts) struggling to stay alive..and the do die if I wait a few minutes. And this should not happen, they live days on coversliped slides in normal conditions. I must admit i am on conventional abx...and rotated to often to bother to even get into all of them, but I urge anyone having resistence problems to strongly investigate this.

I have a scope and I have seen...this is no snake oil. You can try the virgin coconut oil, but I found I had to drink about a whole tub a day to yeild the result of about 15 capfuls a day.

It seems pricy, but boy, something is wrong here...I cant kill these buggers with abx alone.

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Thank you so much for all of your neat findings. I really enjoy them and I'm so glad that you do these things. I really benefit a lot from your research. Thanks a million for keeping us posted. I'm going to try to get some of that stuff. Can you give me a few links of where to buy and how to administer it to myself?

I always get excited when I see that you've posted something new. And if by following some of the things that you do, helps me get better, you WILL be getting a check from me.

Edited to say: Can you PM me your entire protocol? Everything you are taking AND how you are feeling. Are you making progress into getting better?

Thanks a ton.

~*~Lyme POW~*~

I will escape.

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This is the orginal invention of this product.

Dr Weil has recommended this...but I dont think much of that guy as he smokes weed I hear.

A professor of a university invented the mono-laurin which is laruicidin(r).

You can buy virgin coconut oil which does contain about 50% mono-laruin in it, or another brand of the monolarin in it. I chose the orginal since its from my home state and shipping is one day. My protocal varies based on what I see day to day in my live blood.

I discovered some distrubing issues. Rulide barely seems to work...zith not good either but better, biaxon appears to be the best marcolide barrring ketek which I could never afford anyway. Ceftin(3-5G a dayu!) coupled with low dose augmentin (125mg) appears to kill lyme hatchlings as well together.

MMS and laricinidin in spiked doses seems to hold down at least the moving invaders about 100percent, which is the best I have seen.

Ampicclin and gentimicin combo appears to hold down moving invaders about 98 percent. Second best results I have seen to date. My LLMD confirmed my believe that the WORSE one feels usually means the BEST one is winning this gauging how one feels against treatment sucess appears almost useless. Non or slow moving invaders in phase contrast scope is hard to call so I am not sure of effectivness of non-moving invaders...generally I Mean barts already attached to cells or mycoplasmas. But I do now see with laruicidin AND expesially with gentimicin (bart target gold standard drug) I see moving stick like bommeranges, so it appears those two do hit bart hard.

Floroquinones dont appear very effective for much of anything except giving yourself a migraine.

Minocin is super high doses spiked 500mg a day in single doses seems to hold down most everything, but not as effective as the other protocals.

Barring alternative Treatments, I found Ceftin, minocin, biaxion, plaqenell and low dose augmentin seemed to be a super abx only conv med only super treatment.

Then you have the alternative herbals...olive leaf makes me herx hard...vita C in high doses is claimed to kill myco, but I cant confirm that. And would interfere with MMS and likely other drugs.

Lincomycin should be a super drug for mycoplasma...but its hard to tolerate.

Bicclin along with gentimicin seems to put everything on hold...but not enough to win it appears.

Ampicclin and subactum or cloxacillin and gentimicin and something for babs I believe may be a combo to kill everything.

Bart studies showed mutants (drug resistent strains) from 15 out of 17 drugs tested..gentimicin blocked any mutents and directly kills barts...and minocin blocked mutents, but was unable to directly kill.

So a super bart combo maybe a course of 14 days of gentamicin and amp, then finish off with 14 more days with perhaps ceftin...augmentin (for the clavic acid only) with high dose minocin maybe a winnng bart resistent combo.

A study found that theres a syenergy between ampicclin and gentimicin (the mic of amp increased dramtically from the addition of gent) It unknown if other pennicclins do this as well..

Recap for my combo.

plulsed gentimicin with ampicclin or bicclin
pulsed lincomycin
pulsed ceftin and minocin and low dose doxy
pulsed biaxion plaquenell and minocin or doxy.
continuous laruicidin in high doses.
MMS (NON activated) 20ML injection push method in low doses
drinking lower doses of mms (ACTIVATED) to match around 15 drops 2x a smaller doses perhaps every waking hour.
Lexapro to stimulate the immune system, yes it does LExapro makes super sized and agressive NK cells, but NK cells are NOT enough to win this battle.
paxil to act as a efflux pump inhibitor in mycoplasma...yes a study shows this action, this may apply to other bugs..its not known.
Aloe to stimulate and break down biofilms
Mega doses of vitamins butaway from MMS.
DMSO topical activated MMS applied to the skin
lincomycin in tiny TINY injections...where theres pain...such as shoulder blades...
inbetween breaks on the gentimycin

Gentimicin injections in areas known for bart. Feet, hands..shoulders..but away from toxic areas such as the ears. Gentimicin has been found as if not more effective if used in single daily doses and its safer...adding vita E, NAC, and alpha lip acid appears to protect from toxic.

breaks from any pennicclins for about 5 days to allow spegreetts to reopen and start to play.

Biaxion & plaq plused beginning for 3-5 days for example along with minocin for example to target intracellarual bugs...then sudden and high doses of ceftin...2 grams in single dose....up to 5 grams a day...for 3 screw them inside and outside and catch them off guard and no where to hide.

Topical abx applied daily as well exp during first plulse changes to allow for the fastest absorbtion of the drugs...including injected drugs as needed. Understand that tetra class undermine pennicclins, except for the ceftin class.

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"zith not good either but better, biaxin appears to be the best marcolide barrring ketek"

Personally I have found this to be true. When I took Biaxin off the bat with mepron, I almost couldn't walk.

After being on zithromax (which I tolerated better) with the mepron for a few months, the insurance company denied the zith.

I then had to switch to the Biaxin again, but this time I was able to handle it better. I think it goes after neuro stuff more effectively than zith, but that's just me.

Thanks for posting your findings, JC.

- J

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Have you tried studies with flax oil?

IGM positive WB through Igenex:
18+ 31++ 34+ 41+ 66+

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Coconut oil capsules (5 all at once) knocked out a yeast infection for me...immediately.

Yeast need Mg.


Lactobacillus acidophillus need Mn to grow

and are destroyed by abx. and deprived of Mn because Bb needs Mn...

so the balance is thrown off

good guys-yeast...

The increase of yeast maybe depleting our Mg levels...further.

And Mg inactivates HMG CoA reductase which shuts down the cholesterol pathway.

Just brainstorming.

"In yeast we have presented evidence to show that aluminium specifically inhibits the uptake of magnesium into the cell."

And you wonder why AL is so high in Alzheimer's?

Both Mg and AL are used in fireworks. They burn (very hot) with a white light. These are used to "ignite" the other chemicals to burn which gives off the other colors.

Malic acid chelates AL.


"CONCLUSIONS: Monolaurin has statistically significant in vitro broad-spectrum sensitivity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial isolates from superficial skin infections.

Most of the bacteria did not exhibit resistance to it. Monolaurin needs further pharmacokinetic studies to better understand its novel mechanisms of action, toxicity, drug interactions, and proper dosing in order to proceed to in vivo clinical studies."

PMID: 17966176


In a SOAP?

"he key to success was finding lauric acid and lauracidin. Lauric acid is a fat found in coconut milk and human breast milk. When ingested the body converts it into lauracidin (monolaurin). It's the stuff that protects breast-fed babies from becoming ill. Studies since the 1960's have found that monolaurin has a significant ability to inhibit the growth of lipid shelled organisms. These include many disease causing bacteria and viruses.

The first step was to convert the monolaurin into a soap. The second step was to develop a method of leaving an invisible thin film of monolaurin on the surface. MonoClean does these things.

What does this mean to you? It means you can buy a cleaner that is 100% safe around children, pets and chemically sensitized individuals. It means that any surface cleaned with MonoClean remains antimicrobial without using dangerous chemicals."

Used to prevent infections post milking of animals:


"The effects of the CH4-inhibitors" (methane)


"The CH4-forming bacteria in the rumen are Archaea.

All Archaea have unique membrane lipids that contain glycerol joined by ether linkages to long chain isoprenoid alcohols.

Mevalonate is a key precursor for isoprenoid synthesis by methanogens and is also essential for the production of cholesterol by humans.

Mevalonate is produced by reduction of hydroxymethylglutaryl-SCoA (HMG-CoA).

HMG-CoA reductase is a target of HMG-CoA inhibitors (statins) used to inhibit human cholesterol synthesis.

Statins would be expected to specifically inhibit growth of rumen methanogenic bacteria by inhibiting their synthesis of mevalonate.

Rumen fermentative bacteria would not be inhibited because they are eubacteria and most of their lipids are glycerol esters of long chain fatty acids." fa3c8eff1097d76b

That looks to make 4 ways to block the cholesterol pathway (inhibit HMG CoA reductase)that Bb takes to build its cell wall.

Benicar - arb drug
Condrosulf - via blocking Akt genes
Lauricidin ?


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Very interesting stuff.

Have you done gentimicin intravenously? Or just IM injections? How does IM gentimicin compare to IV? I have only read about it as an IV drug.

What did you do to prevent kidney issues with gentimicin?

Posts: 929 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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James.. can you PM me please where you get your Lauric stuff from? Am I correct in that the only natural thing with Lauric (sorry I know thats not the whole word but I have lyme brain rihgt now) is Coconut oil? So is the Lauric just concentrated from that?

I have the cocount oil, but don't really know how much I should be taking. I'd like to only have to drink 5 little cap fulls of the Lauric verses gobs of coconut oil.


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i see the lauricidin on the site comes in pellets in tubs.

what is the reccommended dose if this form is bought?

i just ordered a tub, figured ill see what all the hype is about



"Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you."

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Thanks for your research James. I have decided to scrap the Zith / Omnicef combo for Biaxin / Ceftin. It's time for something new. I just wasn't seeing progress I wanted to. My doc said Zith / Omnicef is useless in relation to Biaxin / Ceftin. It sounds like your research confirms this thought.

I just couldn't remain on Zith given the poor results people have reported. I'm not sure why my LLMD so highly recommended this one when ILADS research clearly contraindicates it.

We'll see where it goes. I may try your recommendation as well.

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Do you FEEL noticeably better after using this a
while ?

How do you take it ? Where do you purchase it ?


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Hi James,

Thanks for trying to figure this Lyme thing out. I applaud your enthusiasm. You didn't mention if this tx with lauricidin has made you feel better.

Also, I was wondering if these bugs you are seeing could be parasites or worms?


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Not sure how the price compares to other sources, but Spiro Kete by Kroeger Herbs has been around for several years. The main ingredient is monolaurin.

Other ingredients are stinging nettle leaf, yerba santa herb, european goldenrod herb and tobacco leaf.

Hubby definitely herxed on the Spiro Kete. I stupidly tried him on the suggested dose of 2 caps 3 times per day. Should probably have only tried 1 cap daily to start. Pretty sure this was trying to go after hubby's bart/BLO/mycoplasma. This is when his cold agglutin test went positive again -- normally shows up with mycoplasma pneumonia.

Bea Seibert

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It is only $6-8 for a bottle of Spiro Kete. I was told by a holistic doc here it is very effective for Lyme. I think it may time to try it. Especially since monolaurin is the main ingredient. I wonder if it can be combined with Abx?

Originally posted by seibertneurolyme:
Not sure how the price compares to other sources, but Spiro Kete by Kroeger Herbs has been around for several years. The main ingredient is monolaurin.

Other ingredients are stinging nettle leaf, yerba santa herb, european goldenrod herb and tobacco leaf.

Hubby definitely herxed on the Spiro Kete. I stupidly tried him on the suggested dose of 2 caps 3 times per day. Should probably have only tried 1 cap daily to start. Pretty sure this was trying to go after hubby's bart/BLO/mycoplasma. This is when his cold agglutin test went positive again -- normally shows up with mycoplasma pneumonia.

Bea Seibert

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Reduces toxic shock when added to...get this...tampons.

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I took 1/2 teaspoon before breakfast or 1500mg and another before dinner. Along with 1 tab of oregano oil after breakfast and dinner. Between the two, it is a real biofilm dissolver.

I still take monolaurin and its been two months now.

Instead of lauricidin, I got monolaurin from I didn't have to pay for the trademark.

I bought two large bottles -- and yes it is great stuff.


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Your taking 15 capfuls?? I've been taking it for over a year and haven't noticed any difference yet.

I called the Lauricidin company when I first started, and they told be to start with 1-3 pellets a day until I knew how I would re-act to it.

The recommened dose is 1-3 blue scoops a day.


You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

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Lauricidin needs to be chewed of pulverized with coffee grinder to be effective. Taken on empty stomache.
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Note to others.... this is an old thread.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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What dose of Gentamycin you are taking and is that IV or IM.
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