I am on a break from abx now for a week and will be until I get this whole Cushings Syndrome figured out.
Is it ok to take a break from ABX??
Can the bugs grow fast or more when taking a break??
Has anyone else had to take a break from ABX who are very sick, and were still ok???
-------------------- "You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point you thought it was the end" Posts: 946 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Apr 2008
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I had , but are you allowed at least to take advantage to do some cleansing or any herbs?
...usully I used RIFE to keep them all at the bay and focused tremendoulsy on drainage ..and help kidney , liver and lympatic system .
Check around for somebody that might have a rife in your area.
You can go in Rife and lyme forum and you can find somebody close to you ...
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Both LLMD's I've seen have had me take breaks so I could detox. [I]I[/i} wasn't deathly ill or anything, but still, I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.
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I have not taken abx. I have done all herbs and other alternatives. I got so toxic that my Md has taken me off all killers for a while. I did one Rife treatment after I stopped the other alternatives and it kicked my butt at 2 min. We did not energy test for Rife so when my doc did test me we got 1 min every 3 weeks. My Dr pretty much follows Dr K. I am grateful to have him. I am one of the ones that does not detox well,so herx's are extreme. I am mainly now doing lymph,liver and kidney detox by Pekana and some other great. products.
Posts: 905 | From Santa Cruz,Calif | Registered: Aug 2005
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Member # 12346
Shandy - This summer I took a two month break from abx. I did really well with it, didn't think I'd do so well actually. I was actually feeling a lot better off abx than on. I guess that happens though with all the herxing ON abx and toxins being released.
Maybe talk to your LLMD about it though! That's what I'd do. My LLMD at the time was fine with me taking that break. I took the break for other medical reasons as well (like you will be/are doing).
-------------------- One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. ~ Helen Keller
My Lyme Story Posts: 2965 | From Land of Confusion (bitten in KS, moved to PA, now living in MD) | Registered: Jun 2007
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I'm on a break. Honestly - I feel so much better. I felt like the abx were killing me or maybe I wasn't detoxing enough. Who knows. I've never believed long term abx could be a good thing, so I'm on a break. I'm trying to get back to the basics right now (vit C, multis, plenty of probiotics, silver...)and I'm simplifying my diet. I *think* I will start back on them, unless I find something better. LOL. I'm seriously comtemplating buying a lightworks.
Posts: 101 | From USA | Registered: Apr 2007
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Stopped Bicillin LA after I went downhill for 6 months. In Rosner's book, he doesn't recommend Cell Wall Inhibitors like Bicillin LA, says it can make you very very ill. My legs get swollen.
I'm been on zithromx for 10 months, and I need a break just to see where I'm really at. Seriously considering Rife.
Trying to detox with Dr. Shoemakers advice.
Posts: 111 | From Mid Michigan | Registered: Feb 2008
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Member # 7521
quote:Originally posted by AP: Mine aren't really breaks... They're bouts of non-compliance.
This one really cracked me up!!! I just love the honesty!!!
13 years Lyme & Co.; Small Fiber Neuropathy; Myasthenia Gravis, Adrenal Insufficiency. On chemo for 2 1/2 years as experimental treatment for MG. Posts: 4480 | From Northeastern Connecticut | Registered: Jun 2005
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Member # 16270
I think it is good to take a break from them from time to time. The Lyme doesn't multiply but about once a month. I think that is right anyway. So a couple of months or so off of them should not make a huge difference. Also I think our bodies need the break.
Posts: 4035 | From Mississippi | Registered: Jul 2008
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I take breaks all the time. Like right now I've been on about a two day break because the Herx got so bad I had to stop.
I've gone as long as four months too. I take breaks when things get really bad and have been on antibiotics for about six years now so I guess you can see why I need to take a break now and then!
Posts: 406 | From Rhode Island | Registered: May 2007
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Member # 10581
I've been off abx for over a year now. Yeah Im sick, but I was when I used rife, and when on abx, and when on herbals. Still searching for the answer here of what works.
quote:Originally posted by AP: Mine aren't really breaks... They're bouts of non-compliance.
This one really cracked me up!!! I just love the honesty!!!
Thanks. I'm not sure my LLMD thinks its so funny. Was just in his office and asked him if he wanted my med list... his response was "no" and I whipped back with "cool, not like I'm on my meds anyway."
Poor man... I make his job so much harder. But, c'mon, I'm 26, single, and have the best possible outlook on life after all that I've been through (like my BP dropping to 60/30 on Monday and needing blood transfusions in order to encourage it to pump). I'd rather party like a rockstar than be on bedrest like a - hmm.... Lymie???
Will start IV Invanz on Monday. I have to try and be compliant for 30 days. I'd love to be able to tell the doc I did all of the infusions this month. Probably won't happen, but hey - I have good intentions...
-------------------- Sometimes when I say �Oh, I�m fine� I want someone to look me in the eyes & say �tell the truth�
I went on a break after 2 months of treatment when I was between docs. I felt great the first couple weeks because I wasn't killing anything and producing those nasty toxins, but by the end of the month the bugs were really back and my symptoms much worse.
Though some recommend going off near the end of treatment. Pamela Weintraub in Cure Unknown says she cured herself by going off, letting herself fall all the way back down, then going on ceftin for 3 months and repeat the processs twice more. Supposed to get the most resistant bugs at the end of treatment.
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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I have been off of antibiotics for 2 months after being on doxycycline for 7 months solid.
My symptoms have gradually worsened, and a few came back that had gone away, but I'm still nowhere near as bad as I was when I first got sick over a year ago.
I didn't want to go off the doxycycline either, but I was told that my doctor was discontinuing treatment of all lyme patients, so I decided to go ahead and take a break until I can find a new doctor.
What was so strange to me was that I thought I was doing a decent job of keeping yeast under control while on the doxycycline (plenty of probiotics, combining and varying brands).
It was when I went OFF of the antibiotics that the yeast went completely crazy. I don't understand it.
-------------------- Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love Posts: 61 | From Atlanta, GA | Registered: Nov 2008
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