Yep, I've been on Mino before, 200 mg a day and I did it all last winter. I had to stop for a while because my liver enzymes were too high but I'm going back on them as soon as I fill the script.
I also take Zith and that's bad enough. I can't really remember what the Mino was like and I guess really it doesn't matter cause I'm going to take them and whatever else I have to take to kill this friggin Lyme!
Good luck with it but I can at least remember I got a little dizzy at first but it cleared up about two or three weeks.
Posts: 406 | From Rhode Island | Registered: May 2007
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 4117
Dont let stuff you read work you up it may not act the same in you. Just make sure you stay sitting up for at least 1 hr.You dont want the heartburn it mino and doxy,tetra can cause.Drink glass and half of water 2 if you can. I think Minocin in combo with some others helped me th most.
-------------------- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Remember Iam not a Doctor Just someone struggling like you with Tick Borne Diseases.
Mino has turned out to be a really good antibiotic for me. I don't know if this is possible for you to do ... but, with the concurrence of my doctor, I started my Mino out slowly.
That is, I started with small doses of 50 mg. for the first week and then I increased my dosage after that. That way I was able to watch for herxing, etc. and allow my very overwhelmed and sick body to adjust.
Don't know whether your doc would agree with that approach or not, but I thought I'd mention it as a possibility.
Another thing that really has helped me with the herxing is Quercitin. I had been taking a brand that I got from the local Whole Foods. My doc suggested what turned out to be a better brand for me. It's called Repair Guard by a company called Perque. It's alot more expensive than the brand I was using at WHole Foods.
I found that the Repair Guard, taken two hours after the antibiotic, really helped take a little bit of the edge off the herxy feelings and reduce some of my overall inflammation. It doesn't eliminate all healing reactions and symptoms of illness, but every little bit helps. I still use this product.
Posts: 503 | From Maryland | Registered: Oct 2007
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Member # 10300
(My opinion only here)
There are a few things you need to know about mino. It may make you feel dizzy for the first couple of weeks. I felt a bit off balance when I first started taking it, but after two weeks, that feeling went away.
Take it with a big glass of water. If the pill gets "stuck" on its way to your stomach, it will burn like crazy. Also, do not lie down for 30-60 minutes after taking the mino to avoid the burning feeling. I took mino for a year, and not one time did I have a problem because I took it with water and sat up for 30 minutes after.
After taking mino for a year, my lyme symptoms were gone. This December it will be one year off mino, and I am still feeling well. Thanks for the mino!
I had lyme, but no coinfections. I was lucky.
Try the mino if your LLMD has prescribed it to you. Hopefully it will be as beneficial to you as it was for me.
-------------------- LouLou Posts: 1276 | From maryland | Registered: Oct 2006
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 12770
Well thanks for this guys! all of the sharing and tips.
I am going to try the Quercitin too. Big glasses of water and no laying down.
Oh and my end result will be like Lou Lous.
Posts: 3975 | From usa | Registered: Aug 2007
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Member # 8797
Been one of the best drugs for my daughter.
She had to start out verry slowly. I divided the capsules into 50 mg doses and she could only manage two a week for quite a while.
She's been up to 200mg daily for the last year. Recently added plaquenil, and that's kicking it into another level.
My daughter went from couchbound to attending school full time. Albiet with pain management, but her cognitive functions improved.
Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
You are drinking enough water, right? And your liver support is in place?
As for getting courage to take mino, B-6 may help. NAC, too.
While some are affected with inner ear effects, those who are not certainly do sing mino's praises. That says alot. While I'm the first one to caution if dizziness happens, some do very well on mino.
It's great to see people say what helped them with this as there might be a key in the suggestions that fits you perfectly.
I hear - from the Road Back Foundation folks that the time-released, pelleted, type, minocin, is far better tolerated. You might check out their site for other hints to make this work better. The Road Back Foundation:
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 15759
I have been taking Minocycline for about 12 days now.
I started with 50mg the first day, 100mg the second day, and I think within 4 or 5 days I was up to 200mg per day.
The first few days on it I was dizzy for a couple hours, but that eventually got better.
Now I even feel like I could handle more.
I just got finished with 5 months of Mepron, Zithromax, and Amoxicillin, so maybe my Lyme load is lower than some others who have tried this drug, or maybe I am just tolerating it well.
But honestly, I like it. The first few days I was naturally waking up earlier, which for me is a HUGE challenge, normally even getting out of bed in the mornings.
Once I added the Rifampin a few days in, I haven't been feeling as well. So who knows....I think if I was just on Minocycline alsone, without Rifampin, I would be doing really well.
I am trying to treat what may be bartonella though, so I guess I'll stay on this Rifampin awhile with the Mino.
I basically feel like I have more energy and more of my original personality and thought process while on Minocycline.
So that is my experience....I have a lot of hope this will be a great drug for me.
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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Member # 10300
Hope it works for you as well as it did for me, Feelfit.
Being on mino was not always smooth sailing. Dizziness, herxing, head pressure and headaches were sometimes the result of taking mino (I was on 200mg/day).
In the beginning, I felt worse and was tempted to quit taking it. But after 3 months of being on mino, the fog began to lift and the head pressure and headaches became much less severe and eventually went away.
The difficulties of taking mino seemed minor once I started to feel better. The result was worth every dizzy spell, herx and headache that I had.
Hang in there Feelfit. I'm saying a prayer that mino makes you well.
-------------------- LouLou Posts: 1276 | From maryland | Registered: Oct 2006
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I have been on mino since the end of August.I started @ 50 mg 2x/day then added levaquin and bactrim. I just increased the mino to 100 2x/day. It spiked my anxiety and balance issues at first but is fine now. It's too much of a cocktail for me to say WHAT is helping, but something is.... Take care Kris
Posts: 520 | From Maryland | Registered: Jan 2007
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 12770
AAWWW, thanks you guys. ((((LouLou)))). I went for some gel caps today to divide my 100 mg dose to 50's ......
ended up getting a whopper headache and wasn't able to get into the Health food store. Will try again Monday.
Posts: 3975 | From usa | Registered: Aug 2007
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