This book is only about a year old and I didnt find anything on the search about it except some comments about the author Dr. S diet.
I checked at the Ct. libraries and no town has a copy so Im really questioning if its worth spending my limited money and mental capacity to read it.
Has anyone read it and do you have any thoughts about it value. Besides diet what other path is the main road to better health.
Ive been to two lyme docs and several years on antibiotics and but my chronic fatigue and dementia are no better but my joints and pain are not a big problem.
Right now Im seeing no doc and am just trying to make the best I can out of each day but if I dont do something about my dementia Im going to be an alzheimers patient pdq.
Posts: 55 | From ct | Registered: Sep 2005
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 7686
I have read it and think it is probably the best book on Lyme written by an LLMD. Very good book.
-------------------- Be well, Scott Posts: 4617 | From San Jose, CA | Registered: Jul 2005
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from amazone site; left side ...
The Lyme Disease Solution by Kenneth B. Singleton M.D. (Paperback - Feb 1, 2008) Buy new: $29.95 $19.774 Used & new from $19.77 Get it by Tuesday, Jan 20 if you order in the next 2 hours and choose one-day shipping. Eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping. (22) Books: See all 9 items
call your local library giving them all info and see if they can get an INTRA/INTER library loan from ANOTHER STATE/city!
mine did for one that came out of california; HOWEVER, 1 HAD 1 WEEK ONLY TO READ IT! *************************************
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
See if your area support group has one to lend you.
this is the best book by far that I have found to cover so much ground.
What is of great value, in addition to discuss about lyme and coinfections and RX - is the discussion explaining symptoms and what can help with adrenal, nerve and liver support. THAT part is worth its weight in gold.
He also recommends further reading - that is the mark of a good researcher/author, too.
I answer several posts here a day. I've done a ton of research on complementary support measures. Still, I cannot tell you the number of times I refer to this book as the place that will answer so many questions.
There is no way this can be conveyed in a few replies when a question is asked - so much is contained in this book. I wish I had had this back in '97 when I was first tested (the wrong way).
I hope you can find a copy.
Ask your library to order it for themselves if they can't get it from an inter-library loan.
Even if you do get a copy of this book, it's not the bible nor a recipe book. You need a good doctor with much experience. If your 2 years did not get you well, don't stop, find a doctor who knows more.
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 16359
I know that at least 2 CT libraries have it
-------------------- "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong." Posts: 2062 | From CT | Registered: Jul 2008
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 5102
my LLneuro just raved about it at my appt. last week.
Posts: 2675 | From ct, usa | Registered: Jan 2004
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 15067
Definitely the best book I've read on Lyme. However, the ease he cures patients seems absurd in the book IF all the people on this forum who say they have Lyme/co-infections truly do. It's completely inconsistent with stories here.
Posts: 7545 | From The 5th Dimension - The Twilight Zone | Registered: Mar 2008
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 7347
My LLMD recommends this one.
-------------------- �Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?� - A.A. Milne Posts: 1987 | From No. VA | Registered: May 2005
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As some posted here, your library should be insistent about getting it from different states.
My local library got me a book about lyme and autism from Kansas and I am in MA !
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 16359
That's true. I actually work at a library.
You can go to your local library (usually reference desk) and ask that they do an interlibrary loan for you. You can get a book anywhere in the country (though it may take 2-3 weeks to come in).
-------------------- "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong." Posts: 2062 | From CT | Registered: Jul 2008
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
I don't even have to go into my library. I can't get out, so I do it all by computer or phone - and they even bring the books right to my apt.
He's my LLMD_and I'm not cured after over 2 years-much better-but not cured!
Posts: 561 | From eastcoast | Registered: Aug 2006
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 7686
I suspect that's in part due to the fact that there is likely no "cure". I think we aim for remission, becoming asymptomatic, etc., but I don't subscribe to the idea that there is a "cure" known today. We can get well. It all depends on how you define "cure".
You can't "cure" any of the herpes viruses either and people live asymptomatic with them often for life and yet there is not a "cure".
-------------------- Be well, Scott Posts: 4617 | From San Jose, CA | Registered: Jul 2005
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 18864
He's my doctor also-been over 2 years and I'm not symptom free.
Posts: 1276 | From maryland | Registered: Jan 2009
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As "newbies" we were referred to Dr. S. book. It was WELL worth the money.
It's definately written for the average joe reader. He has an awesome ability to bring it down to my level without "dumbing down" the message.
Our family doc was very intrigued by Dr. B's writings in October on Advanced Treatment of Lyme. We printed off the whole 36 page document for him to keep.
Our next plan is to buy a copy of The Lyme Solution for him. Believe me, we're not rolling in the cash... We just see this as an investment in our journey back to good health.
God Bless.
Posts: 15 | From Midwest | Registered: Jan 2009
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The very name of the book is MISLEADING , which is dishonest . There is NO magic bullet for lyme and he implies he has unraveled the mystery . Perhaps he explains the issue articulateley , but he is no closer to a cure then any other person here .
I am not an admirer of people who make money by misleading others .
Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5829
Hey Ann,
Such a harsh statement.... OUCH on that....
And my assumption, from what you've written, is that you haven't even read the book.
Maybe consider this as an example and a possible explanation...
I've written over 200 articles, a book, and other stuff, etc.
The ONLY thing the editors have EVER changed when I turn in my work is the title. A compliment in itself.. but...
It rather irks me that they do this.
But considering they could re-do my actual "work" and alter my message... it isn't that bad.
Of course I think their titles for my work are not at all cool... but what can I say?
Soooooooooooooooooooooooo... my point being...
And you may have heard this before... but...
Don't judge a book by its cover.
As for money issue? Well...
I've yet to hear of anyone who read the book wanting a refund. Nothing but rave reviews.
And why (I've never understood this concept, especially while paying the plumber, the gas bill, the lawn folks, etc)...
Why shouldn't someone be paid for their work and time? Is that such a crime? I mean everyone in the world has the ability to buy any book they may want to read... or pay to see any movie they want... or NOT.
No one is being forced to buy it.
And... do you know what the money.. if there IS any profit... is being used for?
Ouch again I say.
But I hope I've explained clearly enough that you can see there may be more to the story than you are aware of.
Next time.... why not read the book before publicly slamming it, the motives, the content and the author?
That would at least seem to be a more fair and educated position to be coming from when you want to share an opinion.
I haven't actually read the book cover-to-cover, but I have read quite a few of the chapters and smaller sections. It's quite readable and is pretty comprehensive.
I use it quite a bit for reference to look up properties of herbs, info on the Lyme inflammation diet, or conditions related to Lyme.
It's definitely worth at least getting a copy via inter-library loan. Then if you like it, start looking for a copy.
There are a number of online booksellers that sell discounted or used books, and some (like will let you make a wish list for used copies.
Posts: 386 | From WA state | Registered: May 2005
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 15759
It's a great "reference" if you want to look something up really quickly, and of course has some good info you might not have heard just from Lymenet...
.....but it didn't rock my world or anything, if you want the honest truth. Sorry if that sounds disrespectful, but it didn't really change the course of my treatment, and it echoed the same main ideas I have been hearing from LLMD's and Lymenet.
It is, however, a good book for someone with Lyme to have.
Probably the most useful thing is the Coinfection Symptoms Questionnaire, but that is also on Lymenet if you search the archives.
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 18147
I agree: this is a useful reference book for checking on supplements, diet etc.
I have avoided taking supplements that may be containdicated with certain abx/meds through using it each time I am prescribed something new.
I find it the best general [as opposed to herbal] book I have on Lyme,
I have the book and have read it. I bought the book at one of our support group meetings where Mr.Singleton was our guest speaker.
The book has many points of interrest that I agree with and others that I do not. It is a great book for references on different subjects with in the long up hill battle with LYME.
Some subjects and explantions in the book go right along with the protocal that my LLMD has offered for my LYME. Some subjects and explantions do not. Maybe that is because I am different, we are all different, and LYME has to be treated differently with each individual.
How can one eight legged thing be so smart?
Posts: 108 | From maryland | Registered: Sep 2007
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I find the book very good despite what I wrote about the diet in another thread. Even the diet is probably good for many people, especially, if they had been eating a bad diet before.
Among other things I learned about adrenal fatigue and I hope that treatment for it will improve me.
Posts: 767 | From Germany | Registered: Feb 2004
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 18147
Hi Massman,
I own both 'Healing Lyme' [Stephen Buhner] and 'Lyme Disease and Modern Chinese Medicine' by Dr Zhang:
Both include good introductory, general points about Lyme [esp. Buhner's] and go on to explain their respective protocols.
I did follow SB's protocol for quite a few months without antibiotics, but didn't have noticeable improvements, though bear in mind that I had been ill a very long time, untreated, before my diagnosis 2 years ago.
I do still incorporate some of SB's herbs in lower doses, particularly Resveratrol and Sarsaparilla and I am very impressed by SB's intelligence, research and helpful attitude [with nothing but his book to sell].
He answers questions on PlanetThrive and also personal emails in my experience.
I have not yet tried Dr Zhang's protocol, though may do in the future. You are entitled to a free 15 minute consultation with him if you have the book. I understand that his herbs are quite expensive, but his personal charges reasonable.
If you want to go the herbal route or incorporate some herbs in your treatment, I would suggest getting both and deciding for yourself which way to go, but if short of cash, I'd pick 'Healing Lyme' for its research and general reference,
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