Encouraging comes very natural to me with my friends in real life.. I feel the need to send out some vibes here...
Hope that my thoughts as foggy as they maybe can encourage someone this am.
I just feel the need to give you all kudo's for being so strong and determined to overcome..
It's not an easy road, and none of us would be here willingly.. But we're here and we're all moving forward one step at a time, and sometimes an inch.. But, forward we go in one way or another.
Life is full of the good stuff... Things that cause the words thank you to roll off the tongue. Waking up. being able to walk, sit up. talk. take care of ourselves. smell and see the roses. the ability to feel something beautiful.
the ability to contribute something to someones life whether it's here at lymnet or in your circle. Giving a hug that deposits something into a friends heart that is as real as the tangible to them..
I think we have appreciation that so much of the population can't comprehend for the little things. I mean, we get it.. I'm Thankful that I finally get it. And, now that I have it, I never want to lose it...
The it? Compassion. Love. Understanding. Patience. A deep resevoir of something you can't put a name to, or a price tag on in the depths of the heart and soul.
And watch out, the day I can work up a sweat, I'll have a big smile on my face goading others to catch up with me! hehe
The day is coming for us all.. What is your celebration party going to be? Have you thought about it? I sure have..
With uncertainties that we all face, staying sane and keeping a sense of humor seems to be really hard at times, if not impossible.
sometimes we just have to ride it out to the other side.. Keep steady till it's over. Though it may not seem like it will happen in the midst, the other side always comes, doesn't it?
If you're there now. Give yourself some grace. Relax. Do something to take your mind off of it. Watch a good movie. Cuddle with your loved one, or your pet. do something that you love, that you can do. listen to soothing music. Talk to God.
Turn the lights out, sound off and drink up the darkness if that is the only solace you can find.. Whatever gets you through it.
A bit of advice.. This does not mean you can eat sugar, or drink alcohol That would make me worse anyway!
I think laughter is the best medicine... If you don't have a sense of humor.. Watch a funny video. Invite a freind over who makes you wet your pants. I have one of those.. I can't tell you what we laugh about though.. The men probably wouldn't get it anyways.. No offense!
I didn't have a sense of humor for so long. I prayed for nearly 30 years and mine finally kicked in, lol. Seriously.
I remember as a child I would pray "God, how could you have created me without a sense of humour.
I thought that was so cruel... Then oneday I realized I was actually, I like to think "hilarious".
I laugh at myself anyways.. Oh yeah, and my mama thinks I'm funny, ah-ha. I laugh at anything and anyone. My theory is, if I can laugh at myself then I can laugh at you.. As long as of course I can handle you laughing at me.
Thank God, I don't take myself as seriously as I used to. I'm just usually better at hidiing it.
Ok. if this sounds totally out there. I blame the fog.. Maybe it will at least take your mind off things for a minute or two.
Posts: 59 | From U.S. | Registered: Oct 2007
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 18239
Hi Minnie,
Good thoughts you are having!
I feel fortunate that I am not disabled and can still function even if I don't feel very well.
My "party" will be to help others the best I can for the rest of my life.
I plan to do alot of community education when I start to get better....only been treating for 8 weeks.
I thank God everyday for many things and ask Him to help me to be a better person because of my experience.
Gratitude can go a long way in keeping one motivated.
Glad you were able to acquire a good sense of humor that obviously helps you cope tremendously now.
-------------------- The fibromyalgia I've had for 32 years was an undiagnosed Lyme symptom.
"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". -Jeremiah 29:11 Posts: 6076 | From Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: Nov 2008
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 18524
Bless you. You are loved. I can't wait for the sweat to pour. LOL
-------------------- Suspected Lyme 07 Test neg One band migrating in IgG region unable to identify.Igenex Jan.09IFA titer 1:40 IND IgM neg pos 31 +++ 34 IND 39 IND 41 IND 83-93 + DX:Neuroborreliosis Posts: 5850 | From Kentucky | Registered: Dec 2008
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Dekra, That's a wonderful party idea. If we let them, our experiences allow us to have more to offer the people in our lives now, and when we're healthy.
You have a great attitude and are right. Being grateful is important.
I would rather be thankful than always asking God for something.. Maybe it's just me.
I think of the movie "One night with the King" in the scene where she says When you go to see a King, you shouldn't expect a gift, but take a gift.
The bible says to ask too. The great thing is that God see's through our actions to our heart. So he knows where we're coming from and if we think of him as a slot machine or truly love and notice the blessings he constantly sends our way.
Pinelady, Thanks for the love. The same back at ya! Posts: 59 | From U.S. | Registered: Oct 2007
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wonderful thoughtful posts above; brain dead and time for bed here...good night everyone!
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 17353
I've always seen myself as a teacher.
I'm finding that I have something very important to teach others about, if they will just listen.
It just floors me that I taught my doctor a little something when she didn't have a clue what babesia and bartonells were.
I'm also doing a lot of crocheting and plastic canvas lately since I don't have much energy to be really active.
I actually designed a few pieces, which is an encouragement; there are times when I think I've lost all creativity.
Thanks for your encouraging words, and for encouraging us to think positively!
Posts: 1682 | From Dillsburg, PA | Registered: Sep 2008
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Because I've gone through this and know the signs, symptoms, testing problems, doctors ignorance, political challenges, etc., I've been able to help other suffering people negotiate the lyme war territory to proper testing, lld's, and treatment. Helping to alleviate others pain and suffering is a huge payback though I don't get a cent.
I have made more significant contribution to the world since having lyme than I ever did before.
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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brainspud, that sums me up perfectly too! over 24,000 folks i've helped plus on 2 other boards and all the newspapers, congress sen/house reps, etc. i do. did i say i stay busy ACTIVISM wise? lol
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You all amaze me. I'm so tired, and tired of lyme that I just can't imagine devoting myself to something that has taken so much, including my beautiful son who lives with his dad in another state due to the severity of the disease for me.
Fighting my own battle is all I can deal with now.
When you already feel so outnumbered by people who don't understand.. And judged because you can't function like everyone else.. Taking on another battle with lyme in a different sense seems so overwhelming.
I have to say though. I believe this is coming from a body and mind that are just unable to deal with more than survival at this point. My heart has stopped, I'm having seizures, jerking, involuntary words and noises leave my mouth.. You guys know the drill I'm sure.
I expect that when i get stronger that I will join in with all of you brave soldiers.
The people I've tried to educate don't want to hear it. Of course I wouldn't either if I didn't know better. Heck, I didn't.
Ok, I started a positive post.. Does this count? lol
My hats off to you!!!
Posts: 59 | From U.S. | Registered: Oct 2007
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Betty G., You are AWESOME! I can't even compare how I help others to all that you do. Keep inspiring us!
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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