Topic: Question about my Diagnos-Techs Adrenal test (4 saliva samples in one day)
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Member # 15759
I am taking this Diagnos-Techs TAP (Temporal Free Cortisol), and they collect a saliva sample (where you put a piece of cotton in your mouth).
They want the collections done at: 7-8 AM 11 AM-1PM 4-5PM 11 PM-midnight.
So here is my question: Lately my sleep schedule has been REALLY messed up. I usually don't go to bed until around 4:30 AM, and since I have major fatigue and hypersomnia, I don't wake up some days until between 2 PM-3::30 PM....for the first time that day. (don't even get up to pee)
So, I'm wondering if they would still want my first saliva test at 8 if that would tell them much if I am in the middle of deep sleep at that point. I would probably just have my husband wake me up, do the test, and go back to bed.
Will this affect my testing? Will it paint an inaccurate picture?
Should I "skew" the times to be more like 4 times throughout the time I'm usually awake?
But the sheet says it's important to do it within those time frames, but I don't know if the times themselves are important, or just that they want it spaced out.
Does that make sense?
I really hope someone can help me clear this up today, because I would love to get the test done tomorrow since my husband is going out of town for 4 days and won't be able to get me up once he's gone.
Any opinions????
Thank you!
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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Member # 15759
I called the Lab and they weren't very helpful. They said stick with the recommended times, but ask your doctor.
It usually takes them a couple days to get back to me for non-urgent things, so I'm hoping someone else has brought this up with their doctor, or is just knowledgeable and has some suggestions.
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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Hi Hoosiers, Great question that needs your doc's answer. I would wait until you get confirmation from him/her on what to do. It would be a shame go through all that for a test they won't validate due to time questions.
Adrenal function is supposed to be the highest in the morning but with us, it can be the opposite. Seems like yours may be overworked at night...or maybe all over the place like some of us.
Maybe someone else will come along with more helpful information.
Feel better. Posts: 677 | From Virginia | Registered: Sep 2002
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 15759
Thanks for responding!
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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I ended up taking the samples starting when I woke up, which for me was about noon. I wrote on the sheet the times I took the samples. Somewhere along the line I got the impression it was OK to do that, but I don't remember whether I read it on the form or my doctor said it was OK.
My results didn't indicate the times I took the samples. Instead they listed the standard times: 8 am, etc.
LOL, sorry, I guess I don't know the answer either but would really like to! I've always wondered whether my results were messed up or not because of the way I did the testing.
Posts: 27 | From my own little world | Registered: Oct 2008
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 7521
Same here, mine were off their times but more in line with my sleep schedule.
I can't imagine the times would make the difference, it seems more related to your sleep cycle, logically.
13 years Lyme & Co.; Small Fiber Neuropathy; Myasthenia Gravis, Adrenal Insufficiency. On chemo for 2 1/2 years as experimental treatment for MG. Posts: 4480 | From Northeastern Connecticut | Registered: Jun 2005
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With this test, they take your samples and compare them to others for the same time period and suggest therapies appropriate to bring you more back in line with "normal". Sticking to the same times would give for better comparison.
Maybe your sleep schedule is so out of wack because you are having adrenal problems and this might really show up by doing the same times as they recommend even though it may be difficult to sample.
That being said. Doing the test at whatever time may provide very useful info for your doc. Make sure you doc has the accurate times you sampled.
I had this test done and it was very informative and my sleep and energy have sure improved using the suggested therapies.
Good luck!
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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Member # 15759
Awesome Brainspud, that you are seeing improvement.
Yes, I have a feeling my adrenals may be messed up. I thought about the fact that that could be why I have so much energy at night.
What are you taking that is helping you?
I am still waiting to hear back from my doctor about how they want me to do the test.
I think if things come back abnormal with the testing, they want to put me on low dose Cortef. I am open to herbs too though.
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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Member # 9098
Be sure your doc knows about the times you actually did the samples. That can affect what your tx it.
That's one of the reasons it takes me a long time to do those tests. Finding a day when I am not rushing to be somewhere and am up at that time.
I have to plan to go to bed early and set my alarm.
-------------------- Lymednva Posts: 2407 | From over the river and through the woods | Registered: Apr 2006
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When I did the test my naturopath made me set my alarm to wake up and do it at the times the test tells you to do it or close to those times.
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Member # 18524
I am curious what your rapid test said.
Did they give you a ACTH challenge test in the beginning?
Are they also doing a 24hr. urine?
Timing is very important as it flows with the tides.
But if the system is upset with lyme, There may be a better testing option available.
-------------------- Suspected Lyme 07 Test neg One band migrating in IgG region unable to identify.Igenex Jan.09IFA titer 1:40 IND IgM neg pos 31 +++ 34 IND 39 IND 41 IND 83-93 + DX:Neuroborreliosis Posts: 5850 | From Kentucky | Registered: Dec 2008
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Hey Hoos, just thought I'd jump in and let you know that one of my doctors explained that the samples should be taken at the times listed, because a person with a backwards sleep pattern most likely has that issue BECAUSE of adrenal issues. Therefore you would want to know what your adrenals are doing at 8:00 A.M, to see why you aren't awake then. So basically, I agree with springshowers. I'd just make sure that you do stretch it though and instead of taking the last one at midnight, take it when you have energy at 3:00 in the morning-ish, to catch what your adrenals are doing at that time.
But then again, this could be totally irrelevant to your situation so maybe your doctor would know better than any one of us would.
Good luck!! Let us know what the results are I hope it brings you some much needed answers!
Posts: 710 | From West Coast | Registered: May 2008
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 15759
Thanks for the replies!!!
Yes, you all were right.
They said to do it at the regular times listed in the instructions....
They said that it will tell them WHY I'm asleep at that time. They said it was very important to do it at those times.
Good thing I asked!!!!
You guys were right on with that one!
PS---good call about doing the late one even later LL, that makes a lot of sense. I'm guessing my energy will peak a little earlier though if I'm getting up at 8 AM, but I will be sure to take the later ones when I feel the most "wired" at night.
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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Member # 15759
Yes, I hope this brings me some answers.
When I hear about people with Lyme that are able to get up with an alarm as opposed to what I do, turning it off subconsciously and sleeping through it again...and again...until it's 2 PM.... I realize this is NOT necessarily normal, even with Lyme!
Posts: 4590 | From Midwest | Registered: Jun 2008
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I had tried thyroid supplements, adrenal calm, mega stress, and a couple other adrenal supports to varying degrees of little success. Based on my results they recommended low dosing of DHEA. My energy improved significantly! Also, it seems to increase my immune response to the ABX, I herx harder, which I assume means I'm killing more = good.
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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Melanie Reber
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Member # 3707
I had the same questions Hoosiers.
My schedule is that I usually am wide awake around 3:30am...crash hard around 2-4pm, get a second wind about 5-12pm and then try to crash with mega meds after that.
When I took the test was VERY hard to wait til 8am to begin it...especially with no caffeine! I had a major caffeine withdrawal headache all day until my last test at midnight. Then I had to take some Excedrin PM and try to crash.
From what I remember...there IS a place on the submitted form to mark that this is NOT your normal schedule.
I think that many of us have skewed schedules and I also think that adrenal functions are a major factor in that.
If I could have taken a sample at 4am...I honestly think it would be off the charts as I can actually feel a HUGE SURGE of adrenalin at that time period...weird, but rushes through my whole body.
What I found out with my results is that my levels are pretty messed up as compared with 'normal'. I think this is why you need to try and follow their schedule...for comparison purposes.
Good luck! M
Posts: 7052 | From Colorado | Registered: Mar 2003
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 15759
In my second to last post (from 3:57) I said I am NOT going to be changing the times and I AM sticking to the testing schedule suggested by Diagnos-Techs in their instructions.
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