Ack! A family member was diagnosed with shingles. As an immune-compromised lyme person, how susceptible am I?
Just no skin contact? Move out for the 2-4 weeks until it resolves? Or if I haven't gotten it already after 3 days of exposure I'm probably okay?
Anyone know a good source for shingles info?
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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Melanie Reber
Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 3707
You are safe if you have already had the Chicken pox.
Shingles is only a reemergence of the Herpes Zoster virus. SO if you have been exposed to someone with active Shingles infection, the only thing that can be caught is the same virus which will manifest as chicken pox, and NOT as shingles.
There is a lot of info on the net, just plug in Shingles and you will find reliable info.
The cautions for the young, elderly and immune compromised are if you have not already had this virus before as it is much more difficult to treat if you are already ill or elderly. And if the young have not already had CP, they can get it from an active Shingles infection.
Posts: 7052 | From Colorado | Registered: Mar 2003
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Melanie Reber
Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 3707
Sorry, I don't know the answer to that question. Perhaps someone else will come along who can offer more information?
Posts: 7052 | From Colorado | Registered: Mar 2003
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Melanie Reber
Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 3707
Here you go!
"If you haven't been vaccinated against chicken pox and have never had the childhood illness, you can develop chicken pox from having direct contact with someone who has shingles. However, you can't catch shingles from someone else, since it can only be caused by the chicken pox virus lying dormant in your own body (if you've had the childhood illness or vaccine).
People with shingles should avoid direct physical contact with others who may not have had chicken pox -- or may not have been immunized against chicken pox in the past -- until all the blisters have scabbed over, at which time you are no longer contagious. "
My daughter who is the lymie has gotten shingles twice and she had chicken pox when she was in grade school. She is in her 20's now.
Her second round of shingles was about 3 months ago. If you get shingles it is important for anyone who has immune problems to get an anti-viral script from your doctor.
My daughter took valtrex both times and got over shingles pretty quickly. For the second breakout, the doctor added an anti-viral cream to put on the blisters.
You might try lysine and/or monolaurin as a preventative.
Posts: 177 | From God's Grace | Registered: Apr 2007
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From reading at web md, it wasn't clear to me:
"If you develop shingles, avoid close contact with people until after the rash blisters heal. It is especially important to avoid contact with people who are at special risk from chickenpox or shingles, such as: * Pregnant women, infants, children, or anyone who has never had chickenpox. * Anyone who is currently ill. * Anyone with a weak immune system who is unable to fight infection (such as someone with HIV infection or diabetes)."
That sort of makes it sound like if you've had chicken pox and have a weakened immune system that re-exposure to the virus could cause your dormant ones to activate. So I'm puzzled. Any one for a more definitive answer?
Posts: 73 | From ID | Registered: Jul 2008
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