Just wondering if any of you have noticed that your menstrual cycle has lined up with the approximate life cycle of the Bb?
I have never had bad PMS but the last three months since I have been on abx I get not only emotional symptoms but a tremendous flare of physical symptoms related to Lyme.
I'm thinking it is a herx at the same time as my period - so I am feeling REALLY lousy right now. But at least they seem to be lining up so I only feel horrid for a few days each month!
Wondering if anyone else experienced this and if it is common.
Posts: 239 | From Virginia | Registered: Jun 2009
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I have the same thing happen to me. I alway considered myself lucky because I alway felt fine when I would get my period.
Then Lyme came along and all Hell breaks loose.
Like clockwork I always get a flare up of symptoms when I get my period and am down for the count for almost a week.
Headache, muscle pain. The whole nine yards.
I read that a study is being done on how the drop in progesterone level during this time affects your immune system.
Which will leave you more vulnerable to your Lyme.
Posts: 22 | From Bordentown, NJ | Registered: Aug 2009
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 12346
Yep, lyme does flare up for most females during their menstrual period. I get extremely sick whenever I have my period, sometimes I feel so bad I'm at the point of feeling like I should go to the ER. It's gotten to the point where I have just considered getting on birth control so I can have only one period once every few months instead of every single month.
-------------------- One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. ~ Helen Keller
My Lyme Story Posts: 2965 | From Land of Confusion (bitten in KS, moved to PA, now living in MD) | Registered: Jun 2007
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Member # 15917
My daughter's urine frequency becomes even more frequent before and during her period.
Seemed to be getting better on antibiotics , but this month the bladder is flaring up again.
Posts: 1357 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Jun 2008
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 22022
I see the relationship. My LLMD adds more magnesium the week before menses, and suggests to take cholestramyne starting the week before to clear the die off. It helps, but it is hard to remember to do it before symptoms start to arise.
My daughter had extreme problems with period symptoms and lyme flair ups.
I also just found an odd problem. We did a natural parasite cleanse by taking a suggestion here on lymmet. And during this, I had also many clots and heavy uterine lining leave when I was urinating, not during my period, and when I probed them with a chopstick, I found parasites attached to the blood supply!!!!!! could see them visually!!!!
I am beginning to wonder if parasites are a bigger problem than we all know, especially related to cysts that form in the ovaries, and uterius wall. They need to be attached to blood supply to live.
Possibly causing endometriosis with lyme sufferers. It is known that Bacteria, viruses, parasites, candida, and heavy metals all live together.
It makes sense to me that many of us with complaints during menses, may be harboring these parasites unknowingly. Bacteria and viruses live in these parasites and make it harder for us to get rid of things with just antibioitics!
Maybe this is why chronic lyme sufferers who do an integrative approach to treatment, abx and then natural, get better?
Antibiotics do not kill parasites, and we cannot touch what lives within the parasites...
I would encourage others to do this experiment as well, just a simple natural humaworm or other brand parasite cleanse. See if any conditions improve. Report if you see anything as well!
My urinary hesitancy and frequency has cleared, as I saw parasites in my urine as well! Also my digestion of foods has improved.
I am interested if others find there is a correlation with parasites and their hard menses. Would love some real research on this.!
Posts: 1009 | From NJ | Registered: Aug 2009
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