I posted my story in the general discussion forum, but I have been doing some more research (my son's first birthday is Sunday, and today has been about the least productive day I can imagine in preparing for that... but at least Google made some money off me).
I live in Idaho where there is little to NO Lyme Disease. My IgM came back Positive but my IgG did not. They are doing a follow up draw in October. I am thinking of requesting a comprehensive test through Igenex. How should I broach this with my neurologist? She is consulting with an Infectious Disease Dr., but I'm not sure he knows much more than she does.
I've had tests to rule out a lot of things that cross-react and am currently symptomatic.
(Also, should I delete that initial post about what's going on and move it here?)
-------------------- Lyme, Bart, possible Babs Currently on IV Doxy, Bactrim, Zithromax, Nystatin, Mepron Been on nearly every antibiotic since 10/09
I'm so sorry you are in Idaho, where there are NO LLMD's .. Lyme Literate MDs. That said, we'll try to help you find one. Post over in Seeking a Doctor.
read this link about the IgM and IgG .. and general testing:
Thanks. I know some forums are touchy about cross-posts. These drs. definitely don't know anything. I have been reading the IgG/IgM stuff and am printing out to start a file. But I think I am going to look for an out of state LLMD ASAP. I love my doctors for actually running the test though. This came as a HUGE shock to all of us this morning because of the low incidence here.
-------------------- Lyme, Bart, possible Babs Currently on IV Doxy, Bactrim, Zithromax, Nystatin, Mepron Been on nearly every antibiotic since 10/09
Yes, that is a shock that you came up positive. Many with lyme do not!!!
Be sure to post in Seeking a Doctor.
I'll go see what you posted in General. I've been there several times today and did not see it.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Not surprising considering all the woods and grassy areas in Idaho. Ticks are on the rise all over. There are no LLMD's out there, closest is WA, I believe. Remember that Lyme disease is a clinical diagnosis, and the Igenex tests etc, should only be used as a supportive means, not as a conclusive result.
WALyme used to have a support group and a good website but I can't find it online anymore...anyone else? I have a few names if you email me
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Much to your surprise there is alot lyme disease here in Idaho. Ticks are abundant near the river, canals, and all over the mountainous regions.
Please don't waste your time with tying to get a lyme diagnosis from the physicians here. Your symptoms and a postive test are enough for a ld diagnosis. I don't know why they want to retest you anyways.
You can pm me if you want llmd info. You will have to travel outta state.
Posts: 188 | From ID | Registered: Jan 2007
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i sent her wash. state llmd list ...
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