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Spring, I don't have a concrete plan yet. I'm formulating one. I have a vague idea though.

I posted this in another thread about Rife. I want to post it so people understand the angle I'm coming from. I want people to know the mental processes of what has brought me to Rife.

The only reason I'm attempting Rife is after having evaluated a friend of mine after his 2 years of therapy. In 2006 he bought a used EMEM23D for about 500 dollars, just like mine. He began keeping a diary. The diary was primitive and simply included the frequencies he used during each session, how long the sessions were and the time frame between treatments, his symptoms, and a percentage of what he felt his function was i.e. 50%, 60% etc. I told him I would purchase a machine of my own from someone he didn't know if the results he had in 2 years were significant. I made it clear I would do this even though the report would be subjective.

He had been on antibiotics of various combinations for 3 years (From the start of 2002 thru the end of 2004). Unfortunately he got stuck at about 40-50% (He waxed and waned there, just like I wax and wane between 35-45%). He stopped treatment for a year in order to prepare for treatment. He fell extremely ill inbetween since he wasn't on any medications or any other supplements except for eating a "regular" diet, and taking plant sterols (Cholestapure) which is what his LLMD recommended he use while on Rife. He did gradually start exercising after a year of therapy, such as walking.

I told him I didn't believe Rife was an appropriate therapy for me to even consider at that present time and he didn't try to persuade me before or during his own process.

Once he was ready, he did his thing. When he completed the 2 year protocol he told me he was very confident in recommending the treatment to me given our cases were similar. He recommended it only after I requested his opinion. I told him "You have no proof it works though. Just because you're feeling better doesn't mean anything" His retort was, I'm 95% functional Mike, I feel great. I have a job, and I'm in a long term relationship." That's all he had to say. This kid was down to earth and I knew him well enough to trust his judgment since he and I worked together on the Myspace Lyme group that he founded. He had built boats with his father and was an avid civil war and Revolutionary Gun builder/collector before he fell ill. He kept carving the guns during his healing process he told me.

This kid and I talked constantly prior to his starting treatment -- 2 years actually. Once he began treatment however I tried intentionally to not talk to him very much so as not to be affected. In-fact, the 2 years passed by extremely quickly as a result. We spoke perhaps 3-5 times in the two year period.

So that was how I came to consider Rife a viable option. I bought my machine used from a young guy who felt he'd bought the machine prematurely, given he hadn't used antibiotics or herbal therapies. He felt his load was excessively high and thus even minor treatments with the Rife caused debilitating herxheimer reactions. Whether he was actually experiencing herxheimer reactions is unknown to me, but I trusted his judgment and he didn't try to sell me on it. He simply answered my questions. I asked for pictures and that was the end of it.

As anyone who knows me can imagine, I was extremely skeptical, but over time (In 2008), I began researching the results of other patients who performed a similar treatment pattern with the same machine that my friend had used. The reports were overwhelming, especially when I began talking to other people who I trusted too. I didn't follow their cases for "years" but I knew that for me personally, I could tolerate and trust their judgment as honest and worthy of consideration. The "average" consensus of the patients I spoke with was simple. They all made it very clear that it probably would not cure me.

When I spoke to people, I focused exclusively on those who "didn't" use supplements and who went off antibiotics before starting therapy and who remained disabled before therapy began (I defined disabled as unable to work).

I did a variety of research on Rife and felt the evidence was thin, but frequencies were being used in a variety of settings that demonstrated that it was possible that the claims people made might be reproduced. I felt the controversy was absurd surrounding Rife, but all I had to do was compare it to the current controversy of Lyme and long term antibiotics (which also had no objective proof via studies). It was obvious to me that while there was no proof and that hundreds of thousands of physicians around the world denied Lyme was Chronic, that it obviously was, since I kept coming up positive inspite of long term antibiotics. I felt better using antibiotics but better didn't mean "well." It meant I was no longer dying from the disease and was stabilized at 35% on most days.

So, will it work? I really have no idea but I've spent thousands of dollars in my own money as well as a million plus dollars over 20-25 years of my insurance companies' money) and wasn't healthy. Earlier in the thread I spoke about what I knew. I don't know if regular Rife machines sold perform as I described earlier but I do know that frequencies do cause damage to various cells and organisms if enough energy is supplied.

600 dollars (For the EMEM23D) and a commitment of 2 years of therapy seems harmless to me to at least try since nothing else has worked. I see Dr. H in New York. His PA is the one I really like working with and so I asked her (as well as his) opinion on the therapy. They said the results were mixed and the felt antibiotic therapy should be the first line. If treatment failed they said a lot of patients turned to Rife. Most flared up directly from using the treatment and decided not to continue, but some got much much better." I decided to also investigate further by having patients intentionally ask their LLMD's directly (As a favor), if they felt Rife treatment was effective in cases where antibiotic failure was present. Since I maintain one of the major LLMD lists and collect patient reports after they've seen the doctor, it was easy and very logical to use them to accumulate knowledge for my personal use on their dime. The majority of LLMDs said they "DID" feel it helped people but they didn't know why -- they each also made it clear they couldn't recommend it for legal reasons but they could give the patient their opinion and information if specifically asked about their observations. Some very well known doctors in the Lyme community did recommend it, but they are so cutting edge that I felt uncomfortable personally putting much weight on it.

After all of this, here I am. Does it work exactly as reported and claimed? I have no idea. Are there side effects that might hurt me? I have no idea. I've been on so many toxic drugs and tried so many alternative treatments it seems self evident to take the risk.

The reason I'm telling everyone this is so they understand what has motivated me to consider this avenue.

One last note. My friend who got well has not returned to the Lyme group (even to moderate) since reporting his recovery to me. He told me privately when asked that "I see no reason to take part in the group now, it self functions fine by itself and I'm well now. I don't know if I'm cured and I don't care. I'll continue to maintain my health by doing Rife monthly or every couple months. If I get sick again then you'll know because I'll be back immediately to try something else."

It's coming up on two years now and I haven't heard from him since, though I do see he signs onto his own myspace page occasionally. I'm very happy to have not heard from him.

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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D Bergy
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I am glads you are detail oriented, as this should help out quite a bit concerning frreqeuncy treatments.

Since you have not had a great deal of luck with any other treatment method, now you have the opportunity to narrow down why.

Your documentation will help immensly, and I cannot stress enough how important it is to document everything. Patterns emerge over time that really help pin point problems, and what is most effective.

I hope this works out well for you. You really have had a tough time, and do deserve some relief.


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Did you stop the new protocol that you
were suppose to go on last time you saw L.
in NY? Just wondering as I know you had just
started it and now saw that you are going to
try Rife. I assume that you will d/c abx then too?

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A couple of us are trying to target the mystery protozoan and

Karenl stated in another thread "started rifing the 787 for malaria and it did something all over my body"

I added progrsms to my generator and they are

Malaria - 4, 20, 28, 222, 550, 713, 880, 930, 1032, 1433, 1444, 1445, 455, 743

Malaria - 555,728,787,880

Toxo - 434, 852, 19665.89, 979.11

I always still add in the Detox and Kidney Liver Lymph programs too

I am seemingly able to handle a lot of rife without huge herxing.. I have gotten my loads down a lot via IV abx...

Therefore i can play around with full programs but my goal is to narrow down to certain numbers that work best for me.

Otherwise I am doing long periods of time on the rife...

I started with just the detox and organs supports for the first few weeks. This really helped me alot.

I now do those plus rotate with a Viral program and Parasite program and Lyme program. Now added in Malaria and Toxoplasmosis.

If I skip the viral program I seem to respond more strongly after that next week so I am going to stop skipping weeks and keep that one in there more continually.

I have been able to do 3 minutes on each frequency for every program. I sometimes feel better the day after and then herx the 2nd and 3rd day. Kinda weird ....

But the herxes do not seem to last more then 3 days now for me. They used to last 5 or 6 and I only could rife once a week. I am up to two times week now..

I am hopeful this will erradicate whatever is left or hiding or was not able to be hit by the IV abx treatments.

We will see... I see it also as some insurance on not allowing what I have done to return as well. That is my hope..
I am very fearful of relapse situations. Even though i am not in full recovery I also have been much worse and bedridden and ill than i am now..

So we will see.

I am keeping a log as well... and keeping track of time frames and numbers too...

I hope it all is fruitful....

Dan.> how long did it take for you to get to daily???
I am curious??
And how long are your sessions daily? when you started daily and how long did you work up to?

Thanks much

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Thank you. Stacy, I am still on their protocol. We have a limited number of options left. I began LDN yesterday for the second time. I had side effects the last time so I started again at .5mg and hope to get up to 1 soon. My protocol presently does not appear to be working.

However, it did result in massive herxheimer reactions when I initially began. I also feel better when I stop treatment (but not beyond 40%), so it's possible the medications are at least doing something. They wanted me to start Lariam too but I'm not comfortable using that drug at this time. I'm going to probably finish up whatever protocols they ask me to perform (except further IV) and heavily consider the Rife as the next stop. Things are subject to change, but this is where I'm aiming for now.

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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D Bergy
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We waited over three years to try the daily treatments, but we could have done it after about two years, or maybe even sooner.

Until recently we did not have any way to hit cyst form, it really did not make much sense to treat daily with just 612Hz. So we never tried to get to a daily treatment until recently.

We can run any frequency as long as we want. I have run 612 hz up to 2 hours, but it did not really have any more effect than running it for 20 minutes.

The first ten DNA frequencies are usually five minutes each, but I run them ten minutes if time permits. I do not use the secondary ones, although I may try them in the future.

To the best of my ability to diagnose, we were only treating Babesia and Lyme. I have no indication there is any Babs at this time, but it has bounced back in the past out of nowhere.

Lyme cysts are mostly in the ankles and spine at this time, judging from reactions, or lack of them. Reactions are getting more unreliable as we progress.


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Can you tell me whether or not you can use a Rife machine around computers, Plasma/LCD TV's or other electrical equipment.

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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LCD light even from a television might be therapeutic. I doubt the EMF emanating from the electronics would be helpfull, could be quite harmfull.


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What I want to know is whether Rife will damage electrical components in my home.

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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D Bergy
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If I get my machine right next to my laptop, it will cause interference. None of them have damaged anything.

I have not heard of anyone having damaged any electrical componants using one. It is too weak to really cause much trouble, other than maybe some radio interference at the designated frequency.


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Metallic, I strongly agree with Dan that you are a perfect candidate for Rife because you are so meticulous and thorough in your note keeping.

This is VERY important when using Rife therapy, and cannot be stressed enough. You already know my experience with Rife as we've talked in the past, so you can add me to your list of people that have been successful using Rife as a main treatment.

I've never experienced any problems with electrical components in my home when treating, so this shouldn't be a problem.

"The only way out is through"

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Why does there seem to be reluctancy to share frequencies or programs used for Lyme that were successful for those who have treated successfully?

I have asked a few times and Dan has given a couple numbers and one other person who has just been starting out has too.. and thats about it.

Is there some reason for this?
I think it would be helpful information to see. Not to duplicate but as a cross reference and for ideas as well.

Any reasons for this??

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I have wondered this too Springshowers. I think for some reason the originator of the frequencies wants money for finding them and people who get them may agree in some fashion to not release them??
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No, there is no hidden agenda for the frequencies. You can go to to get the ones that have generally been used successfully for free. If you ask people to list all the frequencies they've used through their entire treatment they would probably be willing to share.

Dan, what about the DNA frequencies? Can those be provided publicly or privately by you for free?

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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tick battler
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Dan can explain it better than I, but the DNA frequencies have taken a lot of time and effort to discover and it is my understanding that the person who discovered them (Charlene Boehm) charges a small fee to compensate her for her time and to fund future research in this area. I went on her website and tried to read one of her papers explaining the frequencies...very complicated stuff.

I don't have her website handy but it has been posed on this site before.

I plan to order her frequencies. In order to get them you have to sign a confidentiality agreement.

All of the other frequencies are public info from what I understand.


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D Bergy
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I only use two CAFL frequencies which work well for Spirochete form.

612 Hz and 432 hz.

There is probably other frequencies that work for Spirochete form, but these are better proven than the others. I only post frequencies that I am sure work, not because I am holding out on anyone. The rest of the Lyme frequencies are pretty much listed on the CAFL list.

I have not found any of the CAFL frequencies that affect Cyst form, and this is why I am using Char Boehm's DNA frequencies. She charges a small fee for exactly the reason given by tick battler. they would not even exist if it was not for her research in this area.

She also will send you a frequency conversion program for free upon request.

I have agreed not to disclose her frequencies by agreement, and I am a man of my word. She does not charge much anyway, and will update them for free if any changes occur.

You can do very well without the DNA frequencies, using just 612 hz and 432 hz for Lyme. I would just start out using these.

It will be all most people can handle to begin with.


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Thanks for the explanation on your decisions
on treatment protocol. I am interested in Rife
too and other alternative tx as well. I was just
in NY and I got a real aggressive tx plan to start
with the Tindy added in. I have not done any
cyst tx except Plaq all along.

Do not want to steal the post but wanted to
let you know the Factive is working great!
Fingers crossed this new 5 abx protocol does
not knocked me down to hard!

Good luck with the rife if that is the way you
will go. I know you will report all the details
honestly so that is a plus for those of us
wanted first hand accounts.

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Congratulations on finding a treatment that works for you. I always like to hear good news.
Stick with it, as long as it is working.


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I understand that you can get the list for free. I just noticed not many who seem to use rife talk about what works best.

By the way here is a list of lists... including history anectodes from previous years and peoples accounts. Very interesting stuff. The CALF Mystery PDF is amazing. Does anyone know of somewhere they did something like this for Lyme?

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Its interesting about 612

Everywhere I look I do not see Lyme Referenced.
Another reason its great to share..

612 - ALS_2, Coxsackie_B3, Coxsackie_General, Echo_Virus, Enterovirus_General, Influencinum_vesica_general, Leptospirosis, Leukose, Mucor_mucedo, Transformation_series

Am I missing it somewhere Dan?

432 makes more sense to me though

432 - Babesia, Bacillinum, Bacillus_subtilis, Backache_2, Cholecystitis_chronic, Complete_early_crane, Conjunctivitis, Coughing, Coughing_from_flu_vaccine_1, Diphtheria, Euglena, Immune_system_stimulation, Influenza_virus_swine, Kieferosteitis, Lyme_disease, Lyme_2, Lyme_tertiary, Lyme_TR_B, Morgellons_disease_TR, Pullularia_pullulans, Rhodococcus, Sinusitis_3, Sore_throat_comp, Yellow_fever

Just curious.

I understand about the DNA deal and that you have to pay for those and not share....

It would be cool to see what someone has done even for the first year as an example. For new people it can be frustrating not to see much in that way.. Just numbers and are presented and it is said to work up in time..

I just think it would be cool and educational to see a sampling from others who have lyme and have done or are doing rife.

Such as..
Month one....
Did A B C for Blank minutes ... Blank times a week.
And so on and so forth..

Again not to follow. Just to see sampling and get ideas of how others started out and see a progression of sorts changing in time and numbers and or if there were detoxing or organ supports used as well etc.

I know everyone is different. But from my point of view when I even first started this and approached it.. its amazing how objective it is.

And since we all are in the lyme community together we can only learn from eachother...

Or are there such samplings somewhere. I did not see any on the ancedotes pages.. yet..

Thats and interesting compiling..I am still reading through....

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Here are a couple peoples accounts from the list

"For lymes disease I use: 432, 484, 610, 690, 790, 800, 864, and 4200 hertz. My first herx was so severe it lasted over 3 weeks. I quickly learned to watch treatment times"

"Some have divided 380,000 by 440 for a frequency of 864. Here are some effective Lyme frequencies:
312, 345, 432, 484-504, 592-634, 690, 785-795, 800, 864, 1590-1640 "Doug's" program
is 432 or 864, 592-634 (3-4 minute sweep) and 1590-1640 (3-4 minute sweep). The two sweeps are very effective and seem to have less die-off symptoms than 432."

This one is interesting since my back just went out.
"For about 15 years Ive had lower back trouble. It will all of a sudden start to ache and then WHAM! it goes into spasm, hurts like hell and I have to hobble around on a cane like a cripple. Often times I can bring it on by lifting or doing any strenuous work without a gack brace on. It usually takes about a week and a half to clear up.

The other night at the office xmas party it started to ache after dancing. The next morning I was well on the way to having a full blown back episode....

My question is, why do you suppose my back would feel 90% better after using the EMEM2 for an hour each on 432 (Lyme) and 465 (yeast)? Ive been able to do this twice now..."

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A couple others

"There was a fellow who came to our Canadian group from Vancouver, who had actually obtained the Lyme bugs from CDC in Atlanta. He also has a live cell microscope and could see what each frequency was doing to the bugs, which gives an additional level of confidence to this one.. He found that 306 was the frequency that destroyed the Lyme ane he used this on his wife and a another person, and cured them both, so I would add that to the list.


In response to silver bullet for Lyme recommendation, my Developer source (who has no computer) says: "There is no one silver bullet on frequencies. One woman used 432 Hz on her son and miracles happened. It did not work for her, but 625 Hz did. Both were infected on same camping trip." "Doug" originally gave list as: 864 or 432; 690; 610 and 610-630 scan; 484 and 484 to 503 scan; and said, "Always run the 610 Hz after the 864 Hz--it lessens the severity of Herxheimer reaction," and later added 480-540 scan, and 765-810 scan."

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"A male subject, aged 52, suffering from medically diagnosed Lyme disease for 15 years (pains, stiffness, chills, etc.) was given a 20 minute exposure, holding the glass plasma tubes, one in each hand {a contact device, not a BRG}, to 2,016 Hz and 625 Hz. Two weeks later he phoned to person who had given the treatment to report the absence of all symptoms. It is now almost 6 months later and all symptoms are still absent, after just one treatment. Though anecdotal, it is still food for thought. I had suggested 625 Hz as this was Rife's frequency for syphilus, another spirochete, and I reasoned that it might also be applicable to the Lyme spirochete. What are the medical complementarys ? And what is their success rate ? This patient had previously tried intravenous antibiotics and many other conventional medically suggested methods with no success."

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I've used my GB 4000 six times. This rife experience is fabulous; i feel it's curing me fast; i didn't have bad herxes at first and now almost none at all. I think i can go to every day pretty soon, so far just one minute each on 612 and 432, for lyme. The other frx i'm doing are for candida, and they also seem to be working fast.

This is far, far pleasanter ,faster, and more successful than i ever imagined. Of course, after 5 1/2 years on antibiotics, there may not
be many bugs left to kill!

I've found plenty of frx in lists, so i haven't needed to experiment. There's a frequency list that comes separately along with the other part of the GB 4000 --- i'm glad i bought the extras; i didn't know the frequency list comes too.

I feel so good. I can't put in words how pleasant i feel, how wonderful my forehead feels to be clear, without the fog; the last time i had a clear forehead, until now, was a day or two in March, 2005.

I can't explain my happiness at feeling so well from the rife. I never read anyone else like this,-- just a minute or two of frequencies, and it makes me well, i'm almost cured.

Has anyone ever cured toenail fungus with rife?

I tried Hulda Clark's frequencies for onychomycosis today, but my toes are the same; but i didn't even use the two highest frx, since i haven't hooked up my amplifier yet.

---Polly Polygonum
----or Nilufar Knotweed

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612 Hz is the same as 306 Hz but one higher octave.
They are essentially the same frequency, but 612 Hz seems to work better for us. That may be why you have not seen it as it is listed as 306 Hz.

306 and 432 are both "Doug" frequencies. He witnessed the Spirochetes dying under the microscope using these. That is why I decided to focus on these two, and my experience supports his conclusions as well.

That is a very interesting anecdote Spring Showers. I have not seen that before. Thank you for posting it. I am always amazed at the things I learn here, unexpectedly.


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Not one to let grass grow under my feet, I put the above Syphilis anecdote to the test.

I had thought of trying this same thing a couple of years ago, but never did. I do trust Rife's frequencies more than any others, since he was far too careful to make mistakes.

I ran the 2016 Hz frequency and got my wife to holler at the pain shooting through her ankle. I just ran the 612 Hz harmonic and the DNA frequencies yesterday, there should have been little in the way of Spirochetes.

I am also running 625 and I am not sure if she is having effects from the previous frequency or if it is from this one, but she is not very comfortable.

I will reverse the order tomorrow, and see what the reaction is.

My initial impression is that 2016 works, and not just Spirochete form. I will have to do this a few more times to confirm, but others should try this and see what happens.

My advantage is she does not know what I am running ahead of time. She was not happy that it was a Syphilis frequency. I had to do some quick explaining.

I know a guy from England who is going to want to hear about these frequencies. He will give them a real test.


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Any opinions on the ReslWave 77 and lyme treatment?

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Wow. Thats cool Dan.. It was on my list to try as I read through those.

I was wondering why the lists stopped being posted in 2004. I wonder who was keeping track of those and keeping that log going>?>?

Any ideas?

I find those very valuable indeed.

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I am guessing Turf was keeping the list. Can't remember his whole name at this time.

I wrote the post above as I was running the frequencies. I ran 2016 two more times and the reaction was less but still made her uncomfortable.

She had the "spine breaking" sensation that she had with MMS. I am not sure what to make of this, but she is too sore to try again tonight. I do not usually have to skip a day because of a reaction, but this hit pretty hard.

Her spine and ankles are pretty sore, these are the areas I had already determined were still harboring more Lyme than anywhere else..

I am not going to jump to any conclusions, but this frequency needs more research for sure.

I would advise anyone who has a good load of Lyme go real short with this frequency. Until we know exactly how much it is capable of.


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I am going to try 2016 this weekend for an ultra-short duration and I will report back. I often feel like lyme hides in my wrists.

Spring, I did share my frequency list in October as did a few other posters, here's the thread:

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Thanks Cats..

I feel this stuff hides in my elbows wrists and back..... time to come out from hiding.'

My docs always say.. its one thing to clear this stuff from the blood and a whole other story clearing it from tissue and organs and ligaments etc..

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I ran 612 Hz last night first, to see if any Spirochete form was present. There was some, as she could feel it in various places. I would not have expected any.

I then ran 625 Hz because I did not get a good test of that the other day. I ran it for a half hour and got zero reactions. Absolutely nothing.

Then i ran 2016 Hz and had no reaction for eight to ten minutes and then, it started to hurt in her lower spine, hip and ankles.

Paul, the guy from England has had a delayed reaction also with 2016 Hz, but he has several infections going at once, so it is harder to tell with him.

I ran the 2016 Hz frequency for forty-five minutes which made her uncomfortable, but less so than the previous treatment. She fell asleep at the end, so she could not have been in much discomfort, toward the end.

Still not sure why this frequency is hitting something being missed by 612 Hz. I assume it is a different form of Lyme, hopefully cyst form, but I am not totally sold on that yet.

I am going to keep using it, because it is doing something the other frequencies are not. Since it is affecting the Lyme areas, it almost certainly is Lyme related.

I am tentatively putting 2016 Hz up there with 612 Hz and 432 Hz as my three main Lyme frequencies. I am going to temporarily stop using the DNA frequencies, to try see what this 2016 is actually affecting.

Maybe i can get an effective Lyme treatment with just these three frequencies. That is what i would like to find out.

I should add that i am using the EMX plasma device and I am sitting about four feet away, my wife is right next to it. I feel nothing from the frequencies.

Confusing disease.


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A few years ago when I was seeing a muscle testing retired body wanted/needed the Malaria protocols several times.

In no way did that mean I had the malaria bacteria, whatever freqs that were in the pre-programmed Malaria program was needed.

They helped tremendously. I wonder if I should go back and do more Malaria sessions. I also did many other programs based on the muscle testing.

Yellow fever

Staph has been a blessing to me over and over again. I can tell when I need to focus rife on staph. In fact I need it today.

Again this muscle testing & rife protocols were over a two year period and my body needed those programs because the freqs in them were beneficial to me.

Some sx disappeared into all this tx. Brain fog, fatigue improved, vision improved, and others I can't recall now.

I will say I gave up on the muscle tester because I felt like I had become his car payment and it was time for me to move on. He seemed to only be able to get me to a certain point.

For 10 yrs medical treatments/protocols have come to me in very spiritual ways. Each have been a blessing.

Right now I'm struggling and have been for about 6 mths. I need something or someone to help me, but I haven't found it yet?????????

I have developed a new rife protocol based on some threads in the last couple weeks. Thanks to those of you who have shared your experience with some info here.

You might be one of my angels.


"Never, never, never, never, never give up" Winston Churchill

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Dan I also tried 2016 and felt it in areas and in ways other frequencies have not shown to. I agree that it is an interesting number and I have added it to my list as well.

I ended up looking into the list I was given with my machine for syhphillis and ran that program last night.
Wow. it was powerful. I am herxing badly today. Quit intense.

If your curious about those numbers.. they are

900 660 650 625 600 626 20 658

Notice all the 600's!

My machine shows me when each number in a program is running so I can make notes to how I am reacting and my plan is to take off the numbers I do not want to keep and keep those I feel I am getting a larger reaction to. I too can feel them like you said your wife does and I am making the assuption those are the ones doing the affecting. I hope that is an appropriate assumption because when i read about this they say that you should not assume that necessarily?

Not sure about that. But the feelings coincide with a herx as well.

Let me know what you think of those numbers.

The Malaria and Toxo numbers I ran were no where near as intense as these Syphillis numbers..

Interesting stuff.

The Lyme protocols and numbers I have tried also have not been as intense either yet.

I am starting to use just the Ray Tubes I have and no electrodes. It helps me fine tune and feel more readily what is going on. The electrodes feel more like just zapping and the ray tubes feel like they are pulsing through my body and are more deep.

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Thanks for all of the info.

I spoke to my doctor the other day & he insisted that babesia may be a problem for me. He was never too concerned about co-infections but now he seems to think babesia may be a problem for me.

I don't have the typical co-infection symptoms but he said you can still have babesia even if you don't show symptoms or have a negative test result.

Anyway, he wants me to do the abx for it & I don't really like the idea of it. I'm considering Rife more seriously in light of this. How have you guys done with treating the co-infections & specifically babesia with the Rife type machines?

I've read that babesia is hard to eradicate with the Rife machine. Would anyone suggest to skip the abx & go directly for the Rife?

On another tangent - has anyone tried pulsed electro-magnetic frequency devices? SOTA has an inexpensive one. I've read alot of interesting stuff about PEMF.

Dan (or anyone) - does the GB-4000 have any glass tubes or does it only generate frequencies some how? Is it important to get a device with tubes? Does it make a difference?

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I do not have a lot of experience with babs, but my wife did have symptoms of it, and it was easiluy knocked down running CAFL frequencies.

I can't say for sure she had it, but I think she did. It also came back twice months later. I have not seen symptoms of it lately, but you know how that goes.

I cannot make a resommendation since I do not know the effectiveness of ABX or the effectiveness of frequencies for certain.

If ABX works well for it, then I would use it. If you already have a machine available then try the frequencies. If they work, it should work fast. They did for us, but we just treated until symptoms were gone. It may take a longer time to be rid of it for good.

The GB-4000 has regular stainless contacts, no plasma tubes. Plasma tubes naturally produce harmonics of the frequencies you are running. there are long debates on what effect these harmonics have, but either method works well enough.


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Thanks. I just came across this about babesia & fibromyalgia type pain...


This is conjecture: She never had Babesia. The motile parasites seen in blood wet mounts may have been responsible for her muscle disorder. We known that these parasites do not live in blood or blood cells- they are extracellular.

This means they primarily reside in other tissues. Their numbers must be so numerous that they egress into the blood. A likely place for parasites to live is muscle tissue. One must wonder: could fibromyalgia be caused by muscle parasites, at least in some patients?


It seems that this doctor has found some "other" parasite that can be associated with babs & fibro.

It would seem that this could be treated with the Rife. From the article, she treated it with a 3-5 months with Malarone with good results. Rife seems like it would be a good continuing treatment to keep the bugs away.

More about babesia-


Another helpful test is the evaluation of a wet mount slide. Many patients show a crescent shaped organism which resembles Toxoplasmosis. I do not believe this organism is Toxo: many patients with the organism have negative serology (antibodies) directed against Toxo. I will explain why I mention this finding in connection with Babesiosis in a moment.


Malarone seems to address this crescent shaped parasite whereas Mepron does not. It is my suspicion that this other, yet unknown parasite, is responsible for much muscle pain, including that associated with fibromyalgia syndromes.


Seems it's some other parasite that may be causing some of our fibromyalgia type symptoms. One day it's XMRV, one day it's Lyme, one day it's babesia... all of this is so difficult.

I guess we just have to keep an open mind & keep trying new things.

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I responded extremely to Malarone, and I did show the abnormal cell shapes in my blood when I tested via Fry Labs. It did not resolve the muscle pain, but it did resolve the heavy sweating to a significant degree and the breathing trouble.

To treat Babesia, I really think antiparasitics are necessary, not antibiotics alone. Malarone is antiparasitic.

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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Ok so I've begun organizing a plan. I'll need help to refine the "study" so to speak. If you can pick a part of my project and criticize it constructively and offering potential improvements, please consider doing so. I also need specific frequencies directly from the source of individuals who have identified and confirmed the frequencies are effective. A minimum of at least 5-10 individuals confirming each frequency is effective In-vitro, at a very specific frequency, can allow me to narrow down the methodoly. The machine itself doesn't matter as long as they've measured and confirmed the frequency is Plasma driven, and accurate. Let me know who here has this data, or who has contacts to those with the data.

Why Rife And Not IV

IV would improve my health probably, if we used the right drugs -- but it would be short lived. I am certain I will fall ill again. I did IV previously and the risks don't seem worth the attempt at this time. Sepsis and death -- from my last encounter -- aren't points I'm aiming for.

Why not try other alternative protocols?

I've done around 95% of all the available options that patients typically seek. The few I haven't include some Homeopatic treatments, HBOT, and Salf and Vit C. These aren't on my mind yet. I will research further. Adding immense salt to my diet is not a thrilling concept given I already have problems with other organs. I am not closing my mind to it though.

Rife may or may not hold me back for a little awhile.

The Focus On Rife, A systematic Process

For now I'm focusing on Rife. I feel confident about it, and believe it will work if I do it right.

I expect to be sick for many months however, but I'm going to work out a plan of attack that allows me to scientifically document things, so as to control variables. I want the material to be accessible to others when I've finished.

If it succeeds, even better. If it fails, the notes should help even more so patients can avoid mistakes, or consider alternative routes or ideas I missed while doing my own therapy.

Scientific Experimentation & The Hypothesis: How to Organize The Parameters


I wish to avoid Detox and supplements as much as possible from an herbal or unconventional format. Simple formats will be used, such as exercise and a select 1-2-3 trivial supplements.

Yet I don't want to devastate my ability to recover, so I will have to figure out a system that can allow both the science and full recovery potential at the same time.

There are ways of detoxing using substances which will not influence infection, but are common house hold items, as well as exercise and drinking a measured amount of a specific type of water.


I will avoid vitamins, and follow eating a normal diet -- not controlled. An uncontrolled basic diet of 3 meals per day (Or 4), with soups with vegetables, regular breads or whole grains, pasta, meats, cheese -- typical foods. I can tolerate most foods. Foods which can't be tolerated will be substituted, and I'd also measure these, to see when these intolerances did or didn't disappear.

Credibility Is Crucial

I want the process to be as close to scientifically valid, so as to exclude things. A diet of that nature would not influence outcome if Rife in-fact works. Vitamins however "would" influence the outcome, as I've responded to them in various ways previously.

Some supplements should not however, such as the Cholestapure, or ALA, NAC, or some very primitive and basic nutritional items. Cheap, easily accessible items, including Baking Soda, may be considered.

None of those would influence an infectious disease process.

The less supplements, the less variables.

The less variables, the more credible the research.

I'll ask the doctor and Sheryl and find out how to establish a controlled experiment

How To Objectively Measure

Blood work of specific kinds would help.

Including updates on Igenex blood work done constantly.

my Igenex test was positive, we already know what is present.

More testing would allow objective indications of how fast it takes for the titers and bands to fade.

Other blood numbers, such as the immune system, thyroid, and other hormones (without supplementation), would indicate progress as well as worsening.

Initialy, if correct, things should worsen. Immune dysregulatory numbers should become abnormal, with non-specific inflammatory indication.

Blood counts can be graphed using a progrogram over months.

Combined with accurate testing, simplified diet, minimal supplements known to have no impact on disease, and simple exercise protocol starting with the bike alone, the duration, an perhaps even the amount of sweat can be measured.

I can do that using a simple tee shirt that I can work out consistently with.

I can pour water on it via measuring, to see how much water it takes to saturated the shirt. I saturate my current shirt to it's maximum when I finish exercising, so I can measure it's weight as well, to compare.

Once I know, I will know the amount the shirt is consistently saturating, and the weight of the shirt on a scale.

These numbers and indications should also see a decline in the amount of sweat on a graph. My numbers have been consistent for years -- constant saturation. This should not take place in a normal human being.

A decrease would suggest infection is decreasing, and bodily regulation is normalizing.

Circumstantial and Subjective Evidence

I will also report subjective numbers, such as percentages of health, and define the percentages clearly so people understand what I can objectively do physically at each level.

I will also list the symptoms on some form of graph to demonstrate the rate at which they increase, decrease, duration, intensity, and time frames over months to years.

Choosing Minimal Frequencies

I will organize the frequencies according to what is considered significant by those who have used actual machine tools to objectively identify the frequencies that effectively killed the bacteria -- and attempt to find others who were able to do the same with various co-infections.

If I understand the invitro results, it may allow -- in comparison -- to make a presumption clinically of which numbers are effective invivo in cases that follow the identical pattern and course of my own illness.

I can then follow-up with all the tests which I tested positive.

Including RMSF, CPN, MP, Mold, Lyme, etc -- as well as attempt to run Bartonella testing again.

I will include the labs and dates of blood draw, and such. -- the numbers can be graphed too.


All of this, when finished, should give an accurate reflection of what patients can expect to really see with a chronic Lyme Disease case, with secondary co-infections. If treating the Lyme alone seems to instigate results of the co-infection numbers, it would support the hypothesis of Lyme being the underlying cause of an immune dysregulatory process, including suppression.

Pre-Activity To Prepare For Rife

Unknown variables such as unknown infections, parasites, or other processes will need to be understood more fully before I begin.

Thus, parasite cleansing is needed, and further antibiotics to lower the load before Rife therapy began. A long rest period between -- and an allowance of symptoms to worsen again (assuming they improve at all) would ensure the infection was not killed.

Since Rife therapy is presumed to be primarily a project for those who have failed Antibiotic therapy, it only makes sense to provide adequate time before finishing antibiotics and supplements, to ensure they don't actually influence or impact the Rife therapy outcome.

This is to avoid the "Well antibiotics and not Rife could be why you got well.

That can easily be ignored by documenting proper symptom patterns and test numbers via CMP and Igenex re-testing of the Western Blots.

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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Metallic Blue,

Wow. That is quite a plan and I look forward to your substantial documented recovery! No joke.

I think that blood work is an ok measure, but I think you should give the subjective measures more attention, especially since your posts are well-edited and well thought out. "You don't sound sick" so it might be hard for some patients to connect your experience to thier treatment plan. I found that blood test results didn't measure half the mess I was in, if you know what I mean.

Subjective things I would consider relevant and things that changed radically for me are:

1) nap urgency, number of naps per week and duration (I went from a must-have, fall down in my tracks, 2 hour nap every day to no napping)

2) instances of word-finding problems (I went from several a day to none)

3) ability to tolerate noise on some sort of scale- can you tolerate a three way conversation with the radio on when an ambulance drives by?

4) ability to tolerate trips out of the house- perhaps measured in recovery time. For example, it should not take 2 days to recover from a trip to the local lab for blood work.

I'm sure there are many other subjectives and they should be tailored to your experience.

That being said, best of luck. When does the plan begin? Not sure I have ever been so excited about someone I don't know starting a new lyme protocol, seriously.

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I think it is admirable that you are doing everything you can to properly document your experience.

I have done it in a similar but cruder manner, but not as detailed as what you are planning. I also would use a combination therapy, if there was one that my wife could tolerate. I am here to cure her first however I have to do it.

I am trying to help others by recording the experience, results and observations. That is my second priority.

I had no doctor or medical tests to work with, as our local doctors would be more of a detriment than a help.

I think you are going to do this properly, but I do not know if I would go as far as deprive yourself of vitamins and supplements just for the sake of eliminating variables.

You still need a good immune response to improve.

The object is to get well, and if possible cure the disease. I do not want you to sacrifice yourself for the sake of credible documentation.

No matter which way your results go, many people have a religious like zeal for one type of medicine or another. You really are not going to influence that group no matter how well you do this.

I understand your objective, as it was mine also, within limits. But you matter the most. Do not deprive yourself of anything you may need to improve, for the sake of scientific method.

Other than that, way to go!


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Thank you for the additional notes you both offered. I'll have to think carefully and discuss many things further before I can further refine the ideas. The aim at first is always a "plan" -- but planning is priceless, but once at battle, plans are useless, because you often find better ways, or must compromise certain aspects in order to achieve a priority result.

So, absolutely. I come first, and I'll make sure it's something I can live with and recover. As far as the subjective issues, it will be done right.

I am not a physician, so do your own research to confirm any ideas given and then speak with a health care provider you trust.

E-mail: [email protected]

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Well, Wed I tried 612 & 432- 2 minutes each and followed up with 10,000 for 5 minutes for detoxing.

As usual my herx reaction came on strong 24 hrs later. Yesterday I thought my head was going to explode and that horrible lyme neck pain.

During both 2 min. I felt the usual body sensations that tells me I'm hitting on something.

Looking forward to hitting some of these other

Thanks gang, Pam

"Never, never, never, never, never give up" Winston Churchill

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After reading all that.. Although admirable.
I so agree with Dan. Put yourself first. I can not imagine the energy and time it takes to do just the planning and tracking of what your talking about.

That energy ... just in my opinion.. (and of course it is up to you to decide) might be needed in other areas of your life and treatment to get you well.

I have been for myself even talking to myself about cutting down my computer time and time on even this forum as I can see it takes energy even when I am laying in bed..

So we all have to make those choices but you have described your level of functionality to all of us and I can not imagine doing what your doing at this level is going to help your own health.. .it might help later prove how it happened but.. is that worth it/?? I would truely think this over..

Written with care..

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by METALLlC BLUE:

For now I'm focusing on Rife. I feel confident about it, and believe it will work if I do it right.

I wish to avoid Detox and supplements as much as possible from an herbal or unconventional format. Simple formats will be used, such as exercise and a select 1-2-3 trivial supplements.

Credibility Is Crucial


That is pretty substantial and while reading it there were quite a few times I asked - WHY go through all of this however, only you know what feels right to you, I definitely don't want to sound like I am judging you.

But, I will put my two cents in though since you opened it for discussion:

How do you define right in your statement - "I know it will work if I do it right" There is no predetermined right way or wrong way to do this.

As many detox methods that are available should be used - In my experience it was and is still extremely important to offer yourself the best chance of recovery.

Keep in mind (I know you know this)that most people who get well use more than rife - I personally treated with the machine and pulsed antibiotics,used vitamins as well as salt/c and detox.

Credibility is important - getting well is crucial.

I know you know all of this - I follow your posts and I think it is great you are willing to document this and pay all the extra lab costs but in the end it will mean that it did or didn't work for you since we are all so different.

I do hope you get well - I just don't want you to limit your chances.

All My Best!

BTW - I am NOT a medical professional - just speaking from MY own personal experience.

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D Bergy
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I do think it is extremely important to be methodical and have a third party rate results.

It is hard to be objective with your own symptoms or lack of them. I know this from my own disease, and past problems with depression. My wife was the first to notice that my depression was gone. I had not even noticed myself.

Randomly running this or that frequency without regard to what is happening is not going to produce a knowledge base to draw from.

I suppose that is why I like to run frequency A on my wife, without telling her what it is and rate responses myself. Sometimes I throw in a frequency for detox or some other benign frequency to make sure she is not responding to the fact I am treating her, instead of the particular frequency.

This provides me with honest reactions, that I then can repeat over and over again, gaining information that will be useful in the future.

I am in the situation in that only frequency treatments are available to treat the disease. They may not be the best treatment, I really do not know, but doing it properly is important.


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"I do think it is extremely important to be methodical and have a third party rate results."

Methodical is one thing but above and beyond comes into play at some point - which differs for everyone of us.

For me and in my experience it is not necessary to go to that extreme but I do respect it.

More importantly, I don't want anyone to risk not getting well by leaving certain things out that helped others.

And I agree - a third party rate result is very important - I would have given up rife everytime I herxed because I thought I was dying but my wife knew I would come out of it and make progress. Having her see it made all the difference in the world.

You, yourself have also invested in other treatments (although frequency)by paying for the DNA frequencies - so you are using everything possible to get better and it sounds like it is working.

All My Best!

BTW - I am NOT a medical professional - just speaking from MY own personal experience.

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D Bergy
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It has worked as far as symptomatic improvement is 100% better. She works 60 hours a week and keeps up with the housework also.

Now I want a cure, but that is proving to be more difficult.

I am overall impressed with the result. I have between $4,000.00 and $5,000.00 total investment if you add up everything we have tried, and the current treatment and equipment.

That is not too bad considering the results so far.


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I agree 100%

Hopefully - the cure will come eventually for all of us!

My total investment not counting doctors fees(which were 4g's when my whole family had our 1st visit):

850 - emem3d

2500 - desktop coil - not used during the time I got well. it was bought after I returned to work.

1500 - my infrared sauna - which just stopped working 15 minutes ago and there is no schematic.

$$$ for vitamins - which I was taking prior to getting sick.

BTW - I am NOT a medical professional - just speaking from MY own personal experience.

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MB - What you are doing is admirable. The main thing is that you get well, though - not be a science experiment. If you have to go off your course or do things outside of your plan, please do so.

"I expect to be sick for many months however"

I took exception to this one remark you made. It may be counterproductive. It may be better to expect nothing or be neutral rather than to expect to be sick. Expect the unexpected!

I know it's really hard to get a positive mindset after all of these years of being ill but we have to. I know because I've been there & I'm still ill, too.

Sometimes, you just have to try to think outside of the box. Even if you document your results with tests - these are your results. They may not apply to anyone else since we are all different & have different manifestations of illness.

Your studies & observations are for you. They may be helpful for others to see your experience but we are all unique. Also, the tests are not always accurate.

I think you really have to go by how you feel, not what the numbers on a lab test are. I appreciate the time you take to detail all of your experiences & all of the things you have gone through.

The main thing is to get well. I won't think less of you if you don't document everything or if you change your plans.

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