My thyroid levels have gone high and I've been in a LOT pain for the past 2-3 weeks. In the past it has caused me the same symptoms as lyme/Bart even before I was infected.
Up until this point I was doing great. I'll need to wait another few weeks and see if my symptoms disappear as my levels come back into balance.
So for me I can't comment right now until I know for sure.
How is Cindy doing?
Hope you are feeling better?
-------------------- GB 4000 With MOPA
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't! Posts: 557 | From MI | Registered: Nov 2010
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
I am slowly getting better, but still in pain from my frequency experiment dealing with Crohn's.
I am on Prednisone, and lots of Aspirin to control pain and swelling, and have added MMS in to try debug and detox my intestinal tract. That seems to be working, but I have to do it very cautiously and slowly.
Cindy is doing well. She has not had any treatment in well over a month, but probably should have one anyway.
For whatever reason, she seems to be able to better resist the remaining infections, which are Bart and Lyme. I am not sure of the reason, but maybe her body has a better defense now, than before.
I doubt it is all gone, but it seems to be weakened in some manner.
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I do bounce around these days. I don't know who's who? That's why I'm actively seeking someone that can help me with machine.
I do know how to muscle test myself. My body seems so confused when I try to ask it about rife and sessions. Which way do I go? Which way do I go?
Thoughts are keeping the element of surprise in there.
Spring, here's my list that came up over 3 yr period with muscle testing chiro doc. He had to keep reminding me that this was freq programs my body said yes to.
Just because my body said it needed that session/run of freq doesn't mean you have that's that your body wants a freq or all the freqs in that program.
I have Beam Ray which came pre-programmed with protocols. I also set up a good 50 programs myself. My body always wanted these in days, times per day, some even b/l/d.
Yellow fever (over and over again) ecoli (many times) staph meningoccoccinum tetnus (over and over again) R1-which was cancer preset sarcoma chlamylia pullularia Malaria 3 strep Shistosomia masoni hepatitis Hong Kong virus Rickettsia (at 3 am in morning)rest during day Leukoencephalitis strep viridans penicillium notatum diabetes 5 cystitis typhoid fever III Parkinson (over and over again)
Yes, I made progress and there were not herxing/healing crisis per say. I was just so toxic it took alot of different herbs, supps etc to get me detoxing with all things.
Many homopathic came up. But nothing ridiculous. I got stuck with some things and it would take differnt tx to get me on track.
I just became discouraged for personal reasons. Maybe I made a mistake and skipped out before I should have??????
The Beam Ray came with 2 bulbs. I used the stronger one for years and about a year ago switched to the other bulb, which in my notes said for elderly, children and fragile immune system.
I prefer it much better. My herxes are not as bad. I guess I have a fragile immune system???
-------------------- "Never, never, never, never, never give up" Winston Churchill Posts: 6485 | From Louisville, Ky | Registered: Jan 2002
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I know how to muscle test and I understand how it works but how do you test for frequencies?
I'm happy to hear Cindy is doing that well a month out with no rifing!
Sounds like your in a battle yourself and I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick but I know you'll beat it if anyone can!!! My prayers are with you!
I'm feeling MUCH better as of yesterday and even better today so I know it was my thyroid levels causing me all these symptoms.
Seems since I've had a Partial Thyroidectomy 3 years ago this happens to me whenever my levels get just a bit out of whack.
I got to looking at the James/Rife/Protocol and I'm pretty excited at what I discovered. At this juncture of my treatments it looks like this might be just the "ticket" I need to MOP up any other pathogens I might have parasites and all!
It covers All other pathogens that I am not currently rifing (some I know I have others I haven't tested but they will be covered anyway using this method). It will cover even H-pylori, CPN and seems any viruses listed here from what I can see. I'll sit down with my calculator again and make sure I'm correct and figure out how tight I can run the sweep but it is looking like I can keep it pretty tight with what I am already running.
As of now I am running 3 Lyme freqs 432, 612 & 2016 and two Bart 832 & 357 at their highest harmonics in a auto program for 18 mins with no reaction so I am making progress. I also run a mycoplasma auto program 690 & 880.2 Hz but only for 4 Mins.
My plan is to keep running all the old up to 25 mins each and add this James/Rife protocol.
-------------------- GB 4000 With MOPA
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't! Posts: 557 | From MI | Registered: Nov 2010
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
I think I will rename this so it makes more sense, and call it the Rife/Peters protocol. At least then we are using both last names.
This method is the most effective I have used so far. It replaces all other Lyme frequencies I have used. One sweep seems to take care of everything Lyme related better than the individual frequencies. I do not think it specifically kills the cyst form, but I do think it kills every other form of Lyme.
I have noticed it does not take too long before you have to treat less often. I do occasionally run 2016 or a higher harmonic of it, but it really is not needed as long as you use the Rife/Peters method.
I am doing a little better each day, and I will get this MAP pathogen figured out in time. Now that I have positive evidence that it is the cause of my symptoms, I can figure the rest out given some time. The hard part was knowing for certain which pathogen to target.
We will all get to a better place. I am amazed at the progress both in real world results, and improvement in methods for Lyme.
There is also some progress being made behind the scene on Cancer treatment using frequencies. Very preliminary, but looking real good thus far.
I think we are in the age of rediscovery of what this treatment method can accomplish, and we are part of it.
Hang in there. Persistence wins this race, not speed.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Are you running 832 Hz by itself or are you just running Rife/Peters protocol for this pathogen also?
I see 832 x 8 = 6656 so it would be hitting.
Because I have some Myco's this protocol would not "hit" the freqs I would need but if I ran a sweep from 6475 to 6900 I'd be hitting everything but that's probably to wide of a sweep?
-------------------- GB 4000 With MOPA
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't! Posts: 557 | From MI | Registered: Nov 2010
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
I run a higher harmonic of 832 Hz 39935 Hz.
I still use that one for Bart, but even the Bart is not giving any problems lately. She still does feel the frequency when I run it though, so I am sure it is still there.
Just in case anyone out there is using the MOPA around someone with IBS, Crohn's or a related intestinal problem. Avoid using a 3.1 Hz carrier frequency. It is real close to Rife's original TB frequency, and that can flare up a person with TB or someone with the related MAP bacteria such as myself.
I do not have 100% proof, but just the 3.1 Hz carrier by itself will put me into a tail spin right now.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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I think I'm not yet far enough along to say if I am really improved on frequency treatment with a coil machine. But so far, I am getting herxes with treatment and staying off antibiotics, so that is an improvement for me given the gut issues I have after 10 years of abx. I am struggling right now as treating cpn has proved much more challenging that lyme and bart.
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Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't! Posts: 557 | From MI | Registered: Nov 2010
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Can you tell us what the Rife / Peters protocol entails or how to learn about it?
I have never run single frequencies but programs of numbers all inclusive
What does the Rife / Peters protocol do and how does it do it?
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Here's a PM i received,...He needs HELP: QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE Author Topic: Rife Machine Thackery Binks Junior Member Member # 32779 Icon 1 posted 09 July, 2011 06:48 PM Profile for Thackery Binks .... I was reading people's threads when I cam across a thread on a woman who had hit rock bottom and you had mentioned Rife therapy. I am also at that point and could so use some advice on therapy. I am a 31 year old male who has been sick since age eleven. I had gotten well for only 2-3 years long enough to work physical therapy, and then to lose it all. My primary sickness was my blood sugar, a constant rare low blood sugar. Which began with just dropping in the 70s and 60s, then after years later not a surprise to end up in the 50s and 30s. Then it was my brain, started getting white matter damage. Then my vision in the form of billions of spots 24/7, then my balance, my memory, my personality, only being able to be up and out for an hour at a time before getting tired, getting diagnosed with sleep apnea (at 143 pounds) that they said could be related to my brain and my body, and a heart that misses very dangerous rates, thousands upon thousands of skips per day. I am starting to need almost 24 hour care and I fear for the ones I love. I lost my job as a physical therapist, I lost my job working at home as a computer technician because of the amount of time it takes me to read the words over the bright spots in my vision. I am on doctor probably 40-50... If I really counted, maybe more than that. 7 endos', 7 neuros with 4 more they're sending me to (neuroopthomologist, seizure specialist, MS specialist said I was making it all up) We struggle like crazy to pay the $300 per month health insurance, which I have just found out will not cover any treatments I will need for what I believe to be bothering me. I have located the closest LLMD and it's basically 4 hours away... problem is I can't make a 4 hour car ride with my blood sugar drops, even with proper dietary objects that are supposed to bring it back up. Another thing, I can't afford the fees. The LLMD's would cost thousands over the course of treatment. My thoughts are to try Rife and Herbals, although very selectively as money will be the biggest issue. What I really need your help, if you would, is to give me advice because if we are able to get up the money for this rife machine (I plan on selling every tv, dvd, little thing I own for a fund for it), I have to make sure I get the right one, because then we will have no other option. I have asked peoples opinions before but not really getting an answer and I feel this is degenerating so quickly time is something that's very very, important, because my main neurological symptoms just started this year and have already gotten to the point to where I can barely walk, and can only see 2/3rds of everything, and feel faint every day. I see all kinds of Rife machines, right now we only have a few hundred dollars, maybe 300-400, i know that' probably not enough, but if we have to sell stuff how much do we need? I don't want to buy a cheap one if it won't work. The higher priced ones are sooo much, like 2,500. Can you tell me what you use, and if you know any of the more affordable ones work?
....I'm grasping at straws here, and could use some advice from someone who has experience. Posts: 2 | From USA, NC | Registered: Jul 2011
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
The Rife/Peters protocol is basically using Rife's original frequency treatment for Syphilis, and adapting it for Lyme Disease. The two are closely enough related that the frequency for Lyme is close to the Syphilis frequency.
You do need to be able to run two frequencies at once, and not all machines can do this, but some can.
I use a 3.3 MHz carrier frequency along with a second frequency of 6,600 Hz. This is Rife's Syphilis frequency method.
Since this is not Syphilis but close enough frequency wise the frequency needs to be swept to hit Lyme.
James recommends a sweep from 6,400 Hz to 6,800 to make sure you hit the Lyme. I run it a little narrower and start from 6,500 Hz to 6,800 Hz.
Basically you do not vary the 3.3 MHz carrier, but sweep the second audio frequency.
You do not have to use a 3.3 MHz carrier frequency, but the specific audio frequency you use, is dependent on the carrier.
So if you use 3.1 MHz carrier frequency you then need to calculate the second audio frequency based on that particular carrier frequency. It would be different.
I will not get into the specifics of the calculation, but just so you know the 6,600 is variable depending on the given carrier frequency used.
The two frequencies combined produce the effect. This is the method Rife used in the early more effective machines.
This is not to say single frequencies do not work. I have used many that do work well, but it is a different method than what Rife used.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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That is so sad to read. I wonder if someone could take up a collection for him?
Let me know I'd be willing to donate.
Maybe he could buy a good used machine?
-------------------- GB 4000 With MOPA
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't! Posts: 557 | From MI | Registered: Nov 2010
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Member # 2022
The problem is the machine for him???? I would recommend he look at some machines that Dr K sells.
I have one of the most expensive. It was for me, no doubt but I need advice/muscle testing or someone that knows stuff to advice me. But then again I'm waiting and praying that Igenex blood results is going to help answer some of my questions.
Dr K machine are different than rife machines. Dr K machines don't take one to rock bottom like rife does on some. This young man needs help now.
The only machine I would spend money on is one designed by someone that knows the pit of hell and can help this young man sooner rather than later.
Look under Gigi threads and Dr K threads and find the name of the machines. As I recall they are about $500, which would good money he can come up with.
Gigi knows if this Dr K machine will help this young man. Gigi needs to contacted by email or a thread addressed to her. She will respond.
Maybe someone has a used Dr K machine. But most people do NOT get rid of their machines. They use them for life even after feeling better.
-------------------- "Never, never, never, never, never give up" Winston Churchill Posts: 6485 | From Louisville, Ky | Registered: Jan 2002
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I did a lot of yard work on the 4th of July weekend. Probably overdid it.
2 other things I did were stop taking antiviral medication (I don't like staying on pharmaceuticals) and I also did a treatment of 432 for borrelia.
Since then, I had an uptick in inflammation, particularly the lower back and hips, but also just generally everywhere.
I'm trying to figure out which of these three things (the exercise, the cessation of antivirals, or the borrelia tx) has caused the uptick in inflammation. It's not my first 432 treatment with rife. I had done it a few times once every couple of weeks before that while concurrently treating for Bartonella daily.
I had gotten to the point where the Bart treatments weren't causing herxes before starting the borrelia tx.
Anyway, I'd like to know your thoughts on the inflammation increase.
-------------------- -chaps �Listen to the bell, Borrelia. It tolls for thee!� Posts: 631 | From A little place called, "we'll see." | Registered: Apr 2010
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It could be any or a combo of issues. I find myself so many times wondering the same but I know in time I always figure it out just like I have recently concerning my thyroid levels causing me lyme symptoms.
If you take it easy and don't feel better then look to the other reason. If you are herxing from rifing that should stop soon. If all else fails you could begin your antivirals again and see if that helps.
It's all a puzzle sometimes but I do believe if we stay persistent we'll win!
-------------------- GB 4000 With MOPA
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't! Posts: 557 | From MI | Registered: Nov 2010
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Member # 22149
The lower back is definitely Lyme. And for me it didn't start to get bad until 4 months into coiling 432.
So I think it's peeling the onion and borrelia loves the lower back. So makes sense to me.
Posts: 5394 | From Houston, Tx | Registered: Aug 2009
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
Sun exposure will cause an increase in symptoms when you have a good load of Lyme.
When we had a pontoon boat, any ride out on the lake predictably resulted in increased Lyme symptoms.
Once it is reduced to a minimal amount, this problem will go away.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Someone explained to me how the viruses increase the inflammatory response (although I can't articulate it myself).
So the exercise plus coming off the antivirals made the viruses surge, the exercise also caused some back strain, and the Lyme goes to the hips and the lower back, so all those things put together made for quite a bit of discomfort.
Fortunately, I heard about an alternative to rx antivirals called Virasyl. I'm going to give it a try, I hear it works, particularly for inflammation.
I think it's virtually impossible to beat these viruses with a rife machine, because there are so many stealth viruses involved. You can't kill what you can't identify.
Thus, it seems the only solution is to take some kind of antiviral product while killing the known pathogens and eliminating toxins, metals, etc, getting the gut healthy. When the immune system has recovered enough, it will take care of the viruses on it's own. That's my theory.
-------------------- -chaps �Listen to the bell, Borrelia. It tolls for thee!� Posts: 631 | From A little place called, "we'll see." | Registered: Apr 2010
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Member # 11846
There's an anti-viral herb called LOMATIUM, Lomatium dissectum. I don't know if it would work on your virus, but it completely, permanently wiped out my Herpes simplex lip sore infections.
I took it as extract drops which i bought on the Internet. It didn't take long, and the life-long nuisance infection was GONE forever.
Polly Polygonum
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Lomatium is VERY strong and even Buhner recommends breaking from it often
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I took Lomatium for a whole year with no breaks.
Stephen Buhner posted not to take it for more than a month. I posted a Q, saying i had taken it for more than a year. He replied, "If you have that kind of tolerance, go for it!"
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-------------------- -chaps �Listen to the bell, Borrelia. It tolls for thee!� Posts: 631 | From A little place called, "we'll see." | Registered: Apr 2010
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Member # 22149
Ok, thanks Pam
Buhner also told me...
""Lomatium is pretty good for viruses. Begin with 10 drops of the tincture 3-6x daily and go up from there""
A Master Herbalist I respect said she likes Pau 'D Arco better than Lomatium.
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
From what few viruses I have treated, and others experiences, they all seem easily destroyed using Char Boehm's DNA frequencies. This is not real well documented so it still is somewhat of a crap shoot.
I run them in the 2 to 3 MHz range. Viruses seem to be particularly vulnerable to the DNA based frequencies.
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
This is not directly related to Lyme Disease treatment using frequencies, but is one of the diseases they have worked with. This is very early research, so you can see it as it happens today.
This video shows ovarian cancer being destroyed using the very same principle we use here for Lyme.
Research that should have been concluded decades ago, is now being done today. I encourage anyone who wants to support real, worthwhile research to put this high on their list. Not only Cancer research, but will be applied to Lyme and other diseases as well.
This should bring this method out of the realm of experimental, to conventional, given the money is there to support it, and solid results.
Either way, sign up for the free updates for the results of on going experiments.
THis site is an ad site but has comparison of BCX ULtra My Machine to other Machines and the GB4000
I was reading on this for someone who asked about my advice. I have not used the GB> But you had mentioned the rife peters and I was looking to see how my my machines runs more than one frequency at a time. I read it did and on this site it says it did but I am not sure how to program it myself to do this... and I am still trying to research that more..
How does your machine work as far as programming more than one frequency to run at a time?
LET me know if you could. THANKS DAN
Posts: 2747 | From Unites States Of America | Registered: Apr 2009
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
I have not ever use a BCX ultra, but it does use a carrier frequency and a second audio frequency, so it can be used to run the Rife'Peters sweep.
I think the BCX needs to be programmed via command lines, and is quite different in this respect than the GB-4000. I have no experience using one so I am not going to be much help.
The GB-4000 runs the carrier frequency whenever you use it in RF mode, so nothing more needs to be done.
I am not sure if the BCX has a fixed carrier frequency, or if you can change it. I think it is fixed, but it should say in your instructions.
You would have to adjust the audio frequency to work with that particular carrier frequency, to do the sweep.
I can probably figure that out, if you can find out the exact carrier frequency.
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
It seems from the ad that the carrier is set at 45,000 Hz, but also has some other options for a carrier. Not sure how that works, but if someone who owns one can clarify the details it would be helpful.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Dan, regarding viruses and the DNA frequencies:
I ordered Char Boehm's DNA frequencies for EBV. There are 21 of them. Since they were all in a range relatively high for the doug coil, it would be impossible to run all of them (not enough hours in a day to cover the whole body allowing time for amplifier and coil cooling).
Char recommended that I try and run them on an EMEM machine.
So I visited a friend to use her EMEM machine. I found another problem.
Char's frequencies go to two decimal places and her instructions say to run 17 of the 21 frequencies EXACT. Well, that's a problem, because the EMEM machine (and the frx generator for the coil, for that matter) only goes to one decimal place.
Nevertheless, I ran the frequencies rounded to the nearest 10th.
I got no herx and no improvement. This of course raises the question of whether EBV is what's giving me the problem or not.
What I can say is this. When I'm on antivirals, I feel 85% well. When I'm not, I backslide significantly particularly with inflammation.
Blood tests show EBV titers high. Then again, that doesn't necessarily mean it's what's giving me the symptoms.
There's a strong possibility that there are one or more "stealth" viruses giving me these problems and trying to figure it out by rifing for every virus under the sun can be futile and unproductive.
That's why it seems to me that taking something for the viruses while utilizing rife and other therapies for the bacteria, parasites, metals, while also working on the gut is the logical approach.
The trouble is, I don't want to be on harmful pharmaceutical chemicals for too long. Furthermore, I don't know if there might be contraindications between the antivirals and other therapies such as MMS. So I'm seeking natural alternatives to the antivirals.
The Lomatium sounds promising and I'll look into the Pau d'Arco too.
-------------------- -chaps �Listen to the bell, Borrelia. It tolls for thee!� Posts: 631 | From A little place called, "we'll see." | Registered: Apr 2010
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
I also have to round off the last decimal for her frequencies. They seem to work regardless. There is probably that much drift in the frequency anyway. I have had the most luck using her viral frequencies, as measured by response to them.
I did not get much result from running her frequencies for Lyme, until I got up into the 2 to 3 MHz range. I think her frequencies really need to be used in higher ranges than some of the other frequencies. Run them as high as you are able.
The biggest down fall of this method is that you need to know what pathogen you have specifically.
I do not know the best antiviral products, but I think your approach sounds logical if you can find an effective product.
I have had good luck with blood born viruses such as the Flu with MMS, but for more pervasive viral infections, it may not be so easy. MMS may also disable other oral treatments due to its oxidizing nature.
I have not used Pau De Arco or Lomatium, but I would try them. I would also continue hitting the EBV with frequencies. Sometimes a combined approach is needed. I have consistently found that the deeper in the body the infection is, the longer it takes frequencies to eliminate them.
I plan on trying Houttuynia myself, and my frequency treatments for the MAP bacteria. My Crohn's is not gone, and supposedly Houttuynia is used for Tuberculosis in China. My bacteria is a relative of TB and that is enough information for me to try it out. Sometimes you get lucky, and you don't get lucky without trying.
I don't particularly care how I get well, only that I do solve the problem.
Let us know how this works out for you.
Good Luck
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Regarding your comment on "deeper in the body"...
Aren't viruses primarily blood born? I know that some of them are in spinal fluid, but I didn't think viruses can become deeply embedded in tissues and bones the way 'chetes can.
-------------------- -chaps �Listen to the bell, Borrelia. It tolls for thee!� Posts: 631 | From A little place called, "we'll see." | Registered: Apr 2010
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Member # 22149
He may hav meant deeper in body, in regards to the hierarchy and the body storing the viruses.
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
Some viruses seem to bury themselves in nerve tissue, such as Herpes Zoster when it developes into more serious diseases like Ramsey Hunt syndrome. Other forms of Herpes are not easy to get rid of easily, and I am sure location has a role in that also.
I know of one person who had to treat weeks with frequencies to get rid of this "incurable" disease.
I am sure it does not imbed like Lyme, and I do not know of anything else quite as pervasive in that respect.
My current example of how this works is my treatment of the MAP bacteria for my Crohn's Disease.
My Psoriasis, which came with the first outbreak, went away quickly in a couple of frequency treatments for this bacteria. Nothing else ever touched it, and I tried a lot of things.
On the other hand, my guts are raging day in and out from treating this deeper in the body. I have damaged it, but it apparently is not dead. I am on Prednisone just to control the inflammation which can be quite bad.
I have ran into this depth problem more than once, and especially with lyme. In theory, it should not matter, but I do have problems in real life in some cases when the pathogen in not circulating just in the blood.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Member # 22149
Is there any risk in running freqs for herpes viruses and run the risk of a breakout? (like herpes zoster)
Or does it not work like that?
I have so many nerve issues I would like to cover all my bases and if that means running some herpes frequencies I will.
D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
Yes, I am sure it is possible, but it does not usually work that way. I have not heard of it specifically with the CAFL frequencies, but have for the DNA frequencies.
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Member # 19863
Dan. I am looking up the carrier question and i appreciate your help with that and the BCX>>
But for now.. I also am seeing my father soon who has pseriosis and they are trying to get him on that new med that reduces your immune system and such and he has had it for like 30 years of his life. He has tried so many things. And the Sun Lamp works best but they are saying he is getting pre cancereous leisons on his skin and mostly face.
It is on his scalp and knees and elbows and face and other areas.
Can you share the numbers you used and i will try the rife on him when I see him.. for sure...
Posts: 2747 | From Unites States Of America | Registered: Apr 2009
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Member # 19863
DAN I wrote to them and I got this response.
You can run 3 frequencies: 1) Frequency (sideband frequency) 2) Carrier Wave and 3) Gating. The Carrier Wave & Gating are frequencies also and you will see you enter in the HZ.
Getting a little more technical you also get derived 4th Frequency which is called 'derived sideband' frequencies. When running a Square or Square Pulse wave you will get (Frequency + Carrier Wave) and (Frequency - Carrier Wave).
For example to get Rife's Carcinoma original frequency:
** PLEASE ADD these Programs to your Manual Programs for Cancer Carcinoma & Strep
It is recommended to do the above BCX Ultra sidebands (Carrier Waves), you hold the ray tubes in your hands, the metal hand cylinders under the arms (use a damp cloth around the hand cylinders if needed to prevent a prickly sensation from direct contact with metal) and feet on the foot plates.
To play the sidebands, run the frequency listed with the corresponding carrier listed with it. To play the harmonic to the original Rife M.O.R. play the frequency listed under harmonic and use the same carrier you used for the sideband. To play the Carriers in the Megs (1 1.25 1.67) you must only use Sq wave for the gate, carrier wave and frequency wave.
EXAMPLE: to run Carcinoma, Gate - SQUARE WAVE (use default freq already there), Carrier - SQUARE WAVE and 1.67 MHz Freq - SQUARE WAVE and FREQ1 = 62,550 Hz & FREQ2 = 50,232.8 Hz.
ALSO BCX ultra PRogramming notes say to me.
Preset Carrier Wave for Ray Tubes is 45,000 i can choose from 1.67, 1.25 and 1.00 (100,000 HZ) for electrodes. But in another spot in my manual and programming notes it says I can set carrier anywhere from 1 - 100,000
I assume maybe I can sent the RAY Tubes differently than the electrodes.
I am a little confused still
I do know I can set all the things in my programming mode. yes. I can customize anything I want... From Frequencies to programs to time to gating to Wave to Carrier to Gating to Duty Cycle etc...
Thank. I need to get my machine out and play with the programming some more..I was assuming there is like 3 different places to add in three frequencies that run at the same time. But is it more than I run the Frequency with a Carrier and With Gating that equals three?
I will figure this out I am sure.. But like I said I am not quite getting how to program it into my machine correctly.
Posts: 2747 | From Unites States Of America | Registered: Apr 2009
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I recently purchased the BCX Ultra - it should be here tomorrow.
I have these tested/documented issues for myself: Lyme Bart Babs High ASO High EBV High HHV6
I am sure there are other things but would like to work with what is known first.
When treating lyme with abx, priority goes with the co-infect first, then the lyme. What about rife? I want to start with a logical plan.
I appreciate all the great help I have received so far. I am very excited about the possibility of feeling better and helping my family.
Posts: 13 | From East Coast, USA | Registered: Mar 2011
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D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
Yes, direct sunlight does reduce the Psoriasis. I notice that when I visited Florida. In MN the sun is never strong enough to have much effect.
I used Char Boehm's DNA based MAP bacteria frequencies mostly, so those would have to be purchased from her. I ran them in the 2 to 3 MHz range, as I run all her frequencies.
That is not your only option. I originally triggered the response with what I beleive was something close to Rife's original TB frequencies.
I have been trying to locate the specific frequency, and am testing 24,960 Hz (small sweep) running a 3.3 MHz carrier frequency. The carrier is specific to that frequency. If you change the carrier it changes the audio frequency that is needed also. I can stir it up at that frequency, but I do not know if it is killing the MAP bacteria internally which is behind my Crohn's and my Psoriasis.
I have several warnings that go along with any Psoriasis treatment that is targeting the MAP bacteria.
If you try to resolve Psoriasis by killing the MAP bacteria using frequencies, you may end up ill as I am now. It is highly likely that this bacteria is not just in the skin. You might trigger Crohn's, or IBS or any number of other intestinal problems by messing with it. They are not easily resolved. I am still ill from this treatment, and I do not know what the longer term outcome will be.
Another possibility is that you may trigger a regular Tuberculosis out break. If someone has latent TB as some people do, these MAP bacteria frequencies are a relative of TB and may affect that also.
If TB is triggered, you then have to use Rife's original treatment for both Rod and Virus form of TB, or get standard antibiotic treatment. It is not easy to get rid of with antibiotics, and we do not know the treatment length Rife used.
If anyone does try this, then use very short treatments, like a minute, and realize there are risks involved. This is not normally the case with this type of treatment, but this has not been done before with this pathogen. and I have found out first hand the problems it can cause.
I am going to try Houttuynia to eliminate the rest of the MAP bacteria, as soon as it arrives.
This is used as a TB treatment in China supposedly, and any TB treatment, may also be effective against the related MAP bacteria. It is untested as far as I know for this, but I am going to try it.
In general, what you are looking for is an effective TB treatment, for the Psoriasis. That is assuming it is always caused by the same bacteria. I do not know that for certain, but do know it is the cause of mine.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
I have not treated Cindy for Lyme or Bart for about two months now. She has no symptoms and is the healthiest person in the house now.
Quite a reversal in fortune, but I will get myself whipped into shape one way or another.
I am happy to say that I think Lyme and Bart is whipped. If it is not, and it comes back, I am fairly certain it can be beaten back and even eliminated with a little more effort.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 22149
That's great news!! Tell her lymenet says congrats
You guys used cumanda in conjunction with GB for Bart, right?
Posts: 5394 | From Houston, Tx | Registered: Aug 2009
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D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
We used Cumanda but others say Houttuynia may work better for Bart.
Anything to hamper its existence while hitting it with frequencies is bound to help.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 22149
The best Houttuynia is Dr Zhang's. They have a China source that uses a 1:9 extract ratio and has all herbal constituents still intact.
You can tell by the fishy smell. (if the houttuynia isn't fishy smelling it's not that potent for treating Bart)
Anyhow - thanks Dan
Posts: 5394 | From Houston, Tx | Registered: Aug 2009
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-------------------- -chaps �Listen to the bell, Borrelia. It tolls for thee!� Posts: 631 | From A little place called, "we'll see." | Registered: Apr 2010
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D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
I have only started testing it myself, but mine is from Nutramedix, and I am using it for a different bacteria.
I am combining frequency treatment with the Houttuynia.
I am just about to treat it, so I will see how much misery this brings to me.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 19863
Thanks Dan I think o will pass then trying to use rife on my father for psoriasis Yikes I am too scared now after your post
Posts: 2747 | From Unites States Of America | Registered: Apr 2009
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D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
I just do not know for certain how this treatment would affect a person that only has Psoriasis.
While the potential problems may not happen, I feel it is possible they could. I would not feel right saying it is perfectly safe, if I suspect there could even be a rare negative effect.
If I can effectively eliminate this bacteria from my intestinal tract, even with the painful effects, it would be a little different. But I have not proven that yet.
I am working on it, and I am improving, ever so slowly, over time, but it is too slow and indefinite for me to know anything for certain.
Posts: 2919 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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I'm thinking of getting an EMEM5a. Have crawling sensations at night in feet and legs. Does anyone know what this is from (Bart? Babs? Lyme?) and does it stop with rife? Also will rife kill intestinal parasites? Have had good luck knocking it back with the Mexican herb (decoction) Epazote but it's not totally gone
Posts: 75 | From Va. | Registered: Apr 2009
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