Is there a thread I can post a rife machine for sale? I didn't want to post here if not allowed. Thanks
Posts: 233 | From AZ | Registered: Jan 2015
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It seems like rife has worked better for me with ABX. I think each person's experience varies.
Since SacredHeart posted those Anthony Holland videos the other day, I have looked into whether the machines I have been using emit dual frequencies. The "reps" for the Beam Ray and the BCX411 both say that these machines do.
The rep for the Beam Ray was not sure about the 11th harmonic (but was going to check with the tech), but the BCX supposedly does put out dual frequencies with the 11th harmonic.
The Beam Ray has two bulbs, and the BCX has two wands, so I think if a device has dual bulbs (light-emitting) it most likely produces dual frequencies. That's my impression at this point.
I guess the more important question then would be is the 2nd frequency the 11th harmonic?
Supposedly there is a person doing petri-dish experiments on germs with the Beam Ray and having very good success.
This doesn't surprise me since I know of two people personally who used the Beam Ray who got cured from terminal cancer. The one had colon cancer and the other had prostate. Both were told they had 6 months or less to live. I have recently learned of another woman who is still living (not sure if cured yet) because of the Beam Ray.
I have heard similar second-hand testimonies about the BCX.
I'm not promoting one machine over another, because I am definitely not cured by any stretch of the imagination. But I am doing better because of the machines, along with the help of proper ABX.
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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i posted recently about this spooky 2. lyme too told me i shouldnt waste my money on it. some people from a local lyme group are using it with success. so it isnt easy to set up you hear? i dont know many people who know about rife machines.
Posts: 723 | From boston,ma | Registered: Jan 2011
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Thanks Dbpei. =)TNT that is good to know that the one machine does hit the eleventh harmonic. Let us know about the others as well if you find out.
-------------------- Lyme flare June, July, August of 2013. Diagnosed September 2014 Lyme, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Mono Posts: 595 | From Texas Crossroads | Registered: Oct 2014
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Looking back thru the last page I realize Anthony Holland's Ted talk video had been posted back in Feb.... I don't know how I missed that posting. It's such a great video with contemporary research and scientific validation!!! I hope it really gets a lot of attention.
We need to publicize this as much as we can!
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Its been quite a while since I posted here. I have used my GB4000 with MOPA for over 1.5 years now. I think I have licked lyme, bart and mycoplasma. I still treat because I have no way to verify if I am cured.
I use all the frequencies that Dan discusses.
Regarding Bart. Its my understanding that bart can replicate twice a day.. so I always ran the frequencies twice a day.
For lyme Dr McDonald, I think it was, says Lyme replicates twice a week... so I always made sure I ran those frequencies at least 3 times a week.. but often much more... daily if I could.
I found the frequency of 840.6 to be highly effective. I actually started using this one after I was feeling really good as I didn't know about it before. Well, it showed me that there was still lyme around. With the use of this frequency I started having neuro twitching all over again, as I had not had that symptom after my first month of treatment. I continued daily with this frequency until no neuro twitching resulted from it. It took about 6 weeks to clear it.. now I run this frequency right along with the others.
I have managed to get well without the use of antibiotic drugs at all but I did use nutrasilver 3 x day in my first 3.5 months of treatment. I found that nutrasilver could not deal with mycoplasma. It was excellent for candida. Rife worked well for mycoplasma which had caused me restless leg syndrome and severe pain in my thighs and inflammation in the lymphatics of the groin and upper thighs.
hope this is helpful to someone.
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Member # 42349
Very helpful, thanks Carmen!
Could you post which frequencies you used so that we don't have to go back looking for them? I remember a couple frequencies Dan uses, but I don't recall the mycoplasma one.
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Member # 33574
That is great, Carmen! Thanks for posting! Yes, I agree with TNT it would be helpful if you could give us the frequencies you have found the most successful for Lyme, Bart and mycoplasma. Did you also Rife for babesia and do you know how frequently that should be?
Many people write about herxing during or soon after Rifing and use that as a clue as to what they should be treating. Did you herx at all with Rife? It sounds like with persistent use of Rife machine, you gradually got rid of neuro twitching and some of your other symptoms.
I have been feeling a little better over time while using Rife. But I am doing many other treatments so it is hard to know which is responsible. I have only been using it about once a week though.
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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All of these frequencies were advised to me by Dan.
Also used 60 drops 3 x day with enzymes one hour before taking to help break the cyst in the first 3.5 months of treatment. I found this effective for treating blood born candida as verified by dark field live blood analysis. I never used rife for candida.
When I was done with the nutrasilver I still had reduced levels of lyme and bart. Mycoplasma only got worse through out all my treatment until I started mycoplasma treatment with MMS. MMS made it go away after one month of CD hourly while awake... but it came back about two weeks after stopping. perhaps a long treatment would have helped better but when I stopped the mms I couldn't help but note is was as bad as ever.
Thinking I’m Lyme and co-infection free at 1.5 year post diagnosis. Time will tell.
I have also treated Bartonella successfully and mycoplasma... although some folks tell me that mycoplasma will never go totally away and may resurface later. I have no symptoms. My mycoplasma symptoms manifested as restless leg syndrome, severe stabbing pains in my bilateral anterior thighs, tenderness and some swelling to lymph nodes in upper thighs and groin. I didn't know it was mycoplasma until I tried the frequencies for it and it went away quickly.
I don't know when to stop rifing... that’s my only concern now. Maybe will get a CD57 test in the spring. I'm still running the frequencies twice a week.
I tried lots of different frequencies but these are the ones that did it for me
Lyme: 612, 2016, 432, and 840.6 which is believed to be specific for the cyst or some other form.
Bartonella Henslae: 832 (and I always run it with the lyme group even if no symptoms)
Starts the sessions for only a couple of minutes each, maybe only one minute.. In a short time I was running them in groups of 5 to 8 for 30 to 45 minutes each on carrier wave 3.300
Regarding 840.6 frequency, I didn't start to use that one until I thought, I was pretty well, with like 90% of symptoms gone starting with it about 10 to 11 months into treatment.. I was having a bit of trouble with moon phases. Then Dan told me about this frequency and I added it in. I hadn't reacted from the frequencies for a long time. As soon as I ran this frequency I started twitching...what I call neuro twitching. I would twitch for a day or two then stop. I'd run the frequency again and start twitching again. and then stop after a day or two. I followed this pattern for about 6 weeks until gradually the frequency didn't make me twitch any more. So I think it perhaps got to some deeply imbedded lyme?
Posts: 803 | From USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Member # 42349
Thanks Carmen! I appreciate you sharing your mycoplasma symptoms, too.
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Hey, I was interested in the spooky2 as well so I emailed them and asked them about it and how it compares to the Doug coil( which I own now), and they wrote back to me and this is what they said...I don't know how accurate this is if someone could confirm I would appreciate it....
The Doug Coil is not a true Rife machine but a high-voltage electromagnetic pulser. It has a top frequency limit of about 2,000Hz. Spooky2's limit is 25 million Hz. The Coil is capable of generating a single frequency at a time (Spooky2 can generate two simultaneous frequencies in standard mode, and up to 1,024 in Spectrum mode).
A machine like the Doug Coil can only be operated in linear mode - one Program or frequency after another. With a multi-generator Spooky2 rig, each rig can deliver a different Program, or string of frequencies, at the same time.
Because each separate machine is generating its own discrete frequencies, there is no signal interference or modulation between them. In addition, each Spooky2 generator has two independent outputs. Spooky Boost allows you to mix the signals from each output such that they either do NOT modulate each other, or DO modulate each other in a way specified by the user.
The Doug Coil is a low-frequency device. Its effect is delivered by raw voltage - 40,000 volts. However, although high voltage will kill pathogens, this is simple electrocution. Howeer, it's frequencies that kill pathogens - not power. This is what Dr. Rife and Dr. Clark discovered.
They also found that the fundamental killing frequencies of ALL pathogenic organisms lie between 76,000Hz and 880,000Hz. So the Doug Coil cannot generate them, and must instead use low sub-harmonics beneath 2,000Hz. These are not nearly as powerful as the much higher fundamentals which Spooky2 is capable of generating.
Posts: 723 | From boston,ma | Registered: Jan 2011
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Just got my brucella frequency set from DNAfrequencies and will see what kind of results I get from them. I did a couple short sessions today and felt better since, so I'm hopeful. Fingers crossed!
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Member # 33574
TNT, what frequencies are you using for brucellosis?
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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Hi dbpei,
I got my numbers from
These are patented and by contract I cannot share them.
I have used 643, 748, 1423, and 695 (from the CAFL) up until now and have had disappointing results. These numbers definitely hit the bugs, but only seem to stir them up.
I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with brucellosis, and so I'm hoping these numbers really put a dent in it... perhaps even eliminate it!
I will keep you posted.
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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Member # 33574
Wow. I didn't know about DNA frequencies. I will have to research them. Thanks for the response and good luck to you.
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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I'm selling my GB4000 and SR4 amp that were both updated in March 2015 by AAA Production in Utah. All cords were checked during this update and are in excellent condition.
Included are: GB4000 Generator w/3.1 MHz update and software update SR4 amp with power update All power cords 2 foot pads with cords 2 hand cylinders with cords 1 2015 Universal frequency list 1 2014 Operating interactions and manual 1 Programming software CD 1 Royal Rife Story and Royal Rife in his own words CD
Asking $1700 plus shipping from WA
I'm selling this unit because I purchased a mHBOT chamber in January and am having great success treating my Lyme disease and don't need to hang on to this any longer as a back up therapy.
Posts: 233 | From AZ | Registered: Jan 2015
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Member # 42349
Peimomma, does it have MOPA(the plasma tube)?
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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HI everyone...I really need some advice...I've been using a rife machine for almost 6 months...I run the frequencies overnight every night --its programmed by computer automatically for lyme and coninfections so I don't know the frequencies..I wasn't too great when I started but now im almost non-functional, pretty much homebound with severe exhaustion...could this be a never ending herx? it doesn't make sense to me...will it ever end and get better? I don't know how the usual process of healing with rife flows...can someone elaborate?
Posts: 47 | From new york | Registered: Jul 2013
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
That's way to much treatment time. You have no chance to clear out toxins.
Take a week off and then treat at the most, every other day. Treat three times a week if that is too much.
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
The only Lyme frequencies I have found necessary for my wife are 2016 Hz & 840.6 Hz.
I have spent years sorting through the frequencies. These two are the most critical, and might be all that is needed unless multiple strains are involved.
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Member # 33353
I am finally going to buy a rife machine and before I do I was hoping you guys on the rife thread could vouch for this website.
I am looking to buy the one for 420. Anyone know if that is similar to the emem5a?
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 47170
That looks good .doesnt give specs on amps etc.freq gen seems rather basic but you can always get a different plasma waaayyy better than seems like quality is paramount here
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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Member # 42349
quote:Originally posted by gigimac: I am finally going to buy a rife machine and before I do I was hoping you guys on the rife thread could vouch for this website.
I am looking to buy the one for 420. Anyone know if that is similar to the emem5a?
Just looking at the rifebuilder site I would recommend the one with the Robin F125 generator. To be able to save programs and do sweeps makes this computerized generator a better choice than the basic one in my opinion. You have ease of use with the F125, and also it can sweep which makes it more likely to catch slightly mutant strains of the organisms you wish to target.
I have no experience with that machine, nor the EMEM5. But, some on here (like Lymetoo) have found the EMEM5 effective. I think Brian Rosner recommends it too.
I know Anthony Holland is finding a plasma tube effective at killing cancer (his TEDx talk is on Youtube). What he is finding is that it takes a machine that can run 2 frequencies simultaneously to kill pathogens. It has to be the basic frequency, AND ITS 11th HARMONIC.
So, find out if the machine you intend to buy is capable of (or is programmed to) running the basic number plus the 11th harmonic. Stay away from the machines that have a very limited frequency ceiling. The machine on goes to 4,000,000 hz. That's good, but some machines go even higher.
Most killing frequencies are less than 20,000 hz. So 20,000 x 11 would be 220,000 hz. But, I have seen frequencies as high as 40,000 hz. The 11th harmonic would be 440,000 hz. So, I would think the machine you are looking at is a sufficient machine as long as it can run at least two frequencies at the same time.
Of course, none of this is a user report for the machine in question. I have only used Beam Ray, BCX Ultra, and a couple different contact devices. All of them hit the bugs, but I didn't have as good of an experience with the Beam Ray. I think it is better for cancer than for lyme/coinfections.
I know two people who cured terminal cancer with a Beam Ray, and 1 person that is completely well from lyme using a BCX and a contact device.
My advice? Get a plasma machine that can also do contact mode, is computerized (programmable), can run at least two frequencies at the same time (the 11th harmonic), and has a frequency ceiling in the millions (of hz.).
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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I agree with TNT's advice, get a plasma machine that is highly programmable and has a high frequency ceiling to be able to run higher harmonics concurrently.
I recently got a Spooky Central plasma Rife machine and have been experimenting with higher harmonics of frequencies I had been using against Lyme, ie: running the 2016hz frequency along with its higher octal harmonic 129,024hz at the same time. This is proving to be quite effective.
I've read that the well known killing frequencies are probably actually lower harmonics of the true mortal oscillatory rate frequencies that cause the microbes to break apart.
The plasma tube also definitely has much better penetration into dense tissues like bone. This was immediately evident to me after having used the Spooky2 generator contact mode for 6 months and also having tried a GB4000 with handheld contacts.
The Spooky machine's hardware has been reliable but not knowing the internals I can't really compare it to the rifemachinebuilders stuff.
The advantage I feel the Spooky system has is that it has a very sophisticated software interface that allows extremely fine grained control of the waveforms that are sent to the plasma system. The software is also continuously being updated with frequency sets and recommended configurations based on what the community discovers.
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Member # 42349
I have found rife machines somewhat helpful as a "diagnostic" device. If I'm feeling really bad and am not sure what is surfacing, I run through a number of frequencies and see what kind of response I get from each.
Take this morning for instance. I was feeling pretty bad, especially the neuro pain and vibrations. I used 95 (supposedly a lyme #) and felt a little worse, then used 432 (a protozoa and lyme #) and felt like it may have helped ever so slightly.
Then I used 832 (a bartonella #) and within 3 minutes knew I was on the right track. I did 832 for 15 minutes and felt significantly better!
So, like I said, it can be helpful at times as a "diagnostic" tool.
On the other hand, there have been times when nothing I tried made any difference, and afterwards I was still not sure what was causing me to feel bad.
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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TNT - I'm curious how far along you are in your recovery and whether or not you typically herx from Rife sessions or other treatments.
I find that I herx a lot from relatively short sessions, particularly with the plasma unit. I ran 832 and 357 yesterday afternoon for 30 seconds each (along with the decade harmonics, 832khz, 357khz). I notice a sort of energetic feeling relatively soon after running them but don't really notice anything during the session. I'm also somewhat occupied trying to move the plasma tube along my body to get an even distribution for each frequency.
By the evening I was noticing inflammation in my jaw and cheekbones. This morning I was full on herxing with major die off and needing to use binders. At this point I'm probably ~80% well but still have some remaining localized areas of infection that seem to be hit hard by the plasma.
Posts: 131 | From CO | Registered: Jul 2015
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Member # 42349
quote:Originally posted by project: TNT - I'm curious how far along you are in your recovery and whether or not you typically herx from Rife sessions or other treatments.
Hi project,
I'm sorry I just now saw this. To answer your first question, I am not well, probably 30-40%. Depending on the type of machine I use, I can feel pretty bad the next day. The contact device I am using now usually makes me feel better immediately. If I use it heavily, I sometimes get looser stools the next day. No bad herxes like with Beam Ray or BCX.
I wish a contact device would have been available for my use early on. I really wonder how things would be now.
Yeah, you definitely need to go slow with Rife machines. To have bad herxes with such short sessions would suggest a rather heavy load still.
What infections are you still working on other than obvious Bartonella?
Posts: 1308 | From Eastern USA | Registered: Oct 2013
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TNT> I'm working on Borrelia, Babesia and Bartonella. I've tried the frequencies for them all separately and the herxes are somewhat different.
I've managed to get up to 8 minutes per session now on the plasma, with the time split between between a set of frequencies for each of the infections. I find that plasma is more powerful than contact mode, but contact mode gives me similar herxes. I've never just felt better from Rifing without first herxing.
I herx like crazy in general though. My rife herxes are quite similar to those when I was using only essential oils. It's usually a 4 or 5 day affair with the 4th day typically the worst. I do detox regularly mainly using the sauna.
I guess I've been interested in whether the correlation between Rife usage time and herx is based entirely on bacterial load or if there are other significant factors.
It seems like there is a fair bit of consensus that eventually the herxes disappear and if this accompanied by symptom elimination then bacterial load is approaching 0 and this is effectively remission.
But I guess I've been thinking that in a lot of cases lack of herxing means not killing bacteria efficiently for some reason other than low bacterial load.
My reasoning is that ultimately almost all of us in treatment have more Borrelia/Babesia/Bartonella remaining in our systems than can be killed in one go without overwhelming the body.
So the lack of herx is not because there isn't sufficient bacteria in the body remaining to cause a herx, only that we're not killing enough of it with whatever treatment we're using.
This could be because most of the Borrelia is dormant in cyst form, but in that case it shouldn't be causing symptoms.
My personal suspicion is that bacteria in biofilm are somewhat resistant to the rife frequencies, perhaps because they are packed together and otherwise cushioned from mechanical vibrations in this matrix. However they could still be active and releasing toxins and thus causing symptoms.
Lately I've been applying an essential oil blend of Black Pepper, Geranium, Thyme, Lavender, Clove, Rosemary and German Chamomile in a carrier oil. I based this blend on these products:
I then take some Serrapeptase and Nattokinase and Rife a few hours later.
This combo seems to be causing strong herxes and I've needed to detox like crazy. I think busting the biofilm and creating more free form bacteria makes the Rife frequencies that much more effective.
Also getting rid of the biofilm allows the immune system to get in and kill more, which I think is in large part responsible for the delayed herx that takes place over several days.
Posts: 131 | From CO | Registered: Jul 2015
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Member # 47170
Doea anybody else have experience with spooky2?? Project how are you faring?
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
There are times when using frequency treatments when they appear to be killing little Lyme and one week later you herx like crazy out of the blue. I do believe it is because a vast majority of the Lyme frequencies just hit the spirochete form. You really only need one good frequency per form. No point in running 20 or 30 frequencies that do the same thing.
Just from testing the frequencies for ten some years now, I only use two that seem to hit at least three forms of Lyme.
2016 Hz appears to kill two forms of Lyme by itself and 840.6 Hz hits another form 2016 Hz does not hit.
I would suggest anyone treating Lyme include these two frequencies.
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Member # 47170
Hi dan do you know a frequency for the myco fermintans incognitus? ...have you ever used dnafrequencys...?..does she do actual research or sell random #s
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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Member # 33574
I wonder if using these frequencies would be useful for borellia miyamotoi? I have tried so many Lyme frequencies but because I have difficulty knowing whether I am herxing or not, it has been hard to know what helps. thank you, Dan.
Posts: 2386 | From New England | Registered: Aug 2011
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
There are a lot of frequencies for mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. Here's the list I wrote down. I don't have it as far as I know but did have mycoplasma pneumonia. It was a big player in my Crohn's.
254, 484, 610, 644, 660, 690, 727.5, 706.7, 790, 864, 878.2, 880.2, 986, 2900, 642, 728. All frequencies are in Hz.
If it is like mycoplasma pneumonia they have to be run a long time. I treat for one or two hours but don't start out that long when you have Lyme. Test first at five or ten minutes.
I have used several of Char's frequencies. More often than not they do work if you convert them up to a higher harmonic.
Her Lyme frequencies failed to kill Lyme although it did affect it. I tested them a lot. The only effect they might have had was to make dormant Lyme active and even that is speculative.
She doesn't test them as far as I know. It a mathematical calculation better explained on her site.
Her frequencies killed mycobacterium paratuberculos subspecies avium in myself. Another Crohns player. I had a big red itchy often bleeding patch of psoriasis on my shin. I couldn't budge it with anything. I knew it was related to my Crohn's as it appeared at the same time as my other symptoms. Ran the frequencies and I could feel them hit my shin directly. Psoriasis area puffed up and then went flat and healed up. Just scar tissue left now.
I don't know if those Lyme frequencies work on other strains. It certainly is possible.
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
There are a lot of frequencies for mycoplasma ferment and incognitus. Here's the list I wrote down. I don't have it as far as I know but did have mycoplasma pneumonia. It was a big player in my Crohn's.
254, 484, 610, 644, 660, 690, 727.5, 706.7, 790, 864, 878.2, 880.2, 986, 2900, 642, 728. All frequencies are in Hz.
If it is like mycoplasma pneumonia they have to be run a long time. I treat for one or two hours but don't start out that long when you have Lyme. Test first at five or ten minutes.
I have used several of Char's frequencies. More often than not they do work if you convert them up to a higher harmonic.
Her Lyme frequencies failed to kill Lyme although it did affect it. I tested them a lot. The only effect they might have had was to make dormant Lyme active and even that is speculative.
She doesn't test them as far as I know. It a mathematical calculation better explained on her site.
Her frequencies killed mycobacterium paratuberculos subspecies avium in myself. Another Crohns player. I had a big red itchy often bleeding patch of psoriasis on my shin. I couldn't budge it with anything. I knew it was related to my Crohn's as it appeared at the same time as my other symptoms. Ran the frequencies and I could feel them hit my shin directly. Psoriasis area puffed up and then went flat and healed up. Just scar tissue left now.
I don't know if those Lyme frequencies work on other strains. It certainly is possible.
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Hi Dan, I'm using Char's frequencies for Babesia in higher harmonics, like 90000-100000Hz as I'm using GB4000 in contact mode. I herx a lot, I think the higher the harmonics the stronger the herx is. Will this be enough to erradicate it for good? I don't know. I'm having really hard time getting rid of Babesia
If I remember well you said that whe you treated your wife for Babesia you used 570, 27, 76, etc. frequncies. Did you also used in in higher harmonics?
Posts: 443 | From Montreal, Canada | Registered: Oct 2009
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
No I didn't use higher harmonics for the other frequencies.
That was pretty early on in treatment and I wasn't really too familiar with using harmonics at that time. I don't remember if I even converted Char's Babesia frequencies or not.
I know I had treated her until she had no more reaction to the frequencies. I did that two times but it came back. The third time I added Char's frequencies and treated well after the symptoms were gone. She has not had any symptoms or response to the frequencies since.
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Member # 47170
Thank you dan for those numbers..Does contact mode have the same efficacy as plasma?...i found a custom plasma device it is computor controlled with 30 inch bulb at 120 watts ...about the same cost as gb4000 mopa setup .i am so foggy i just dont know
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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Should i buy a MOPA or a Doug Coil? Every day i'm saying i need more treatment. I 've been using the GB4000 for 6 1/4 years. It keeps me functioning, i live and work normally, but i have to run the GB4000 for at least an hour or two a day, which is never enough to knock down all my infections (Lyme, Babs, Bart, Candida, ToeNail Fungus (which is not just on my toes, i think,) other fungi?, and H.Pylori.). I'm always wishing i had another hour or two every day on the machine. When i do get a good long session, such as 3 hours, i feel better and feel i've been adequately treated for a few hours. Would the MOPA improve this situation? By the way, 2016 never did anything for me. 612 and multiples thereof always and still is my good basic Lyme tx. I think i get good coverage of Babs and Bart with a short amount of time, such as 3, 6, 9, or 12 minutes. The reason for using many different frequencies for one microbe is to prevent resistance. If you use only one frx, it could become resistant to it, couldn't it?
Posts: 22 | From USA | Registered: Jul 2014
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D Bergy
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Member # 9984
I don't know how contact mode compares directly to a plasma tube. I would guess contact method could miss areas because it relies on conductivity. We used contact mode for quite a while and it worked pretty well. The MOPA is far more convenient and very effective.
The Doug Coil can only run one frequency at a time and can only be run for about 15 or 20 minutes at a time before the coil gets too hot. I don't see how that would make things faster.
If 612 Hz is working, use it and drop 2016 if you are sure it's not helping. For my wife, 2016 killed everything 612 did and more. We may not be dealing with the same strains either so go by your own results.
I don't think the bacteria can become resistant but in the case of Lyme, there are several forms so more than one frequency is likely needed. I am sure it is also possible that somebody could have more than one strain of Lyme. That might also need more frequencies.
There are so many possible variables that it becomes more important to find what works and what doesn't individually and build on that information.
Early on, in my wife's treatment, I focused on killing off Babesia. It took a little time because of mistakes I made like quitting treatment when symptoms were gone. Eventually I got it right and there has been no sign of Babesia for years.
You might want to try do the same. Keep the rest at bay but hammer the heck out of the Babesia until it is eliminated.
It seems to me from my wife's Lyme and my Crohn's disease treatment that the immune system can only really deal with one or two things at a time. In both our cases we both reached a point in our treatment when some of the infections were eliminated and our immune system kicked in. It does not even seem like a gradual change. It's like you get over the hump and all of a sudden these infections are not coming back nearly as quickly.
I think it might be helpful to eliminate what you can as quickly as you can, as opposed to treating everything, without eliminating any of them. Easier said than done but Babesia can be eliminated so that would be what I would put a big effort toward.
The Lyme can be reduced to the point it's not a problem, but very difficult to eliminate entirely.
For myself, H-Pylori was pretty easy to eliminate once I figured out I need at least a twenty minute run to do it. I was loaded with it. When I bumped up my treatment from ten to twenty minutes my intestinal tract burned like fire. I drank water and it burned all the way down. I went home from work early as this hit some hours after the treatment. Fortunately, it only lasted a few hours.
I kept hitting it for a couple of weeks and I have no sign of it now. Took me years just to figure that out. Never occurred to me that I still had it in my intestines even though I had eliminated it in my stomach a long time ago.
I only used 676 Hz for that.
Yeah, to me the MOPA is going to be more suitable for your situation by a long shot.
Good luck
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Hi All: I have a BCX 411. Is there anyone that does rife coaching. I feel I could use it. 2nd, does anyone know if ultrasonic bug repellents that you plug in the wall would interfere with successful rifing? Thank you!
Posts: 859 | From Southeast | Registered: Mar 2011
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D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
I doubt the bug repellant would interfere. I also doubt that it works. I haven't seen one that works yet.
If you have any questions I will answer to the best of my ability.
I do not know the particulars of that device, but the frequencies are the same no matter the machine.
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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Thanks a million- the support here is invaluable. I have been taking notes on this thread and I am only on page 5. To all that have contributed.... my greatest thanks....
Posts: 859 | From Southeast | Registered: Mar 2011
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If i buy a MOPA and set it up on the center kitchen table where it would be 3 or 4 feet from the stove and the sink, would that give me effective treatment? How much treatment would i be getting, in terms of enough or not much? Would it be worth the effort?
Thanks very much. My treatment strategy definitely lacks ambition. I treat enough to feel ok, to function, but i've never had as a goal actually eliminating something. Actually it did eliminate gut parasites very effectively several times.
Thanks a lot.
Posts: 22 | From USA | Registered: Jul 2014
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D Bergy
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 9984
It should work at that distance.
Posts: 2924 | From Minnesota | Registered: Aug 2006
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The MOPA doesn't seem very useful to me currently. I wouldn't be able to combine it with my other activities to double up my schedule. In the kitchen i'd be 3 1/2 feet from the MOPA, which is probably too far to get useful treatment, i imagine.
I've learned that the MOPA interferes with computers, so i can't add the MOPA to my GB4000, which is set up in my computer room, where my husband's computer (the brainbox, not the monitor) also is. I mean, i couldn't be on the Internet simultaneously with getting MOPA treatment.
In the future, i could set the MOPA next to the sewing machine and sew, but i'm not doing that activity currently.
Thanks for all the analysis and logical advice, Dan, you are a Hero.
willbeatthis--- What lyme frequencies are you using? Is it possible that some could be cross-hitting H. pylori?
I run frequencies in the 6000's a lot, and i never know if they are hitting lyme or H. pylori or what. They seem to be hitting something and i seem to need these frequencies.
Posts: 22 | From USA | Registered: Jul 2014
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