Has anyone had intense anxiety/panic soon after taking Levaquin for the first time? I hear all about tendon problems, but has anyone had uncontrollable anxiety along with panic attack-like symptoms as soon as right after the first dose?
I've taken many different abx and even Mepron didn't cause anything like this. I am TERRIFIED of this drug, but I don't see anyone else complain about these types of symptoms. Any input is SO MUCH appreciated. Help
Posts: 246 | From south florida | Registered: Mar 2010
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When I took Levaquin for the first time, it was like the whole room became fluid .... none of the objects seemed to hold their shape. I was in a hotel room lying on my stomach propped up on my elbows and kept putting my hands up because I felt like the headboard was going to fall on me.
It was like I had been drinking or something. I had a lot of cognitive symptoms with bart, and I think the Levaquin got to those bugs right away. This happened within 20 min. of taking it.
So, even though it's different, yes, I think you can have symptoms right away from Levaquin.
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Six, could you continue to take it? I cannot stand to be even left alone in a room from about 2 hours or so after I take it until my body metabolizes it in the evening.
The drinking thing is exactly what happened right before I totally freaked out. It felt like I had waaay too much to drink and I just wanted it to wear off. Then all the panic stuff.
Thanks for responding, sometimes it seems as if we're (Lymenet) all we have to get us through some of this stuff.
Posts: 246 | From south florida | Registered: Mar 2010
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Member # 20157
I think when something is working against bart it causes a huge emotional herx. I was on the floor crying two hours after my first levaquin pill. I was completely hysterical. This happened several times.
You should check side effects though because it can cause psychosis and hallucinations.
Even though it gave me tendonitis I am considering taking it again at a much lower dose because it was the most effective thing I ever tried against bartonella.
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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My LLMD recommends taking it first thing in the morning, he says insomnia can be a real problem with it. I did try two doses and had a very similar response both times.
I'm really too afraid to take another try at it. I'm scared that if it did that to me with two doses, a higher concentration would only be worse. I can't even IMAGINE what I'd do if I hallucinated. I'm praying my LLMD comes up with something he likes as much to treat this thing. Thanks again for the input.
Posts: 246 | From south florida | Registered: Mar 2010
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I'd say stop it. Try something else and see if it does the same thing.
I was damaged by what you describe.
They tried to medicate the side effect with tons of tranquilizers.
Be careful. It's not worth listening to your doctor even if they tell you it's a herx. I took it for over a month and had spells after each dose and they continued after stopping the drug for months and months and months.
That drug is not one to mess with.
Posts: 967 | From A deserted island without internet access | Registered: Sep 2009
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Thanks, kday, and everyone else. It's so good to know that someone has experienced something similar to what happened to me. I'm not crazy and I'm not alone.
Lymenet has never failed me, EVERY SINGLE TIME I need advice, you guys are there and I am so very grateful. God bless all of you!!!!
Posts: 246 | From south florida | Registered: Mar 2010
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I had this reaction to Levaquin after I stopped it due to being floxed. It must have had something to do with the drug itself not the Herx or die-off.
Posts: 269 | From Germany | Registered: Jul 2009
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Member # 6215
Levaquin is a powerfull drug, it gave me all kinda weird herx symptoms.
I never stuck with it, now I just take psych drugs and work out 1 hour a day.
Posts: 2905 | From New England | Registered: Sep 2004
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onbam, thank you so much for the fqresearch website. I have so much relief now, it clearly states that all this stuff can and does happen to some people even after the first dose.
kadee, excuse my ignorance, what's "due to it being floxed" mean?
Posts: 246 | From south florida | Registered: Mar 2010
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Member # 15917
Daughter took Cipro, same class.
Three days after taking only 125mg once a day had awful anxiety, nervous etc.
Had to stop after 5 weeks as not a herx. Anxiety is a side effect of Cipro.
Good luck, maybe a herx.
Posts: 1357 | From Massachusetts | Registered: Jun 2008
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I got the same response and kept taking it. I feel this drug hitting its mark within hours of the first dose. In my opinion it may be hitting a much slower growing co-infection.
I find it gives me immediate improvement now withing hours of restarting and then I get a classic 3 day herx. I am convinced it hits my babs like co-infection as quinalone antibiotics are actually derived from anti-malarials. Cipro was created from Chloroquine from what I understand.
Levaquin is a very strong a broad spectrum inter cell drug. In my experience this anxiety flare is defo a bart/lyme herx. These responses happen less and less as your bug load is lowered. It may take up to 6 weeks to see the results but if you stick it out you will be a lot better for it.
I would get on some phsych meds to helps manage this. I wish I had done that 2 years ago when I was curled up in a ball for hours crying like a baby from levaquin herxes.
Antibiotics do not do this to healthy people.
Tendonitis is another issue altogether. From what I have seen you either get it or you dont. But defo stop for this.
-------------------- Pos BB and Bart(Q & H IGG pos) Began treat 1 year after start of illness. Diagnosed Feb 2007. Posts: 648 | From Ireland | Registered: Jan 2007
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Update: My LLMD told me today that he thinks I definitely had an adverse reaction. I was also told that I should "make sure I post it in big letters everywhere" so I'm never given the stuff again.
I understand the tendon stuff, but I could actually FUNCTION with a tendon problem, I could not function in the state I was in. In my humble opinion, tendon issues are not the ONLY reason to stop taking this drug.
Posts: 246 | From south florida | Registered: Mar 2010
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I would much rather of had tendonitis than neuropsychological torture. I would have rather been in a wheelchair then walking around with a problem that others look at as invisible and a psychiatric problem. I've had sports injuries and that take over a year to heal (and have missing tendons from it). In my opinion, I think tendon issues are nothing in comparison to the other side effects.
I'm glad your doctor was smart and made a good call. Some LLMD's would tell you to continue.
Speaking of which, I should probably wear a medic alert bracelet for that drugs in that class.
I have done PTSD therapy (a non-psychological technique called EMDR) because of that med. It helped me deal the the trauma, but I still have a fear of taking other bart meds. I have active bartonella and scratch marks on my back that appear every now and then.
[ 08-16-2010, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: kday ]
Posts: 967 | From A deserted island without internet access | Registered: Sep 2009
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Member # 20157
I think if you guys do a search it does cause psychosis in some patients. Glad I just got the tendonitis as the bart provides enough psychosis for me!
-------------------- old joke: idiopathic means the patient is pathological and the the doctor is an idiot Posts: 4676 | From western Montana | Registered: Apr 2009
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quote:Originally posted by kday: I would much rather of had tendonitis than neuropsychological torture. I would have rather been in a wheelchair then walking around with a problem that others look at as invisible and a psychiatric problem. I've had sports injuries and that take over a year to heal (and have missing tendons from it). In my opinion, I think tendon issues are nothing in comparison to the other side effects.
I agree!
Posts: 269 | From Germany | Registered: Jul 2009
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I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rough time.
I agree with everyone who says the physical symptoms are much easier to bear than the mental ones. (I just had a bout with scary depression a couple of weeks ago, which thankfully went away very quickly when I stopped all my meds for 48 hrs. So bizarre to deal with when mental symptoms have a physical/chemical cause.)
I hope you are feeling better very soon, and find something that will work for you for treatment.
-------------------- Don't forget to laugh! And when you're going through hell, keep going!
Bitten 5/25/2009 in Perry County, Indiana. Diagnosed by LLMD 12/2/2009. Posts: 756 | From Inside the tunnel | Registered: Jan 2010
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