You need to be evaluated and treated by a Lyme-literate doctor (LLMD). Non LLMDs have no clue about this horrible disease or its complex treatment!
A LLMD is one who has treated Lyme disease and the co-infections which come with it for many years and has gotten patients well. A good one will follow Dr. B's Guidelines, the "gold standard" for Lyme treatment.
To remove your name and info from the signature line, click on "Edit Profile" under Lymenet Flash in the top middle section of the Lymenet page. Click on "Edit Profile" on the left-hand side, scroll down to "Profile Fields" then down to "Signature". Make your changes, then click "Update Profile".
The Lyme Disease Network is a non-profit organization funded by individual donations. If you would like to support the Network and the LymeNet system of Web services, please send your donations to:
Lyme Disease Network of New Jersey 907 Pebble Creek Court,