I was told about this site. It has a lot of really good info and stuff on it. I noticed it had awareness bracelets. It said the first 50 people got one free(free shipping) so I filled it out and it said it was on its way. I guess it is that easy!
I want to spread awareness on Lyme by wearing my bracelet & hopefully people will notice and ask me about it! It you want to get an awareness bracelet go to this site:
Scroll down to the bottom of the blue box on the left. The second from the last says "Awareness Bracelets"; click it and fill out the little form and get your awareness bracelet!
We need to speard awareness about Lyme and bracelets always help! Thanks!
-------------------- Jesus sweated blood over the task that lay before Him.He could have escaped his brutal execution at anytime,but he didn't he stayed there for you.
God bless,Christi Posts: 306 | From Alabama | Registered: Feb 2007
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Really? That's very cool! Hopefully, I am going to have one also! I really want one! And, of course, I want to spread awareness!
How come we don't have awareness bracelets on this site?
I found a good site : and you can choose from a lot of colors and write whatever you want and in different fonts. I designed a Lyme bracelet. It was really cool.
You can order them like 700-900 for like $0.60 each. Which isn't bad. I think it would be great if this site had something like that were people could get bracelets!
If it doesn't already, I am not totally sure.
-------------------- Jesus sweated blood over the task that lay before Him.He could have escaped his brutal execution at anytime,but he didn't he stayed there for you.
God bless,Christi Posts: 306 | From Alabama | Registered: Feb 2007
| IP: Logged |
Ok, I recieved my bracelet yesterday! It is so cool! If you don't have one you should get one! I don't know if I have Lyme, but I am going to wear mine all the time.
Today, it has served as a reminder that I have to keep going. It reminds me of all the people out there fighting against Lyme, doctors, and everything else. I am constantly looking at it and it makes me smile.
I hope people ask me about it because I am ready to tell all about it! They will probably regret asking me by the time I get done talking! But, hey, they will know all about Lyme then!
I love it and when I am feeling down I will look at it and remember that it could be a lot worse. I will remember all of the people of here struggling with Lyme. I will remember that I HAVE to keep going until I found out what has been wrong with me for so long.
I think in the future it will be very important because it will keep me going and moving on even when I feel like life is ending and I can't go on. It gives me a reason to go on.
Anyways, I guess I am trying to say, that even something as simple as a bracelet can make a huge difference. Everyone should have one! Thanks!
-------------------- Jesus sweated blood over the task that lay before Him.He could have escaped his brutal execution at anytime,but he didn't he stayed there for you.
God bless,Christi Posts: 306 | From Alabama | Registered: Feb 2007
| IP: Logged |
Actually, I was thinking about just buying them and GIVING them away for FREE. Just to make sure EVERYONE had one! Plus, it is a great way to spread awareness! Also, mine has made a great difference even within the past couple of days.
I have felt bad lately, but I look down at it and touch it and I just remember everyone from here and how I have to keep on going no matter how bad it gets. I hold it at night when I pray. I love it and it may just be a bracelet, but to me it is much much more.
I am very glad I got one. It is my constant reminder of what is out there. Also, I don't know if I have Lyme, but whether or not I do I feel a special bond to those who do have it because I know what they are going through and I know how bad it really is. Either way I have learned so much about it and it is something that will ALWAYS be with me.
I really appreciate everyone on here. And I look up to you guys. For you all go through, and you never give up, at least I hope not. It really means a lot to me that you guys are here for me and each was a really deep moment.
I have been in a rage mood today. I feel better now. Thanks.
Maybe I will do that. I don't know. I did like my design though! And I really really want to help get the word out there. It means a lot to me.
Well, thanks, and I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!! See ya!
-------------------- Jesus sweated blood over the task that lay before Him.He could have escaped his brutal execution at anytime,but he didn't he stayed there for you.
God bless,Christi Posts: 306 | From Alabama | Registered: Feb 2007
| IP: Logged |
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