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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » General Support » My get up and go has got up and went.....

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Author Topic: My get up and go has got up and went.....
Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
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Somebody please light a fire under my behind. [Eek!]

Anything to get me moving.

I have so much to do. Laundry piled about 4 ft high waiting to be put away. [dizzy]

Laundry about 3 ft high needing to be washed.

I see it. Know I should do it. Just can't get up the gumption to tackle it. [shake]

Will need to start sorting all of the stuff we've accumulated and piled on top of piles

To move into the new house. Should be finished in a couple of weeks. [woohoo]

I just feel overwhelmed and unable to tackle this.

Even one load. One pile. One closet.

I need a swift kick in the behind.

Any takers?

Please don't get too much enjoyment from this opportunity. [Big Grin]



Posts: 6250 | From Louisiana | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I won't take a switch to your behind cuz i'm too sick to move much myself.

Did want to tell you congrats on the completion of your new home. You must be excited to see it finally come to fruition.

Enjoy your new home.

Posts: 188 | From ID | Registered: Jan 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Don't worry about it-just go out and buy new clothes to go along with your new house.

Or else move the piles in front of the TV and start singing "Climb Every Mountain".

Tell everyone that each item of clothing that gets put into the washer is worth 1 minute of TV, and each item of clothing that gets pulled out of the dryer (dry ,of course) is worth 2 minutes.

And for the grand finale-when the clothes are actually folded into a new pile-a bag of popcorn .

Have I missed the pictures somewhere?

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G, I would love to come and help out. Mike says I don't clean -- I persecute!!!

I absolutely force myself to keep going. After seeing my mom die such a horrible death, I am determined that I will not stop, not let this damn disease beat me.

Hey, I'm a good cook too.

Wish I were there to help. Just do one thing at a time. I often make games of it, sometimes do one room per day, and when it gets too much -- I tell Mike you better start helping or no food and the couch!!

do not look back when the only course is forward

Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I am so sorry I have not figured out how to even move the pictures from the computer

To send to LymeDad who generously offered to post them for me.

I've tried and tried.

Maybe if I can't do the laundry, I can try to cut and paste these pictures again.

If worse comes to worse, I will have to just send some hard copies. [shake]

I am not the most computer literate.



Posts: 6250 | From Louisiana | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Geneal.. I've been just as bad lately. Must be the weather. I AM washing clothes this evening, but I've just been in a holding pattern for at least a week now.

If I were you, I'd be EXTREMELY overwhelmed at the prospect of moving into a new home! YIKES!!!

About the pics.... Get one of your neighbors to help you with the computer once you get all settled in!

Surely you have a computer expert somewhere nearby. [Smile]

Opinions, not medical advice!

Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Actually, my husband can help me....but he is feeling so bad right now. [Frown]

See what happens when you don't treat Lyme. It sneaks back up on you. [Eek!]

His eyes are really giving him lots of trouble with blurry vision and all.

He can't stand to look at the computer screen right now.

However, I have talked him into taking my appt. with LLMD next week. [Smile]

I have at least two more months of babs treatment, so I'll just get my bloodwork done.

I am sure my wonderful LLMD will squeeze me in. [Big Grin]

I am just hoping to get the old ball and chain back on the bandwagon so to speak. [Big Grin]



Posts: 6250 | From Louisiana | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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....geneal, you stole my line! [lol] [Big Grin]

i use that all the time with everyone!

i haven't cleaned ALL of my bedroom in 1 year; my photo album/family tree bookcase 5' long, 4' high had album after another on top and everywhere else!

hubby asked me when i was going to finally clean up my mess ... last week i told him on tuesday.

that was a big day for activism, my final physical therapy, and cable man came plus phone calls coming in .... didn't start anything!

today i spent 2.5 hours after my noonish breakfast working on a 5' x 5' area only of 2 pieces of furniture!!

everything got dusted first; dust balls are gone, and all fit into where it should have fit before leaving the TOP of shelf empty except for my special album of CELEBRITY PHOTOS/AUTOGRAPHS!

what a great feeling not looking at that mess.

next week, i'll take another 2 - 3 days spread out to spend another 2 hr. time frame to tackle one small area at a time, and do this room by room.

spending time this time to GET RID OF STUFF; have a garage sale, give it away, etc .... just get it out of house since planning for future.

somewhere in future, we'll need to move due to hubby's advanced parkinson's disease. he can't use his hands to fix things since they won't stop shaking.

geneal, on folding laundry, can you/kids do it in front of tv; it goes fast for me this way.

someone above had great idea ...time for bed! [sleepy]

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just don
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Can YOU check and see if my go went with YOUR go??

I am sure they must have disappeared together.

I used to be able to GO every day,,now I am down to every other day and poorly at that. since starting some abx lately after a few years without!!

So IF you see my "get up" or my "GO" please report!!! I do surely need them right NOW!!! believes--just don--

just don

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Ah Shucks. Just ran away. What's that you say.

You don't even have what it takes to run away.

Yep. Been there. Done that.

Ok. Let's run away in our minds. [Smile]

What's that you say...your mind is gone too?

yep. been there. done that.

This too shall pass. [Smile]

Posts: 15927 | From Became too sick to work or do household chores in 2001. | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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If I am going to run away in my mind.....

There has to be at least one cabana boy around. [Big Grin]

Maybe he could do the laundry for me.... [Smile]



Posts: 6250 | From Louisiana | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I like Cobbie's idea! Clothing = TV minutes! I will try harnessing my children's media desires and spinning them into gold. Gold = folded laundry that gets put away in the right place by someone other than me...

Geneal, I sent the cabana boy from my fantasies over to your house!

Just focus on your pile of laundry and he will rise out from underneath it with a tray of fun, healthful Mangosteen daquiris. [lick]

You'll know it is him because he is tan, scantily clad and is easily aroused by the prospect of laundry... [Big Grin]

Strains of ukele music mixed with rasta beat....I'm swaying with you, girl...


Posts: 508 | From Banks of the Hudson | Registered: Jul 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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your post about laundry reminded me of this Mom memory...

she did houscleaning for a living. she went to a new person and 1-2 of them were handicapped.

when mom went down the basement, the laundry was completely full of DIRTY clothes.

instead of washing them or hiring it done, this family went and bought new clothes regularly.

mom worked on laundry 8 hours and barely touched the surface. don't know if she ever got them all washed or not....

so geneal, now doesn't that make you feel better! you only have a few loads...

i'm anxious to hear about your new home and can't wait to see photos michelle m will post for you!! [group hug] [kiss]

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I saw that cabana boy in my dreams last night! [Big Grin]

Sure beats the heck out of night terrors. [Eek!]

I have managed to put away some laundry and two two of probably 10 loads.

It is a start. Now if I can just keep going.

I want the Energizer Bunny pill. You know the one.

You keep going and going and going, etc. [Smile]

Having the children around all day every day now is tough.

I really enjoy them, but it is very difficult to get anything done.

Their idea of folding laundry means putting together mismatched socks.

They are so easily distracted too.

I think I am going to ask my Mom to come over for a few hours once the house is finished.

Not to help me move, but to entertain the monkeys while Mommy tries to move.

Still really looking forward to my first bath (no tub for me in the old house).

Also sleeping in a room without children or 5 dogs.

Maybe then I can get some rest.



Posts: 6250 | From Louisiana | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I haven't seen my get up & go for months. I was actually thinking of offering a reward if someone could find it for me. The only problem is I'd have to pay them in dirty laundry & dustbunnies & I don't think anyone would go for that. [lol]

I have an idea. [Big Grin] Why not get cardboard boxes from Staples or Walmart or something and have the kids put their folded clothes into them and label the boxes with markers (ie: (name)'s shirts) You can make a fun project out of that for them and save having to pull it all out & pack it up when move day comes.

Just throw one load in the wash & try to box up the 4 ft pile. If you are looking at one less pile it will be less overwhelming and you just might be able to pull that load out of the wash & get it into the dryer.

You can also make a game for the kids by filling up the washer & giving a reward to whoever finds the most socks & "shoots the most baskets" into the machine. Reward for whoever matches the most socks?

I'm completely exhausted now, just trying to THINK about getting housework done. I'm going to have to go back to bed. [sleepy]

Note: I'm NOT a medical professional. The information I share is from my own personal research and experience. Please do not construe anything I share as medical advice, which should only be obtained from a licensed medical practitioner.

Posts: 4881 | From Middlesex County, NJ | Registered: Jul 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Geneal, I can sympathize. Are you needing to get your house ready for selling as well or have you already sold it?

Mine is going on the market next week and this is coming at a time when I feel like I have no bones in my body.

I do tackle a job that "appeals" to me more than the others at the moment.

Need to clean windows--have decided to just do the top ones because the bottom half has curtains and the prospective buyer won't see.

Yesterday did a huge job--painted the ceiling and hallway and then spent the evening flat on my back.

I like your idea of the cabana boy to help out if only in my imagination!

Or maybe Mr. Clean!

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I had similar problems with upkeep. I finally hired someone to come clean. She came today to scrub my entire kitchen down.

Wow, I feel so much better just because my kitchen is clean! It may even give me the energy to empty the dryer of clean clothes I washed last week. [Wink]

I think I just got so overwhelmed by the size of my projects I kept putting them off. Now my project starts out smaller. Let's see how I do.

Posts: 168 | From Delaware | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by wiserforit:
I like Cobbie's idea! Clothing = TV minutes! I will try harnessing my children's media desires and spinning them into gold. Gold = folded laundry that gets put away in the right place by someone other than me...

Geneal, I sent the cabana boy from my fantasies over to your house!

Just focus on your pile of laundry and he will rise out from underneath it with a tray of fun, healthful Mangosteen daquiris. [lick]

You'll know it is him because he is tan, scantily clad and is easily aroused by the prospect of laundry... [Big Grin]

Strains of ukele music mixed with rasta beat....I'm swaying with you, girl...


Hey Wiser- my laundry is piling up ,too. [Big Grin]
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I wish my children would help....if only by listening and not speaking back. [shake]

I am not sure if my 6 year old daughter is herxing or is having difficulty

Adjusting to a less structured day (school is out here), but she is about to do me in.

She will stand toe to toe with me and sass me.

She slams things including but not limited to her toys, doors, hands, stomping her feet, etc.

I think in addition to the stress of trying to get things together,

She is just about to do me in.

Time out doesn't work. Taking things away doesn't work.

I think if you all hear of some lady running naked around Southeast La. screaming

Her fool head know it will be me.

We're off to see LLMD tomorrow.

Can hardly wait to spend 7 hours with hubby and two children in the car.

I gave up my LLMD appt so my husband could be seen now.

I wish he would take the children by himself and give me the day off.

No rest for the weary or Mothers.

Hugs and kisses to you all.

Oh...They put in my laminate floor yesterday in the foyer.

It was horizontal. [Eek!]

It is supposed to be vertical. Every day a new challenge. [bonk]


Posts: 6250 | From Louisiana | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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6 year old?

Make a chart & List "to do" things on it.

For each thing done - child chooses a sticker to place in the box.

X-number of stickers = X-reward

Have you tried that one yet?
That can motivate some children.

It could be used to earn small toys, TV time, a special treat from the grocery store, etc....

Note: I'm NOT a medical professional. The information I share is from my own personal research and experience. Please do not construe anything I share as medical advice, which should only be obtained from a licensed medical practitioner.

Posts: 4881 | From Middlesex County, NJ | Registered: Jul 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I have the same problem due to low HGH. What I have to resort to is coffee. At least 2 cups and I don't drink the stuff.

Also when I moved last year I hired a gal to help me with things. For some reason her being there helped to motivate me.

Good luck!


Do not take this as medical advice. This comment is based on opinion and personal experience only.

Alaska Lone Wolf

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Maybe you need The Nanny to come for a visit? or is it Super Nanny? She'll whip those kids into shape in no time.

I was going to ask if you had a TV to watch it on, then I remembered DUH this whole thing started out in front of the TV.


We keep the best of that which we give away.

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