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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » General Support » This Country Said NO to Mammograms

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Member # 743

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What do YOU think about that?

Opinions, not medical advice!

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This is very disturbing! I wish that our GYN's and PCP's would accept thermograms as an alternative screening for breast CA. They are so much less invasive or painful.
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And the answer to the question of why this still goes on:

"Mammography is big business."

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And Cancer is a big business. Read what it says about misdiagnosis.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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More on cancer ... Important article:

Opinions, not medical advice!

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I keep running across these on FB:

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Thanks for the excellent articles. Keep 'em coming even if you don't get a lot of posts from them. Often, reading takes several sessions &/or posting can be just too exhausting. That's why many probably don't post a "reply" not just for this thread but for others, too.

Keep open the channels to good journalism. Always.

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Very true... We can't just click "like" here!

Opinions, not medical advice!

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More on cancer -, A Global Quest, is running free daily episodes about global natural cures for cancer - episode 5 is currently showing, there's 4 more. Daily cycle starts at 9pmEST, goes for 23 hours.

They totally recommended thermography over mammograms!

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This makes me want to find a gynecologist who is aware of all of this! I love my GYN and have had him for almost 30 years. But I know he would not approve of me skipping my mammogram and instead using thermography.

I may want to start searching for a new one who gets all of this... UGH. More to be skeptical and afraid of. [confused]

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Yes, I know about this. I never had a mammogram. This really is old news but I'm glad you posted it anyway.

I went in for a general physical & they wanted me to do this. They look at you like you are an escaped mental patient if you say you don't want one. I'm tired of trying to explain this to a bunch a brainwashed physicians.

I think you just have to pick & choose which modalities you want from these physicians. You have to be decisive, study everything & make up your own mind about what you want them to do to your body.

Any group or agency that thinks putting mercury in your jaw when you are a child before you are at an age of consent is suspect in my mind...

This goes for vaccines, fluoride, mammograms, anti-depressants, GMOs, eating low fat foods & margerine to prevent heart disease, chemotherapy & radiation for cancer.... on & on.

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Amen to all of the above!

Opinions, not medical advice!

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And sometimes they don't take no for an answer. Remembering with amazement at a doctor who did a pap smear even after I told her I didn't want one.

And remembering what someone said about medicine: you will get better medicine when you get up off your knees. Don't be so compliant, in other words. Use your own brain, decide for yourself. Using accurate information, of course.

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Good article. My GYN is urging me to get a 3D mamo, which I have always been against. Anyone have any experience with the 3D kind or any thoughts. The fact, that in and of itself one is exposed to more radiation, is not something I'm against.
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I beg to disagree with the article. It seemed to indicate that mammograms lead to false positives (which may be true) and thus unnecessary chemotherapy etc.

The mammogram simply finds an unusual spot. The needle biopsy determines whether it is cancer or not and then the type of surgery/treatment is decided upon.

What we need to be educated on is the type of cancer that is found and that most types do not require a mastectomy or chemotherapy. That is where the communication gap is.

Until thermal imaging is available in my area I will continue to get mammograms as breast cancer runs on both sides of my family.

I had a 3d mammogram this summer for the first time. They are a lot more accurate. I had the results within 2 hours and did not have to go back for extra sonogram etc. like I've had to do with a regular mammogram.

I have very dense breasts and I have never felt a lump, but the mammogram has picked them up. I have had biopsies--thankfully all negative.


"God is light. In Him there is no
darkness." 1John 1:5

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Good info Hiker. Thank you!
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I have been reading about all this for a couple of years. I had two mammos, 10-15 years ago and I said "never again."

First of all, it did not make sense to me back then that I was irradiating tender breast tissue. Secondly, the procedure was barbaric and painful. And on top of it, I was told I needed a sonogram to "clarify" things. All was normal.

I don't have a family history of BC. If I did, I would find a provider who used thermography or MRI. For me, if a gyno wants my breasts examined, those are the only acceptable modalities.

Exposure to radiation causes cancer. So, I can't even imagine how much more all these women getting annual mammos since age 40 have actually increased their risk of BC.

And the literature is indicating that DCIS in majority of cases doesn't lead to cancer. Yet, women are still chopping their breasts off, enduring chemo/radiation with this diagnosis.

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Indeed exposure to radiation causes cancer and that is why I'm sitting on the fence about the 3D mamo, which gives even more radiation.
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Member # 743

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I think the way to go is thermography, but it costs extra.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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hiker - I'm sorry BC runs in your family. Where in Illinois do you live? I saw a whole list of places that do thermography in Illinois on google...

From what I read - there is no safe dose of radiation...

Why do you think the dentist goes behind the wall & puts a lead blanket on you?

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The last time I had a mammogram, they thought that I might have a lump. So they zapped the area over and over and over and over and over. Then they did an ultrasound and finally said it was a cyst.

That was about 3 or 4 years ago, and I haven't had another mamm. All of that radiation should be good for the rest of my life.

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Yep-- mammograms are radiation---and its only logical that they might be potentially harmful... But the pricey machines and annual visits generate a huge profit......

I haven't had a mammogram in ten years. If I ever get cancer I will try the Gerson program or Rick Simpson's Cannabis Oil--- with surgery or chemo as a last resort.

Many doctors get a $6,000 "payment" from the chemo companies--- just for prescribing chemo! The public is an unwitting cash machine for these chemo companies and this is why each person must critically evaluate his or her situation----- rather than blindly believing in groupthink or in so called "respected" outfits ----that may not really be what they advertise to be...

This is just my approach--- since I have a fundamental distrust of what is going on right now in the profit driven medical establishment.

The lies about everything from Alzheimers, Autism, MS, Chronic Fatigue, Mycoplasma Ebola and Lyme to mammography--- are becoming routine and are accepted by the public---- who are puppy trained to be passive, MD-worshipping, and submissive----- all while they are fleeced and their health declines..

My cousin was prescribed replacement hormones-- and soon after developed double female cancer! I refused hormones that my doc tried to push on me. The medical establishment has known about the dangers of these hormones for a long time.... but ... too much money is involved, as usual ----and it was covered up in committees and conferences---- with NO accountability... Typical M/O for these liars..

The Pink Ribbon campaign is also probably a fake controlled charity--- as are many of these "cancer charities" which rake in our cash-- with no intention of ever changing the corrupt system that keeps America cancer bound and riddled with lucrative chronic disease--- while suppressing all real cures that are found ---and removing grants from researchers who actually do find promising treatments..

These satanic charities keep people pacified-- thinking that they are "doing something" because they are engaged in, and contributing to--- the "wonderful" charity-- which is usually run by ambitious psychopaths..

This is brilliant mind control on the dumbed down public-- and personally I'm starting to think the public deserves what it gets---- because almost no one ever speaks out about what is going on.

The Pink Ribbon CEO gets a humongous salary--but Rick Simpson, who discovered an actual CURE for cancer--- was jailed-- there is no huge salary or slick charity for Rick Simpson, and he is a hero to the hundreds of people he has cured of cancer.....

This is how corrupt things are in the American medical establishment --which was established by John Rockefeller as a marketing pipeline for his companies' drugs-- not as an establishment that looks out for the welfare of people..

How do" they" do it? They take control of key committees and patient front "organizations" with either a $600,000 suitcase, large grants or career promotions, and they hire slick stars to promote their agenda.

"Conning" the public is really quite simple........

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so I didn't have a mammo for 10 years or more. then last year after a friend begged me to get one after she was dx with a terrible cancer that is very fast and attacks everything. she made me promise, so I did it.

they found calcifications that are the type that "may" lead to cancer. I had a biopsy adn it wsa a terrible expience. the dr didnt use enough meds and the needle shot me to the roof with pain. not to mention the trauma of lying there stiff for 40 min and with my boobs hanging down and then I felt like I was in a car accident for 2 weeks after with all my achy bones and muscles.

the biopsy was worse than waiting to hear if it was cancer or not.

they also put a chip in there. and didn't tell me that this boipsy would change and disrupt my tissues. they had to dig in there as it was hard to get to.

I was supposed to go back to get a check in 6 months because now I am on the watch list. I didn't go. but I did a self check. (been very lax with them since my lyme took over my life) and I found a tiny bead. let it go for months. just went to dr last week, my pcp and she found another one. same breast.

I am worried now that all those mammo rays gave me these lumps now. and now they want to do more next week. that will mean probably at least 6, 8, 10 images per breast, or at least on that same one with the lumps and chip.

this article isn't addressing people like me. I want to know NOW if this more mammos will do more harm. I know no radiation is good, but what if this is something in me now????

I don't feel I can make a decision on this and live with it, and I am weak and don't feel like fighting. I told them I didn't want mammo- only ultrasound and they said no. and then I asked about the thermo and they always , every dr, says the same thing- it doesn't work.

I calle dthe thermo center nearby and it is expensive and I have no money. so now what.??

I know I will cave and get that on wednesday next week. I hate myself, but what elese is there? just let it go?

Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen

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Lisa, does the chip in your breast bother you at all? Is it painful? Have heard for some people they are bothersome and want them taken out.


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Unusure- thanks for caring.
not sure really. my breasts always hurt. it's painful to do self exam and that is why I never do it. :/

I am going to to post my own post about this here. I am gettinganxious. would like support and don't want to take up space on this post.

Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen

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Hang in there Lisa. You should follow up with your doctor for sure. Mammograms are not that much radiation and they do serve a huge purpose.

The radiation from mammograms is nothing compared to the havoc of chemo and radiation treatments.

I think flying on a plane subjects us to more radiation than annual mammograms do.

I hope all goes well!


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I got mammo this week. I wrote more about it in my own post, but wanted to mention that one of the articles above mentions a 3D mammo having more radiation than 2D but since that was written they have now reduced the radiation and it is the same as a regular mammo now.

and would also like to say that the mammo I just got showed nothing, but the ultrasound I got at same time did. AND that I found the lump myself at home FIRST.

Be thankful in all things- even difficult times and sickness and trials - because there is something GOOD to be seen

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So much good info above and so many excellent responses. I thought about my ob/gyn visits, as I once did about Lyme (2 weeks doxy and you are cured)- that I was the "only one" things weren't "normal" for.

This quote from the article TuTu first posted is one of my problems with what is going on with the cancer industry and ob/gyn's pushing mammograms and other procedures.

"Furthermore, more than 200 women will experience important psychological distress including anxiety and uncertainty for years because of false positive findings.”

Like at least one response here- sorry I can't see names as I'm typing- the mammograms HURT!!! Having one every six months, or being told you need to, is NOT the way to live, especially when you are already sick.

The website with videos that Robin4923785 shared above is a MUST SEE for everyone here. It touches on all of the topics we are discussing, has very useful Lyme related info (not Lyme directly but things we also experience). She took copious notes that were very helpful too.


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Also, if you go to the website and type CANCER in the search bar at top, you'll find articles about antibiotics being used to treat multiple kinds of cancer, and they are working.


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Oops! If you type in CANCER in the search bar you get 89 results. So you might want to narrow it down a bit? My belief is that infectious diseases, possibly Lyme, et al, and the resulting inflammation are causing cancer types of cells to develop and additional problems, so I've been studying this topic for a long while.

We have too many chronic Lyme patients being later diagnosed with cancer- WAY above the normal averages. One study I assisted with showed over 2/3 of the chronic Lyme patients (all women) were diagnosed with cancer.

Many of the women were mis-diagnosed with cancer and/or they didn't have cancer that required chemo and/or radiation. I've also assisted a number of men and women, with some experiencing radiation burns so severe it made me sick to look at their burns and scars- and I am not easily disturbed by medical trauma.

Anyhow, ALL of them said if they ever had to chose again between having cancer or Lyme- they'd pick cancer because the Lyme was much harder to deal with.


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And yes, Lisa... hugs to you!!!


Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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