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Member # 33353
Before I tell you my concerns I should share some of my frequent history.
In June this past year my husband shot himself in the head in the room next to me. This changed me into a fearful and indecisive person. Much worse than before.
My family and I are still reeling from his death. I honestly didn't think I would live through that. I thought the grief and stress coupled with lyme would surely kill me.
Somehow I found myself still living and moving. It seems the physical downturn took months to settle in.
Part of that downturn is possibly this infected tooth.
Perhaps people think I am being ridiculous to be so scared but I can't take 3 clindas a day before I see the dr. I have never been able to take more than 1 abx a day. that's just how i am and im allergic to penicillins.
And after everything I have read on here about sepsis and encephalitis I don't know how to make myself get this tooth pulled.
It's probably holding my health back. Maybe the reason I have developed heart sx and weakness, etc.
I have become this immobilized, paralyzed with fear person I don't recognize.
It feels like there is no way out.
I go get this tooth pulled and it kills me or makes me completely disabled. What will my son have left?
My dr. told me to just take one clinda before and then after the pulling. but now Im too scared by everything i have read.
This tooth may kill me. getting it pulled may kill me. what am i supposed to do?
My appointment is tomorrow and I am in the middle of pms, which always makes me feel bad. I am afraid whatever complications i could have would be worsened by that.
I feel weak and pathetic but this is where I am at now and I don't know what to do.
If anyone responds to this please don't chastise me. I can't bear anymore.
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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I'm so sorry for you loss and for your grieving while being ill. It's a tough situation for sure. I wish I could sit and hold your hold while you take those pills!!
Why not take one and ask the dentist to give you a shot of clindy while you are there? Could he do that? Or could you see your PCP the same day and get a shot?
Don't forget to take your probiotics for about two weeks afterward. That should help protect you.
Hugs and blessings to you. You have gone through SO MUCH.
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Hugs from TxCoord and Silver. And hoping that all goes well with your dental appt.
-------------------- I have a good time wherever I go! Posts: 665 | From Lost Wages, NV | Registered: May 2006
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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 5230
I have to take 4 cephalaxin one hour before any dental work because i have artificial knees. Do they give you clinda cuz. You are allergic to ceph? There may be other choices. I recently had problems with cipro and they changed it
Take care of yourself gigi. Imso sorry for what you are going thru
-------------------- Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself. Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004
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Similar for me. I take 4 amoxicillin before dental work (due to my heart).
gigi .. just psyche yourself up that taking 3 is no worse than taking one ?
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 14183
I am praying for you and will pray especially tomorrow.
Posts: 9931 | From Maryland | Registered: Dec 2007
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Member # 47170
I know where you are at ...prayers and hope ...declare courage in the face of fear.. .. i was so scared to get this port . They gave me a gram of ancef when i was under ....i have pulled through ... gigimac can you do high dose c? I too experienced a tragic experience and now my chooser button is broken too...its a trust thing i cant trust docs myself or even my creator...i thought of even port sugery taking me too..sepsis complications bleeding the whole nurse friend recommended closys mouthwash is a clorine dioxide (mms) for after you make it through
-------------------- Blue Posts: 1539 | From southwest | Registered: Dec 2015
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Member # 110
gigimac, you are not weak and pathetic. You have been through unimaginable agony. I am so sorry. I think you are amazingly courageous.
Are you leery of taking any antibiotic or is it the Clindamycin specifically? You said your doctor said to take one Clindamycin before and one after the procedure. Is this the 300 mg dose? If so, I think you should be okay. When I have taken Clindamycin, I took a higher dose daily.
I pray that all goes well for you tomorrow. You and your family are in my prayers.
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Member # 14183
This is why she is so concerned:
"llmd said if i don't get the infection down having my tooth pulled will release bacteria into my blood stream. I am already practically housebound. don't wanna know what that would feel like."
She is having trouble taking various antibiotics. Read some of her other dental threads also.
Posts: 9931 | From Maryland | Registered: Dec 2007
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-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 33353
Would a shot be different than taking the pills? I will ask about it.
They told me my only options were zith. Cillin or clinda.
I'm allergic to penicillin and zith has caused me chest pain in the past. It has a possible interaction with with one of the meds I take that could prolong qt interval.
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 33353
I would give anything to be able to take the zith for some reason it doesn't make me herx really.
the chest pain has scared me away from it though.
Sammi, it is the 300 mg dose. I have managed to take one a day for like 4 days and then I was unable to continue.
After calling my dentist they are sending me out to an oral surgeon instead.
Supposedly they can tell whether or not I will need abx with more advanced xrays and stuff? that's what i was told.
Dear God, I just want this over.
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 110
gigimac, please let us know how it goes today okay?
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Member # 110
-------------------- --Lymetutu-- Opinions, not medical advice! Posts: 96238 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001
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Member # 33581
Gigi, You are hardly weak and pathetic! You sounds very strong and you are still moving forward. I think you are inspiring.
My husband had a heart attack 2 weeks ago, and I had to have a tooth pulled last week. I have had several anxiety attacks in the past couple of weeks and I have been to both the ER and urgent care because they look like either a heart attack or an asthma attack.
You have been through so much. Our bodies do respond to the stress. For me, all the anxiety from everything made me fearful of having a heart attack or asthma attack personally. Perhaps the anxiety is manifesting for you into a paralyzing fear of taking the clindamycin.
And to be clear, I'm not saying you don't have a basis to be worried about taking it. Just that with a legitimate concern plus overwhelming stress, it may make it into a paralyzing fear.
For me, I do have asthma and I do have heart palpitations. So I do have a basis to worry about both. Usually I can handle it. But with all the added anxiety, when these symtpoms start, I develop a full blown panic attack.
What does your LLMD say about this? Mine prescribed Xanax for me and I need to find a therapist.
Posts: 1737 | From Virginia | Registered: Aug 2011
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Member # 45475
You are anything BUT weak and pathetic--you are absolutely AMAZING.
Not many people could handle what you have gone through. I truly admire that you have the strength to keep fighting.
You are a survivor and have a vast amount of strength from the outside looking in.
Keep fighting. We are here for you. Big, big hugs.
Posts: 1431 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2015
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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 33353
Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
I'm dealing with bad chest pain and weakness today and and my anxiety has been off the charts.
I'm scared the clinda is making it worse... I do know it's messing up my stomach. The herxing from it makes me feel like my body is soo heavy, weak, and shaky.
I'm not leaving the house anymore.
I am on low dose anxiety meds, I am going to talk to my dr. about changing or something.
For those of you who pray. Pray that I will get through getting this tooth out soon and all goes well.
I really appreciate everyone's responses! It does help.
Posts: 1534 | From Greensboro NC | Registered: Aug 2011
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Frequent Contributor (5K+ posts)
Member # 14183
Ask for higher dose of anxiety meds. That could be all you need to get you through this week.
I will continue keeping you in my prayers!
Posts: 9931 | From Maryland | Registered: Dec 2007
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Member # 45475
You can do it, GiGi. Remember how amazing you are and how much strength you have. Hugs.
Posts: 1431 | From USA | Registered: Mar 2015
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Member # 31149
Sending prayers. Hang in there Gigi!
-------------------- --Keep an open mind about everything. Also, remember to visit ACTIVISM (we can change things together). Posts: 5418 | From earth | Registered: Mar 2011
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