. . . The pill-based “pesticide” was a substance known as “DNP”—or “2,4-Dinitrophenol” to you chemists—and was first used for the production of ammunition in France in World War I.
It’s now used legally as a pesticide, and in dyes and wood preservatives.
But ScorpionDNP wasn’t giving any genuine horticultural advice, and the young man from Chicago didn’t pay $70 in cryptocurrency for the sake of any plant—he swallowed the pills instead.
The Chicago man ingested the DNP to drop weight, just like all the others who populate the DNP-focused Reddit forums and Discord channels in search of a magic pill to help them obtain a lean physique, regardless of the health and legal risks.
These people, bodybuilders particularly, are willing to put up with the “sides”—dangerously elevated body temperatures, accelerated heart rate, extreme sweating, yellowing skin, dehydration, debilitating fatigue, likely nerve damage, and potential death—in order to burn fat and, in their minds, appear more attractive.
However, the Food and Drug Administration has banned DNP for human consumption since the 1930s, due to numerous deaths. . . .
. . . The 20-year-old Chicago man might still be alive if he hadn’t gotten that package . . . in March. He died less than two weeks after receiving it. . . .
[Full article at link above] -
[ 02-07-2018, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- While I am confident that those who post / read here know the difference between a proper herbalist and some of the web or street poison pushers, While there are crooks out there - for just about anything, there are also excellent sources.
There are safe supplements and good herbal educational articles / sites on the web & access to good books on the topic. It takes some time to study so don't fall for the first shallow promise. To help, there is a type of doctor who is also trained in this area.
So, just in case there is anyone new to this and wonders how to learn about real herbal support methods:
For those considering complementary support methods / or other avenues entirely:
Herbal Safety considerations & reference books; etc.
BOOKS - Links to many articles and books by holistic-minded LL doctors of various degrees who all have this basic approach in common:
knowing which methods offer assertive & direct impact, which are only support and which are both. And when to use what, how to combine, & when to step back.
You can compare and contrast many approaches with links to articles, books, methods . . . -
[ 02-08-2018, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
Sad story. So many things are available over the net which are poisons but touted as "healthy".
Thanks for the info.
-------------------- I still have a good time wherever I go! Posts: 138 | From Lost Wages | Registered: Oct 2016
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Honored Contributor (25K+ posts)
Member # 12673
- Well, it's hard to believe that anyone would take anything without doing their homework but some really don't care, maybe some do not understand the basics of science or physiology - or botany.
I hope the links in the set above will be of help to anyone new to all this. -
Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007
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