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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » General Support » I don't understand people...

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Honored Contributor (10K+ posts)
Member # 11290

Icon 1 posted      Profile for randibear     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I ordered several supplements from amazon. bout 40 dollars worth. checked and amazon said delivered and had a picture of front porch.

well it wasn't my porch. had some white clay figure which I don't have.

amazon was great tho. said we'll ship another order overnight and cancel other one.

I looked for the original order hoping that someone would realize it was not theirs and drop it off. no such luck. it's been two days so they surely had time.

so today as I'm pulling out of driveway, I glance over at my right next door neighbor's house and what do I see? a large white frog just like the picture. I stopped my car, walked up to their porch, and yep, a match, but no package.

I know they got it and I know they dang well kept it. burns me up. I stomped back to my car and thought you had better never ever need anything from me.

how can people do this? why keep a supplement that most people can't take? and yes it matched the picture so I KNOW it was them...

shakes your belief even further ya know. husband asked where the decent people were anymore....I mean c'mon vitamin supplements, really, and right next door? steal from your neighbor...what else will you do....

so please, if you order anything or expect packages, keep an eye out.

do not look back when the only course is forward

Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Lyme248     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
That is really awful...

It reminds me of the time someone cat-napped our cat right from our yard. Of course, they didn't mean to, because they thought the cat was a stray-and we got the cat back, but it made me wonder that people don't seem to respect other people's property.

A couple of times our packages have gone to our neighbors. One time our neighbor found one in the middle of the road.

We get plenty of the neighbors' mail by accident, so I guess everyone is used to giving everyone else back their mail.

I heard a really funny story about someone who had their pizza delivered to the neighbor's house by accident. and it set off the burglar alarm and the police came-to arrest the pizza! (just kidding) They were probably wondering what it was all about until the person ran out and got the pizza, and I guess everything was okay.

chronic Lyme/Bartonella

Inside every sick person is a well person waiting to be freed

Posts: 232 | From new england | Registered: Nov 2017  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Keebler     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
There might be a logical explanation. And, even if not, it's good to "give them a chicken exit" - an "out" so to speak, just in case it's an innocent mix up - or not.

First, shake down any negative emotions so your voice will be neutral and just normal tone. I would either go over, call them or write a note and say:

Hi, Amazon delivered a package for me yesterday - but they left it on your front step.

The address might have been smeared and even the name might have been smeared so you might be puzzled about it . . . maybe thought someone in your family ordered it or whatever.

Just wondering if you still have it or if you already sent it back to Amazon?


End of note, or phone call. Stop. Let them reply. Don't go on and on. KISS - keep it simple, sweetie.

That gives them an out and they could say they sent it back (even if not true, it gives them an immediate "out". Yet it also sets the message that you want your package.

As to the "Amazon delivered a package for me yesterday - but they left it on your front step. "

Don't elaborate unless they wonder or try to wessel out of that. Just say, they always take a photo now of the porch when then leave a package, so your house is in the photo with the package. . . . Maybe someone else in your family picked it up and just set it aside? . . .

[Also consider if they could not read the label due to smearing - which can happen --

Due to the packages that have blown up in Austin, TX over the past few days/ weeks . . . they also might have been worried about it. But don't bring that up if they don't..

Posts: 48021 | From Tree House | Registered: Jul 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for lpkayak     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I depend in Amazon cuz I have mobility problems now. I get food household...lots of things and supplements. This last year I have gotten things I didn't order more than once. They usually tell me to keep stuff and they refund money if they charged me. I don't like the worry that goes with it tho. I wish they would fix it

Lyme? Its complicated. Educate yourself.

Posts: 13712 | From new england | Registered: Feb 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for map1131     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Many of my pkgs at 230 address go to my neighbor at 203. Makes me wonder if some of these people should even be driving.

If my delivered pkg is missing I must call my very elderly neighbor for her to look on her patio. The next time I'm going to tell her I won't bother her anymore....I'll just walk down and get my pkg.

What I should do is make the delivery service provider come back and correct their mistake. That might just put a stop to it.


"Never, never, never, never, never give up" Winston Churchill

Posts: 6489 | From Louisville, Ky | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for randibear     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
to me, its theft, pure and simple...stealing.

guess I'm nieve. to think my own neighbor....

I was going over there but hubs says better not, they'll think you're accusing them.

I jus hope if they take the pancretin, it makes them sick....

police were over there last week for domestic violence. screaming and cursing in the front yard..geezzz.

i got my new package and all so I'm good.

this has happened to two of my sister too. andmy mom when was alive.

hope they move out but who knows what the next ones will be like.

do not look back when the only course is forward

Posts: 12262 | From texas | Registered: Mar 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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