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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » FAITH RESTORED!!! - OPMC UPDATE 6/9/05

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Author Topic: FAITH RESTORED!!! - OPMC UPDATE 6/9/05
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Hi folks,
Thank you, thank you, thank you to every one of you
who wrote and emailed Assemblyman Lentol.

We have gotten our message across!

The Assembly, (specifically Assemblymen Lentol,
Gottfried and Silver) is now making plans for the OPMC
Due Process bill, S5057/A7757 to make its way through
committee and come to the floor of the Assembly for a vote next week.

We do expect that the vote will then be overwhelmingly
in our favor. HOORAY!!

So now please do the following:
1) Pat yourself on the back.
2) Breathe deeply
3) Come out fighting again to get the bill passed by
the Senate by following the action alert below

1) Please call and email Senator Kemp Hannon and ask him to make sure the OPMC Due Process bill S5057 passes the Senate.

His district office:

516 739 1700

His Albany Office:
518 455 2200

E Mail:
[email protected]

2) Contact Senator Joseph Bruno and ask him to make sure the OPMC Due Process bill, S5057, passes the Senate ASAP.

Albany Office
(518) 455-3191

District Office

[email protected]

Please get all your friends and family to do the same.
We are running out of time.

Okay. That's it. Thanks again. Please pull out all
the stops in this last week or so before the
legislature goes home.

[This message has been edited by ellenluba (edited 13 June 2005).]

Posts: 819 | From New York, NY | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Forwarding the good news to everybody on my list who just contacted Assmblm Lentol!

Keep the ball rolling..
I bet this is not only a chance to finally pass this legislation, but also GREAT political PR for Lyme disease.


Posts: 8337 | From the other shore | Registered: Jul 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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The following letter was written and forwarded by Paula from the Wisconsin Support Group. I have no doubt it had an effect on Assemblyman Lentol. Thanks Paula.

Here's a copy of what I sent to his office today:

Assemblyman Lentol,

Please bring S5057/A7757 up for a vote in the Assembly Codes Committee ASAP.

If doctors are not given basic rights to protect their licenses, then we patients will continue to suffer and costs at the state and federal levels for insurance and disability, not to mention our out-of-pocket costs will continue to reach into the millions and perhaps billions of dollars. This is a patient's rights bill and we need our doctors protected.

I personally have spent over $100,000 of my family's money attempting to get the medical care I need, and I am not done by any means. I am lucky as I have only lost one home in the process. I did manage to scrape enough cash together to purchase another less expensive home that needed rehabbing just to be liveable so we could put a roof over our heads and those of our children.

Many lyme patients are completely destitute. We constantly face bankruptcy due to medical bills that have skyrocketed out of control because of my illnesses and inability to obtain appropriate treatment and be gainfully employed. And bankruptcy will not put an end to our medical bills. We already take advantage of hospital and clinic financial assistance programs just to get the bills' costs down to an almost manageable level. And my hubby earns well above the median income for this and many other states.

Situations like this would not be happening if doctors were allowed to practice medicine appropriately. It is not up to the insurance companies, medical boards and/or tourism industry to determine what constitutes treatment when it is for their own best interests. Patients are dying, D-Y-I-N-G and Washington and legislators at the state level are sadly allowing this to happen. Perhaps not deliberately, but rather because of unawareness, but that remains to be seen by the support you can offer we patients. And we as citizens look to our legislators and constituents for that support.

Living with lyme disease and fighting for a diagnosis for over 12-1/2 of those years when I knew I had lyme and I couldn't get one single doctor to test me or give me a diagnosis is preposterous. I have endured hundreds of procedures, 10 surgeries, thousands of blood tests and an infected picc line. Besides the daily pain and cognitive and other impairments, I still managed to found a lyme web site and support group to offer support for others in my regional area with lyme disease, in the hopes that by banding together, we would have a stronger collective voice to improve quality of life for as many suffering Americans as possible.

Because of my delayed diagnosis, I now have neurological lyme disease and a litany of symptoms that are disabling and there is no excuse for that when I could have been treated early on in the disease, before it entered my central nervous system.

I have lesions in my brain, neurological damage, MS-like symptoms, daily pain and dysfunctional problems and have or have had over 80 different lyme symptoms, made over 100 trips to ERs, doctors, clinics, and even spent 10 days at Mayo clinic in MN to no avail. My disease has left me with the inability to eat foods except for a scant few, and a hypersensitivity to most medications. I have a permanent arrythmia in my heart and liver problems. Each day given to me at age 43 is a blessing, and yet a struggle just to function on some "normal" level, and a challenge to overcome the irritability, pain, immobility and inability to do normal things that most people take for granted.

Recently a supposed lyme literate doctor left me hanging without treatment and an infected picc line in my arm because after too many phone calls from the social security disability office (who were trying to obtain my medical records), the doctor suddenly claimed he did not know how to treat a chronic lyme patient and claimed his office was "too busy with patients to take phone calls".

His unwillingness to suddenly help me, right in the middle of treatment at this chronic stage echoed another supposedly lyme literate doctor who refused to treat me after seeing me 4 times in his office, because as he put it, "antibiotics don't help lyme patients and I might get sued if I help you". If this doctor wasn't so afraid of losing his license because he can't treat his patients for more than 30 days with antibiotics, a whole lot more people would get well.

Other doctors flatly refuse to treat lyme patients at all, and won't even give a patient a referral to another doctor who might be able or willing to help them. It has been overheard at a WI hospital by a patient, that a doctor and a medical student were discussing lyme disease. The doctor told the student "don't get involved with lyme patients, you'll lose your license". This may sound like hearsay but it is just one example of what we patients have to deal with. And yet the most support we have received for our disease seems to come from not the doctors, but the nurses, who are actively interested in lyme, wish they could help but are unable to do so, and who make excuses for the doctors for whom they are employed because they know about the political backlash if their bosses treated us patients. There is no excuse for this lopsided medical care.

As it is, we can find only 1 other lyme literate doctor in Wisconsin and he is not taking any new patients and is 6 hours away. We already commuted over 120 miles daily for treatments. We will have to travel to MO, IL or IA in order to get treatment regionally. It is hard enough to physically travel more than one hour's drive from my home, and we have infectious disease "specialists" only 5 miles from our town who can't or won't help us. I have had one doctor who claims to be willing to treat lyme patients tell me that "I need your complete medical file to review, I need a letter from your last doctor stating what treatment you have received and I need a letter of reference from that doctor and I also need a letter from you stating in writing what you hope to achieve by receiving treatment from me". This is ridiculous, unduly burdensome and flatly ridiculous. I have an easier time getting into college than I do a clinic. Patients who have chronic lyme disease (myself not included however,) have had to resort to lying to their physicians in order to obtain medications that they continue to need to alleviate symptoms and the spirochetes themselves.

Doctors in many states like MN won't touch lyme patients because of fears of losing their medical licenses as they have seen their fellow physicians lose their licenses when hunted down by the state epidemiologists and medical boards. Other infectious disease doctors in WI claim "they" don't like us to treat more than 30 days with antibiotics. I wonder who the "they" really is. Insurance officials, tourism industry professionals, lobbyists on the hill, medical boards, the CDC, who?

Worse yet, there are a scant few doctors who are beginning to step up to the plate at some hospitals who are "willing to treat" yet they claim that chronic lyme doesn't exist or that somehow patients are cured after a 30-day antibiotic regimen. I assure you, we are NOT cured, not even close. The very lifecycle of the organisms mandate that continual treatment until complete erradication occur, and their lifecycles are lengthy, they lie dormant, morphologically change and hide in the cells, making them difficult to treat, though not impossible. New advances in medications and combination therapies with long-term antibiotics are cracking the nut of the lyme bug. These doctors are on the East coast in states that have already passed legislation protecting their physicians---and allowing patients to finally be treated. But does the entire United States have to travel to New York or Rhode Island to get treatment?

Who exactly is responsible for denying Americans the basic right to full access to their doctors and complete medical care from start to finish?

Who is responsible for taking the hypocratic oath that is being skewed because of outside pressures or uninformed opinion, to become the hypocritic oath?

Why are doctors running for their lives (and licenses) from selective groups of patients----and at what point are the lines going to be drawn in the sand? Are we going to next week single out cancer patients? AIDS? Childhood illnesses?

Please step up to the plate and help push this legislation through. Millions of tax-paying / turning disabled American citizens are suffering and you can be so instrumental in achieving a basic goal that we as citizens cannot.

Allow doctors the right to treat their patients. Keep everyone else's bottom line out of the picture. This goes back to certain unalienable rights. Like the right to be well and not die of diseases like Lyme and co-infections when there is no reason to have to do so. I pray that you or your family are never touched by this disease, but odds are, this epidemic will eventually be present to some degree in everyone's lives. It is right in our own backyards. I know, that is where I was bitten way back in 1992. In my backyard, raking leaves with my children, in Elkhorn, WI, a supposedly non-endemic region.

I thank you for your time and consideration and action on this important legislative piece.

Signed, a recently disabled but still voting and tax-paying citizen

Posts: 1632 | From Northern Wisconsin | Registered: Jan 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Thomas Parkman
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Ellen,dear heart,
This is all fine, well and good and far be it from me to rain on your parade but suppose that unwashed and putrid rectal orifice in the governor's office decides to listen to the jerks in the medical racket and veto the thing. The members of the legislature-the Republicans that is-have about as much cajones, not to mention backbone as a pack of castrated rabbits. Paltroons that is what they all are. So while you have had a positive development you must realise that you are up against a pack of fools and crooks who will not be satisified until a couple of million people are dead from lyme disease and the fools will still say it doesn't exist. As for the Pataki, what I think about him cannot be printed in a family website. The lowest class of syphilitic prostitute is on higher order of humanity than he is. Cheers. Thomas Parkman

Posts: 341 | From Columbia SC 29206 | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Thanks to Ellen Lu and all who worked hard on this..

And to all who took time to write and call. Your response made a BIG difference.. and got things moving!

By the way.. the letter above is great!

Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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A+ Really a wonderful letter.


Posts: 1974 | From ABERDEEN, NJ 07747 | Registered: Jan 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Linda LD
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One letter sent to each.

I pulled the Mommie card--it's all I have.

PLEASE everyone who reads this thread, please also write.

I believe in America--I believe right triumphs over money and wrong sometimes.

Please write,

Posts: 1171 | From Knoxville, TN US | Registered: Dec 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hey, thanks for the positive feedback on my letter. IT is my duty as a lyme patient who has been struggling for 13 years to GET someone to DIAGNOSE and to TREAT me, to help spread the message that so many of us have.

AND THAT IS that we as lyme patients, NEED and DESERVE TREATMENT!!!!

Anything that I can do to help further this cause is my duty, obligation and God-given privilege to do so!!!!

I also insist that we send thank you's to Assy. Lentol and anyone else who acts positively in our favor to help with this and other legislation. They need pats on the back for not being afraid to let our voices be heard!


Posts: 139 | From A tiny little home office in the middle of Wisconsin | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Done! and passed info on to all my folks.

Here is my letter:

Dear Senator,
Please do all you can to see that the OPMC Due Process bill, S5057 can be brought up for a vote by the NY State Senate.

This bill will guarantee fair treatment, not just for doctors, but for patients. If doctors are denied the right to reply to challenges to their medical practice, fewer doctors will be available and fewer will want to treat patients who need long term care.

Doctors and patients all over the country are watching to see if basic fairness will be guaranteed for our doctors, too, as many states look to New York for precedent.

Thank you,

Posts: 5705 | From Ohio | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Linda LD
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Posts: 1171 | From Knoxville, TN US | Registered: Dec 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Pocono Lyme
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passed on to all in support group and e-mails sent
Posts: 1445 | From Poconos, PA | Registered: Jul 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Posts: 5705 | From Ohio | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
DR. Wiseass
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Ellen --

I will work on my letter(s) this weekend.

I would like to say I'm so glad to see all your positive energy - your 'go get'um' attitude is more of what our cause needs!

I know that there are so many around here that have seen many people make attempts at advocacy, only to be discouraged & fade into the woodwork.

It is my intention to focus more on advocacy as my health permits, and I think that despite the lost battles, we shouldn't give up - we can't give up until the Lyme wars are over with - and the Lyme wars won't truly be over with until there is a cure -- or at least reliable treatment.

I salute you Ms. Ellen. Keep up the good work!


DR. Wiseass - not a real doc - just a real wise ass.

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janet thomas
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Here's what I just emailed to Senator Hannon and Senator Bruno-

Senator -----,

I am writing to ask you to fully support this legislation, OPMC Due process, S5057. I am a late stage Lyme patient with hopes of recovering. My lifeline is my Lyme doctor.

I do not live in New York State but a neighboring state. However, my Lyme doctor is in New York State. I travel 4 hours because I have chosen the best doctor I could find to treat me. Many of the most well respected and knowledgeable Lyme doctors are in your state.

Lyme is an ever growing and serious health threat to the public. It can no longer be ignored, we need legislation to protect those doctors courageous enough to tackle this devastating and difficult to treat disease.

My HMO has failed to provide coverage for much of my treatment. Not only is this disease disabling but it is also financial ruin for many. The health insurers must pay for Lyme treatment, do not allow them to continue to sidestep this.

New York State frequently leads this nation in progressive legislation. Please do all you can to insure that occurs with this legislation.

Name, address,phone, email

Posts: 2001 | From NJ | Registered: Mar 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Thanks for writing these great letters.

But if you haven't yet written, remember that the only important point you need to make is that you want them to help pass S5057 the OPMC due process bill.

Anxiety about letter writing is fairly common even among people without Lyme. So don't feel you have to write a letter as good as those posted above. Just write and tell them you want this bill passed.

Posts: 819 | From New York, NY | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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This is a call for support of legislation
(bill not yet numbered) being introduced either today (Mon. 6/13 or tomorrow (Tues. 6/14).

The legislation to be introduced will provide $100 Million for Lyme research and will look at the CDC surveillance criteria, mentions ILADS guidelines and has a committee ensuring balanced composition of scientists and docs sitting on it to advise on expenditures. Pat Smith will make a formal announcement when she has the Bill #. Look for her posting on the LDA part of this board and other places on the web. Be sure to call or write her ASAP!!!! with your support.

Pat Smith, President
Lyme Disease Association, Inc.
888-366-6611 information

PJ Langhoff,

(note this is an independent request on behalf of a cause and was posted by a supporting group not affiliated with Pat Smith or the or its members)

Posts: 139 | From A tiny little home office in the middle of Wisconsin | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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