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Lyme Gypsy
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Icon 9 posted      Profile for Lyme Gypsy     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I've been having pain in the lower left hand side of my abdomen. Since December.

It has gotten worse & radiates down my buttocks and up into my side.

My LLMD told me to see Gyn. She suspects it ovarian cyst. Went to get ultrasound on Wensday.

My Tech {who I know is not suppose to tell me what she saw} told me "This test should help".

Went on line to find out more about cysts. The only symptom they state is abdominal pain. I also have lower back pain, gas, and my LLMd just informed me that I'm anemic.

In my research I came across ovarian tumors {cancer} and it seems my symptoms are more relative to that. The reason for the freak out.

I hopefully will get the results Monday. I am only 33, but I started my moon at 9, & my maternal aunt died of ovarian cancer. It seems to run on moms side.

Does anyone know if their is a relationship to Lyme & cancer especially female cancers.

Probably over reacting, but any info. would be geat.

[Eek!] Yemaya

Posts: 188 | From NM | Registered: Feb 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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They thought I had endometrial cancer, based on some preliminary test results. This was prior to my Lyme dx.

The urologist also told me I could have bladder cancer.

Further testing ended up completely negative.

Now, I think all these test anomalies were just caused by my undiagnosed Lyme -- all those bacteria running will in me.

I'm not saying to be unconcerned about this but just to take it a step at a time. Wait and see what, if anything, the tests show.

The stress is awful for Lyme anyway.

And let us know what happens, will you? I'll be thinking about you.


Posts: 2549 | From never never land | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Andie is right dont get yourself all worked up.

Im having a lot of female problems right now myself.

I had an ultra sound done about a month ago. The tech actually told me what she saw...probably because i was in so much pain. My bladder actually felt like it was burning.

She did see something that looked like a fibroid but she said it wasnt causing my problems.

I still have to go back for a followup to see what that is.

In October prior to diagnosis....i had left groin pain...felt like there was a lump, but i could not feel it on the outside....lower right back pain. The ER thought it was appendix or kidney related. and ordered a barium Catscan. I swallowed 32oz of barium and was injected with a dye. That came back negative. The ER dr was stunned nothing showed up. The pain went away a week later.

During the ER visit the dr said that everyone shows pain differently.

So, the best thing to do is just wait until the dr reviews your results. I will keep you in my thoughts that all goes well.

[group hug]

"Say it straight simple and with a smile."

"Thus the task is, not so much to see what no one has seen yet,
But to think what nobody has thought yet, About what everybody sees."


pos babs, bart, igenex WB igm/igg

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i've been having both female issues and bladder spasms. I am going in for the ultrasound test next week.

I try not to read about what might be causing all the problems and chalk it up to Lyme while at the same time I keep on following through with all the Dr visits and test.

Stay strong!



Posts: 342 | From Hawaii | Registered: Nov 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Yem, best wishes for a good report and hope they find out what the problem is so it can be corrected.

Lucy, you mentioned an ultrasound test.

I've had several different kinds. 1st time they did this was on my left side, and they bruised the heck out of me, and the pain was unbearable. That's what fibro does to you too. So if it's hurting you, tell them immediately!

1 other test they had to stop...too painful. That's when I had cardiac stress tests given.
Good luck to you both.

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Icon 3 posted      Profile for HEATHERKISS     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I wish my LLMD was a gyno. I'm afriad to go to the gyno duck.

Seems there is a running story on this board. Female problems = negative tests.



Posts: 1974 | From ABERDEEN, NJ 07747 | Registered: Jan 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis, adhesions, ovarian cysts, multiple fibroids and a kinked and strangulated colon.

All of these things are interwoven and all relate also to Lyme.

All of these DX were after Lyme treatment. When I was 30 years old. Prior to that, I had NO "female issues."

The ovarian cysts would rupture and the pain was akin to a kidney stone, gallbladder attack or labor. Many women I know would prefer labor pains over ruptured ovarian cysts.

There IS a link between Lyme and female issues, but there has yet to be one between Lyme and female CANCER issues that I have come across.

Check out my GYN's site--he is doing research on the link b/t Lyme and hormonal stuff/endo.

Wait for your results--I know this is hard, but the stress can trigger bad things with Lyme. You can and WILL deal with whatever the tests show. You have been very strong and couragious to get this far!

[hi] I am 33 too!!!

pleez post as soon as you know anything.
you are in my thoughts,

Posts: 1950 | From New Mexico | Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Yemaya....You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know how it turns out, OK? Let's hope it's "only" a cyst! [Smile]

Opinions, not medical advice!

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My wife suffered from several ovarian cysts...they would always burst.

Very painful.

Trout [Wink]

PS...God Bless

Now is the time in your life to find the "tiger" within.
Let the claws be bared,
and Lyme BEWARE!!!
[/URL]  -

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I know how nervous this must make you, I have been thru the same thing myself. The first time I had a cyst on my ovary (causing similar pain), the doc said to wait another 6 weeks and do another ultrsound.

I waited, and the cyst was gone. he said many women have them, and they end up bleeding back into themselves and disappear.

A couple of years later, I went to another gyno
duck, found cyst and told me I could have a hysterectomy IF I WANTED TO! (I never realized this was an option)!

I opted for the hyst, and kept one ovary. Needless to say, a year later, up comes another cyst. The duck tells me I need surgery. I tell her I want to wait and retest in 6 weeks.

In 6 weeks, no sign of a cyst. (Her practice had recently stopped delivering babies, and I think
she was looking for more income, and suckers like me).

I guess my point is, not to get too excited yet. If it was really bad, I think they would have talked to the doctor immediately.(They called the duck out of surgery when I was having my sono, cuz they thought it was not just a cyst but a possible tubular pregnancy).

I also know that this is very easy for me to say, and nerve-wracking for you. I hope and pray for you that it is just a cyst that will resolve on it's own.

I wish for you the best, and I'll say a prayer for you. Good luck, and let us know what happens,

Posts: 203 | From Jacksonville, FLorida | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for pattiecake     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I had a cyst removed when I was 24. since then I have many that come and go. I know exactly when they arrive and when they go. I get gas, discomfort mild pain.

The one that I had to have removed gave me harsh pain especially when I would sit down and get up. It was large like 8mm.

I have NOT had one that needed to be removed since then (about 17 years) but many that come and go.

try not to worry.
good luck,

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even with lyme -- do all tests to rule out other stuff if poss.
here is an important "marker" for ovarian cancer -- a simple blood test called CA125. here's info on a link: -

according to an expert i have consulted with -- if you have your history, you should have this done along with the ultrasound. Ask you gyn about it....

all of this is nervewracking. some of us have been thru similar stages to rule things out...

above all, enjoy good things, and stay positive.

mom & co.

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Your concerns bring up two thoughts for me.

One, that I had lower abdominal pain, saw the GYN for my yearly check and asked her to check my ovaries carefully. She felt something so sent me for the ultrasound.

It came back as multiple septated cysts on both ovaries. The cancer markers were negative.

I had a hysterectomy a few weeks later. I've had all the kids I'll ever have, so why not the full Monty? Anyway, the GYN said that it looked very inflamed, but there was no infection.

Lyme loves inflamation, so I feel sure that it played a role in advancing a condition that I already had, or may have actually caused it. Who knows...

The second thougth that came to mind originates from your mentioning the pain up your side, etc.

When the psoas muscle is in spasm, it can cause all of the symptoms that you mention. The psoas runs from the pelvic floor up both sides of the abdomen.

When it is spasmed, over time the other muscles that articulate with it will also begin to spasm, creating the progression of pain up the side and around the base of the ribs.

The spasmed muscles can also cause normal bowel function to feel strangulated or uncomfortable, gasy.

There are some simple interventions that a chiropractor or body worker can do to release the psoas spasm and relieve the entire chain reaction of pain.

When I first had this problem, over 10 years ago, my doctor did all sorts of tests trying to find the problem to no avail. I thought something horrible must be wrong.

I mentioned it to my massage therapist/body worker, and she told me about the psoas muscle. She did the magic maneuver to release the spasm and all of my symptoms went away.

I had to go back a few times for it to go away completely, but it sure was a lovely answer to what had become a frightening experience.

I hope this helps!

Carol Ann

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Lyme Gypsy
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Good news the ultrasound came back. No cyst, or tumors. I am extremely happy. [woohoo]

Now I'm left with what the hell is causing this pain.

When the tech did the vaginal ultrasound it hurt like hell on that left side, and made the pain worse afterwards.

Told my LLMD what the Gyno said the results were. He told me it is not uncommon for Lyme woman to have unexplained pelvic pain.

I told him I'm on my moon now and the pain is even worse. He thinks its quite possible I have endometriosis.

I was diagnosed with it in my early twenties. At 26 when I had my son, they gave me a c-section. They told me I know longer had it.

My doc said its not uncommon for it to go away and then come back.

So we are left to wait and monitor the pain and see if it gets worse. If I have to do more test, or worse case: a laproscopy exploritory.

Thank you all so much. For all your advise and support. Believe me it is taken straight to my heart.

It is so nice to have a freak out and have people understand, and not think your a hypchondriac. To not feel alone.

Love & Light,

Posts: 188 | From NM | Registered: Feb 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Like trails I had ovarian cyst that caused horrendous pain. The first time I thought it was a kidney stone. After the cyst would rupture I would have severe pain until my next period (2 or 3 weeks of agony).

I would have to lay flat and motionless and take lots of painkillers for almost a month. This happened once a year. Even when the cysts were under control I had very bad blaoting. I looked pregnent.

My gyn put me on birth control pills to stop the cysts from forming. It helped but I still had some pain and frequent bloating.

Since starting Lyme treatment all my gyn problems have gone away. When I get my period (rare these days) there is no pain.

The first time I got my period during treatment (after approx 5 months without) I had extreme pain, It was on the level of a kidney stone. It was bad enough I thought about calling an ambulance but didn't think I could make it to the door to let them in.

I remembered reading other people's similar accounts here, always with negative test results. After a few hours the pain stopped and since then No gyn problems except I rarely get my period. My LLMD says it will return as I continue treatment.

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Hoooray! Big sigh of relief for you.

Some things that I think you should know:

Endometriosis does not go away with pregnancy.
Your hormones change and the lesions do not have a monthly cycle just as your uterus does not, but the lesions are there.

There are many types of endo lesions and many are not recognised by standard practicioners during diagnositic laps.

For more info on endo please refer to the following websites:

Also there is a great association:
Endometriosis Association
(414) 35--2200 - phone

Endo is at LEAST as confusing and misdiagnosed as Lyme is and it is a woman's disease, which makes it even harder to get people to listen to you, IMO. It CAN be seen, as you know in surgery, but it cant be seen outside and the pain it causes can vary greatly and bares no relationship to the severity of the disease.

The pain you had with the vag ultrasound is something that is experienced with MOST endo women. There are nerves in there that the endo can grow on and mess up and trigger. It is NOT fun. I sympathise. This pain can hang around long after the trigger is gone too.

I had a pretty good GYN in Las Cruces, NM, caring, compassionate and listened well. In network too! I recommend her as a first step, and for your first diangostic lap--if you need one.

But she did what every other GYN does--BURN or cauterize the endo. This will cause it to re-grow in 18mo's to 3 years. I had to have 3 surgeries in 18 mo's--mine was growing like wildfire. My new GYN has worked with Igenex and has found Bb in the Endo lesions.....perhap WHY mine was growing like crazy? It is a theory.

The only way to really rid yourself of it for any significant time is to get the endo EXCISED. That way it is actually REMOVED from the body. Unfortunately NONE of the surgeons who do this are in network with ANY insurance plan.

I payed more for surgery than I grossed last year--but it was WORTH it. I had to get that stuff out so that I could begin to deal and treat the LYME. WIth the endo in there, I had to be on the pill and then with ABX + the pill= major yeast!

BTW--they are not prefered providers much for the same reasons as LLMDs. The insuracne would rather pay for less lenthy and less costly lazer surgery. Rather than lengthy and more costly surgery, even though in the end you wont have to keep going back!!

This is long and I have only begun...but I like to educate women about this disease. It is tied to Lyme and it affects many of us.

I hope you continue to have minimal pain and dont need to look further or research the above sites!

PS--cysts are "normal" every month you make one, that is how the egg gets from your ovary into your tube---but for them to grow beyond a certain size and to retain fluid or blood is not "normal." With endo you often get large "Chocolate" (coagulated blood)cysts as I did and when they rupture the blood irritates the peritoneum and you get AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHHH! major pain.

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I had this same experience and ended up with ovarian surgery while in reality I had Lyme meningitis. Luckily I survived the surgery. The pain came back a week later.

We also have a number of lymph glands in that very area that can become very painful, sometimes like wanting to give birth to a baby, when they are loaded with toxins and the body is not able to move it on.

Once I started to do some lymph drainages (by a certified therapist) or by someone who works the Light Beam Generator - my pains left.

I learned that we cannot go on and on with abx and other killing treatments without seeing to it that the body is able to send the toxins out - all the way out. Learn about the lymphatics - I am sure you have felt them swollen under your chin - the same ones are in the groin area, as they are everywhere else in the body. They can be very painful when things stagnate in them.

Take care.

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Lyme Gypsy
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Trails & Gigi,

Thanks for the info on endo. I've been thinking about getting lymph drainage. My lymph nods under my chin, neck, and under arms have all been hurting, & some very swollen.

With my gyno history, endo would not suprise me. I found a great gyno doc. in Albuquerque. She seems to be pretty Lyme sensitive. She is from a Lyme endemic town back east & is open to working with my LLMD.

I also was thinking of going to Chiropractor and getting my Psoas released, like Breathwork suggested.

I'll try just about anything. It'll at least rule those things out.

Thanks again for all the support everybody.


Posts: 188 | From NM | Registered: Feb 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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